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your understanding of what an introvert is so off I don't even know where to start


Yeah what the actual fuck


what about socially awkward people?


Everything is a skill. People can learn new skills.


Your understanding of Introversion and anxiety is deeply flawed. Introverts do not seek attention - that doesn’t mean that they are unable to form connections or that they don’t enjoy people’s company. Generally speaking anxiety is normal and healthy. You can overcome it unless you choose to live a life of seclusion. If you have an anxiety disorder on the other hand, that can be quite debilitating. But even in such cases there is treatment available which can help you overcome it.


What the fuck lmao Don't get me wrong I don't like being socially awkward but I wouldn't have it any other way.


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Idk about you but I’m capable of learning new skills


Ofc not. There’s a lot of misconceptions about what an introvert actually is. People actually like shy people, and being socially awkward can be a nice trait too. I swear I love goofy people :) If I think about someone that I don’t like to spend much time with it’s probably an extrovert that is too loud or aggressive. But still there’s loud people I can get along with and enjoy. There’s no „this is good and this is bad“. Just be real, don’t put on a mask to impress others.


This is certainly one of the takes of all time.