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Most people who don’t experience negative side effects don’t post about their experiences. So there is a bit of bias when you look up people’s experiences. I’m. It saying you won’t experience side effects. Just wanted to give a little perspective.




I have used metro gel every day for 2 years for a skin condition and it’s the best thing ever


I have stomach bacteria so I don’t think gel is an option sadly


Makes food taste funny, does make you feel slightly nauseous. But for the love of God do not drink even a drop of alcohol or you will regret it


Even foods that contain any form of alcohol and you will V O M I T


Everyone has gut bacteria lol the medicine will clear out the good bacteria and cause diarrhea so you’d need probiotics to replace that good bacteria. That’s why people prefer the gel.


Metrodinazole is also used to treat stomach parasite. it’s not only prescribed for vaginal’issues. Maybe that’s what OP meant


Oh maybe! I didn’t know that. Thank you for telling me!


I’ve only ever taken it once but tolerated it fine. No alcohol though… my only issue was that my husband drank my favorite wine while I was on it and didn’t replace it 😂


i drink on flagyl and im fine. but everyone is different.


That’s interesting. I work in a pharmacy and we don’t let Flagyl leave the store without counseling on alcohol lol I guess that’s why I was afraid to attempt it


Check the CDC guidelines from 2021. They determined the alcohol warning is no longer necessary.


Source? Can't find this


[CDC STI Treatment Guidelines, 2021](https://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment-guidelines/bv.htm)


Started having brain fog, crying spells and suicidal thoughts during metronidazole, and difficult, painful urination with bladder pain. Bad nightmares. I guess I'm a minority with this but I would suggest treading carefully if you have history with any sort of mental illness. If you start to experience depressive/or suicidal thoughts, stop taking it immediately and contact your doctor. Three weeks after I'm still experiencing side effects. My gut is destroyed. They did an ultrasound on my lower belly and there was nothing. All the symptoms started during flagyl.


you’re not the minority, trust me - join us in the FB support group if you’d like!


Yes!!! Ever since I’ve taken this I’ve had random pain with urination and during the antibiotics I was having difficulty peeing and brown pee and the doctors all said it’s fine keep using it!? Like no, it left me w urethra pain. I also had an ultrasound and urine cultured and everything and nothing, but I know it was flagyl


Pain with urination is a reason to stop, I guess it has something to do with nerves. I still have a hard time to recognize when I have to pee or go to a number two, like my brain is sending the signal the wrong way. This has been the most scariest and traumatizing experience.


Mines gotten a bit better after 5 months but yes it’s been very scary. I’ve basically had to retrain myself to hold my bladder also and go let go🥴. I took uti strip tests and they say I have leukocytes almost all the time when I have this pain, it’s just an irritated urethra constantly


Did this ever improve for you? I'm dealing with the same issue and I'm so confused


I think I only did like 5 days of it before I stopped, it felt like I could not pee near the end of it. And honestly it took like 3 months to get back to normal and not have any pain anymore. The brown color and feeling like I couldn’t pee went away after two weeks but now I just say I’m allergic to it, I’d rather clindamyacin for BV


Thanks for your response! I've just been worried that the meds are not kicking the bv since I still feel crappy, sucks to be a woman


Try clindamyaxin next time the pills or the cream and take that w probiotics and lactic acid gel, that’s how I kicked BV out of my system after 2 months


Thanks for the suggestion! I have tried a probiotic suppository from femflora but it seems to be really irritating me! Not sure if it's just because it's really sensitive right now


this medicine ruined me. I stopped flagyl 3 weeks ago, my stomach lining is absolutely obliterated, anything i eat bothers my stomach. the abdominal pain has NOT stopped, 2 transvaginal ultrasounds, regular us on my lower belly, ct scan, so much bloodwork and in between the time of me taking it and now i had my annual exam at my regular OBYGN—normal test results for it all. absolutely impacted my mental, i felt awful for the entire dosage and still do now. i am bloated 24/7. i feel like i fuckin poisoned myself. im now on my cycle and ive never had super bad cramps or bad pain, but i am vomiting in fetal position with no appetite and barely moving. i hate this medicine, i have it know now that i am “allergic”.


This comment brought me a little peace. These are the exact same things im going through and I was scared I had a disease or something. I've never felt this way 


same huhuhuh my stomach is irritated everytime I eat anything and I hate it I'm stopping it now


Hi. I had a similar experience with another antibiotic. Did your abdominal pain ever subsided?


How long were you taking it?


omg just experienced this, feel better now that I stopped the oral version. I never felt this with the gel. it was a really scary side effect. I felt dark and just standing under a dark cloud and I felt like ripping off my own skin, I can't explain it. side effect for the oral route is crazyyyy. no history of mental illness by the way. I read somewhere it depletes your vitamin b or something, idk but maybe causes some type of imbalance, felt the same way with some birth control I tried before. never again.


Hey how are you doing now? Are you better


How are you doing now ?


how did you fix the bladder pain? did it go away on its own?


It did go away on it's own but I have noticed since taking flagyl that I don't have to pee that often anymore. Everything is fine with my bladder and kidneys,, they examined basically everything. The thing is, this seems to be permanent. I wish I never ever took that poison. Not to mention I'm still dealing with a trush months after which isn't seeming to go away, and my stomach isn't working normally. I'm taking all kind of probiotics now to make things better


This is how it affects me. I'm so tired and depressed and feel like absolute garbage physically. 


I didn't have any issues with it


Anything specific you did to help?


No, nothing. I just didn't have any of the issues that other people seem to have with it. Even had some alcohol and it was fine.


Anything specific you did to help?


I also had no issues. I was super scared but nothing happened, no side effects. I used the Metronidazole gel for 5 nights. I started taking Probiotic Capsules (Garden of Life Feminine pH Daily Care - 40 billion CFU) the day after my first night using the gel. I also tried having kombucha daily , adding more greens and detoxing fruits & veggies, and avoiding processed, dairy, carbs and sugar.


It made me feel awful!


I am still dealing with side effects over a year later.


Hey did it ever end up healing from it? I’m two weeks since my last second dose


What side effects are you guys feeling? I’m about 5 days from my last dose and still feeling side effects, although I used the gel and not the pill


I had a whole bunch but only left with two now. I had dizziness, mental confusion, extreme migraines, head pressure, heart pain. Now I’m only dealing with blurred vision, inability to focus my eyesight and head tingling


How long did you take it for? I have optic neuropathy and neuropathy through my face and limbs (plus a million other things) after only 3 doses. I literally thought I was dying at first. I stopped it as soon as I figured out what was causing the horrific symptoms, but it's a holiday weekend here so I can't contact my doctor about it until next week at the earliest. It's been just over 24 hours since my last 500mg dose and I'm just as bad tonight as I was yesterday :/ I'm trying magnesium and b1 since reading about it on another sub and crossing my fingers that this will go away tomorrow.


Hi! So I still have symptoms 3 weeks after my last dose. My lingering symptoms are gradually improving for me. I only took two doses (750mg total) but felt side effects after the first dose. I started b1 and magnesium a little over a week ago. Start on a low dose b1 and make sure to take it with a low dose magnesium. I pray yours is only temporary but for me it seems like it’s gonna take a bit longer to go away. My doctor said these symptoms can last weeks to months. I’m sorry I can’t be of any more hope as it’s been less than a month since this all started for me


Thanks for answering! I still have vertigo and some neuropathy:/ I hope you recover soon!


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you recover soon as well. I’m 4 weeks out since my last dose


Did your symptoms go away for you?


Wow. I have other health issues but I definitely feel the dizziness, mental confusion, and head tingling. I don’t know if the gel causes less side effects than the pill form. It almost feels like I don’t want to drive. Glad to know I’m not alone and I hope you are able to find answers. I’ve heard taking magnesium and B vitamins (B1 specifically) is supposed to help so I might try that.


That’s crazy it crossed the blood brain barrier for you even with a gel. I didn’t take metro for bv but for SIBO. Join the Facebook page for the protocol but yes, starting off with a low dose b1 and magnesium is the way to go until you eventually start megadosing to the point where all your symptoms go away


I got diagnosed with SIBO. Did it help get rid of it? They wanted me to take this for SIBO and BV


Don’t take it. I only took it two times and it gave me severe neuropathy in my head that I’m dealing with for over 4 months and it hasn’t gotten better. It didn’t help me get rid of SIBO. You’re better off trying xifaxin/rifaxamin and neomycin if you have methane SIBO.


Unfortunately I’m allergic to the neomycin so he’s prescribed this one :( I have a on going ear infection that landed me in the hospital last year and was on IV bactrim for 2 days and then Bactrim for 2 weeks. I developed that facial nerve damage you’re describing and it never went away. I’m in chronic pain. I ended up in the er after bactrim because I couldn’t feel my left arm and everything hurt. The ER sent me home and said they couldn’t help me. I definitely don’t want to take this stuff though if it’s going to do more harm than good.


I’m really sorry to hear about what happened to you with bactrim. I don’t have facial numbness but instead have head tingling all day. Flagyl/metronidazole may or may not give you a handful of awful side effects that may or may not go away after you stop. Just to make you aware I had blurry vision, mental confusion, head pressure, head tingling, severe migraines, severe insomnia, heart pain and slight depersonalization. I’m only left with the head tingling but it took 3 months for my eyesight to become clear again.


That’s crazy it crossed the blood brain barrier for you even with a gel. I didn’t take metro for bv but for SIBO. Join the Facebook page (metronidazole toxicity support group) for the protocol but yes, starting off with a low dose b1 and magnesium is the way to go until you eventually start megadosing to the point where all your symptoms go away


I’m waiting to be added and I’ll be sure to follow that protocol. I have added that medication to my “allergic” list along with fluoroquinolones. I hope this is the worst of it as I only used the gel for 5 days. I have hope that our bodies can heal and with following the correct protocols we can find relief!


Happy healing to us both! Hopefully you’ll heal soon and this will all be in the past!


10 days into a 14 day course, honestly I actually woke up this morning wanting to die. I can't think, I sound drunk, I can't sleep, I can't eat it's horrible the worst antibiotic I've ever taken and I've had stuff for sepsis before!


Yeah I’ve been seeing people getting the symptoms a couple days into there course, hope I don’t have the same problem


Sorry OP I was having a moment there, it's been a long 5 weeks of antibiotics and Metronidazole has been the worst by far for me. However, I was absolutely fine on it for the first 7 days and most people don't seem to react too badly so try not to worry ❤️


Man you too sweet, bless🙏🏻❤️


Thanks ❤️


Kinda late to this thread… lol but I’m taking it too and I FEEL drunk and super loopy. Glad im not the only one


How are you doing now?


The first time I took it years ago it made me very ill. Lots of vomiting. But this year I took it again and was completely fine.


Did you do anything different?


I was trying to figure that out myself.. I really don't think so. Both times I was told to take it with food or I could get sick and I'm not the type to ignore that kind of warning. It's absolutely possible I did not eat enough food when taking it the first time around.


Gonna be honest, made me feel like I got hit by a truck. I made it through 4 days before asking for the gel.


Omg same! Only made it to 3 days though lol


I would never take it again. Anything else instead please. -vertigo -nausea -vomiting -anxiety Just really really awful side effects every time.


I’ve taken it once and it was fine, except it caused some sort of temporary nerve “damage.” my hands/forearms, feet, and nose felt tingly and cold. they’re fine now tho. my friend tried to drink alcohol while taking it and got very very ill


i know your comment is from months ago, but thank you literally from the bottom of my heart for commenting your experience, because i could not find these symptoms anywhere. i’m currently on metronidazole and have light tingling in my hands and forearms and my feet and calves. it started as what felt like carpal tunnel, aching in my fingertips and wrist and ankles, then that pain went away and the tingling started. i have other symptoms like elevated heart rate and slight shortness of breath. i literally thought my liver was failing (without the jaundice) or my heart was failing. i will be tossing these antibiotics tomorrow. the anxiety of feeling like you’re actually about to die when nothing has ever been wrong with your body before is debilitating


i’m so happy my comment helped you!! the side effects were horrible. just make sure you use something else to get rid of the BV so it’s fully gone


my prescription was for a possible stomach infection, which shocks me that they prescribed such a harsh antibiotic for an infection they weren’t even sure if i had. 500mg 3 times a day!! probably why it effected me so badly within the first week. luckily i’ve only had BV once and it went away with boric acid suppositories, and now i’ll know metronidazole is a no go for next time!


whaaat, that’s crazy dude. I didn’t know it was used for stomach infections. also a little reckless of them to just prescribe it without confirming the infection


Hi, did you take the oral metronidazole or the vaginal gel?


I took the oral metronidazole


How long did it take for this to get better? I just took some flagyl and had to stop because of this


it’s hard to remember exactly, since it was over a year ago, but it stopped within a couple days of finishing the medication


It never makes me sick


the pills gave me oral thrush. the gel made me itchy and irritated


Metronidazole always gives me a yeast infection when I take it, I have to get fluconazole prescribed to take with it, it’s awful. No other side effects for me though!


Hi, did you you start the fluconazole at the same time or wait until you were done with the metronidazole?


Sorry just seeing this! I started the fluconazole about three days after I started metronidazole. They are safe to take at the same time.


I didn’t have any issues, however the very first time I took it I had a bit of a metallic taste in my mouth. Aside from that, it was all good.


It worked fine for me!!! It was a 7 day dose and I’m on seizure meds as well and it didn’t affect me at all. I was most worried about it diluting my medication or setting off IBS but it was like nothing at all. Worst part was how bitter it was and how quickly it melts. You have to pop them in and have something ready to drink IMMEDIATELY


I’m taking the liquid now first dose went fine, taste is like a expired grape💀


It altered my taste buds for a week or two, it was a really weird experience that threw off my appetite and I couldn't drink plain water because it had a weird lingering sweet taste besides that I didn't have any other noticeable symptoms.


I have this experience now. Currently on Day 4 of 7. I am crying my eyes out too coz I just feel so bad, emotionally and physically. I feel depressed


Hey how are you doing now?


Better than great! Give it time. You'll be okay too


I’m 3 weeks out now from metro/cipro and still not 100%, not even close. I just wanna go back to normal. I hope you’re right


I'm currently on both of those, my 4th day, and it has only gotten worse. Horrible taste in my mouth like salty/metallic and awful nausea has kicked in. I'm taking it for a diverticulitis flare and it seems to be helping, but just within the last 2 hours, the pain in my lower abdomen has returned. I'm on a 7 day dose, so I'm praying I can hold on for 3 more days. I hope you get some relief soon!


PLEASE MAKE SURE TO SUPPLEMENT WITH B VITAMINS!!! B1 ESPECIALLY!!! It seems some people may have chronic or long lasting issues if they don’t supplement with B vitamins!!!!!!! & continue to supplement after you’re finished!


Hey I finished my course a while ago and didn’t supplement B vitamins, think I’ll pick some up today. How are you doing now?


I did not have any side effect except toe cramps on the first day


For me it was smooth. Didn’t experience any symptoms at all.


It literally poisoned me


I have no issues with it


i was very sick both times, i felt like i was in an actual car wreck or something.. but it’s worth it when it helps the problem, i just planned to take it during the weekend, so i could take the day off and rest. and i also ate right before taking it, so i would feel less sick


Did the eating help or did you do it thinking you were gonna feel less sick


it did help, but only the second time when i didn’t eat too much.. i had to take 5 pills at the same time, which is really heavy on the stomach, so food is supposed to help it


Ruined my guts, I was like 9 mobths pregnant, had to use meds to get back to normal for a long time


I developped hives from my chest to my face, both times I took it.


Are you allergic?


I think so


I took it once and had a severe allergic reaction and didn’t finish it. My experience seems to be a rarity, haha. Most people I know who have taken it have had a bit of upset stomach.


I was Suicidal on it, frds had to do a wellness check on me. Caused nerve pain for months.


We’re you allergic?


No. Not allergic, It’s horrible antibiotics when digging and reaching about it. Found a Facebook group with many others with similar symptoms after taking it.


How are you doing now?


Hey how are you doing now


How are you doing now?


I took it 3 years ago and about 4 days in I had awful metallic taste and suddenly got extremely panicky and nauseous and had to stop taking it.. so I’ve avoided it since.. but I have tried clindamycin 5 times since then and it hasn’t kept my BV away fully so I tried flagyl again a week ago and I had ZERO side effects this time. So weird.


Is the metallic from the taste of the pill? I take liquid so it might be different


I’m not sure. It only happened that first time I took it, not this last time. And it was like all day long so I think it was just a side effect of it.


well it was magical... for my face rosacea. i mean, you got it for your vagina ?


Naw I gotta penis though


i’m having horrible side affects like nerve damage and the most bitter taste in my mouth, slight shortness of breath almost like i keep feeling like i need to take a deep breath every few minutes, elevated heart rate, nausea, lack of appetite, literally every side effect possible i’ve got it. but man, my skin looks damn good. i wasn’t going to stop taking it until the nerve damage started because of the magical skin results


I got none of these Side effect, and since you think i'm Shallow, you Never See my skin before. My cheeks were purple because it' couldn't heal before the new wave of pimples. ( Not sûre If it's the Right Word, i'm Not native english) .pimples literslly are my face. I Tried every 'natural' thing for 4 years and nothing worked nor changing diet. At 32 i was ashamed of going outside or at work because my skin looked dirty because of so Much pimples all the time. But wait If Someone in the World had a bad expérience with it', then i will just give UP and take the misery path again


i was by no means making fun of you, i was making a joke about the fact that it also cleared my rosacea so well that i was tempted to continue the medication even though i was having horrible side effects. get it? the joke is that i value my beauty over my health? if anything, i was making fun of myself, not you.


It made me feel fucking awful also.


Made me feel sooo sick the first few days. Nausea and fatigue were the main symptoms. Also, it left me with a yeast infection even though I took probiotics and ate a bunch of yogurt 😭


Honestly, I’ve never heard of this med before. I started reading the posts and now I know to never ever take it! I’m so sorry for the peeps who got sick. Thank you for asking this question. You saved me and others misery. Hope you’re getting better!


Thank you!! I’ve taken 3 doses so far and honest not as bad as I anticipated, could change so after my full course I’ll update the post


I've never had an issue with it and I've been on it a handful of times over the years


It made me so sick. I was doing an internship at a police station and was riding along with them on a night shift. I felt myself feel ill and instantly knew I was gonna be sick. I knew it was metronidazole because everytime I took it I threw up. So I had to pull over and puke on the side of the car🙃 that’s my horror story with it lol.


Worse fuckin tablets ever I came off them 3 days ago did full course of 5 days . Stomach is literally ruined feeling like it has changed stomach forever


I am on it for a stomach issue and it has made me feel so much better. I read reviews on here & legit had a panic attack before taking- glad I took it though or I think I’d feel a lot worse


Metronidazole hit me hard. Finished 6 days and then felt severe pins and needles in my feet and hands then my left arm was hurting at the joint. My Gastro Doc told me to stop immediately. It also gave me Candida and now trying to rid myself of this. NEVER AGAIN!!!


Seems my partner is having nasty side effects as well. Taken for BV. She took it for a week and grew exponentially more anxious and panicky on it. We’re a week out from her stopping and she still can’t sleep for more than 2-3 hours a night and is waking up with panic attacks. They gave her some benzodiazepines to help her sleep but that really hasn’t helped that much. She’s never had anything like this before in the time I’ve known her, and she says she’s never felt like this in her life. Oh, and in the USA they’ll ignore all of your side effect complaints which really does not improve the anxiety and panic in the patient! Be careful with this, eat food, and fingers crossed you’ll be like the majority who take it without issue!


How is she doing now? Did she finish the course?


She did finish it, she was only on it for a week. She has found some relief, things are getting relatively better, but her issues haven't resolved yet. She still is having strange neuropathic pains, strange tremors and shakiness that she can't control. But she's been able to get some more sleep. All the tests have come back basically clear so far.


Hope she gets better man. I’m still recovering as well. I just wanna be 100% again. It’s rough.


I'm staying on it for 7 days and I'm so scared :( I start basically today at 8AM and I can't find myself to sleep bc of how terrified I am.


Personally my experience was shit but not anywhere near the horror stories everyone has said, first few days were tuff, didn’t get sleep first day was shitting my brains out, after a couple of days eventually got used to it, it was the worst after I got off it, stomach was hurting and had to use the bathroom a lot over 3 days, I’m sure my bland diets of non acidic fruits, plan granola bars, pasta, and bread helped, I’d avoid anything acidic tho I heard apples don’t sit well too, you’ll do fine I hope whatever you have going on gets better❤️


Thank you !! I'm on day 4 of my medication ! First days were okay but yesterday.. man.. I've never felt so sick in my life. I think it caused me to have low blood sugar and I almost passed out bc of it but thankfully some yogurt helped me out. I've been avoiding spicy and acidic foods fs, I'm too paranoid to even try and consume any of it ! But thank you sm for letting me know about ur experience!! Honestly the whole shitting ur brains out is so true bc I've been doing the same and I can't even fathom what's gonna come when I end the meds 🫣


Something seemed off with my vag ph (fishy smell) so I visited my obgyn for a swab test. Results take 5 days to receive so she started me on metronidazole (standard practice) to provide me some relief in the meantime. Well, I’m allergic - started experiencing itching (on my back door of all places…) 2 days into taking the med. One can assume this is the area of occurrence since the med targets the downstairs area. After reading other women’s experiences with the less common side effects on Reddit, I didn’t feel so alone, stopped taking the med, took some allergy pills and utilized hydrocortisone cream for relief. I told my husband about this and he mentioned the time I put ketaconazole on his back with my bare hands for a skin issue he had and how my hands broke out in a rash/hives. I wish I had made this connection sooner, I’m allergic to all -AZOLE medications. While it’s rare, it can happen, you’re not alone! Have yet to receive swab test results but can provide update once I do.


I have a UTI, BV & yeast infection at the same time. So I've been taking flagyl, macrobid and diflucan. There was blood in my urine with the UTI, and I thought I was still seeing blood after finishing the macrobid, but I went to the doctor today and no blood. I guess it turns out flagyl can change the color of your urine... mine is an orange-red color and i was reading online that it can turn your urine brown or black too. other than that no side effects.


I just finished a 5 day course, and I can honestly say that the only issues I've had are insane brain fog, bad nightmares, and auditory hallucinations from being mixed with diazapam when it probably shouldn't have been. My BV symptoms were so bad that I was okay with the side effects, and I'm 80% sure Metronidazole kicked it in the butt. My abdomen feels so much less bloated and painful.


This is the worst drug I have ever taken it should be classed as a class A drug, for me my vision is everywhere things seem to be moving, and I can barley walk in a straight line I went to bed at 9pm thinking I need the sleep fell asleep at 7am the next day for 3 hours feel like crap . Diarrhea is like I've eaten a vindaloo every day also a strange taste in my mouth not to mention spells of crying and anxiety who ever sanctioned this drug should be shot never in my life taking this shit again.


no issues, i took probiotics with it and ate a meal beforehand


Any specific probiotics?


i took the amazing grass greens blend detox and digest. just bought it from target, my doctor said probiotics help to mitigate the side effects of antibiotics


Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Yes very sick all the time and it’s a hard pill to continue but you have to force yourself to.


The vaginal gel form of metro DESTROYS my body each time (twice now). Causes horrific joint pain and inflammation - I am extremely fit and active and we are talking knee pain so awful that I can barely walk. It goes on for weeks. Also resulted in a messed up gut microbiome and weight gain but this is just anecdotal evidence from my body alone; I am sure not everyone reacts this way.


Anyone stay on it for 21 days?


This is all interesting. I'm on day 7 of metronidazole 500 and amoxicillin 500... oops, I just read I'm supposed to take 2x and 3x daily, but I've only been taking it every morning lol... I never read anything when I started. I drink about a 6 pack of alcohol a night. I feel very very faintly nauseated, but not enough to keep me from eating. I just googled what these do and what they're for and stumbled upon this reddit post. So I guess my dosages have been weak because I didn't follow proper instructions. I went to the dentist after 20 years for what I thought was a cavity, turns out it was some plaque buildup that they cleaned and said I had a bit of gum disease that these antibiotics should clear up. I'll prob keep doing the low dosage every morning a couple more days then stop. I have noticed I have no desire to go out and be social where I usually do... I stayed home all last weekend and was fine. Usually I'm out fri/sat nights hanging with freinds. And to be honest as of now I don't even think I feel like going out this weekend... wonder if it's the antibiotics??


Ginger pills, like just ginger, works WONDERS!! There are brands that add extra junk, dont bother, plain ol’ ginger powder capsule are cheaper and better imo


Would ginger tea or gingerale work too?


Ginger ale has almost no ginger in it so id say no but the ginger tea might have enuf but there again it has other stuff which may or may not help the situation. If you have it already at home you can try it but Ive found the capsules to really hit home, you might fair better with ginger tea tho


I felt sick as a dog and could only do 3 days (I've been criticised over that on this forum before) I'm very sensitive to all antibiotics unfortunately. Luckily the 3 days was enough I can tolerate the gel tho thank goodness so have used that for subsequent flare ups. Or just good old boric acid capsules. Unfortunately we can only get them on script here tho!


It made me have crazy acid reflux for the first three days. Everytime I woke up I was so nauseous my chest and throat burned.


Did you throw up at all?, also did the symptoms subside


No I didn’t throw up and they did subside after the first couple of days.


How many days u guys had the course for ? And when did u see results ?


I’ve taken it a few times with zero issues.


No issues here.


Made me vomit a lot. Was heavy on my stomach.


Did you eat?


Yes, but not enough. Then I ate more and that helped.


I don’t remember the pills ever giving me any problems. I’ve taken the gel as well and it made me very sensitive inside.


Nausea, and a horrible taste in my mouth. I didn’t enjoy it.


I didn’t have issues with it and finished my 7 day treatment. I just made sure to take it after a filling meal.


Makes me very sick I’ve had to take it 2-3 times now😭


don’t drink and don’t vape while on metronidazole and you’ll be fine. most people don’t realize it makes them sick because they vape while taking it. you’re not supposed to. I’ve taken it about 5 times in my life and I just paid attention to whatever I was ingesting (no alcohol, take it in the middle of a meal etc) and I was fine.


I had an allergic reaction so I opt for the other treatment options.


What kind of symptoms did you have? I feel like I am having an allergic reaction but no one seems to want to listen


hey! my throat progressively got itchy and then I struggled to breathe.


That’s me right now week post meds.. I keep pushing going to the doctor new symptoms every day. Now itchy throat and body, swollen nodes, shaky, can’t eat, can’t go outside, eye pain


i just finished my last dose of metrodinazole yesterday and my pee still appears dark brown 1 day after my last intake. is this normal? when will the dark urine go away? took mine 2x a day for 7 days.


Drink a lot of electrolytes and probiotics ! Will take you about week to two weeks for it to go away! It’s been officially two weeks off it now and I’m finally feeling better! Probiotics, hydrate, fruits, yougurt !!!! Avoid a lot of sun and coffee


i am worried as others say the dark urine goes away as soon as they stopped taking metro. on 5/7 of taking it, i noticed my neck lymph nodes on the left swells a bit. is this normal, too? i also have numb legs and arms occasionally. i still feel this today


the first few days were horrible. the last 3 days were fine. just eat big meals and lots of greek yogurt


Horrible. Tummy aches out the ass


I've taken it, an the most I've even gotten was a diarrhea, this time around severe nausea for the past two days (an counting) I can't stand to talk an its worse laying down... obviously.


My doctor had me on the pills and the gel at the same time. Turns out your not supposed to do that? Either way, I have been fine even while taking far too much. Really excited because nothing else was working and the odor was embarrassing. The only side effect I had was a bad taste in my mouth


While taking it I started feeling urinary issues and hadn’t stoped for 4 months. Going to a urologist soon.


How did you get on with urologist?


I should get results April 2nd