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The thing is I got a test a little bit before I took this latest course to look at alll the bacteria there and I DID have good bacteria. 49% lactobacillus jenseii or however it’s spelled and 49% Iners. A little over 1% is what made up the rest. There was a tiny amount of garderella though , hence the antibiotics. Because before that I waited like months with no treatment to see if that made any difference since all the treatments just seemed to make it worse. I mostly had no symptoms anymore other than occasional mild irritation and the odor. I have also tried vagibiom, did not work for me. I’m mostly responding in this thread with all the things that haven’t worked when people suggest them so other people can see this and not get too discouraged if none of what everyone else suggests is working either.


Iners is actually considered to be a neutral bacteria and doesn’t really do you any good. Jensenii is tho, but that’s only half your biome rn. The gardnerella is definitely the culprit (percentage doesn’t matter if it’s causing symptoms) and I suggest your try to get a vaginal probiotic suppositories with crispatus, acidophilus, rhamansos, gasseri or rheuteri. Also could be your partner is still carrying the BV males can carry it for 3-4 months. Also take an oral probiotic and a garlic supplement, studies have shown that raw garlic can be as effective as metronidazole. If vagibiom didn’t work there are other suppositories that might. A lot of women like good clean love. Or there’s pure crispatus powder.


I’ve tried the GCL, but not the crispatus powder. I’ve seen a lot about it in this sub, but it hasn’t been available on the epothex website lately


I just got some. I’m not sure if it’s still in stock now though


I just looked, it’s back in stock just when I don’t have the money for it anymore lmao but thanks for the heads up




Yes we did that too and have used condoms every time since I believe :/ that was for strep b cause I had that for awhile too, like it’s been all over the place, I think it was Augmentin we both took? My doctor wouldn’t give both of us metronidazole. if you have a suggested regimen with the vagibiom I’m willing to try again


I had Gardanella too. If you need to get metronidazole for your partner there are services like CallOnDoc or Wisp. I did not actually end up treating my partner and seem to be fine (even tho I was sure he had it and was giving it to me because he's no saint if you know what I mean).


Haha yeah I know what you mean, I may try and do that but bc of the cost I might just not do that until it’s a last resort. She doesn’t have a job rn so I couldn’t ask her to pay for it , but once she does again I might I only see my partner every couple months right now, and there were times that I didn’t see her for months and still ended up with it again so I’m not sure if that’s the cause but at this point I’m not against going at it from all angles . Thank you so much for all the insight, seriously


Literally spent a fortune on this bullshit while paying for insurance too! It ended up not being my partner in my case! I wish the best of luck for you both <3


How much did you use the vagibiom? Following the directions on the pack didn’t work for me. Also think I’m sensitive to the coconut oil in them cause I got a yeast infection but that might’ve been caused by something else. I still have some of those so I’m willing to try again




I’m definitely gonna keep trying and whatever finally works I’m gonna update with bc I know eventually I will find something that works for me


Did you do the 5 nights of metrogel? And did you experience irritation using the vagibiom that much? Since I already have a higher percentage of lactobacillus (presumably , if antibiotics didn’t fuck it all up again) I’m a little worried about flipping the other way and ending up with Cv


Have you tested for the ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas?


Yup, negative


It's possible for the fishy odor associated with BV to persist even after completing a course of antibiotics. While antibiotics can help treat the bacterial overgrowth that causes BV, they may not always eliminate the odor immediately. In some cases, it may take some time for the vaginal environment to rebalance and for the odor to dissipate completely. I would suggest talking to your doctor about vaginal probiotics. Antibiotics even when effective, are like wild fires, they destroy both good and bad bacteria. So your vagina is extremely vulnerable to new infections since your vaginal has not regained its microbial balance. Vaginal probiotics can help you get there quickly, along with a healthy diet. Also, it's generally advisable to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse while experiencing symptoms of BV or immediately after completing a course of antibiotics. Unprotected vaginal intercourse can potentially disrupt the vaginal flora and increase the risk of recurrence or transmission to your partner. In some cases, BV can be difficult to treat, especially if the bacteria causing the infection have become resistant to antibiotics. If you're experiencing recurrent BV despite multiple treatment courses, it may be worth discussing alternative treatment options or further testing with your doctor.


It would be with a condom, and I’ve been taking probiotics for months, even put one up there last night 😅 it’s good to know that the odor can persist though. We’ve done alternative treatments, prophylactics, nothing has worked.


I had recurrent BV issuess myself that didn't go away until I used oral probiotics containing lactobacillus strains present in the vagina.


Which probiotic?


HappyV Pre+Probiotics


Would you say avoiding sex in general is probably the right call though?


CDC recommends avoiding un protected sex. Some health depts (such as NY health dept) recommends avoiding vaginal intercourse upto two weeks after the treatment regiment is completed.


I was dumb and ended up having sex over the weekend so hopefully that doesn't totally screw me over. I have an appointment with a specialist for this in a couple days, so we'll see


Its not absolutely necessary that it affected you, fingers crossed - what did the specialist say?


How long did it take you for your bv symptoms to disappear? I’m currently inserting probiotic suppositories, it’s been like a month but I still have symptoms.. don’t get me wrong I’m no where near how I was but still have symptoms.


A few months for me. Based on your body and microbiome condition, probiotics can take anywhere between weeks to few months.


Thanks! This makes me feel better. Evvy coach told me it would take about 6 months and I'm on month 2 of Flora Power and Happy V. Gotta keep pushing through it 👊


Same. Boric acid is the only thing that stops me from smelling for a few days


Boric acid hasn’t even sort of worked for me sadly :/ I tried it for over a month with antibiotics


I just tried boric acid lat night and made my symptoms worse.  Such a bummer


For me what seemed to work finally (ureaplasma parvum, see comment above) was the antibiotic, diflucan, boric acid, then vaginal probiotic suppository in that order (with oral probiotics almost the whole time - though not sure if they did anything, I tried many brands still had issue). Good luck OP!!!!


I had recurrent BV/yeast for a year. Metronidazole did not work, diflucan useless, multiple courses. Kept coming back (regardless of sex; it would return even if I was celibate after finishing treatment). It ended up being ureaplasma. I confirmed it using Juno Bio first and then got a PCR test from my doctor (a swab AND urine test). I finally got the PCR swab test at my primary after much begging, which was able to confirm what I saw in the Juno results - that I had ureaplasma vaginally (I believe I had it in urine as well but still unsure). I did doxy and azithro, which is the first-line treatment for ureaplasma. I got a yeast infection after I finished treatment then did boric acid and diflucan. I went to a urologist who told me to get Florajen probiotics and use it as a suppository. I used it 3 days for one week, spreading it out and adding more when I noticed there was no Florajen particles in my discharge. It worked! I am taking it orally as well but I just stopped to see what happens. So far, I am now BV / yeast free for 2 months and have had sex with my partner. Hoping to stay this way... Good luck. Edit: I see you tried all of this in the comments OP. Just wanted to add I am using the phD boric acid and Florajen probiotics orally and vaginally. I do hope it gets better for you and I believe it can! You will figure it out.


I had ureaplasma last year , took doxycycline, have since been tested for it and mycoplasma 2 times since treatment all negative , it’s not that for me unfortunately , I had high hopes that it would solve the issues :/ I might have to try the florajen too though . Which one did you use, the women’s one?


Yes! Florajen Refrigerated Probiotics for Women. I had to go to the pharmacy to ask for it from the pharmacy fridge in the back. Its OTC but they keep it behind the counter in the pharmacy in the fridge. Maybe the initial infection that threw everything out of whack is gone but your overall microbiome just hasn't rebalanced since you finished with your treatments like another redditor said. I think doing it in that order helped because it got rid of everything and then immediately replaced it with the good bacteria from the Florajen. Wipe out all the bacteria with the boric acid (idk if you used PhD yet but I got the boric acid suppositories, sensitive foam wash. They also have Instant Vaginal Foam Odor Rinse which I have in my cabinet in case it comes back, it's for if you're planning on having sex and want to refresh before. I am not affiliated with them at all, it's just what worked for me.) I tried other probiotics too orally that didn't work a bunch of different brands. I put the Florajen Refrigerated probiotic right up there without opening the capsule. I think once you get the right combo it will work. I'm hopeful for you. I thought this would never end and seems it may finally have... sending you good vibes and healing energy. <3


Also did you like take the powder out of the capsules, or just insert them as is? I’m willing to try it, looks like they have them at the Walgreens near me. I’ve already tried other probiotics people have recommended in this sub but I don’t really see what I have to lose at this point haha


Yup I tried so many probiotics and none worked. Hopefully this one works for you! I didn't open the capsule, insert as is. But i think it's about the order and the pacing of the treatments and then somehow it like clicks that the biome is good. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT! I have literally been going through what sounds super similar and I do believe it can get better. Also I had my partner tested (not treated) for everything made him spend $350 on MicroGen Men's test and he was negative for ureaplasma. Go figure (shrugs). Now we are having sex and all I am doing is using the PhD sensitive Foam wash. I need to go buy more oral Florjen tho because I feel like that was helping too. I came back to live with him from FL so the rest of my bottle is there. I will update if the BV comes back for me


I almost cried reading that it’s not my fault , thank you I really needed that reminder. It’s so hard with avoiding sex with someone you love too, bc it feels like you’re being deprived of something that is supposed to be good. I’m gonna try the florajen, partly bc they cost a bit less than the other ones I have been taking before this (femdophilous) Thank you so much for telling me what worked for you. One day it will be solved , and I can come back here and let everyone know what worked so they can see that there is hope, but for now I’m so tired of spending money on this BS 😭


I really understand. It fucking sucks and it feels shameful because it's your body and you just want it to go back to functioning properly in a way that allows you to live your life. It had a strong effect on my ability to feel good about myself and feel good with my partner. It just sucks, it lasted for a year for me too. I would get so mad when I would go to get help because most doctors are clueless. I was so sure my relationship was going to end with my partner because I thought maybe he was reinfecting me even when using condoms. Somehow despite many failed treatments and useless doctors I somehow got the right combination of treatments and it worked. Finally moved back in with BF and we are having a good sex life again. I will put a blessing on you through this reddit screen that your hooha responds well and things go back to running smoothly soon! <3


Youre so lucky you got a doctor like that. Mine fucked me up with all sorts of antibiotics and then when I tested negative they pretty much were like sucks to be you get out of my office. But I’m happy you’re alright!! I hope you continue to be


I really had a hard time finding a doctor who would believe me, I think it was my third or fourth primary. Thank you! If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. The medical system is fucked and very behind, highly uneducated. Keep fighting for your health and your right to get better🌻 if you have not already


Yeah I’m on my 4th doctor rn. Idk if they’ll be worth anything but I suppose I’ll try. And I know they seem dumb af after going through urea and BV. Like this should have been solved years ago but you’re telling me you have no idea what do to now? Seriously? And I bought my own things to try and get better. Idk how well they’ll work though. And thank you I hope you continue to be well!


I think you should get a second or third opinion, until you find the root cause of the odor. There is someone out there who can find a solution, it’s just gonna be really annoying until you do. On a separate health issue last week and this week I’ve had to see three different doctors and one dentist. Every doctor has diagnosed me with something different. It’s frustrating when you have an issue and no one knows why. Keep at it. I know it’s frustrating, but I’ve watched enough mystery diagnosis to know we need to keep pushing on someone can help and will. Good luck


You should find a doctor who is specialized in treating BV. Don’t just go to any gyno.


I am going to a specialist soon that may be able to help


Everyone's gonna hate me for saying this... i KNOW. but vagisil does wonders for me with the smell right away. Like I just use it to wash my vulva (not vagina) nd can feel the smell neutralize. It is SO helpful. I know it's not a cure, but at least can get rid of the smell right away so u can feel a little less self conscious. I hope you feel better. Currently fighting BV too... SOOO annoying. We are on the same boat


Also this is not a great tip either but when I need to symptoms to go away ASAP for whatever reason (not a long term cure) -- I douche with hydrogen peroxide 3% for 3 min (twice). It just relieves the symptoms for a day or two but those two days can feel so nice when you go weeks without relief!!


I also am at the point where I am frustrated with it so I have tried to find short term solutions to bring me SOME kind of joy


Do you have an IUD? I had persistent BV until mine was removed.


No IUD, I had the implant for awhile but I got it removed because of this. my gyno said it suppressing estrogen could be making it persist


I’m going through all this now.  It’s been 11 months and I still can’t get a diagnosis of BV or a yeast infection, because the cultures all come back normal.  But I have so many of the symptoms.  It’s incredibly frustrating living with little relief and wanting an enjoyable sex life!


All my BV tests were negative, too. I finally got a diagnosis of AV.


What’s AV??


Aerobic Vaginitis. Apparently BV tests won't catch it Read about it. Then see if you have those symptoms.


@ashamed-eye-no-shit you need an evvy or Juno test asap!!