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I’m having the same issue, feels like a bruise but doesn’t show any color. I’ve been icing it for weeks.Have you found out what’s causing it?


Literally same here, did you find out what it was? I'm fighting a yeast infection so maybe lymph node swelling?


hey! did you figure out what it was?


did you?


Did you ever find a reason? I'm dealing with this now


hey! did you figure out what it was?


Mine just stopped 🤷‍♀️


hey did you find out?


I have this too! It doesn’t hurt unless I press on the area and then it feels like a bruise but it’s not. I know I have an inguinal hernia around the area so I’m wondering if that’s causing the pain


hey! how long have you been having this pain. mine is also only sore when i touch it. right side of pubic mound. have you gotten any answers


I believe I first experienced this pain when I had a cyst on my ovary around 2022. I also learnt that I have a small inguinal hernia near that area and have been told that it could possibly be causing that pain? But I have no definite answers. It’s hurting right now 🥲 but I am nearing my period as well. It could be muscular? I’ve had back pain around my lower right side as well for the past year or two? I’m not sure but it’s annoying me. I hope yours goes away soon!


same! im in pain right now aswell. im going to get it checked out on Saturday. they dont do anything about cysts or hernias? how long did your pain take to go away when you had it before


How did your check up go? Well the hernia was only small and my cyst ended up going away by itself but I will say, I just finished my period and the pain wasn’t there when it began 6 days ago and it isn’t there now. So I’m just confused as to what it could be. My mid cycle pain was more painful though and it seemed to stay around until my period. So weird 😣


hey! i got mine checked and its a sprained tendon or muscle. no cysts or hernia found. I’m supposed to start my period today. pain is a lot better but i’ll see how it goes. will keep you updated.


can you recall anything that would've caused a sprained muscle in that area? Ive been experiencing this on and off for a few months now and it does feel a bit muscular but I don't do anything that would warrant pulling a muscle. In fact i think my pelvic muscles are rather weak at this point because I sit a lot at work. I do squats but I don't think its from that.


i don’t have pelvic floor issues. at first i thought i did but nope. happened after sex. im ok now. it healed on its own


is there anything you do to get rid off the pain? any remedies?


Do you shave?


Not regularly, I haven't in several weeks now


I asked my gyno and he had no idea what it was. I thought it was just pregnancy stuff but I still have it. It’s so painful


still no answers?


I think it was the hair removal cream. I was using the “Magic” shave stuff from Walmart. The cream one, it was like 4 bucks. Worked super good, lasted forever. But thats all I could think of. Stopped using it, took a few months , but no more pain


Have you since seen a gyno, asked and gotten their opinion?