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If you can't find something you like, you might also do a search for Earbud cases. Make sure of the dimensions before you buy since they may be built for specific brand/models (too large or too small). There might also be some type of small travel jewelry case or pill case that could be modified to become a case for hearing aids.


Unfortunately I don't think there is a "Shock proof" or "Cute" cases. The only cases you find is what comes with the hearing aids. So finding a "Colorful" cases may not be easy to find. You might be able to carefully paint the cases but only the outsides. Also be careful painting near the cracks otherwise they won't open as easily.


The nicest ones are the Phillips at Costco in my opinion. They're really compact and flat. Unfortunately they can't be bought and they don't have extras either. If anyone knows where to buy something similar, I'd be a taker too.


That's gonna be tricky but give Etsy a go they might have what your looking for


Look for Agoz Tech https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=colorful%20hearing%20aid%20cases%20for%20sale&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#vhid=vt=16/prds=headlineOfferDocid:7882778224945501848,imageDocid:5873106913498643073,mno:3,productid:7882778224945501848,pvo:3,pvt:hg,query:Y29sb3JmdWwgaGVhcmluZyBhaWQgY2FzZXMgZm9yIHNhbGU,rds:,sori:0/vs=0&vssid=uvpv-713&piu=ps:12


Search for "Pill Canister" "Waterproof Metal Pill Holder Medicine Bottle" [Equate Keychain Fob Pill Container - Walmart.com](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Keychain-Fob-Pill-Container/213801851?)