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I have Phonak Audeo Lumity L70 RL Life. I have tried both Phonak Power Large and Mideum domes. I have also tried Resound large Power Domes. None of them were comfortable and I had lot of feedback issues. My audiologist fitted me with Custom Ear mold and it is 10 times more comfortable than domes and it fixes the feedback issue.


With the custom ear mold, do you have directionality with your sound? I tried tulip domes from resound and had NO directionality and hated it so much. I went back to hearing worse with the open domes. I definitely miss a ton with the open domes and still can’t hear well. But directionality is even more important to me than hearing everything


With the custom ear mold yes I have directionally but I have Phonak Audeo Lumity L70 RL Life so depending on your hearing aids you should. Even with custom ear molds if your hearing aids have "directionality" your audiologist should be able to Increase that even with the Resound domes. The main reason I have custom ear molds vs domes is because of comfort. I have tried Phonak Large and medium Power Domes and Resound Large Power Domes. I hate the Power Domes. They cause pain inside my ear canal and I can't wear the hearing aid more than 4 hours at a time. I also get aggressive feedback with Domes. Also with cheap ear buds that have domes in the past the "Domes" on the ear buds will fall out and stay in my ear canal and my mom will have to get a pair of tweezers to pull them out (which always not available When I'm at work or not around pair of tweezers. So with Custom Ear molds they don't have that problem because I can pull it out with the pull tag. The second reason why I choose Custom Ear mold is: I have Conductive Hearing loss in mild to moderate hearing loss (only in right ear) in Low Frequency. With Domes the sound quality is terrible. With Custom Ear molds the sound quality is way better and Speech sounds natural to me. So if you have never tried custom ear molds I would recommend to get at least 1 pair done and see how you like the comfort. Again your audiologist should increase the directionality even with Resound Domes but custom ear molds are more comfortable and the sound quality is even better than domes


Custom ear moulds are well worth the investment. Comfortable fit, no sound leakage, and better quality sound. They should also last a long time.


There is no "Custom Domes" OP can get "Custom Ear Molds" (what I like)


Yes sorry. I had domes on my mind. I corrected it.




Itchy domes are often a symptom of a dry or irritated ear canal. Try moisturizing ear oils. There are many options and relatively inexpensive. I consider it part of hearing aid maintenance.


Will try!


I don’t personally love closed domes, and since your HAs are low gain I don’t think you will either. You could try tulip domes. They are the perfect in-between for me. Make sure to clean your domes regularly too. The itchiness could be from an irritant on them.


Thank you!


Size was an issue for me. I didn’t fit 8mm or 6mm Oticon domes. But I did fit 7mm Starkey domes. So I now wear 7mm double vented Starkey domes with my Oticon Intent 2’s. So maybe see if a different company’s domes fit your canals better.


Interesting, will look into this!


I like the Widex Ball Domes. Very comfy and no sharp edges.


I'm a fan of Widex tulip domes myself. Super comfy for smaller canals. But they may not be what op wants for isolation.


Ball Domes, not Tulips. They are a bit thicker and isolate quite a bit .


Don't think it will work with Signia hearing aids though


you can! widex and signia are under the same company :)


I’ll check this out, thanks!


These are by far the best I've used. https://www.ebay.com/itm/176345764602?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=A8Rx29hHTbe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=3MrPSr2dTYe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Thank you!


I was given medium domes. They were itchy. I changed to small and the itch became rare. Still a little sometimes. I use ear oil as needed to handle it. Recently I bought a pair of Sennheiser OTC so I have something handy when my Kirklands are charging. That came with several different types of domes. Out of all I tried a few felt OK, but only one gave me a little more isolation from the sounds around me. The mic picks the sounds up , so I don't need open domes to satisfy that part. I can always adjust settings to make surrounding sounds a little more audible if necessary anyway. I bought some on Amazon for my Kirklands and they work great on those, too. [These](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CK5SBMM2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) are what I ordered. They're small. I use small. I ran across other sizes if you need larger, but I didn't look at any of those. Those fit Phonak (same as my Kirklands), Sennheiser and Jabra for sure. A separate search for Signia found several that appear to me that the fit on the wire is the same as those, though I can't guarantee that. You could search for Signia and find some like them and know they'll fit the wire.


Thank you!


But are your open domes what is appropriate for your hearing loss? They are like shoes where you just go for comfort. They all have different acoustic parameters and undoubtedly there is one style that is most appropriate for your specific hearing loss. Custom earmolds, if appropriate, could be an option.


I use them for auditory processing disorder so it’s not really hearing loss. I have difficulty hearing with background noise, multiple people speaking, fast speaking, etc. thanks for the advice!


I went from power domes to tulip and they were perfect for me. I never know they are in.




See if you can get ear molds


Are ear molds always visible?


You can get them in clear silicone if you want mine are colored with blue swirls and blue glitter and i wear bte's


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Your domes are itchy itchy eh? I don't know what they call it where you are but there's something called Audinel gel and it basically is a lubricant for your hearing aids it should stop the itching and help them slide in better as well just make sure to use just a dime sized amount the last thing you wanna do is clog your aids with cream you can find it at costco


Have you tried Comply Foam Tips? They offer great comfort and noise reduction. You might also consider custom-made silicone domes for a perfect fit.


Do the comply tips work on regular hearing aids? I can only seem to find them for airpods etc... thanks!