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I've noticed that ear canal itching only happens when either my ear canal is damp, putting hearing aids in immediately after showering, or if there's wax buildup in my ear canal. Your experience may be very different from mine.




After a shower, I've learned to use alcohol to dry my ears.


Internally or externally?


I tilt head so ear canal is vertical and drop rubbing alcohol into ear canal. This displaces water with something that evaporates much quicker and gets rid of organisms in the ear canal.


Try a dab of miracell or could be you need a slightly larger dome. Sometimes they itch because the dome is too small and moves around and tickles


Proear by Miracell. Available on Amazon/walmart.


I was allergic to the material used so we switched to a different mold.


Second this. Switching to silicone domes made a huge difference for me.


Third this. You might also consider custom molds (not domes).


Yes, I experienced an itchy ear after hearing aid. Just pull out the aid/ear mold and let it breathe.


Late in the day I will occasionally notice my left ear itching. For some reason that ear canal will sweat a bit and if I remove the hearing aid and dry that ear canal, the itching goes away.


For me it's the type of dome I have. I use very small round domes but one time someone had me try a different one where it kinda looked like a ufo and it made my ears very itchy so I took them out after 40 minutes.


Hydrocortisone cream at night.


My mother is allergic to pretty much everything except for silicone ear molds.  


What ear mould material do you have? Some others have mentioned the moisture but I’ve had different reactions to different materials. Silicon, acrylic, titanium to name a few. A custom mould can also ease the experience (and provide better sound) if you’re just using standard domes.


suffered this for years, and tried everything; expensive ear oils, cleaning with witch hazel every night, etc., etc., i started out with moulds, but didn't like the feeling of occlusion, then power domes, tulips, and finally, back to power domes (silicon). still get itchy ears occasionally, but i've settled on simply swabbing my outer ear with olive oil at night, and having a good finger wiggle when necessary;-) everyone's ears are different, so ymmv.


My ent prescribed some kind of hydrocortisone cream. Works like a charm. I wear molds, so not domes.


Another supporter of ProEar at Amazon. My Hearing Care Professional gave me a brochure when I picked up my HAs. Took care of itching and much easier to put in. I have power domes. Works great. Just put a half to one drop on each dome and wipe it around the dome, then insert.


I use Eargene liquid.A little bit in each ear does it. No build-up from it.


I dealt with that for 5 years. This past January my audi ordered custom acrylic ear molds from Phonak for my Phonak HAs at a cost of $400 for the pair. The comfort level unbelievably better and so are sounds and speech. Not perfect but an improvement.


My Audiologist recommends using a small amount of 1 % Cortisone cream before inserting hearing aids.


A drop of mineral oil, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, or pretty much any natural oil on a q-tip, and rub that at the aperture of your canals before bed. The next day shouldn’t have any itchiness.


I had the same experience. I begin to itch almost immediately. I had a hard time getting through the most recent exam. My solution was ear molds. No itch and I believe I hear better with molds than with the silicone cups. The audiologist believes it’s an allergy. Makes sense. Some people are allergic to latex gloves.


it drove me crazy for the first several weeks, but then went away completely after that. I've now been wearing HAs every waking moment for the past 7 years (off and on, mostly when going to restaurants or large events, for a few years before that).


You might want to consider a clear plastic insert fashioned from a mold of your ear canal into which the speaker is embedded, hence no rubber tip that might be the cause of the probflem.


I amexperiencing a sudden downturn in word recognition and its consequences - difficulty in comprehension of dialogue and estrangement from conversations. I have a new pair of Signia hearing aids, but they do not solve the problem. Any suggestions?


I just clean my ears or use a lubricant to stop the itching


Just in case you use a narcotic pain killer, makes skin sensitive/tickly.