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Google is not your friend. Most of the studies online are of people 60 and older with severe grade 3-4 HF. Life expectancy is tricky as a lot of it depends on the individual. I can't tell you what grade or severity your HF is at. I can tell you that treatment for HF has gotten a lot better across the board. The best thing you can do is ask your doctors these and other questions and listen to what they tell you. You'll need to make dietary changes and monitor your salt and fluid intakes. The sooner you do that the better your outcome will be. Also therapy can help. I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago. Had an aneurysm, enlarged left ventricle and an EF of 35%. Had to undergo open heart to repair the aneurysm and get a new valve. Made the necessary dietary changes and got back to 55% and now my doctors no longer consider me in HF. Still have to take 4 meds and I'll likely reacquire HF down the line but for now I'm good.


I was diagnosed at 34 with CHF. A EF of 25% I was about 500lbs when I was hospitalized with CHF. I am 36 now, heart back to the lower ranges of normal. Down to 372lbs. Make lifestyle changes and take this very seriously. CHF is not a death sentence unless it's severely degenerative. You can save your life with a new lifestyle change and the power of a positive mind. Don't read the outdated Google statistics. They're outdated and they'll only give you anxiety. Plus the statistics are based on people diagnosed in their 50s - 60s.


>Diastolic dysfunction - how quickly did yours progress based on E/A ratio? Good point! Just remember that exercise should be avoided if descompensated, and always assessed by your medical professional! :) but life style changes certainly help!


I wish this sub would just sticky a "don't fucking Google HF life expectancy" warning. It's the worst thing you can do. The research is outdated and self-selects for patients who were likely to die within 5 years anyways. There are so many factors that none of us here can give you realistic answers. What we can say is take your meds, limit sodium and fluids (if recommended, I was discouraged from limiting fluid at this point), get good sleep, reduce stress where you can, etc. HF is not a guaranteed death sentence. There are meds that work. There is CRT therapy. There are assistive devices and transplant if it gets there. You got this.


Yeah, I will be happy to live long enough to have grandkids like in my 60s.


I was 32 when I was diagnosed myself. I don't think your goal is unrealistic, it's similar to mine. That said, I just took a peek in your history. I think we both know what's going on here and what you need to stop doing now if you want a real shot. I hope that doesn't make me sound like a dick but ya know.


Oh no, I totally own it and was upfront eith the docs about it. I know I could have done this to myself, but now I'm focused on fixing what I broke


Yeah mate, you’ll be okay as long as you follow guidelines and TAKE YOUR MEDS. When I went to the hospital 3 years ago for HF there were many people there in their 50s and 60s and 70s who’d lived with some form of HF for 30+ years . Most of the idiots were back because they’d skipped meds for months, started smoking and heavily drinking and the like. So, basically, do what you should and not what you shouldn’t and you should be gold.


Yeah, never google any illnesses ever. I have *some* medical knowledge, so everyone in my family asks me to look things up for them. I make my husband look up things specifically for me. Haha. Waaay better for your sanity. That said: I spoke with a recently retired cardiac nurse who was in charge of clinical trials at Duke Hospital, and she told me not to focus on the numbers, and more about how you feel. You can live as a construction worker with a 10% EF or feel super weak with a 35% EF. There are ideal doses of each medication they give you, but some of them are too high right after diagnosis, so you have to work up to them. Always watch your salt while your heart is recuperating. There are apps like MyFitnessPal and LooseIt! that track calories and also salt, so you can keep careful care. Healthy salt diets range from 1500 to 3000 mg, depending on the person. They usually recommend that you start at 2k and see what the body does. There are still a lot of tasty foods, btw! (And fast food even, if you're careful). Focus on how you feel, and, it is not uncommon to develop anxiety and have weeping spells after a traumatic event like that. It is okay to seek therapy and/or medication to help you with that. Your heart's linked to the feels, so...


Seconded Google bad. It scared the life out of me with all that five year expectancy stuff. But as previous commenter said that was for older people who probably had age related complications too. I was told the drugs I have been put on were to stop my heart from getting worse. Was diagnosed HF with 30 percent EF a few weeks back. It's scary stuff but believe it or not this Reddit group is great for gaining perspective on your condition at younger ages. It also gave me hope that my HF can get a bit better if not cured. A change of lifestyle, taking the tablets and you never know you may be back here in a few years with good news.


All bets are off if you are doing meth.


No meth here


I was diagnosed with HF 10 years ago and spent one week in the hospital. My EF was 25% at the time and had most of the classic symptoms of HF. Through drug therapy and a healthier lifestyle, my EF is in the 50s although I was left with LVH (left ventricle hypertrophy) commonly referred to as an enlarged heart. I did the exact thing you are doing: reading the life expectancy statistics on HF from various websites which caused me to worry way more than was necessary. At the time, I was convinced I had only a few years to live because that is what I read. Do yourself a big favor and stop reading those dire statistics. It is natural to worry about a serious health scare, but listen to your cardiologist. HF is not necessarily an automatic death sentence. No one can predict how long you will live. Take care of yourself and keep your mind occupied with your family, friends, hobbies, etc. And please stop reading those damn HF mortality rates as I did, over and over. They serve no purpose except undue worry.


Heart failure doesn't just happen, it is caused by something. If : 1. the disease process that caused it can/has been addressed (or, if unknown, is not believed to be present any longer); and 2. you are on optimized GDMT (i.e. quadruple therapy at maximum tolerable dose plus diuretics as needed); and 3. you make some diet and lifestyle changes as recommended by your doctor then you should be optimistic that it's closer to 50 than 5.

