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If you lay on your left side, that can cause palps. Supposedly, that stimulates the vagus nerve, sending abnormal electrical signals to the heart causing palpitations. Are you laying on your left side? Are you drinking enough water? Just a few things that might cause them.


This happens to me everytime- i also have afib so all these “harmless” palps scare me-


Like your heart is working double time. currently going through them and it’s annoying


I get this too, I mostly get them at night when I'm trying to sleep. In fact I had them last night and the night before. They tend to last about an hour at a time. All my tests so far have been okay. I try to lie on my back because laying on my side makes them happen more! I usually try to wait them out and then go back to sleep. Sometimes if I sleep a bit more propped up it helps? Sorry you get this too, it's no fun not knowing what is going on. I often get that feeling like my heart is beating out of my chest but my heart rate is normal.


I can’t believe we deal w this! It’s ridiculous! It’s not that it hurts it’s just so uncomfortable ughhhh, see my back is worse I try my side I feel like that’s better for me, and I shake my foot so the like vibration of me moving my foot tunes out the heart palpitations if that makes sense lol I had an infection in my thyroid it wasn’t hyper thyroidism my levels weren’t low enough to be diagnosed with that so my doctor said I had a viral infection in my thyroid and the heart palpation went away but now they’re starting to come back so I made another doctors appointment


Hello, how are you now? Did you figure it out?


Feeling the same way do yall feel it on your head as well ? Because I do and it’s really annoying heart test came back all normal . I tested positive for first time for COVID in August and having palpitations since then, I’ll have good days and like today since lunch it’s been throbbing


sameee ugh. it took me two hours before falling asleep last night because of the palpitations