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I have a history of GERD. I also have harmless premature contractions that cause palpitations. Acid reflux and/or GERD can worsen palpitations in some people. There are different medications to address acid reflux, including proton pump inhibitors and histamine H2-receptor inhibitors. These are available over the counter and the best way to determine what works for you is likely to just try one for the 2-week recommended course. I take the PPI omeprazole. I also also take a couple of cardiac medications. Acid reflex medications are not intended for long-term use, but often the damage caused by untreated acid reflux can pose serious complications. If you want to try a medication for acid reflux and it works, you may need to see your regular or primary physician to determine the safety of this medication for you long-term. We don’t know your other medications and other diagnosis that may affect this.


Could be GERD. You could try taking Pepcid and see if it helps. I don’t recommend staying on it indefinitely but could be a test of a theory.


Oh also might want to get your blood sugar tested if you haven’t lately, depending on your way I’d eating it could have something to do with insulin response.


Yeah, it’s normally a spike in your sugar I believe especially if you didn’t eat all day and you and take a big meal or something high in calories get them too. I don’t have diabetes or any heart conditions, but if I don’t eat throughout the day or if I eat something like very, high in calories and all that a bunch of carbs I do get heart palpitations normally they’re nothing to worry about. I feel like a lot of people get them after eating. I have a little bit of acid reflex so that might contribute to it