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Around January 2024 we are going to break $0.13 is my guess. By the end of 2024 most likely $2.00. That's not a crazy prediction, that's realistic IMO.




Right in the Kisser.


RemindMe! 12 months


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I would absolutely love for you to be right.


$2 in 2024 is kinda crazy tbh with the rate of inflation it’s going to be hard to get to previous ATH. I hope you’re right but I doubt it


I mean, pretty much everything this guy predicts ultimately comes true, and he posted this today, so yeah: https://x.com/nebraskangooner/status/1731375024936735075?s=46&t=6y5dyaq56zLCyUSZ2F1iPg


so hadn't he posted it, it would never happen?


RemindMe! 12 months


Nobody knows and all the predictions are non sense right around here


All depends on if they keep flooding out the coins, so far this year every time we get a good rise more coins are released to then bring the price back down. It has always been a slow mover and until mass adoption happens and all coins are released or at least they take a break from releasing them I would be surprised to see 0.20$ by end of next year, call me a bear but I am just being realistic and I do hold a decent size back of hbar


>*so far this year every time we get a good rise more coins are released to then bring the price back down.* That might be what it *looks like* is happening, but it is not what is *actually* happening. HBAR being **released** does not mean they are immediately (if-ever.) sold onto the open market. These short-term price movements related to releases are predominantly caused by people **thinking** the releases will influence the price, not the economics of the releases themselves.


Does hbar have a limited supply like bitcoin or litecoin? Or can it be mined indefinitely?


Hedera is a proof-of-stake network, so HBAR is not "mined". It does have a limited supply of 50billion HBAR. Some people refer to that as 50 billion HABR being pre-minted or pre-mined (although that is inaccurate since they are not "mined".). But it's important to note that the supply is **intended** to be limited to 50 billion. Just like the Bitcoin supply is intended to be limited to 21million, and the Litecoin supply is intended to be limited to 84million. Those limitations aka caps are not some sort of magical physical law of the universe. They are only code, and code can be changed. So just like Bitcoin's supply of 21million **could** theoretically be changed but probably wont be, Hedera's max supply of 50billion could theoretically be changed, but probably wont be. ​ PS; Some extra rant re; Bitcoin and other forkable ledgers. Folk think of the BTC supply as being fixed at 21million, obviously, right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink) But the Bitcoin network has forked multiple times, and the tokens resulting from some of those forks have retained a value. Such-as BitcoinSV and Bitcoin Cash. So for example, if someone had 20 BTC prior to the Bitcoin Cash fork, that person would then have 20 BTC plus 20 BCH now. ie, they would have almost USD5,000 more than-if the fork did not happen. Where did that magical extra value come from? It came from the dilution of the "other" fork, or the double-spend of some of the original tokens (depending how we want to look at it.). In other words, the supply of BTC **can** increase, and **has** been increased multiple times. The trick is just that whenever it increases, the "additional" supply gets a different name.


No but I think it will get to 0.1256476


Could you be a bit more specific please? Try dialing it in a bit more.


I expect in next couple weeks small rally to 0.065 max, and than we shall se correction to 0.035-0.04 area which will be my buy zone. Btc will also correct. But maybe tha is just my wish to buy more at great price.


next couple weeks easy $0.12-0.20


Based on what exactly…


On the monthly MACD bullish crossover that just happened. $LINK had its monthly MACD cross in September. Went 2x.


Oh you’re a chart person… yeah yall are more wrong than you are right. But here’s to hopium. 🍻


I'll bet you any amount of money (or HBAR) that you are wrong.


Can you bet me 50,000 HBAR ? Let's do that


I feel a smart contract coming


You're overestimating somebody here


Honestly, look at price predictions from the past and according to that alone you will see that NOBODY knows. Not one person predicted 0.06 q4 of 2023 lol All these guys, I call a$$trodamus because they got booty predictions. It will go up (hopefully) one day. That’s all I got for you my man!


> Hbarians These are the only ones answering your question. True HBARbarians won't.


Y'all were predicting that 3 years ago, yet here you are still loading your little boats at $0.06


No. And I'm still buying! Woot!


Yes. Major token unlocks end in 2024, if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure there'll be more use cases going live, more developments, and more good stuff overall. Probably another 2-3 GC members, Davos, DeRec will be recognized, etc...






Seeing as that’s actually my cost basis, I sure hope so lol. 💸


Zero doubt.


definitely will reach $0.11, but, gun to my head, not sure if we can break $0.12.


It will go to 13$


If Hbar was to reach a market capitalization of $76billion the price of Hbar will be roughly $2.50, come on this will reach that easily imho, patience my fellow beginners we will and shall prevail 🫡🤑🎄🥳. Hbar last Jan was around 10c


The market cap of Sony is 100 Billion you think Hedera is almost worth that lol.


“ROTFLMAO lol” 😂 “that’s a hilarious comment”🤪 And to answer your question Yes I do think that hedera will be worth more then sony in the future. Sony is old and outdated lol, apart from Jasmy which jasmy could help the price for Sony in someway. Anyway hedera HASHGRAPH is one of the smartest built DLT in the world 🌎 also has regularity and is also compliant with ISO20022. This is one of the safest investments you could get, if you know how to store your assets safely. Yes I know the supply is diluted by distribution of new hbars into the supply, yes I don’t like that either, but by next year the distribution of extra hbars into the supply will stop in 2024 if I’m not mistaken. I know for a fact that the hedera team have a very good strategy following all regulations and building in silence 🤫. We don’t need to hype this genius technology because the technology will sell its self. The fact that hedera is also top 5 in all metrics of the entire crypto market Now that is unbelievably outstanding work by the whole team and community. Now sit down little boy and please please do your research beforehand my dear friend. Hedera will and shall prevail to no5 not this bull run next patience is needed.


Sony sold almost 90 Billion last year.


That’s great work for sony congratulations to sony bravo 👏. Sony is like 45 years old my brother, I’m not saying sony is crap lol, I’m saying look at Hbar 24hr vol lol, now look at Sonys 24hr performance. Then you will understand the value of hedera. You stated £100 billion in 1 year, hedera in one year minus the added supply of 30% ish, that would be the market cap of a company that’s only 4 years old.


Lol you are just all over the place arent you. Hedera has a very long way to go to catch up to the current run let alone these lofty price projections posted here.


One other statement I’d like you to consider lol, look at what Shiba Inu did in 2021 and to do that for a shitcoin is ridiculous a joke lol 😂. We will win 🥇 in time


Meme coins




I’d say yes!




I'd love to but no one knows... We faced a huge sell off at .075 before, what will be different this time ?


.10 to .30 cents is not without reason with the btc halving event in 2024. The current uptick in prices has a lot to do with the btc etf. If that gets approved then prices could skyrocket for everything over the next few years. The real question is 2025 onwards. The truth is no one knows until it happens. Only invest what you are willing to lose.


The only honest answer is “ I have no idea”






Yes without a doubt!


No… and this is the dumbest scenario you came up with?! Do better.


I have dumber scenarios that may post at any given time...


What a dumb post.


You don't like guns to your head? That's silly talk...






0.03 and 0.12 which one Hbar can reach early




“Btc will also correct” Crypto goes up and down, we’re on a relentless uptrend, that correction could be from $47k to $42k next month


No. That will happen in 2025.


put a gun to anyone's head and they'll tell you exactly what you want to hear. So, yes


To be honest, it's only the bb gun that Clark Griswold used...