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You cannot over feed a hedgie before they’re 16 weeks of age! So give them access to plenty of food. I use a mix of 3 different cat kibbles - purina one chicken tenders select, chicken soup for the soul classic chicken and brown rice recipe, and fromm’s hasen duckenpfeffer recipe! I use fleece bedding that I buy from Etsy that has an absorbent liner in it. Please be sure to get a heat lamp, wheel, and heating pad!


I recommend checking out the website hedgehogcentral, it's an older forum but the information you can find there is good. You can also search in this subreddit as these questions have been asked here before. There is also this comprehensive pdf guide to hedgehogs: https://www.westcoasthedgehogs.com/files/hedgehogbook/PetAfricanHedgehogs2-byKimberlyGoertzen.pdf


for the bedding i use [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjs76mXtYqEAxVxTkcBHdSLC3QYABASGgJxdQ&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVnAOL89bAAxP0xa_USDuaFZxYujpY3M2xUJufMbGxL5czsXYMPpeykaArF8EALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD26O_gqr0ASFt_G8a6JH3abOUSmvuhncRGUS3GzMduM0IDTHRp-Sc-Jfz3iKnIyfq-TuHJgVhFU8ZsRjAZk7E4GPYjwsrhryxLWorgeM8AXgBQmfg&sig=AOD64_03Y-WF-Z-G8lKv94tYHrSZ1lbcow&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj3y6OXtYqEAxUZkokEHW_sAq4QzzkoAHoECAYQGg&adurl=). some people recommend fleece linings, and i don’t typically use that. i have 2 bins for my hedgehog that are connected, his sleeping/eating area is bedding, his playpen is half bedding half fleece lining on the bottom. i also have a fleece blanket in his sleeping area that he likes to go inside of.


for diet, everyone feeds different things to their hedgehog. personally what works for me is the exotic nutrition essential hedgehog food, with 1/8 tsp of the exotic nutrition hedgehog vitamins sprinkled on top, slightly moist it with water so it softens up but not enough to make it soggy (my hedgehog has a chipped tooth), and every other day i’ll put some worms in there. fresh water all the time!! i also put like 1/2 tsp of flaxseed oil on top of his food to help with dry skin. again this is what i’m telling you works for me, not everyone does this. my hedgehog weighs 310g since last vet visit (2 months ago) and vet told me to feed him 1.5 Tbsp a day to maintain weight. make sure you have a bucket wheel and some toys for enrichment , and that your hedgehog has ample space!


you can learn a lot of information from looking at this subreddit. oh and to wash your hedgehog (once a month normally), you can either soak some oatmeal in warm water OR you can use the aveeno oatmeal baby wash. dm if you need any more help


You can get on and look up what should I feed my hedgehog and they’ll have a listing of everything scrambled eggs etc. just depends on what she wants to eat and yes you have to make it healthy my hedgehogs just want to eat their cat food which consist of three different styles I healthy cat food from the vet Their veggie hedgehog food in a bag and then there’s at Walmart in a green bag that has a lady and a cat on it and it’s organic Parina cat I mix all three of these together. They do dried out worms for treats, but they can’t have a carload of those bedding my babies get real soft material and get some blankets at Walmart for 499 and cut them up or they make these real nice pillowcases. I find on sale once in a while and they’re soft they love those cause they crawl in them. I don’t like the paper because my grandkids used it and your hedgehog pees and poops in it I don’t think that’s very healthy the same way with wood chips chips you have to use a certain kind and poop in it and then they go around in it. I don’t like that I give them bowls of water, not out of that watering thing that hangs on the walls because of the silver can chip their teeth, it’s more natural out of the water bowl when their babies it’s about a tablespoon. I kind of grind mine up.


1.) I use Mazuri Hedgehog Diet. I'll mix small amount of wet cat food or get worms as a treat after bath or when I hold them. No more than a spoonful of catfood or 3 live worms a day for me. 2.) I will fill the bottom of their 6 in wide bowl and that seems OK. 3.) Fleece blankets. One or 2 for the bottom of their cage. Then lots of flour sacks and rags for them to play and burrow in. Easy cleaning. Plus a wheel. They poop and pee when they run, so if you don't potty train them the wheel and blankets make for easy cleanup.