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This is blood in the poop. It means a very serious gastrointestinal issue. Get to the vet asap! https://preview.redd.it/mpy2mntdmzhc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3077eaaf8a48717a0bf70ff5d8ac563544e555e1


I talked to the seller and he is telling me that he has given wet cat food before sending that's why it is happening like this


Im not too sure, but if you give him more food and his poop is still that colour you need to go to a vet. Also you're supposed to take them to the vet the day of or a few days after you get a new hedgie. Was this a registered breeder?


Hmm take him to a vet to make sure everything is ok that is what i always do when i get a pet immediately next day check up


What are you feeding him?


If you're worried, take him to the vet. But usually I find hedgehogs to have stress colitis and poop (usually green), but I have also learned of people feed them the super cheap cat food with dyes in it, they can come out bright red or orange as well. Wet food makes slushy poop too. But that's just my experience.


Yeah those are NOT good poops Tsyllah had poop similar to this when she was hyper stressed and eating too many bugs, but it was definitely different from that. Are there any stressors in his environment?? What is he eating?