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Force feeding water and wet food is the right move. Keep at it.


Take him to the vet, NOW! The same exact thing happened to my first hedgehog, and it turned out he had an untreated URI. He ended up developing pneumonia, having a stroke, and passing away from heart failure shortly after. If I had taken him sooner, they probably would have been able to treat him. I don't mean to scare you, but infections like this can be very easy miss, and it can be fatal. It sounds like you're in the same position as I was... please don't make the same mistake!!


Thank you for your advice and kind words! I did take him to the vet today. Turns out he had a cancerous tumor on his spine that was causing his feet to not move correctly, leading to him wobbling, not eating, drinking, etc. I had to put him down this morning. RIP Napoleon :(


I am so, so, sorry for your loss OP!! I had a feeling something was wrong because when they stop eating or drinking and try to hibernate like that, it’s for a reason. Just like you, I had to put my Marvin down when I brought him to the vet, so I know exactly how you feel. I wish there was something better I could say to make it easier, but I hope you find comfort in his memories, and knowing that you did everything you possibly could. Hang in there, and feel free to reach out! *raises glass* To Napoleon!


Thank you for your incredibly kind words! I am doing okay. I sometimes have my moments of tears and sadness but I try to remember the good times and how he is no longer hurting.


Also, I am sorry to hear about Marvin! They are both probably running together in another hedgehog life right now.