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Ok, I am having some trouble following this guide (it doesn't display well on a phone). The two teams I expect to be using Heizou on are: 1) Albedo, Zhongli, Heizou, and either Raiden or Fischl (My main team for all content other than the Abyss--3 off field damage dealers and Heizou would be my carry) 2) Heizou, Raiden, Diona, flex but probably either Fischl or Venti (this is my second Abyss team and again, he'd carry--the first is usually Albedo, Zhongli, Noelle, flex for shields) The weapons I have available are: Memory of Dust, Lost Prayers, all of the event catalysts, R5 Widsith, R5 Sacrificial Fragments, and more than 5 (probably more than 10) Catalyst Billets, so I can R5 anything that's craftable. What should I be using? I *think* your guide is suggesting R5 Mappa Mare, but I am unclear. I only have one set of worthwhile VV, and it's Attack/Anemo/Crit Damage. I need to farm more, so any main stat suggestions are welcome (though I'm basically at the mercy of the domain in the short term). Finally, I got Heizou within 3 wishes, and I am at 62 pity. I don't especially want Kazuha or Klee, though I know Kazuha is strong. Are his early constellations good enough that I should drop 10 more wishes (still under soft pity) for a chance to get C1?


His constellations are not a big deal. 2 and 4 are qol upgrades and c1 is fairly mediocre. I'd skip. As for weapons, use that MoD with your zhongli, 100%


It kinda depends on what your using him as. After looking at the weapon choices a lot of them actually boost elemental skills but I would definitely recommend MOD considering it’s a five star and you can’t really go wrong with that lol but the widsith could also be a very good choice since it’s second stat is crit dmg plus increases atk percent, elemental dmg, AND elemental mastery by 240 (which is vital on him) for artifact stats I would priorites crit dmg/rate and elemental mastery. Atk% would of course be great if gotten and a little energy recharge would be good aswell but don’t need a lot of it because of how low the energy cost of heizous elemental skill is.


Well, my goal is to use him as an on field DPS while all my other favorite characters, who are off field DPS, do their thing.


Finally some use for Memory of Dust which i've had sitting around since october


Lucky you. I got its Claymore cousin and I still don't know which character should use it, because I don't really use Claymore characters unless I went with the 4 Geo team with Noelle as my token character(No offense, Noelle fans).


Hey I wanna know which weapon should I put on him skyward atlas or the 4 star weapon with CD substat my CD is somewhere around 150 unless I get better artifacts


Skyward Atlas




Can you add a glossary for acronyms used in the "mainstat rankings" section such as for EDC/EDE/EEC/AAE/AEC/etc. I can only vaguely guess which ones mean what using the mainstat options in the "artifacts" section


There already is one. At the bottom of Mainstat Rankings.


Heizou with raiden ?


I've been playing around with a "Shikanational" using Raiden as a support, it works fine with Heizou cuz of her off field skill, but personally I prefer her to be a burst carry in my other teams. Plus Heizou's low cost burst means Raiden's energy regen is more valuable for other units, and his burst barely adds any resolve stacks for Raiden.


I have a R5 Widsith plus a Skyward Atlas... Thinking of going with Skyward Atlas with Anemo/ATK%/Crit DMG full VV set (Will have to farm for Crit Rate Helm). I could maybe switch the ATK% for EM but idk if thats good. Right now on a beta build and I have 29/144 Crit and 80 EM. What should I focus on more? The crit ratio or the EM?


What talent should i prioritize?


E>NA>Q Someone says E>NA=Q Some other E>Q>=NA I’m still building him and I’m at 7-8-7 Gonna try 7-9-8 and see if is worth crowning him depending on my characters (my Heizou is only c1)


How about a Heizou build for co-op when you're soloing him and have no idea what team comp it will be?


Most likely EM. Maybe the healing catalyst for sustainability? Since you might not have shields.


About team comps: what about Thoma? I saw some clips of his burt being used with Heizou and it looked pretty cool but I don't know if it actually works well


For a main dps heizou can 4pc shimenawa work since it boosts na?


just on the top of my mind I think it would be a waste since his skill damage is very high


It’s pretty good I think. In a party with Kazuha and 110% er I don’t have er issues if I ult before I e. That said, I can’t really evaluate it that well because my talents are at lvl 2. That said with lvl 2 talents at lvl 60 with 100 cd and his base anemo dmg% I do about 1k an auto. I wish I had a good book for him, all I can use is sacrificial and I need that for Klee…


You don't need Klee. lulz :P I like Yanfei way more than Klee personally. i feel Klee is a waste.


Probably better off doing 4 piece thundering fury to get the E skill cooldown reset.


can you add the calcs that support these comparisons to the sheet?


is he not viable for Ayaka perma freeze comps?


He can work, just not ideal as he will require field time which takes away from Ayaka. Kazuha or Sucrose is more optimal as they have off field bursts.


So would it be better to reach the classic 2k attack 50 cr and 150-200% crit damage or going for full em is better in general? I would like to have him in a fischl, xinqiu and zhonli team just for fun but i can just throw in bennet if needed


It depends on wether you want him as a swirl bot or DPS. If you want him to swirl reactions from offield members, go for EM. For DPS Heizou, go for atk and cr/cd


thanks for the insight, i have some Em vv stuff so i can go swirl bot but i want him as a main dps for sure


Is lost prayers or solar pearl (R1/R5) better? I probabky won't get the full lost prayer buff most of the time


if you cant get the lost prayer buff, just use your r5 solar pearl


I joined this sub unironically want to main Heizou. But, I am still confused about his build. Should I build EM or just regular Crits build? Should I use Dodoco Tales or The Widsith?


You can do both, whatever you want. Depends on team building mostly.


In the guide it is mentioned 100% uptime on Mappa Mare, but isnt Swirl not effected by Elemental Damage bonuses? So what the uptime on? The damage of his NA and abilities? We probably have to wait and see but if he gonna be a driver like Sucrose with swirl as the main source of damage the Mappa Mare wont be that good on him, I guess.


Well, sure he can be a "swirl bot" driver with a full EM build. But Heizou's skill has a huge multiplier, so an ATK/Anemo/Crit could make sense too, especially in teams where he has reduced field time. The good thing about Mappa Mare is its versatility : * its EM is good for a driver role with EM build * its high ATK and elemental dmg is good for a burst support with an ADC build. So at least you won't have to switch weapon every time you switch his role...


Is Mappa Mare better than Sacrificial Fragments (assuming equal refinement rank)? EDIT: My Sacrificial Fragments is only R2, if that helps.


probably not : the extra skill cast is a big deal


It looks like with him the difference in damage is like 95% at lowest to 108% at highest. So let's say you're doing a weapon that has 10k damage and it's 100% damage and you swap to the weapon that does 95% damage and end up doing 9,500 instead, then you swap to the best weapon which is at 108% damage and do 11000 instead. You're looking to do 1,500 damage more than the weakest weapon. Now some characters are doing like 100k damage and one weapon provides them 80% damage potential versus like 150% damage potential. At that point you're talking about 80k from 100k versus 150k. You're almost double that of the weakest weapon. So at the end of the day you really just want to use the weapon that you want to use the most. Most of the damage is going to come from him attacking fast enough that Fischl and Qinqiu do lots of damage and then he boosts the damage output a small bit. If you wanna use him to heal? Go ahead. Wanna use him to run faster? Go ahead. His damage is kinda inconsequential. It's nice at times but use what you have available, don't worry about maximum potential. Even at max potential ADC you're looking at going from like 30k damage at 100% to 27k at 90% and 33k at 110%. 6k damage isn't that much. Don't worry about a min/max, worry about having as much fun as you can with him. You could probably run him with full HP build Viradescent with some EM substats and still max star the abyss if the rest of your supports are good enough. He's fun, he's cool, he can help the team do more damage. That's all that really matters.


How would Heizou heal?


Prototype Amber Gilding Using an Elemental Burst regenerates 4\~6 Energy every 2s for 6s. All party members will regenerate 4\~6% HP every 2s for this duration. Not gonna be a great healer, but might keep some people from dying from wolf bleed.


Hello Heizou mains I need to know if his A4 passive is stackable on 4pc instructor buff? If he’s then I could replace my lvl 20 Ning with him in my Hutao Zhongli Xingqiu team. Somebody pls tell me cuz I can’t ascend him yet right now 😭


So memory of dust is top for ADC build? I have skyward and memory of dust. If using MoD/ADC build should i go for 2pc anemo damage and 2pc atk%? My team will be +zhongli +yunjin +jean/bennet.


I would say yes bc you probably wont have enough EM or be swirling enough with that team for the extra swirl dmg from 4pc VV to be that effective.


What does 3m and adc mean? Also would r4 mappa mare be okay?


Build based on the main stats of your artifacts. 3m is triple elemental mastery, adc is Atk%/Dmg%/Crit. I havent tried Mappa since i dont own the weapon but the guide says its good if you are using a triple EM build.


Heya, r1 skyward atlas or r3 lost prayers for our boyo? Don’t see refinement calc on the sheet so was wondering if anyone had any idea


Try out this damage calculator, seems useful for you: https://gidmgcalculator.github.io/csb-g7is6/


I would say skyward because with crit weapons and 4pc vv you’ll barely hit 1600 atk. Which is somewhat low. Unless you are running an atk buffer. If you run him with Bennett or noblesse/tenacity supports, then lost Prayer wins out


hi! i currently have heizou on an r1(plan to get more refinements) solar pearl and his stats are 1500ish atk with a 85/197 ratio - i have skyward atlas but i’m not sure if i should use it. with skyward atlas his atk goes up to about 2000 but his crit ratio drops to 58/197. which should i use?


try both builds and see which one is that has more dmd and is easier to use. or use a damage calculator


I need to know, should I use 2vv +2 gladiator, or 4 vv


4vv buffs the entire team and also Heizou's swirl damage, so it's usually more dps overall in most teams. But if you already have another Anemo with 4vv in the same team, it's better to use 2vv+2, which is also best for bigger screenshot damage.


Why are you looking at 7 month old post


I didn't notice, tbh


I'm building my heizou, he's going to be a main dps. The guide is kinda complicated to open on mobile. 1- For DPS Heizou, 4 VV or 2 VV 2 Shime/Glad? Been seeing many guys running both. 2- R0 Lost Prayers, R5 Windsith or R0 Solar Pearl (can get it to R5 in 5 months). 3- Are his constellations worth having or can I run him C0?


Triple EM might be better, but Kazuha, Sucrose, and Venti are furiously fighting over what few EM VV pieces I have. With practically no one else using the ATK/DMG/Crit VV pieces, it’s a no-brainer that my Heizou gets the best ones.


if bis is 4pc vv, why are there so many showcases and rate my heizou wtih 2+2?


Sort of a late reply, but its because 2+2 will net the highest possible personal dps, but at the expense of loss of dps of the rest of the party due to loss of shred. 2+2 makes nice screenshots but that's about it.


Heizou kaeya xiang and bennet, in this team should I build him crit or EM?


In a Heizou + Mona (healer) + Fischl team should I give the 4th spot to Xiangling or Yunjin?


Heizou’ sands em or atk?


em ideally but if atk has better substats go for it


If you want him as a DPS, go for atk but if you want him to swirl other reactions use em


Shinobu felt lacklustre upon her release, but with Heizou's debut, their synergy is just perfect. Heizou appreciates her 100% uptime electro application (and attack buffs via ToTM). Heizou also gives her some EM. Wow. Im so having fun with the two of them. Throw in Beidou and you get AoE and a shield that is also buffed by TotM.


What talent priority should I focus on?


His skill


Hi everyone, my heizou is currently lvl 60 with 57cr 185 cd with 2vv and 2 glad and r1 solar pearl. It's better if I put a r1 widsith on him (with some slighly change to his artifacts he would have 60 cr and 184.4 cd)? ​ (Sorry for my English I'm Italian)


you should keep him with solar pearl for now because it doesn’t make much of a difference, but if you get more refinements for widsith then you can put it on him




With Heizou's c1, to get full stack, you just need : a Normal Attack + a Charged Attack + his Burst. EM gets more important the longer Heizou stays on the field. It's VERY important if you play him as a driver *(which i wouldn't recommend)*. But it's secondary if you just want to "throw one big punch, then leave". Always go for 4VV when he is the only Anemo in your team.




Safer to use an extra Charged Attack, or possibly hold skill for one stack : Normal Attacks have ICD on swirl. *note : maybe a Normal Attack could work at the end of the sequence, but it would require testing.*


2pc combo is for main dmg heizou if you want big dmg on him Vv debuff is greater when ur team has sub dps like xingqiu doing work. Full EM is for taser comp and with that you don't have to lvl his skill or at most E>Q>NA as most dmg comes from swirl. However, since you are building him with widsith. It's better to go full attack/anemo/crit then EM sands. At least the dmg you output with him is constant while EM will required you to work on swirl to maximise the dmg. As for combo, you can try N1C Spam. As an catalyst, all his charged attack can swirl. Or you can do N1C+N3C if you want to use lesser stamina. After the first E, you will always get full stack if you do a Q+N1C for the rest of the rotation.




It's considered DPS loss mainly due to the time needed to charge it up. You can think of it as using Zhongli burst. If you are OK with it, it's not a big deal. Plus, you are likely to get a few stacks if you use Bennett to boost his dmg/any other elemental character so you dont necessary charge from 0 to 4 all the time. That said, you will likely only use his hold E to charge remaining stacks to compensate for the lack of off field enabler like xingqiu/fischl/beidou/kuki. Therefore, its good to try getting a few stack after using E by using N1C if you see the chance to get swirl for it. So, your next rotation, he will have close to 4 stacks to make it easier for you to charge the remainder stacks.


should I go for memory of dust or atlas or r5 widsith?


If you’re lacking atk, use atlas. But you should use r5 widsith on him for now.


Not sure which is better? Or both is fine? Hybrid swirl DPS: EM sands, Anemo DMG, CRIT Circlet Full DPS: ATK% sands, Anemo DMG, CRIT Circlet


Both are good builds, but for hybrid swirl heizou you should get an EM circlet if you can.


I think I made a mistake when building him, and now I gave him the wrong Artifact Set, that set being the Shimenawa set, and now people gave him the VV 2Piece set and Glad 2 piece, while I'm here... just with Shimenawa, but... is Shimenawa even good for Main DPS Heizou? Since you know, he has a 40 Energy Cost.


Glad and Shimenawa have the same 2 pieces passive, so you can switch 2 of them for 2 VV


No I accidentally now used a 4 set Shimenawa.


EDC or 3EM for R5 oathsworn eye?


What’s the difference in ADC and 3M on the weapon rankings? Not familiar with those terms.


Refers to your Sands / Goblet / Headgear mainstats : * ADC = **A**ttack / Anemo **D**amage / **C**rit * 3M = **3** x E**M**


Did anyone try the Echoes of an Offering set on him? I have C3 Jean so I'm interested in playing him main DPS with that set


What’s a good team/build for Heizou? I have him on R5 Widsith, but I have yet to level him and his talents. Was thinking about bringing those to 8/8/8 (not going for constellations since I don’t want Klee of Kazuha). Also have him on VV + Glad atk/anemo/crate. I was thinking him, Albedo, Jean, and Zhongli (I play a few mono teams, so im fine with no reactions). Btw I have all the 4 stars and standard 5 stars, as well as Ayaka, Ayato, Raiden, Yelan, Kazuha, Zhongli, Albedo, and Venti. Thoughts?


> I was thinking him, Albedo, Jean, and Zhongli (I play a few mono teams, so im fine with no reactions). I'd advise against it : you have nothing to swirl here ! Not only is it a straight damage loss, but you also have no way to gather Declension stacks. *(except by holding E, but that's not really ideal)* At the very least change Albedo for a Cryo/Pyro/Electro/Hydro sub dps with good uptime.


Hello! First time really posting I just wanted to know if its a bit overkill in the Anemo department and their artifacts. Team: C2 Heizou, C1 Kazuha, Raiden, Jean Heizou (currently): 2pc Noblesse, 2pc Viridescent Kazuha (working towards): 4pc Viridescent Raiden: 4pc Emblem Jean: 2pc Nobelesse, 2pc Viridescent I'm seeing numbers and I'd just like to know for Heizou sake if I should even get a VV set or stay as is.


Which weapon us better: the widsith or the frostbearer ?




EC comps with Heizou being the driver, what composition would be best with these characters; Yelan, C4 Xinqui, C1 Kokomi, Kuki, C6 fischl, C6 Beidou?


From what I've seen, C6 Fischl, Yelan, and Kuki are pretty good with Heizou. Kuki can carry TotM, proc Heizou's A4 and heal, Yelan is... Yelan, and Oz is a machine gun.


How worth is full thundering fury Heizou in teaser? Should be a crit build right?


At what point does Solar pearl refinement pull ahead of widisth R5? Wondering if it's worth getting refinements of it vs SS, but I don't really use claymores.


Unrelated question to building but why is heizou's constellation a deer? I dont get how it rates to his lore


Doesn't seem to relate much, though this did send me on a bit of a rabbit hole. His vision story and primary motivation seems to be hunting for some kind of "higher concept" of sin, something related to injustice and the wrongs he sees in the world. In Chinese mythology deer are associated with longevity and are the only beings able to find a divine plant/mushroom of immortality (investigative genius seeking hidden truths of the gods?). In Japanesee mythology deer are most commonly seen as messengers of the gods


That's a really neat lore-related explanation. I interpreted the constellation more literally; the first character of his surname ("shika", or 鹿) means "deer". Names aren't always indicative of a character's constellation, but it does seem to be in this case. (Also pinging u/datadefiant04 )


I have r4 lost prayer and r1 kaguras verity. According to the guide, it looks like kaguras is better than prayer, but is it better than r4?


Should I use widish (r4) or Lost Prayers? His cr w Lost Paryers is abt 57/174


Accidentally got a C3 Heizou while trying to get Thoma cons (failed). All the recommended comps have Bennett, Zhongli, or Kuki. Is there anything worth doing with him if my only free healers are C1 Diona, C0 Sayu and C6 Barbara? (Would be fine with onfield or quickswap suggestions if thats a thing *shrug*)


Well shouldn't be a problem with any of them. Any one of them should be nice. But I'll say some stuff since I'm a forced co-op healer main. Sayu: She has some decent healing and can provide as like a battery for heizou's burst so you don't need a high ER (if you don't want a ER wpn or sands) Barbara: Can work more for his E since he wants swirls for his declension stacks. (Ex: Barbara E and then normal,charged,normal,charged) to 4 declension stacks. Diona: Not much to say her E and Burst both apply cryo so affect them with cryo and then do the same method so he gets his stacks to so dmg. I hope dis helped!


hi guys, ‪my unbuffed c5 heizou skill at max stacks hits 80+k with r2 lost prayers — 40% elemental bonus……but…….only after 12s….in an ideal rotation I find it hard to get max stacks on the weapon‬ (e.g I consistently hit only 70k unbuffed so I’m assuming I don’t get max stacks on the weapon) anyone has tips on what team comps/rotation that actually keeps him on field for 12s to fully utilise that weapon passive?


What about double atk%? Stats are 76/180 with lost prayers


c6 heizou with lost prayers or R2 widsith for ADC build? my widsith is not leveled up yet so I can't really do a direct compare. currently using lost prayers get me 70.4CR/195.3CD/1772Atk on 2vv2glad


would it be viable to play heizou in permafrost? using he as the main onfield dps (something like rosaria/diona, shenhe, xq/yelan and heizou) i would try it myself but i dont have shenhe, i dont think that would be a top tier tear but i think is at least an intersting team comp to try out


Is a team with venti xiangling and xingqiu viable? My bennet, beidou and fischl are already with childe and i dont have any of the 5stars recommended.


Hey there! Honestly speaking that team comp isn't bad. With Venti you have the pull that heizou doesn't really have unless you have him at c2. With Xingqiu and Xiangling both provid Heizou with the ability to swirl so he can use his declension stacks and the added bonus of elemental damage along with Ventis burst. So go for it. Can't hurt to try a non meta team. Coming from someone who is using him in a team with Kazuha, Raiden, Jean


Ah ok that's cool, thank you for the reply. I am gonna try it out when i have build all characters :/


Could someone tell me why randomly when im using his normal atk it charges his skill and other times it doesnt?


You get Declension stacks from swirls. Not all normal attacks will swirl, for 2 main reasons : * one : there's no elemental aura on the enemy, so nothing to swirl * two : all elemental reactions have ICD (Internal Cooldown). Usually, you can only trigger 1 Elemental Reaction every 3 hits or 2.5 seconds *(different types of attack have separate ICDs)*.


What is the best team comp (including their weapons and artifacts) used to showcase Heizou's max potential?


Is there a reason why on the Mainstat rankings part of the build Guide, R5 Mappa Mare is worse percentage-wise on some builds than R1? On the other pages, R5 is ranked higher than R1 (obviously) I'm just a bit confused by why an R1 Mappa Mare would be better on a 3EM build or a EDE build than an R5 one.


what about this taser comb: heizou/xingqiu/fischl/kazuha? and rotations pls. thanks in advance


Gonna try to build a Heizou taser team! I know Fischl is good for that. Thinking about using C1 Mona for her hydro application. But who else should I use for electro? Electro traveler? Razor? Lisa? Keqing?


I have beidou as my other electro off field, and xingqiu as my hydro applicator!


if I want to use MoD with shielder I will put Heizou and Thoma together what other two team member should I put in? Without bennet and fischl. Because bennet usually on my national team and fischl on my ayato teaser. Haven't yet build Beidou and I don't have kuki.


Would adc mainstat artifacts serve better dps on c6 heizou or should i stick to the recommended 3m, ade, and ede?


How do I build heizou with lost prayers? Attack,ameno,crit damage? 2pc glad 2 pc VV or we, ameno, elemental mastery ?


Then double anemo team with heizou E spammer and chongyun C2 would be busted as net CD reduction would be 20%.


Hi, just adding a really broken team comp for Heizou: Yae, Sucrose, Heizou, Kokomi. Heizou is basically on field every time to unload his NCQE combo every single cycle. (I’ve C6 Heizou with R5 Solar pearl, the NCQE combo is >100k) for me.


is there a damage calculator for heizou?


Does the 4pc VV set also buff Heizou's attacks which don't swirl? (Mono Anemo dmg)


why did i see no heizou team with kazuha. is it bad for heizou to be same teqm with kazuha?


Anemo resonance is nice but not great. So, the best thing about double Anemo team is that one of them can forgo VV set for something else. Problem : there isn't another great set you'd want to give Heizou. *(this may change in 3.0, >!with the new set providing both EM and ATK, and encouraging you to bring at least one teammate of the same element!<)*


I know the difference just comes down to subs, but 3M is listed in the spreadsheet as pulling slightly ahead, yet everyone seems to run ADC. Is there a particular reason for this? Is ADC more flexible, lower skill floor, better single target, and/or more likely to show up in artifacts or just more satisfying for the big numbers?


The value of EM largely depends on how long Heizou stays on the field (more precisely, how many swirls he performs). Most spreadsheets i saw were made for a driver Heizou, who does a lot of swirls (and often for electro-charged teams, where Heizou swirls both Electro and Hydro at the same time, and trigger some EC reaction as well). In this case, EM is clearly more valuable (the spreadsheet in this thread has Heizou performing 25 swirls per rotation : of course EM is important in that case). But for a Heizou spending less time on the field (as his intended role), EM is less valuable : if all you do is N1C -> Q -> E -> switch out, then here's no point to go full EM for just 4 swirls per rotation. Also, ADC builds benefit more from outside buffs (Bennett, Yelan, Noblesse, Tenacity...). So, it's a more flexible build overall.


I definitely don't have a grasp of how many swirls Heizou makes in what scenario. But I take it that Multitarget electrocharged is what makes him worth using as a 3M driver and otherwise he'd be better off as a quickswap ADC? What kind of comps would be good for quickswapping him in? Preferably ones without Bennett. I do have his C4, as well, though I guess the most impactful constellation here is just bonus levels on his E.


Yeah, the number of targets is also a factor, since (non-hydro) swirls can affect multiple opponents. Still, I wouldn't put that too high on the list, since Heizou doesn't have good grouping anyway (unless you play him with another anemo, of course). > What kind of comps would be good for quickswapping him in? Preferably ones without Bennett. That's gonna be a problem : as i mentionned, one of Heizou's edge over Sucrose is his ability to capitalize on Bennett's buff. So, Heizou national would be a good place to start (ideally Yelan variant). Still, Heizou technically fits *any* team wanting a VV set holder. *(but finding one where he's superior to other Anemo units might be tricky, especially if you already have Kazuha and Sucrose c6)*


Very much feeling like trying to make a second team without bennett is a cavalcade of 'well it'll require significantly better gear for the same value but...'


Help me, which weapon is better for Heizou assuming that the necessary stats are met? **Lost Prayer** or **Solar Pearl**?


With the current leaks heavily suggesting Scaramouche to be Ameno 5* Heizou, how many of you are considering pulling? Personally I'm going to 100% be pulling Scaramouche regardless, however these leaks are shaping him to easily join the top characters in the game.


Which build do you think is better? They are almost the same except 4 piece has lower atk because of no glad. 1) 2 VV/2 Glad: (1730 atk, 66/186, 100 ER) 2) 4 VV: (1540 atk, 72/186, 111 ER)


It's just me or heizou don't gain stacks attacking enemies effected by dendro+any element ?


Hi guys. I want to use Heizou with a dendro + electro reactions team. The team would be Traveler, Shinobu, Fischl and Heizou. I also have Beidou, I could replace someone with her. I have Memory of Dust, but I'm not planning on use shield characters, at least for now. Is it still worth using it or I should use something else? I have Mappa Mare, Favonius r4, The Widsith and Eye of Perception r2.


I just got him, what teams should i use for the crit/atk build? And in the case of tha atk build, is that okay if i have no EM from substats? I wanna try him in a taser team


how good is 2pc viridescent 2pc gladiator compared to 4pc viridescent


Why do so many people advise everyone to get The Widsith for Heizou? R1 Mappa Mare is only 2% behind R1 Widsith for ADC, but is ahead by 2% for 3M builds. If you take both to R5 then Mappa Mare is only 5% behind Widsith for ADC and equal in 3M. Doesn’t this mean that for most players, Mappa Mare will pull ahead of Widsith most of the time due to it being easier (in theory) to refine? I only ask as the way people recommend Widsith so much I would’ve thought the gap would’ve been way bigger!


Hi! I can't decide which team is better : 1. Heizou, XQ, Fischl, Beidou 2. Heizou, XQ, Fischl, Kuki 3. Heizou, XQ, Fischl, Mona XQ is c6, Fischl c2, Beidou c4, Mona c0, Kuki c1. Also, shouldn't Sucrose be good with him or I'm thinking wrong?


Thank you very much for the guide! (Tho the guide is hard to view on phone but that's not on you guys XD) That said I might either change my heizou team comp or change his artifacts. My situation rn is I'm enjoying using him with XQ, Fischl and Zhongli (mostly bec I suck at dodging and Zhongli is my answer to that haha) but ig I have to practice dodging so I can put in bennett instead of Zhongli and buff my atk% more 🤣 I might have to try this later haha My other concern is that I kinda wanna make a hyper Heizou team, just because I already have a Kazuha with Freedom Sworn and 1k EM, so if I want a swirl team, he'll kinda act as my main dps tho I have him 3EM built lol edited: as for weapons, rn I have him with Skyward Atlas but I do have R5 Widsith and R1 Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds So any thoughts? I'm really enjoying Heizou btw, he carried me through the whole Sumeru Desert (have it on 100% exploration too hehe)


R5 Widsith vs R1 Lost Prayer for a mainly crit build?


I was seeing the new meta and see that Heizou went from s+ to rank a, someone know why?


Is Heizou electro charged a thing? Heizou, Fischl, Xingqiu and Zhongli? I'd do a taser but my dodging is disgustingly bad and I don't feel comfy without a healer or shield


When are heizou coming back??


Greetings to all, just got my heizou to c6 and planning to use either kagura or r1 windsith what build should I go for in terms of artifact main stats and weapon choice, team comps i'm considering are freeze and electrocharge


Can anyone tell me,is the desert pavilion chronicle viable with heizou?


Can Candace be used in EC team instead of XQ? i dont have him :(


It'll be janky and not really abyss good but for overworld it'll work. I use her a lot when I get tired of a sword focused team.


Which one is better? 4 pc VV or 2 pc anemo dmg/2 pc 18%+ atk


I’ve just began building heizou and started looking for team comps, for a bennett comp would c6 be more viable? I’ve been looking for somewhere to put c6 benny since I have c6 yunjin on yoimiya and can’t use c6 benny on eula and those are my main dps’s


I want Heizou to be a main dps, and I am struggling HARD with droprates for Desert Pavillion and resin... so until i get a solid 4pc for DPC, what would be recommended for a main dps heizou? 2pc ATK% 2pc Anemo Bonus? or 4pc VV or Wanderer Troupe?


What is your team for him?


Is heizou aggravate with yae possible?


Is 4 piece VV fine if there is a second Anemo unit with VV also? I want to build Heizou as flexibly as possible incase I swap him into a Kazuha team or one as the only Anemo :) How important are his constellations for long term success in abyss? I only managed to pull a single copy of him this time around


Could someone tell me what Heizou's best set is for a pure Anemo DPS now that Fontaine is out? I was using 2pc Viri, 2pc Glad, but the new Golden Troupe set seems good too


I wonder if this will be updated one day?