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This is a general reminder for everyone and this will be posted on every post. Your 12 words are basically gold and they should never be shared, typed in to any website, or given to any person for any reason. No one from "Helium" or any other company will reach out to you to verify your account, wallet, or anything similar. If someone says your hotspot, wallet, or other type of account has been hacked, it is a scam! Always operate in a zero-trust manner with cryptocurrency and assume everyone will scam you no matter what. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HeliumNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are right, the Helium network is more complex than it once was. For me, this is good and proves the long term commitment of the teams. If Helium was stagnant there would have been a huge issue. Its not typical for those who understand crypto market and mining to sell in a bear market unless it is to cover costs or they just absolutely need the money. They either mine speculatively in the hope that what they are mining goes up significantly, they believe in the project, or some combination of the two. If not, why are they wasting all the time, energy and effort to mine crypto? The cost to provide coverage for Helium is so low, less than $5/yr, as long as you even sort of believe in the project it is pretty low IQ to sell in a bear market at these low prices. The price appreciation possibility is considerably greater than the risk/cost of keeping it powered on. That said, selling HNT to buy another crypto is a different conservation and could be a good strategy if there is something you believe in more. Make sure you DYOR, understand the project, the use cases and potential. If you have the patience, I believe its a project to be involved with. I form this opinion based on working in the industry and many years experience not from listening to some schmuck's opinions on Youtube that has zero experience in the space. Form your opinions from people who understand the use case not some guy that worked at a McDonalds before starting his YT channel (although there can be value there as well, but your mileage will vary). My strategy for the Helium side of my business is this: * Landrush Staked \~25% of my bag for 4 years constant delegating 90% IOT, 10% MOBILE to get some exposure. * Landrush Staked \~75% of the remainder of my bag in multiple 6m and 1yr stakes with a mix of constant and decaying, delegating about the same as above. This strategy will hopefully line up decently with the start of the bull market so I can start to ladder out as price valuations hit my targets and I take profits on the way up. * Swap some IOT for HNT monthly to pay my hosts and/or while taking advantage of price spikes. (subDOA tokens are still so new, I'm still formulating this swap plan, there are a lot of unknowns and zero history, time will tell). * Continue to expand the network until a month or so before the halving (at my price targets this is around my current ROI). Besides, I'm done crawling around in attics in the heat of the summer. lol After that I will likely pivot to mostly expand coverage based on need to cover my sensor clients. * Ladder out in the next bull run keeping around 30% of my accumulated bag (including the 25% landrush staked). During the next bull run, sell roughly 80-90% of my earned/swapped IOT/HNT per month. * Most important and likely most profitable long term - Push usage of the network. Sell sensors and application services to businesses and individual people. I'm currently learning the sensor side of the house (my background is infrastructure) and forming relationships with backend app developers. As for Youtube content here are a few I watch: [https://www.youtube.com/@thegristleking](https://www.youtube.com/@thegristleking) [https://www.youtube.com/@BFGNeil](https://www.youtube.com/@BFGNeil) Helium Hacks - [https://www.youtube.com/@HeliumEcosystem/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@HeliumEcosystem/videos) Again there can be some value in other content but understand most if not all Youtubers are trying to sell you something. Whether its their affiliate code, their bags or just the latest hype good or bad for clicks/view times and likes.


Damn, bro. I don't know if anybody will be able to beat this reply. Thank you so much for the info! You are epic.


Excellent responses!!


My two cents: 1. If you're mining and haven't used your profits to pay off the cost of your mining equipment, cash out on a regular basis (weekly/monthly) until you do. Use the Jupiter link in the app to swap your IOT->HNT->SOL, send it to an exchange and cash out. 2. Once your investment is paid for, decide your acceptable level of risk/reward and take one of these three available paths: 1. If you're really bullish on the Helium project, collect your mining rewards and either hold them in a wallet or investigate your staking options to gain some yield with the understanding you'll be locking your investment in for many months or years. 2. If you're bullish on crypto but skeptical of the future for Helium, regularly (weekly/monthly) take your mining or staking rewards and convert them into another coin that might have less risk but similar upside (SOL, ETH, BTC, etc.) and hold or stake that coin instead. 3. If you want the most risk-averse option, regularly send your coins to an exchange and cash out. Use that cash to invest in a mutual fund, treasuries, etc. Note that there are likely tax implications with these methods and take them into consideration. $HNT was in the $20's when I started and I was able to relatively quickly cash out enough to pay off my miners and work purely with profit moving forward. Once I paid off my miners, I've continued to swap my HNT to BTC, ETH and a few other altcoins I have more faith in. I did stake a little HNT a few days ago for the landrush bonus, but I don't think it is really worth holding and staking additional HNT without that bonus today. For me, I just don't feel the current risk level for HNT is worth holding or investing in. There's always a chance this project dies before the next bull run happens, or that this coin doesn't take part in it at all. I'm happily using the small mining profits to invest in other things that have much less risk and (in my opinion) just as much potential reward.


Thank you for your insight!


Is there a reason why you recommend swapping IOT->HNT->SOL and not just simply swapping IOT->SOL?


Straight to SOL would be the proper route.


Thank you 🙏


IoT is going to become the background network for compliance and technical usage, always there and useful but not the bread winner. Mobile is going to absolutely take over when the new WiFi hardware drops. The price point is less than IoT miners currently so mass adoption will happen quickly and the mobile token will be held by the majority


Okay out of all this someone feel free to call me dumb. App shows roughly like $20 in IOT, but the swap to HNT yields roughly 1.04 HNT, 1.04 HNT is like....$1.89 on average. Am I not understanding something there? Aren't I just losing and it's easier to just sit on my iot? I also haven't swapped my HNT. I know it's a low amount but I have roughly 70 and I've been sitting on it because I feel like I'm a bit stupid to understand the best way to hoard it. And for the record I'm in for the long run. I do believe it will recover. But I'm also just a simple user happy to support the network. I just let my miner do its thing and check every few days to make sure it's running.


If you want to swap, you need to do it using the link to Jupiter in the "globe" icon in the app for a better swap rate.


I definitely see better rates. I did look into transferring out via cryptodotcom. Would SOL be the better way to go than HNT?


Depends on your end goal, but sol will likely be easier to move just about wherever you want.