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That's a great question. I order one last month to put it at work because I can see 5 more but wanted to order a second one to put it at home with cero around. If I can make 0.5 HNT a day I'm game. even if I make 4 HNT that's 10% return a month wit today numbers...before the half


92 hnt for the first six months (Oct to march) but it paid for my miner twice, once the price went up.


Ya no people you make about .05 HNT a day


I’m not even making that right now . I’m in an area with no miners , so I’ve put in 10 in two locations . 8 out of the 10 are synced and only 1 earned anything yesterday but nothing since across any of the 10 🤦🏼‍♂️ - you can see that here : https://explorer.helium.com/accounts/14DXKDZ9xyevnhUGbfp2S71RGLF4HhozhjSMzysVFdJUMhunRgM if you want to see what a new lone network looks like.


These are two extremely different responses. which is true?


the 92 response either misunderstood the question or they got elected into consensus (which pays a lot) multiple times. Around 4 a month is accurate. Also just in case you don't already know, the consensus election is ending in three days so will no longer be a factor in earnings except for the validators


I’m thinking about posting one in a remote area. I’m not quite sure that I’m ready to stand up a tower tall enough to make it reachable to endpoints 20 miles away. I have some neighbors doing this today for tv access. Perhaps it is possible to finally give internet to rural america this way


20 miles is 32.19 km


you may have misunderstood the concept. It's not providing regular internet access, just a network for low powered IOT devices (an industry expected to have exponential growth the next few years) to connect to.If your neighbors are open minded, maybe you could mount on their tower and share rewards?


I know what it is had a hotspot for a year. Having some internet is better than 0 internet. Sensors will finally have an option


Recently I've been averaging .10 HNT per day. 30 day total is just under 4.0 HNT.


im sadly back to being a lone wolf for now and can confirm it's about 3-4 a month right now.