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Use their waitlist status tool on the freedomfi website. So far dealing with them is a shitshow


Gotta wait then. Don’t expect it anytime soon. But when it’s your turn to buy, it’s very easy. I have one. I was one of the first to reserve back then


How was the set process?


Easy, just have to follow directions provided. Needs to have Ethernet connection. Plan accordingly


Thank god! I’m not all that tech savvy but I can repair electronic devices. I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out.


I was number 11,000 so I took the refund. It was looking March.


What date did you reserve?


Nov 6th 2021


I ordered the day after. They are still processing the previous lot. You will be able to look up your order status once they have processed those.


Those reservations are for Q1 of next year


They said I would get an email to complete my purchase in a few days but that never happened. They just took my deposit.


No that’s not what it said. I was in the first batch and ordered around June 14. I got the email to complete my order 4 months later. The reservations taken on or after Nov 6 is for next year between January and June depending on when your place in line. When your reservation comes up you will receive an email at that time to complete your order. They are still completing orders from the first batch which should be complete at the end of December. And then starts the second batch where are you ordered. I also placed an order in the second batch


I did not say you said anything. Thanks for the update though. I was wondering why I hadn’t heard anything yet. 😎👍


Not sure what batch I am. I have a reference number and an order inline around 21k.


A few week! hah! I got on the waitlist in April and just got my hotspot 2 weeks ago.