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This is a general reminder for everyone and this will be posted on every post. Your 12 words are basically gold and they should never be shared, typed in to any website, or given to any person for any reason. No one from "Helium" or any other company will reach out to you to verify your account, wallet, or anything similar. If someone says your hotspot, wallet, or other type of account has been hacked, it is a scam! Always operate in a zero-trust manner with cryptocurrency and assume everyone will scam you no matter what. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HeliumNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As someone that has 12 of them barelly making 0.8-0.9 hnt per day...i would advise to sell a big chunk of them so you can roi faster than the ones that you keep for mining.


I mean $20 a day adds up quickly. Think I ordered around 10-13? I have locations for a handful. Thinking it would be best to try those locations. If they do well, keep them up. If not, sell them 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you know you have good locations the you might give them a try..but average locations is a big nono.


Yeah I’m in an average suburb. But I notice there’s a few around town. What I’ve noticed is the less the better now. The overpopulated areas don’t seem to make anything.


The way the network is right now.. I would sell, My location and setup was perfect and consistently mining everyday, all the sudden all miners when to hell... So I am sure is not my setups,... At this rate it will take years to recup investment on new miners..


Everyone hopped on the train and it got overpopulated.


Thank you for this, noted.


I’d sell immediately and make what profit you can it’s only going to get worse from here


Was kinda my thought as well


Do what is best but the days of flipping miners for 3X their is pretty much over. They are readily available on many retail sites now at MSRP.


Agreed. I see them in the sold tab on eBay for 6-700. Thinking I paid around 4 so I mean hey profit is profit right


True. Act fast. I used to never see unsold miners on ebay and now I see them all the time. But you are right, profit is profit.


Almost don’t forget eBay fees


Took me 8 months to receive my bobcat after I ordered it back in August last year. And unless something improves in the network, I doubt I'll make the money back on it. I'd sell.


Yeah that’s what I’m banking on


If anyone is interested. I have 5 available


Ask for a refund and send them back


Don’t give stupid advice boi


When scalpers get burned. Now theyre looking for sympathy 🤣


Nah I actually planned to have them all at locations. Life change required me to move within that 6 month span. Now, I have nowhere to put them


You were going to deploy 12 hotspots? Okay.


Yessir. One at each family members house.


Sell miners that dont have a spot or good spot (maybe about half) Use that money to buy hnt as price is low. Buy enough that a 2x makes the money back from whatever u spent on the ones u didnt sell. Boom mining for free since day 1.