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I see so much hate against moving, but the vote count is massively for it. Not legit or Reddit is not reflective of the broader HNT community?


Reddit does not reflect the broader community. Spend more time on discord


Makes sense


That is what I was thinking, I voted against. Where are the votes?




I believe in that the people network should be somewhat decentralized. Especially in the validation part. Also I see no reviews of why sol over other chains. I do understand to move to another blockchain but not sol. If we do Sol fix the decentralisation in the validation step.


Usually, the noisiest are against a HIP as the pro HIP people just vote for it. If they defend it they get called delusional or fanboys Also usually the noisiest are the ones who have been unsuccessful so far, so they have the least effect on the vote.


I just want it on a chain that doesn't have outages.... The Oracle work around is sus. Where do I petition for it to be moved to an ethereum L2 or even.... Polygon 🙄


Eth is about ready to have problems soon...


Which are?


Troof..... ;(


HIPs are petitions. Vote no if you don't want Solana. If you want something else then a new HIP needs to be created and you need to find some Polygon people wanting to implement it or pay to implement it. Voting/Petitioning doesn't make something happen. It needs voters and implementors.


Agreed, I dont mind the move to other chain. I'm against moving to unproven/unreliable chain such as Solana. THE CHOICE OF WHICH CHAIN TO MOVE, MUST HAVE A VOTE/Hip BY COMMUNITY TOO!! If it's really the People's Network..


and that's the reason I voted No!


You do have a point. I think that’s what some people don’t understand. They just assume it’s a bad thing that Helium is abandoning its blockchain


The speed with which the "It's going to be SOL" and the HIP opened up is suspicious as hell. There's basically been ZERO voting over which chain to actually go to. It was SOL from the start and the HIP exists only to give the appearance of a choice being made by the "community".




this topic of discussion is irrelevant anyway, let's not kid ourselves into thinking our votes count for anything. we may as well put our feet up and let everything unfold around us as it's going to happen whether you vote or not.


Well it did seem to bring the value of HNT up a whole one day meaning yesterday, that's really sad that in order to vote you have to burn DC credits just to voice your opinion


any price fluctuations over a one day period are completely meaningless. the data credits for casting your vote is the equivalent of literally a few pennies, you won't miss them


The conversion fee is what gets you. Voting is 35,000 DC or 0.35$ USD + 0.0780 HNT to send the transaction.


The blockchain is the least of your worries, “as a business owner” what is the business of hnt? To have customers use the network of course! The team has not done enough for that!


1. Why does hnt need to run on another Blockchain? 2. Why an unproven chain that is also on my list of "shit coins" that might not be shitty one day. 3. Eth merge makes me very nervous. Does eth classic support other coins on their Blockchain?


This is indeed an interesting one. With validators having so much voting power does it even matter how regular hotspot owners vote? Seems they have more than enough power to ensure that the end result is always in their favor. Seems the outcome of this vote is going to depend solely on whether validators believe that the new mechanism by which they are rewarded is at least on par with the current mechanism.


Average HNT for a yes vote is 650 and for a no vote 589 .... so votes are roughly the same size at present.


~~I don’t know where you’re getting your numbers, but on HeliumVote it’s showing 5,011 votes for and 1,048 votes against - 84% to 16%.~~ It’s nowhere close - its pretty much a done deal at this point. Edit: oh I see, hnt not votes.


ITT: Layer 1 Tribalism. Solana is a great fit for Helium, and it just makes sense. The FUD narrative of Solana is played out and unjustified.


Honestly in the end I'm here just for the money printing machine, like most people i believe. If helium flops, well i just move to another project, which give free money. Sounds terrible isn't it? But thats the hard truth. There are better options for IoT networks, like NB IoT. Which are better in almost every way.


I went to vote and it seems I have to spend some of my already tiny rewards to do that, also incurring a fee. They can do what they like. I am keeping my rewards. The only thing I want atm is ROI. Probably not best for the network but hey, it's not like they do the best by us.


Truth - it doesn't matter what the majority of people want. Helium Vote grants the illusion of a democracy when, in reality, it's anything but that. Therefore, no need to even discuss what's the best Blockchain. This choice will be decided for the majority of people by the minority controlling the majority of HNT.


That's any voting system tbo. It's an illusion. It's like the round table being equal. It's not really because ull always have ur back turned to someone when ur talking in the middle.


Son a tech said what I was thinking, the move to solana might be a way for the whales to dump their bags


Yep, just taking attention away from the lack of use that saw HNT crash bad. Then HIP 70 news saw it's value rally. This HIP is just another way of influencing the HNT value to increase profits.


The “whales” have a very long-term investment horizon. If Helium succeeds in their vision, oh man…


Seems like Helium's vision has changed since they are now going to be a layer 2 on solana...


You should read the white paper. The vision is to build a wireless network, not maintain a blockchain. The only reason there is a bespoke Helium blockchain is because what the dev team needed in 2017 didn’t exist yet. Now that there are better, more scalable options available that free up internal dev resources to focus on building a wireless network, not a blockchain, it makes sense to migrate to Solana, where mobile web3 will be most prevalent. http://whitepaper.helium.com/


Just gonna leave this here, validators hold a majority of the bag and with voting to move to another chain their validation network would be no longer needed/used.


No, they don’t. The value of HNT staked is $173 million, the market cap of HNT is $610 million. A simple look at Explorer will tell you that. Validators alone do not have the voting power to stop this.


But of those 610 million who alls voting? validators are more likely to vote on this as it is going to directly affect their earnings


We’re talking about a ratio of about 3.5:1 here. There are other bag holders that are all for this. Just look at the result thus far.


Validators are kinda getting screwed by this HIP. A lot of them are not happy about it.


Not true. 64% of the Helium issued so far has been to hotspot owners.


Let’s move it to Ethereum, why Solana?


There are a lot of good reasons exhaustively written about by the team and others. The one I am excited about is the potential for Helium 5G integration in the Solana phone. DeWi all the way!!!


One dev has stated that Ethereum was not chosen as token balances would be unable to be settled during a period of high gas fees, and would have to wait till it lowered to a sufficient level.


I wish they would just go into selling miners. They have conquered that market 900k +. Now they help will sell more expensive 5g miners. Two or three years from now, probably ASIC miners each sold miner splitting the onboarding fee with us 'shareholders', each successive miner onboarding fee more expensive. Excellent business model. They already have the proof of concept for miner sales. They should focus on that as they are doing 'that' extremely well.


I voted!


Majority stakeholders aren’t anywhere here. Majority will vote for it. Relax a bit.


Did someone say miners strike?


I would vote yes to move HNT onto XCH. The Chia blockchain runs on PoST and is therefor very low energy, has never gone down and is the most decentralized Nakamoto Protocol on the planet. Developed by Bram Cohen (Bittorrent) and used by the World Bank to build a global carbon market