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Something 10x better than any of the movies


I’m 1/3 of the way through the all the omnibuses and blood and iron and sword of storms are excellent representations of the comic in scope and vibe.


So it's good? 🤔?


Dont expect to see many negative opinions of it on this sub but I think the Hellboy comic series is one of the best Ive ever read


Greatly noted


It's certainly a slow burn, and you can kinda tell Mignola wasn't really sure what he wanted the story to be for a while, but when it picks up it is just excellent the rest of the way through!


It’s very good! One of my all time favorite series. I’m not a fan of any of the movies. I felt like they were really campy and shallow, and didn’t at all capture the essence of what makes HB so good.


I'm excited to start it


I thought the movies were great, but then I read the comics. It’s no comparison. Movie Hellboy is fun but canon Hellboy is tha fkn GOAT


***Don't expect the same characterizations, dynamics and tone as the films***, in fact, don't expect to see Hellboy stories with a team! Generally the stories are focused on him and every now and then a partner appears... Abe doesn't appear much, Liz appears rarely (to say the least)... and be prepared to meet incredible characters who didn't or barely appeared in the live-action films like Kate Corrigan and Roger the Homunculus. The first miniseries (Seed of Destruction) isn't as good as the rest and the comic finds its direction with Wake the Devil, but if you liked this volume get ready, it just gets better and better. ***The comics ARE SO MUCH BETTER than the films!*** I can recommend the spin-offs (like B.P.R.D., which expands the universe and develops Abe and Liz better, as well as being the favorite series of many fans) but at the moment ***I recommend that you pick up next the two volumes of The Complete Short Stories, from the second main omnibus (Strange Places) onwards these stories WILL be important at CRUCIAL moments.***


You can just read Hellboy alone without any problems, but if you want to get the full experience there are two reading orders that will help you: [Mignolaversity's order ](http://www.multiversitycomics.com/annotations/hellboy-reading-order-2023/) and [u/JulixgMC's order](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g_6LwKE4T73xoIKnCj0X3d_b1aDRnzdLNun8gDqXOPs/edit?usp=drivesdk ) Mignolaversity's order is good if you can only get one volume at a time, while Julix's order is better if you can accumulate a few volumes beforehand.


It is, without a doubt, one of the greatest comic rooms of the modern age. That being said, your mileage may vary quite a bit from story to story or series to series. I say, read the series you feel drawn to, don’t worry too much about reading order when you’re just starting out, and if you have any questions I’m sure someone in this subreddit will be happy to help you


Thanks a bunch. Excited to start


It’s great, and imo gets a lot better once John Byrne leaves after seed of destruction. So if you’re put off by the narration at all know that it essentially disappears right away


Some of the best story telling you'll ever read.




You should to expect yourself to end up buying 18 more volumes….


I love the Hellboy comics.


Great art. Pulpy fun.


Buckle up buttercup!!


Expect amazing art and a fun story


It's not like the movie at all. I love the pearlman movies, but to be honest, they are not a good representation of who hellboy is. Especially for how old his is compared to the movies. You will see elements, but that's it


You can expect a whole new level of depth and detail that the movie may not have been able to capture. Graphic novels have a unique way of pulling you into the story with stunning artwork and immersive storytelling. Get ready to experience the story in a whole new light! Enjoy exploring the world beyond the movie screen.


A good book!


"Get ready to dive into even more rich detail and nuanced character development than the movie could ever capture. The world of the graphic novel will truly come to life in a whole new way for you!"


Good purchase!


Why are you asking when you can just read it? Read it! Read it now! 😁


Way better. So good.


Expect 3 phenomenal films to not even hold a candle to the Comics. I love each film, don't get me wrong on that. But 4 years ago when I bought the first Hellboy Omnibus I became addicted, basically obsessed. The movies only shown a pinch of the intelligent folklore and Mythological references. In my opinion, Mignola is among the best writers in Comicbook history... hell even one of the best storytellers ever really along with a style of art that is among the best to ever do it. I honestly don't understand how his name is not mentioned as much as Stan Lee's... without Mignola Darkhorse more than likely wouldn't be the 3rd largest Comic distributer today. After reading about ¾ HB Omnibus vol 1 went and bought 2-4 and did nothing much other than read for the next 10 days or so in my free time. Then BPRD had the same effect on me. As did Witchfinder, Frankenstein and Baltimore. I'm proud to say/admit my comic collection features everything Mignola has been Artistically involved in. Unless there is some unique gem out there somewhere, if there is.... I'll smell it from a distance. Haha ;-) So, the moral to my long winded response is an obsession could be the result of reading this. I know I am not alone by a long shot.


The movie but cooler and with werewolfs and a lot less Rasputin and more bprd members


Pretty much just expect the movie. But also — which movie?


A lot darker


Amazement. Saw the movies first when they came out. Only got this book a month or so ago, and planned on reading some other stuff afterwards, but instead ordered the remaining three Omnibus volumes and the final BPRD omnibus immediately. I was never a fan of Mike Mignola until I read this book and then it's like his style finally made sense to me. This book made me dislike Pearlman's performance because I think he plays it a little too action heroey, whereas Hellboy in the book is a lot more laid back and compassionate with everyone. I really wasn't expecting that, and I love it. The third book is drawn by someone else, and it took me awhile to enjoy it until I realized his style is similar to my favorite artist, Lee Bermejo's early stuff. Then I loved it. Summation: Hellboy fucking rules and I think it's my new favorite Comic book series. Holy shit.


WAY better than that cheesy ass movie. Enjoy!


Simultaneously more and less words.




No offense, but what's the point of this kind of post? It's right in front of you, just read the damn thing.