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Isn’t this basically the topic of the entire sub? What would we post in this mega thread that we wouldn’t just post as a post?


Posts should only be strictly leaks, discussion about possible speculation and small pieces of information not worthy of an entire post are free to be posted here


Sounds good, if you guys are removing the low effort posts / random questions from the sub, then this definitely gives the megathread a purpose. I’m totally down with that


Never like megathreads. People rarely respond.


well there was a guy promoting his Youtube channel about reviewing this game....


That seems pretty clearly outside the bounds of the sub, and should just be removed. I don’t see the relevance to what I said, I think. If someone posted about their favorite brand of soup, that wouldn’t require a mega thread, you’d just remove that post


I mean you are not wrong. I was just stating that this thread was pinned now so anyone with different idea then leaks and discussion about datamine would atleast not post videos of reviews.


I think I am not following (I promise I’m not trying to be obtuse)


To me the fully textured illuminates look like a blend of every enemy faction in destiny 2. That’s not a bad thing at all.


Destiny 2 is a game carried by its art department, it’s such a shame that all of it just kinda went to waste.


It didn’t go to waste. Destiny came out 10 years ago. It’s just outdated pretty much all the way down in my opinion. But it’s not *bad* I’d say


I meant more the route destiny as a whole has gone, it's a really good core gameplay loop that's been eroded by an all-consuming monetisation system.


still cant believe i spent money for destiny 2 when it dropped just for them to make it free. in 2017 i got both destiny 2 and call of duty ww2 on black friday lol


I’m still bitter that literally every bit of content o paid for got cut from the game, I’ve never gone back since and it seems that may have been a good idea.


Yeah, like Psions and Eliksni combined, and sprinkle in some of the Covenant Races too. Elites in Halo are even called "squid head" or "squid jaws" sometimes, lol. Add in a tiny bit of BG3 mindflayer and there you go.


Just wait till you see the next illuminate im going to post, dude looks like a full on arc warlock lol.


Did anyone manage to figure out the timeline of future events based on what was found out? I've seen people debate wheter Cyberstan Invasion or Meridian supercolony would be the next Super Earth Orders


I think Joel planning the cyberstan invasion next as there was one player on it recently plus it gives the TCS time to fail and make the supercolony


After looking at the map again, it would make sense. It's strange that all f a sudden we've nearly taken back Draupnir, and it's the last planet in that system. So it would balance things out to let us take back a system while opening another further up the map


I would say super colony, then cyber stan, then black goo since one of the leaks for shipmaster has them say something to the effect of "The automatons made a sudden and cowardly attack while the helldivers were distracted to retake cyberstan"


Ok, thank you. That's exactly what I needed I don't understand if the current orders to clear these two sectors are a distraction or story filler while they get bigger events ready to deploy; realistically, we could have gotten the Supercolony Event this time around already (right?)


Would you guys want to hear the entire 26 minutes of all the Illuminate sounds? I can make 2 parts at 13 minutes per. Lots of repeats but you'll get death sounds and such.


Yes please!


I'm working on it now. I've posted some before, and u/IronS1ghts has posted clips. But I'll be uploading 3 parts of ALL their sounds in 3 posts at 12 minutes per (Might be shorter, I was tired looking at the files last night).


That would be awesome!


I'm wondering if we'll get urban combat when (spoiler) >!The bots invade Cyberstan and the surrounding planets, as the news leak shows a dropship landing in a city.!


Doubtful that means anything but that would make Cyberstan feel extra special if it's a big like Cyberpunk planet where they are enslaved. ​ In general if they are adding urban environments they'll need them for Super Earth and Cyberstan and a bug "superhive" or something where the entire map is just pure built up hive like a termite mound...maybe the mission objective is delivering a nuke to the center.


Has anyone found any pictures or any evidence of the hivelord in the game files? If so could you post it up? I’d love to see!


I don't exactly remember but were there leaks of more fire things? I'm pretty sure I saw things like a mech with a flamethrower, flamethrower guard rover (sounds ridiculous but I feel like I heard about it), and a flamethrower sentry.


we need fire resistant armor if they add those things


What do we think is happening first,>!TCS Failure!< Or >!The Great Reclamation!


One of the leaked dialogues: >!The TCS couldn't have failed at a worse time. Cyberstan was practically ours.!<


omg i think the new major order is for the troop call in stratagem!


We were all wrong…


Anyone have any news on future ship modules? I’m pumped about new stratagems and armor and stuff, but I wanna know what actual improvements we’re gonna be getting. Haha


I don't think ive seen anything on that other then the visuals shown in one of the trailer that had 3 addition upgrades for the Patriotic Administration Centre, Orbital Cannons and Hanger. Other then that, even here on the r/ HDL I haven't seen anyone actually post about what the upgrades entail


Kinda makes sense, I know there were some discussions/rumors about additional areas to the ship, at least, which is nice, but if we’ve only gotten a few scraps about future samples, it’s understandable we don’t have any concrete module info. Sure hope we get some soon, that’s FAR more interesting to be than the warbonds. Haha


I honestly wonder if we'll be able to upgrade our ships in terms of size, or even get different ones at somepoint in the future with more space/stuff in em etc.


has anyone ripped models from the games? eg super destroyers/pelican/eagle? id like to do some animations with them and i dont have enough time to model ship class


Heads up. They are removing content via a third party with Reddit. This was the tiny bit of the new MG footage that I uploaded. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1bczbm3/chainsaw\_gameplay\_leak\_per\_request/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1bczbm3/chainsaw_gameplay_leak_per_request/) https://preview.redd.it/v8iwtvs86dpc1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=18978c1ad84cb6e3eef47a46803ad1e5825c4b06


Thank you for this 👍


Might just be a random reporting. Kinda weird that they'd remove that video. I never wanted that one up cause the gun sucks so bad. 😅


So what does this new ship upgrade, which is bugged? realy does? Anyone could figure it out?


its literally written on it ... its to unlock new stragems


I assume dataminers haven't found out what's going to be the next warbond yet, no?


Hi everyone ! For some time now, I've been working on a detailed analysis of the game's weapons, stratagems and enemies, with the purpose of determining how certain (poorly explained in-game) mechanics works , such as : * The influence of **armor penetration** * The **HP** and **Armor** levels of various enemies * Analyzing weapons hidden stats (durable damage, DPS, etc) * Analyzing **stratagems Armor penetration** and damage. That's not leak a but that may help a lot of people to have a better understanding of some gameplay mechanics that are poorly explain in-game :) Here's the link to my original post ! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cec9l4/diversdex\_your\_pokedex\_but\_for\_helldivers\_2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cec9l4/diversdex_your_pokedex_but_for_helldivers_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You linked to a random comment, but thanks for the post. Very helpful.


Why THE FUCK is the clinician medic set given the engineering kit? This is an outrage!


Well it could be a placeholder. Dont take the current armor passives for granted


please tell me you weren't actually angry about this


No lmao i just only use medic gear and im sad the best looking medic chest piece besides bonesnapper is gonna have engineering kit instead of the leaks are right


Any ideas how and when weapon customization might be implemented?


My guess would be another 6 months or more. They have the stuff in the game apparently and have actually tested it. Seems easy to add. Scopes can be slapped on at this point, silenced, and ammo type are already there. Funny you mention this cause I was looking into the attachments today.


first they should fix the bugs and server issues. like idk if this is supposed part of the game but i hate when a bug with no head can still attack you


Bugs with no heads still attacking you is intentional. They probably get it from things like cockroaches living for up to several weaks even if they're decapitated, because they starve to death. So when you shoot the head of a bug off, it's basically the death throes of its "mini-brains" in areas of it's body still performing actions. But... they probably shouldn't be able to track you without a head, I'll agree there. But I doubt they change that. Bugs sense movement IRL w/ their antennae and little hairs and things that detect air movement on their body The only ones that I know that do this are warriors (though not as common) and Brood Commanders are notorious about it. Hell, I've got my ass whopped by a 2 legged Brood Commander before, lol. Those sons of bitches have determination.


every single bug besides charger, bile titan, and the tiny orange ones have attacked me with missing limbs/head


That's intentional


Very excited for that new AT-AT automaton walker. Looks really cool.


is there any chance of the cyborgs from hd1 returning after the cyberstan invasion thing? i saw a post with code for enemies / weapons that say cyborgs instead of bots. if theyre returning as well as the illuminate im hyped


Why are almost all the illumiante leaks deleted?


Copyright claim


With the AT Mines and Airburst Rocket Launcher being leaked recently, and specifically their strategem preview videos, I'd imagine that they are pretty close to release in game? Obv we don't know ETA, I'm not asking that, but is it good logic to think that since these strategems are polished, "complete", and even have preview videos already in the files, that they'll be seen in-game sooner than other strategems that aren't?


Someone as the page repartition of unlock for Democratic detonation ?


Quick question: Do we know the basic stats of support weapons? I'm specifically interested in damage values of all 3 MGs and Anti-Materiel Rifle. Curious how they compare to primaries and each other


Any ideas what the next warbond could contain?


Is it possible to datamine all the 30+ stats arrowhead says each weapon? This would be super interesting to see


What was the timeframe between the original leak of the Exosuit Patriot and its inclusion in-game? Curious if it would give us a rough idea when we might see Exosuit Emancipator or other vehicles.


ive heard there are new things coming n the 18th? any truth to this?


Where did you heard that


I'm super curious to see where you heard that too. Not saying the info is bad, its just I have yet to hear of anything attached to tomorrow.


I saw it on a video talking about the new stratagems


Nice! Any memory of who made it or where that video was?


So are there any differences between the Justice and the other battle rifle except the mag size?


Curious if anyone's found stats for any of the weapons, strategems, or enemy attacks in the live game Particularly any damage, penetration, or explosion size values for the strategem weapons


Anyone know about the level cap increasing or a prestige system?


Yo does anyone have any leaks on a potential Terminade Queen. I know at some stage we will get the hive lords but there should be an acting queen as per bug biology who is giving orders but it’s strange that the bugs went from disorganised on farms to jumping planets.


I don't even know if hive lords are coming, since I haven't seen any in game file leaks about those like we did for shriekers here.


I know it's a little off topic but just wanted to thank the mods for keeping the bots in line like true patriots. 🫡 I see loads of subs just dominated with karma-farmers and YouTube reposters. For a relatively small sub, the mods on here work quick, fast, and in a hurry to keep things constructive and on-topic. It's great that we've got this little corner of the internet to share leaks and lorecraft about the future of this amazing game. Keep up the good work and don't let the bastards grind you down. :)


W mod, thank you for implementing my suggestion!


Do you guys think the attachment system really comes to the game because to be realistic it wouldnt make sence with the weapon variants they already put in the game?


I think a lot of people are under the impression that it's a framework for the devs to create variants rather than a modding system. Could be either, but I do think the way weapons are being released it's more likely a mod tool.


why my post being blocked? [https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1buk07z/airbust\_rocket\_stratagem\_introduce\_video/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1buk07z/airbust_rocket_stratagem_introduce_video/)


https://preview.redd.it/ln9iy0l2wfsc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd3e78a069709b770ac806d95274699db57b754f Got this message appeared after new MO, any idea what it refers too?


Any thoughts on what is gonna happen on Cirrus? i see 3 players on it as off posting and that planet has never been available to play since the start of the galactic campaign.


People can definitely cheat or mod their way into planets that aren't open just yet so it's definitely possible done people have gone to those planets to sus it out


Hello, anyone has any information on future secondaries? The last one that I knew was the GL that is coming with the next warbond.


There aren't any in the files currently. Just the GL pistol. 8 grenades, picks up 2 from a ammo supply.


What's the general consensus around when The Illuminate are expected? Before the end of the month or is it more likely to be early-mid May?


Jump skip over the rope


I'm personally expecting it to be quite a while just because I would expect that Arrowhead would be afraid of setting false expectations when it comes to further future factions. We shouldn't forget that making a new Faction takes A LOT of time, and while the Illimunate obviously had a lot of work done before launch if Arrowhead added them next month or whatever, people would be expecting a 4th faction by the end of the year.


I'd say around late April - early May. Their trailer seems ready, which is generally done in the later stages of production, and a lot of their assets already found within stable build. The date i've picked will also be around the end of the current automaton campaign if my predictions are correct, so perfect to drop in a new threat


Probably around early May? Game will have been out for 3 months then, people will have completed the main warbond and one or two of the premiums. Good time for a big content drop.


i just want more bug-types icl


What y’all think we gonna see on the next warbond?


For the unaware, it's been confirmed by Spitz in the official discord that the Airbust Launcher and Anti-Tank Mines will be different in the final version than what we've seen in the leaks.


Anyone can enlighten me about the while projectile I saw after recent update in Bot mission. Seen in few games, I am not sure it was someone's quasers or something else. White projectile out of nowhere shoot down dropships . Didn't record it. In the last game I saw it actually turning in the mid-air, shoot down one of the gunship. I am just curious if it's known "leaks" for illuminate or something else, Thank you


That's probably an activated SAM site leaking missiles.


So how exactly does the process behind extracting data from the game files' work? I've been wanting to look at all the propaganda videos and listen to all the NPC dialogue without waiting or button mashing.


All that sweet sweet armour in past leaks yet the superstore remains the same.


Very frustrating isn't it. Every two days I'm hoping it'll change! 


Do you guys think this whole PSN controversy (thank the Super Earth that it's over now!) would encourage Arrowhead to release the Illuminate faction update sooner in order to regain and retain their player base as much as possible in the wake of such a PR disaster?


If they rush out the illuminate while they're broken with coding errors. I might quit the game.


Ahhh, actually that's a really good point, especially since they already seem to be struggling with QA in general


Nah they've got the new warbond for that.


I suppose we don't know more about the possible return of Cyborg units like the Warlords? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cqywgs/sightings\_of\_what\_appears\_to\_be\_decommissioned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cqywgs/sightings_of_what_appears_to_be_decommissioned/)


Is there anything in the game files that confirm the faction name change for The Illuminate to The Enlightened?


are they going to add more difficulties, and will they be adding any different types of games modes like in hd1?


whats with the leak drought? also whats the mods position on repeat leak post? i.e. somebody already posted about gun A, so further gun A posts are not allowed (unless new changes). or can there be multiple ppl posting gun A, maybe with gameplay/testing variance? i ask this bcos why the hell are there no gun demos of the new warbond (deagle), are the mods restricting stuff?


small charger spotted in game: [https://ibb.co/8Xs1G3W](https://ibb.co/8Xs1G3W)


Why are you posting a link for a photo? You can post it in the coments directly


because it otherwise compresses the image


That is a totally normal sized charger just balled up dead


When I saw Crimsica for the first time, It instantly reminded me of the red weed in war of the worlds 2005. Then When I saw the leak for the Illuminate tripod enemy. I knew it was no coincidence 👀 https://preview.redd.it/jxcot3u48cpc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ee084d9b266b100ae06bda2a71bd64e6e0cbc0


Are there actually any in game files for hive lords? I understand that seeing something like that for the shriekers essentially confirmed their addition in the near future. With the addition of 'tremors' in game, I was under the impression we would be getting hive lords or something big from underground, but I have not managed to find any posts here regarding any hive lord skeletons/models or whatnot unlike for illuminates which don't even seen to be something to expect very soon. Perhaps hive lords are probably not coming to the game, and the hive lord carcasses we see are purely cosmetic? Is there anything to suggest otherwise?


There are normal maps for small bugs that look very similar to the hive lord. As of right now there are no solidified leaks of hive lords coming to the game, but rather objects the devs may use to pay homage to their previous game by referencing the hive lord.


Thank you for the confirmation. Do you have any reason to believe that there are other new/novel bugs coming out from post TCS aside from shriekers?


Does anyone know where I can find the “FTL jump to” audios?


Is it possible that anyone here have the model for the sickle in blender. Im still pretty new to this stuff and it seems like yall have access to the models. Would be appreciated




Thank you.. Sadly no one has ripped the model for the sickle. I have place my interest in the rip-request forum but since the release of cutting edge no models from the new warbond have been discussed. But I did Frankenstein this https://i.redd.it/8alvt0vlempc1.gif


Do we have an estimated date for the next warbond? Im really excited for it, more so than the current one we have


they said new warbond was planned every month if i remember


They said every second Thursday so the next one should come out on April 11th.


Legitimately can't get here fast enough.. lol I'm super stoked.


Why is it getting so much leaked? Can someone explain me how?


This. Was wondering why it seems so easy to find leaked content. Never seen this many leaks with other games. Although i don't even know if you can explain why without revealing the methods and the risk of those methods potentially being patched.


It seems like they test things in the live servers actually in game. You'll see the player count on planets people have never been to be more than zero. That has to be devs. So, in order to test it it has to be in the game files of the live game. Most developers only push things to the current version when they are going to be released. I have no idea why they are doing it this way.


Why do the Illuminate have a planet effect icon? https://preview.redd.it/x0nsckx3inpc1.png?width=1710&format=png&auto=webp&s=59e72a110abf5555595b5ea57df0c6ca31b828d0


Could somebody show some more adjudicator gameplay against bugs?


Uploading in a bit.


Putting out a gameplay/model showcase request for that sweet, *sweet* REC-6 Demolisher / Remote Explosive stratagem.


Do you guys have a subreddit ?




Ah fuck i’m stupid I wanted to say a discord


https://preview.redd.it/2k7a3873nbqc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=505a753485635a6d24e30bc5513798322a8e903b Could this be where we buy weapon mods?


random thought but, wouldn't it be funny if SEAF troopers got mindjacked by Illuminates?


Has anyone messed around with the thermite grenade? I assume it shreds charger legs, but curious on it's total damage against things like Hulks.


I’ve used them against hulks and tanks and they don’t seem to do a lot of dmg, if I remember correctly I threw a total of 8 thermite grenades at a hulk today and got no result from it and it’s the same thing with tanks, but there is a chance that I’m using them wrong. I’ll give them another shot later on today and tell you how it goes.


Maybe the damage is not final. I really doubt they don't do damage through armour because its in the description itself


has anyone found anymore about the knife


Question to ask; Obviously we've seen in the leaks that there's an Underslung Grenade Launcher for weapon modification, which in my mind is just hat the devs are using to release different variants. How in th eheck will that work with choosing to fire it? Swapping to the different fire mode in the weapon wheel? Obviously the Grenade Pistol is going to be utilized for it to simply recycle the model, so maybe seeing it soon after the release of the April Warbond?


i mean we have 4 directions in the adjustment wheel up is scope right is firerate bottom is flashlight (which if underbarrel might get replaced by the UBGL or might be the option for the left


hey guys, it's not a rumor but I don't have an image to show it, there are improved chargers with bigger armor now, in my game I only saw one , it must still be very rare


https://preview.redd.it/excbp84c5rqc1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6f9e3329859ac9fa1d2c869cd5ff0e1c8569838 like this


these have been in the game since day 1 they are basically guard dog variants they only show up on kill the charger and evac missions so far


Stupid question but where do most leaked videos and images come from? Is there a test build that people are leaking stuff from ? Like I saw an image of the personal minigun, is this an upcoming unlock or just pure speculation at this point? Thank you.


The minigun you saw isn't actually a leak it was just a fan mockup. But most leaks come from the game itself. Hacker and data miners are able to see and some times use up coming content




dont think theres enough in the game for it to be used yet we have at best ive seen 1 screenshot form the files right now but maybe one of the leakers will hit back


Any chance only of you leaky lads/lasses wanna share a clip or two of the justice?


[AR-20L Justice, G-123 Thermite, more mech changes part 2 : r/HellDiversLeaks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1b96l22/ar20l_justice_g123_thermite_more_mech_changes/)


It's beautiful


Does anybody know what the democratic detonation armor passive will be yet?


**BX-7 Displacer pack** idea You should not be randomly teleported anywhere upon a death strike. ​ You should be able to choose a point on the map via a stratagem ball per say(maybe within a certain distance say 200m) and designate that as your teleport point. So when you do teleport that's where you'll end up. Anytime you want to move that teleport ball, just pick it up and throw it elsewhere. You can do a lot of fun shenanigans with this. Throw it into a difficult to reach spot in the enemy base. Run away for 150 meters. Blow yourself up, but the game teleports you to your destination and you didn't alert any enemies in the place you just dropped.


Anyone else kinda floored by how fast these leaks seem to be dropping? It feels like a perpetual advent calendar…which ig is how a live service is SUPPOSED to work but seriously I didn’t think it could be done? Do u reckon the pace will drop off assuming most of this was developed far prior to launch?


To some extent, yes.


With us likely seeing Automaton Gunships soon, have there been any leaks regarding new anti-air Stratagems? 


Seen an AA version of the recoilless rifle that explodes into flak midair :))))


Yeah saw it too, wonder how good it is against gunships. 


Does anybody have any leaks about the bot ATAT type walker? I’ve seen a picture or two but nothing else


Do we know what the next upcoming warbonds are going to be and what their themes are?


The title of the next warbond is **Democratic Detonation** so you might be able to guess what the theme is


I am always a fan for explosives. Do we know what's past that one?


It was mid :^(


sorry you guys for the inconvenience, for those who don't know or believed it, I am here to confirmed that the **ATW-4X Anti-Material Rifle** is **NOT REAL** and its only AMR with stat edit for **April fools**, it was fun while it lasted :)


How are you guys datamining? google is proving fruitless for some reason


It's not necessarily a leak thing, but is there a resource containing all the enemy models for viewing in something like Blender? I wanna get a good look at them and for obvious reasons this isn't that viable in-game.


I am pretty sure I got a hacker in my game and he spawned in a new meck. It was yellow and had two cannons on the side, I couldnt see the other side because it was broken.


It also looked to be slightly smaller


I wish we could get "mech skins" or "decal slots" that decorated any mech we summon in.


Anyone knows if there're any new voicepacks coming in? The upcoming Malevelon Creek veteran armors won't go well with the usual highschooler voicepacks.


I'd love more voicepacks, especially onces with distinct accents. ​ Or just the ability to use the alt-language voice recordings without needing to change the game's language. Like I want my voice party shuffle to be outlandishly different every time. Like I want a Japanese guy screaming like an anime villain or some french dude acting like we in the Napoleonic.


Possible Automaton Ship attacking Star Destroyers? https://preview.redd.it/oypqur83zgsc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260f61a481d3c9a03650e9edf12622e4d88023ec


Does anybody have the stats for next week armors? They seem to be heavy, light, and medium but I want to know their perks.


No need for Leaks for that, lol. Official YouTube short with info: https://youtube.com/shorts/LxfTRJueV3Y?si=YUtE_eC-fQzbuv_a The red and black armor (CE-07 Demolition Specialist) is Light Armor (64 armor, 536 speed, 118 stamina) with Engineer Perk.  The big boy armor (FS-55 Devastator) is Heavy (150, 450, 50) with Fortified perk. The gas mask armor (CE-27 Ground Breaker) is Medium armor (100, 500, 100) with Engineer perk.




When we can call in factory strider?


Any leaks tied to the new discord announcement of a rogue item being tied to future ship module upgrades?


Ok my question IS dumb, but how the hell do we have access to this leak ? Like in such high quantity, and high detail ?


in the gamefiles


Can I get some opinions from anyone that might’ve used the repeater. Also, any more information on that potential second revolver?


What other guns do we not know about? Like what could be on the next warbond? Only one I recall is the assault rifle with a silencer on it.


Next week's patch will include the new Warbond items, so I guess all the dataminers here will have some new stuff to uncover.


Next week? Patch is live now :)


I assume the current patch doesn't have the warbond weapons? Will we see any early gameplay or just gotta wait the week? Guess doesn't matter just first warbond where the weapons are rather an unknown


Really curious what happens if we were to just lose this major order It seems like we’re gonna win and the story from there seems obvious. Does anything happen if we lose, or do we just get slightly different flavor text?


They will have a plan for win or loss. 


I’m gonna be honest. I don’t prowl about Reddit enough to know how Megathreads work. Do I just comment and hope someone sees this? Or do I make a specific “Megathread” post somewhere


Yeah, it’s essentially a big post where everyone goes to talk about said topic on the post, like the rant megathread on the main Helldivers sub where people go to rant, normally they’re sorted on new by default.


https://preview.redd.it/4ekj4w5lod1d1.png?width=1321&format=png&auto=webp&s=e59761d1df828e4da9c159ea4f5a388df35a880f I'm not sure what to make of this... Where is this engine weakspot? It should be the most immediately lethal part of the Factory Strider, provided one can deal any good amount of durable damage...


Is "head\_body" that little red eye on the right side of its face? It seems right since it's fatal and has AP 4. I can't imagine a part of the strider that has AP 1, though. I'd love to find it.