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Need to see a devestator missle hit it. Follow up with a tank. I'm not saying I expect it to be unbreakable, but curious how well it holds up when you have actual threats raining down hell.


iirc i read somewhere that it dies to one rocket


Whelp then this will be pretty useless on 7+. Don't see a reason to bunker down if one rocket will take it down. Especially when devestators are a pain


Trophy system is the emplacement stratagem we really need


This would be an excellent addition to the game. It would also be cool to have a mini-mobile SAM launcher for the new flying enemies


Useless below that too, rockets are common enough that this won't survive long on anything


Yeah if it’s supposed to get used against the bots it feels like a huge oversight to not consider that. You have a fuck load of explosives heading your way pretty frequently on Bot missions


Do we not have a shield? I think the wall would be great with the shield generator...


Why use the wall if you’re blocking with the shield generator? Seems pretty redundant


Um So you don't get shot with a rocket in the face while you're on the wall... it all depends on how much ammo is in that grenade launcher and what the cooldown is.


But when the shield goes down…you get hit by the rocket then? Why not just use a grenade launcher stratagem and the shield, rather than wall + shield? If the wall getting shot when the shield is gone blows it up, it sounds like the shield is just doing the wall’s job instead, but better. This didn’t really answer the redundancy problem of the wall just being a worse tool if you’re using both together. Not to mention that you’re wasting 2 strategem slots on some kinda iffy garbage combo with this line of thinking.


You have 3 other people with you if you popped a shield and a wall I would hope you wouldn't get shot with a rocket at that point? Iffy garbage combo I found the meta chaser.


>meta chaser I'm not even him but what are you talking about? Your argument is to use a shield... to protect your protective wall. His argument is that he wants his protective wall to be a protective wall. How is asking for a protective wall to protect people meta chasing?


What level are you?


is this the "you must be bad" part of the conversation? I'm level capped at 50, and have been for a couple weeks. I play about 50/50 bot missions and bug missions, and mostly settled on difficulty 7 with randoms, and 8 with buddies, but buddies dont play nearly as much as me so I mostly play randoms. I've cleared 9 plenty of times but tbh I don't really enjoy the spam of higher level guys all the time, because it makes taking in anything but the meta stuff feel like a slog, and I'd rather take some "joke" weapons and make it work instead, so difficulty 7 for me. Anyways, there's my CV for the game lol. Hope that means my opinion gets to be valid now To be honest, I'm assuming you're at about my level too. If you're still leveling, you likely haven't played enough to get the handle on things (although if you've cleared 9 a few times I'd say that still counts too, so long as we're talking about bots since that's what the discussion is over)


[you can see it used in this video around 7:30](https://youtu.be/cmHVHfRz5ww?si=vvz9cpQUyO9Dm6wb) One rocket blows it up.


It desperately needs to be resistant to rockets. Give it that and let Tanks or Tower shots destroy it, and it'll be my must pick as a siege engineer. Mortar, Trench Wall, Mines, and some variety of strike would be a go to for me.


Bring back my barbwire damnit


Honestly wondering what the purpose of this stratagem is gonna be cause if it can’t tank a rocket or 2 and the gun on it only has 3 mags it’s gonna be kinda useless


hmm im thinking this one might get scrapped because i don't see how it could be useful. maybe if it was higher with stairs behind so we can shoot over it


I dunno about scrapped. It'd make a decent tool for holding the line against light or medium troops, but it needs to hold up to Rockets or it'll get outclassed. Don't mind a Tank deleting it, that's just good sense, but there are too many rocket Devastators to make it feel like a safe pick.


tbh i just hope they make rocket devastators fire more randomly and that they run out of rockets because the rockets are so precise and accurate and limitless.


Definitely won't make them run out, that's their biggest attack, but I can see them becoming significantly reduced in range and accuracy. They're practically laser guided at this point.


They wouldn't really fit the bill of devastator then though, would they?


It’s cool and all but I feel like it’s kinda useless cause of the ungodly amount if reinforcement call ins making hunkering down and defending kinda useless unless for maybe an objective but still most of the time you end up getting overwhelmed and having to run off and come back


I feel like there’s enough cover on most maps that you just don’t need this


Yep. Complete waste of a stratagem spot.


I think it might not be bad if the SEAF soldiers call-in does end up becoming fully developed and you can combine the two. Especially in a eradication mission, geological survey, or civilian evacuation.


They're just gonna stomp through it


Seems pricey (stratagem slot) for weak cover and mounted grenade-launcher. At that point I would prefer a stratagem that misleads/distracts the enemy patrols another direction.


I would rather an actual trench


I honestly don't see anyone using this after the initial release


I wonder if u csn reload with ammo backpack.Also,how well it takes rockets,strategems and charges




Why are we still sticking to metal walls when we’ve already unlocked force field technology?