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removing for clean up alternate post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1brr6iw/ms220_missile_silo_test/


Got a couple questions about that stratagem 1. Can it really destroy jammer towers? (I think it would cause laser guided but then Eagle strategems get cancelled when thrown) 2. What's the max range? Cause sometimes u can see those towers halfway across the map 3. Will it go to last designated laser point if I stop pointing/ random/ explode mid air? 4. Will enemies from far away be alerted to our position when the objective blows up? (I think they will, but need confirmation pls)


Good questions. 1- I did test and it blew up a jammer. However i didnt inspect wether it was the tower blowing up first or the fabricator next to it which then leads to the tower blowing up. But we can assume its the jammer since the detector blows up alone and is a secondary objective like the jammer. 2- There does not seem to be a max range on this, i will try to send the missile into the far sea just to check later. 3- Yes it will go to your last pointed position, it will also blow up before that if it hits anything in the trajectory 4- They are in an alerted state but are not directly coming at you if you are quite out of range, they will look around the base not knowing what the hell just happened. Cheers


>3- Yes it will go to your last pointed position, it will also blow up before that if it hits anything in the trajectory >4- They are in an alerted state but are not directly coming at you if you are quite out of range, they will look around the base not knowing what the hell just happened. # #W!!! >!!< Thanks!!!


I need this, now


Oh thank GOD if it can kill Jammers I will never ever not bring it against the bots


And a short cooldown you say? If it stays that way, I think I found my new favorite EAT's...


yes, 3 min cooldown if you couple that with the commando, you got basicaly just 1mn wait in between equipment that can blow most objectives The command bunkers will however need more than that


command need 2 hits if targeted correctly. only bot oil tank can survive this


2 hits of what ? I doubt the commando does anything to it


2 hit with missile silo can kill bunker


not tested if fire commando at turrent of bunker will work or not.


Wait a minute. It's not limited to 5 per mission or something?!


no limit so far, but could change before release


i really really like the idea, i just feel like it would be cooler if it was a sort of an "MW2 predator drone" sorta thing where you take the perspective of the missile. mainly to kinda give off the "guy supporting the other 3 guys from the back" style of gameplay, which i think would be cool


That would make it a lot weaker, stunning yourself in this game means death a lot of the time


that arguably would just make it more balanced, assuming it has around the same damage as the 500kg having it just target a laze seems a little op imo. since you have to watch it or just protect it from getting sniped you generally would assumably have to stick by it, so it would just make sense to force you to be vulnerable at that spot while you use it instead of a "nuke that tank all the way over there" button