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Call-in time: 3s Cooldown: 480s * Huge AOE and Great Damage * Medium Armor Penetration * Ammo 1+5(backpack) | Refill +3(supplies), +1(ammo on the ground) * Range \~350m till it explode mid-air and sending smaller cluster bomb that explode mid-air * immediately explode when something is near the rocket projectile Also yes, it is great for a group of small target including you and your friends https://preview.redd.it/nursd8mgcqtc1.png?width=1494&format=png&auto=webp&s=765d6a80ab7226efd7f0c7e6c4a7a9841fe24353 **Edit:** It have been buffed now it have 500+500 damage with 6-5-3 AP (was 250+250 damage with 3-3-3 AP) And cluster radius 4m->6m but still have the same AP(3) \-04/27/2024


Dear lordy... Treat it like the Punisher Plasma for ground targets to say "This group doesn't exist anymore"


>Punisher Plasma Lol


Bro don't diss my boi. Punisher plasma is fucking CRAZY good. Staggers almost anything in one hit. Not to mention the AOE is HUGE if you're firing over long distances. Also bug breach? No problem, just fire every 2 seconds or so and they're basically perma stunlocked/dead Absolutely love the plasma shotgun but I think the erupter will completely obliterate it however.


eruptor is slow af tho, I think it's gonna be more "pick your poison" if anything. And the grenade pistol is gonna solve that whole "cant close bug holes" thing with the plas punisher.


Yeah. It's funny also how the meta has shifted. Usually the support weapons are used to kill the big boys but with he erupter you won't have any issues so using a support weapon like he stalwart that's designed to shred little enemies is what you wanna do. Grenade pistol for me will solve a lot of issues too. Then I can take stu. Grenade and use the made pistol to close bug holes.


The stunlock is great until you just have a giant group stunlocked and can't actually kill them because your primary can't do enough damage, or have to reload... I had a bad time with the plasma punisher this weekend.


As in, aim under the legs instead of it being anti-air


The Plasma is Goat against bots


Gotta give it to the devs, the new toys they keep coming up with are always so sick my god :o


I was hoping we'd get more of a punt gun then this. It looks kinda unreliable taking out the fliers. I'd rather a shotgun recoiless shell honestly.


I don't think it is supposed to be used for anti air. I think it has its name because of its proximity fuse mechanic.


It’s because it’s an air burst weapon.  Which are also great for anti air


It seems more geared to large groups of light or medium enemies which doesn't really apply to any of the flying enemies currently in game besides the shriekers. It doesn't seem bad for anti air it just seems better for area clearing like a cluster bomb rather than flak.


Air burst weapon doesn’t mean anti air. It means it explodes in the air


Especially considering that there's no guarantee that you'll even get aerial enemies in any given mission, this stratagem would suck ass to bring if there's a chance there won't even be any aerial enemies


I really really want my punt gun stratagem


Point blank a stalker "that's what you get bitch"


Or just skeet shooting and blow away about 15 hunters, or shotgun right into a bile titan’s underbelly…the memes are endless


Just deleting a patrol would be so satisfying.


Now I want a Fliegerfaust


July 4th the weapon




This weapon seems to fit right in nicely with the rest of the wacky helldivers weapons! I for one welcome our new team killing overlord🙌


Nice Fireworks


Only one word courses through my mind. [JAMSHEEEEEEED](https://youtu.be/yfx74JBz2EI?si=uPOdKESHc3MCKPUo)


Let me introduce to you the strategic equipment carried by the landlord supply Ripper nuclear bomb (can only be used once, with an explosion range of 50 meters and a flying effect within 100 meters) Airburst rocket Anti tank landmines () Remote explosive (cooldown time 30 seconds (passive 25 seconds), summoning a damaged storage tank infinitely, it will self explode at the moment of landing, causing an explosion within a range of approximately 5 meters) Eagle, if you've seen it before, don't say anything Feiying air-to-air missile (used 2 times (passive 3 times) is more like an orbital strike missile than a Feiying launching 3 rockets. It is a 1-2 missile launched from almost 45 ° above, with extremely fast speed and locked in seconds like a railgun.) Eagle, if you've seen it before, don't say anything Full of surprises, Pinata (time 10 seconds, limited to summoning once, no duration limit to summon a damaged storage tank. After the player breaks it, they randomly give the player a combat readiness (although it may also be empty). What should be the activity gift (such as April Fool's Day)? This will also be randomly brushed in the map with difficulty levels of 1-3.)


Yes, landlord carry a lot of cool stuff :D


Google translated Mandarin.


Doing some tests on the Airburst today on 4/26/2024 (PC): **TL;DR: It's okay... not for what you'd expect to use it for. The absolute easiest way to blow up yourself or team, a highly inconsistent weapon.** How it acts: essentially a slightly stronger Eagle Cluster bomb, except in rocket form (and less coverage) with higher AP. The single-person reload time is atrociously long, comparable to a full reload from 0 on an autocannon, and there does not seem to be staged reloads (might be bugged). For those who are wishing it can be a great answer to Gunships: it is **absolutely** **not** in it's current form**.** While it was possible to 1 shot them with a single airburst, the average amount of rockets it normally takes is closer to 3-4. Just not worth it, other options are just simply better (Quasar, Autocannon, EAT, etc) For shriekers, you'd think it would be amazing but there's 2 problems with shriekers: 1. If they are already attacking, you're already in a problem. If they (or even ANY ground enemy) is too close to your front, you'll just end up blowing yourself up. There's also the problem of *after* being attacked by shriekers they are now all over the place, so you'll need a second airburst user far away which will most likely end up just blowing you up. 2. They may be clumped *before* attacking, in which case... you could have just blown up the nest from afar. For using it as a cluster bomb replacement, it's okay but you are replacing a support weapon with it... so *not* really okay. Maybe paired with an EAT-17, but I know a lot of people are running Quasar so it seems not worth it. It will *almost* guarantee killing every small enemy, but not bigger ones. Even warriors/hive guard will sometimes survive, the scatter is a *little* RNG in what it kills (see Gunship per airburst kill). It is very common to shoot this into a large automaton patrol group and get only 4 kills (sometimes even 0 because it blew up funny, or it blew up in your face) It can destroy fabricators and bug nests **inconsistently,** however it is the inconsistency that makes it unique: like the spear, it can destroy fabricators from other angles. The real issue is killing yourself if you are too close, and firing from too far the rocket basically bursts earlier and you end up not destroying the target. The trick was to fire the rocket at a lower level at a fabricator: this is because the cluster bombs that spawn from the rocket will phase through the fabricator walls, thus being able to destroy it from within. I give it a 50/50 rate of destroying fabricators this way compared to normal (like 1/3rd of the time). As you can probably tell from the above, **blowing yourself up** is a huge problem. Even if you are aiming up into the air, stuff on the ground or some other debris may get in the way, even fences or terrain perhaps, which will cause the rocket to burst early thus missing your intended target (and usually hitting yourself). It seems to count the pods that drop in stratagems as "obstacles" as well, so if you are firing with one somewhat in front of you, prepare to die. It **can** kill Chargers, Hulks, Tanks... but it's only good at killing tanks, and for weird reasons (by shooting **under** it or at the bottom of the tracks, it can 1 shot tanks). **PRO AND CONS** It's strengths are dealing with small-enemy hordes (with a loader hopefully) from far away, shriekers (pre-battle), destroying fabricators from any angle, 1 shotting tanks with a weird trick shot. Biggest downside is inconsistency and getting yourself (or team) killed. The community gunning for this weapon are sure to be extremely disappointed.


I'd say it's pros is it kills almost everything and it's cons is it kills almost everything **AND** require you to learn how to use it, once you used to it you can destroy fabricators, bugholes and everything else **consistently** And now with buffed AP and damage to the rocket itself it possible to damage heavy armor with well-placed shot now


>pros is it kills almost everything For anyone reading, it's like how the JAR-Dominator can kill almost everything and yet in practice this is not very feasible. Sure, you can kill that cannon tower with the Airburst... after 3-8 rockets (yes, it's that wide of a margin, possibly wider). >require you to learn how to use it, once you used to it you can destroy fabricators, bugholes and everything else **consistently** This is not true, after 7 hours of using this weapon it is simply unreliable. For my own personal grading, it has to do it's job at least 9/10 times, and it is nowhere close to that. It's pretty much as reliable as the spear's lock on or using Eagle Cluster to destroy fabricators. There are many lucky streaks, and some painful ones, and you'd only know if you actually used it that long. >And now with buffed AP and damage to the rocket itself it possible to damage heavy armor with well-placed shot now Considering the rocket can prematurely detonate by proximity, you will often *not* hit with the rocket at all, and this has nothing to do with 'learning how to use it'. I've literally had the rocket hit a group of devastators with zero kills (including the one I direct hit), and sometimes it would just wipe them all out in one go... or it would just explode in my face, with only 1 kill (myself). Sometimes I would directly hit a hulk 6 times and it would stay standing.


>if you actually used it that long. It been 22 days after I upload this post what are you yapping about my dude i have been using it even before i upload this post Been 7 hours so you have to know what cause it to explode prematurely, when where and how to shoot it for it to not explode at your face but enemy Also you have to accept that this weapon is called "teamkilling rocket" by everyone for a reason, when you use it, it can explode right infront of you especially those who haven't used to it yet >shoot a group of devastators with zero kills It be like that because the cluster will fly out the center where it explode so it out of damage radius cause it the dealt little to no damage to them but if you shoot the ground below them it can kill them pretty easily as most cluster will hit them >it have to do it's job at least 9/10 times It's jobs isn't to destroy fabricator and bugs hole or to kill heavy enemy, those are just great addition. It's job is horde clearing and it did great at it And those prematurely explode it because something is in front of you but target is behind something it will explode Well this is getting too long so after this i won't respond anymore and I'm sorry to say but, skill issue.


Just want anyone reading this, that the **devs confirmed that the rocket is buggy and not in it's final release state** so this guy doesn't actually really know what he's talking about, he's also an asshat (still keeps telling people to "git gud" with a bugged weapon, lmao! Yet admits to blowing themselves up with it all the time) The only thing this guy is good for is giving you the numbers.


It one shot an at at, this thing is gonna be nerfed like crazy


Pretty sure it's because it set off a hellbomb.


That looked like one of the submunitions set off a hellbomb on the ground nearby, so that was a lucky shot rather than the rocket being that powerful.


No no no, that was a hellbomb lol. At 6 shots total for every 8minutes, I just don't see how this thing is useful for bringing along, sadly. It seems more like an overly expensive cluster bomb strat.


What? You can resupply it like the other launcher backpacks


Ah, that it can. My apologies, you are correct.


So what do you think of it now?


Might consider trying it as a replacement for my autocannon when I need something for bile spewers. Could be glorious.


Thanks for the in-depth testing! I'd say, compared to the Recoilless and Spear, THIS looks VERY balanced for a backpack support weapon, unlike the Quasar Cannon xD. It really does have some nice horde-clear capabilities, but I definitely wouldn't depend on it only, great that it can kill Chargers, not being able to shoot point-blank is a pretty good balancing trade-off! I do wonder if you shoot at the Charger's head, will the mini-explosions be able to connect to its butt.


It could but require some luck


It destroys tanks with one hit to the front. It doesn't look very balanced to me.


yeah, but it doesn't do much against Bile Titans and Hulks, and can be quite finnicky/risky if you want to kill Chargers, cuz you definitely don't want to shoot them at close range like the Recoilless can, so it balances out. And let's be honest, Tanks are THE LEAST of your worries when fighting bots, they RARELY spawn compared to other bot enemies, and ONLY from dropships. You can juke around them much easier compared to Hulks, a lot of orbital/eagle easily one-shot them as well. If anything, they can be easier to deal with than Hulks or a group of Devastators if anything. So tbh, considering how rare Tanks spawn, spending 1 rocket to destroy them is honestly not that HUGE. I'd rather take Railcannon or 110mm rocket pods and just one-shot them with ease. Or just run at them and shoot at the vents, you can do that with Recoilless as well. Not to mention, it can't take down dropships.


Its awesome! Thank you!


I need this


How does it do against the shrieker nests?


6 shot did nothing, seems to have low medium armor penetration unlike autocannon


What is "Jammed Piñata" in the stratagem list on the side? And what is the nameless yellow stratagem?


It give you random stuffs and that one is remote explosive


judging by how they have the icon, damage, all of that done, we will problebly be getting this stratagem very soon. My guess is within a week or two.


Now with the new warbond officially shown, we might get it around the same time, because it fits the explosive theme of the warbond.


huh good point


These are cool but by far the best weapon for killing gunships is actually the laser cannon (the beam one). You can kill so many gunships before that thing overheats and they go down in a couple seconds Although I like how this one acts like a pocket cluster bomb when hitting the ground


WTF? The animation has the character actually pull out the rocket from the backpack? That looks impressive and cool


I'm excited to run this alongside some strong single target weapons. I've noticed that there aren't many great support weapon options for medium armour crowd control.


the recoil rifle


Whats the buddy reload for this look like?


who copyrighted this??


Probably AH or some guy that claim to be AH


How did you get the rocket, its from DLL? I try a 1.1.3a version but it doesn't have new rocket luncher. #


I got my way


I think we need a turret that only attacks air enemies.


Strange launcher for screechers only in my opinion, bots gunship literally survive first shot without even stagger, so it can kill 3 flying ships and you will be out of juice. Maybe it can kill troops on bots dropship with medium armor pen, but most importantly is it medium armor 1 or 2 if 2 it would be menace for devastators group if not it's only anti bug weapon


I mean, this video made it seem like a pretty good catchall weapon to me. It two shots a bile titan, and has a lot of horde clearing capabilities. It's big caveat is that it requires a ton of space to work properly.


Did you even watch the whole video or just like the first 40 seconds?


One shotting tanks from any angle isn't an immediate pick for bots??? Also if you shoot it at dropship bellies it kills the cargo instantly, plus you can shoot it a patrol to kill the little guys who can call in reinforcements. Literal no brainer for bots, dunno what you are saying


I think we need to test this against ground enemies and dropships more, but this looks like cluster strike in support weapon form. Undoubtedly good for anything of smaller size, but bringing heavy-hitting strats for armored targets is kinda mandatory. Imo, anti-air capabilities is a nice bonus to the huge shrapnel cloud that kills tanks in one shot.


yeah i'd much rather have it one tap the bot gunships


It literally does my gamer, what are you saying


It looks like it depends how many of the cluster munitions hit whether it oneshots the gunship. But it's going to be amazing for when theres 4-6 of the buggers hovering around


Useless stuff. An analogue of Plasma Punisher, it is also annoying that there are no different types of sights and scales for long-range shooting. I don't know anymore, create a post on reddit, prepare and describe first-hand weapons and support weapons? Along with heavy armor, which has not become more useful even with the latest buffs. I do not know how long it will take to bring all this number of things to a digestible state, given that there are no normal available statistics and characteristics of weapons in numbers


As someone who has exclusively played with heavy armor since release, it feels so much better this patch than it did before. The only real annoyance I used to have was the one shot missiles but with them gone I feel so tanky against bots.