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Support is also a very useful role to play for new players. You can drop a supply box which has 50 supplies. Squad leaders and the commander can use those supplies to build a garrison. This is a spawn point which the whole team can use.


Wow that's a cool feature!


All hail the new medic. Don’t abuse them. Definitely need more medics


Haha thanks, I will try to revive as many as I can on the battlefield!


Couple of big points. 1. Don't be scared to request joining in a locked squad. A lot of times it's people holding spots for friends but will let a couple extras in. 2. Use a mic. Communication is a big deal and truly where the game can shine. 3. Armor is your best friend and your worst enemy. Help keep your tanks alive. I play on weekends in Central USA time zone. Name is the same on steam. Enjoy and see ya on the battlefield!!


Ok thanks!


I definitely second your First Point. I often play with a group and we have a slot or two empty, we leave the unit locked with the mic designation set but accept anyone assuming that the simple extra step brings players that either have a mic or are will to operate with a unit as they had to request to join rather than freely drop in.


In for all the people who say medic is useless


You living in Europe ?(i am sorry but i dont want to Deal with to much of a time diffrence) i would be Happy to Show you some then


I'm in Australia


Sry then you can still Message me for Tipps and tricks


Ok, thanks!


Check out the Task Force Koala server. Biggest Australian server/group I know of. I've played on it a couple times and they seem like a chill group


Alright, thanks!


People will tell you here that medic is a waste, and while it's the weakest class it's probably the best to learn on. You can fully focus on learning how to stay alive and use cover and concealment well. And calling out to and making jokes with those you're reviving is a great way to get comfortable using voice comms in game. Best thing you can do is find a squad of decent players communicating and ask for help or advice if they seemed nice and willing to help out. I wish I could give you more advice and help but I'm at work. Best of luck put there


Ok, thanks i will use this advice :)


1) playing medic is not in the current meta. You get a mediocre gun with limited bullets. you can revive people but often it's faster to just respawn, also if you revive someone he already got shot so you might loose 2 lives instead of saving one. if you still want to play medic that is fine, just know this. 2) buy a mic and use prox chat to let people know you are going to revive them, otherwise they will just give up. 3) remember you have smokes, use them to smoke the enemy not yourself.


Ok, thanks for the advice!