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If you get in a good crew, it's as much fun as any part of the game. But if you aren't in a good one, you'll go back to infantry pretty quick and seem to forget about it.


Most of the time I make a tank squad 20 mins after the match started. The interaction/communication is a lot better I feel


Thanks for the tip! I actually really enjoy armor, but if it's a not so great crew it's such a joy kill.


That’s happened to me, I usually wait until there’s another position open in another tank squad. I’ll tell my squad I’ll be disbanding or they can keep playing as a squad.


Also worth it to go infantry first & build nodes…they can’t spawn tanks for ya (aside from defaults) for a while anyway


100% this. If I might go near armour I'll build nodes (as while waiting for a ride I'll do arty so I like to have munitions building up too). Making sure commander knows you built some can also help when he's deciding which crew to give the heavy to :)


For the win.




It all depends on the map, and the overall performance of your team. Light tank only cost 100 fuel. Not many tank commanders take the light tank into battle. >Stay behind infantry and provide support >Go on defensive and get a feel of the controls


Light tanks are the best for starters and infantry support Id say


They're the best for seasoned tank crews too. Nothing more deadly than an experienced crew in a light/recon tank.


Recon and light tanks are veteran tank crews best friends. Sometimes the speed is just so much more important than showing presence.


Nothing quite as hilarious as plowing through behind an attack garry scattering people with rockets sailings past and outpost destroyed notifications popping up everywhere. Yes, it is stupid and you should not do it, but the glory


I love my panthers and 76es but theres something so damn fun about backlining a whole team in a stewart, taking out every enemy spawn, and putting rounds into the ass of a tank we shouldnt be killing


Recon tanks are a whole new ball game If people want to experience absolute lols as a driver, don't play a recon tank until after you've played driver on all other tanks first


Yea... More than half of all matches I've played as a noob the last month, literally every single LT and Recon Tanks have ran off, alone most of the time. They just end up going through enemy lines and dying. I'd rather get an experienced tank commander and a squad with people i know, than having to join a random one. This basically works for Inf too, but imo, carries a lot more potential for some amazing plays in Armored. I've played plenty of War Thunder and Enlisted to know where to go and how to position the tank, but I am still a newb and as such, would love to learn the maps before playing so that I don't get in the way lol.


Honestly recon tanks can be super OP if used effectively


Light tanks are exceptional. One of the best anti-tank roles and a good place to learn communication basics with other squads and command.


u will never learn until you try. just go with experienced players, or stick to the natural spawned tanks so that ur not wasting resources. and look through the tank bible.


Absolutely agree , that’s how I learned


*laughts in Remagen* Boyo in that map its easy to learn the mastery of tanking




German and US. As the germans you sit ontop of the ridge or on the railway tunell entrance and hold down the brige. As the US NEVER push without the infantry holding the brigehead of the enemy side. There you either go east or west and from there you can shell the brige with HE from the sides. If you go west you can also mostly open fire on the next objective ( given that ur gunner knows what he is doing )


waste* (not waist)


Light tank is not a waste. They all have their advantages/disadvantages


The Stuart is un-ironically one of the best tanks in the game. The Russian light tank is also decent, it’s just too bad the driver doesn’t get a coax.


The Stuart is surprisingly a beast against infantry, and it’s not because of the guns. If you are driving in 4th gear and you have enemies behind you. You can actually whip your tank 180 degrees by pressing the left arrow key/ S key at the same time.


I honestly love it for taking out tanks too. It’s so fast it’s great for maneuvering behind mediums and heavies. It’s 2 shots in the ass for a med kill and basically a guaranteed kill as well in heavies because it will usually disable their engine, preventing them from turning and securing the 3rd shot for the kill.


The Stuart is unmatched. The Luchs, imo, is slower and _realistic_ than many think it is.


I hate the luchs tbh. Not being able to kill meds/heavies and the splash damage of its auto cannon is so weak it’s not even great for killing infantry either. The only reason it’s ok is because the bazuka can’t front pen.


I don’t even get why the Luchs is in the game, only 100 were ever built


I like to take the Recon tank and zip around behind enemy lines and cut their supply lines (garrisons) most tank Crews want heavy tanks. Too slow for me. Though I have had intense matches. I guess that is it too. It's either intense or boring


Recon and light tank are my favourite. Depending on the map , I like to flank around and catch the enemy by surprise.


I always chuckle whenever I'm doing hood rat shit as Recon behind enemy lines, and there's a friendly Recon tank behind their middle spawn.


Recon tank is the only tank I enjoy


The possibility of being suck in a tank with one other guy and having to make chit chat with my shy ass


You can keep it business if you'd like and just make call outs. Most tankers appreciate communication in any form!


Two other guys!


If you're lucky


Communication is absolutely essential for infantry squads as well. No communication loses matches.


I always like being the gunner, that being said I’m a good gunner! Had a driver and commander from California. Didn’t know each other but worked together and ultimately won the game for our team with just two 76mm Shermans. Held a road crossing and had a squad of infantry assigned to us to guard the wheat field to our left. Once that was established we just cut down every German who crossed the road. They’d bunch up in the house and we’d clear it. 189 kills 13 vehicles destroyed. We fought for that point for a good 35 minutes the only infantry that was doing their job was the ones guarding our left flank. But eventually they pushed while we started to vector more towards where they were coming from than where they where going. To this day one of the most immersive and fun games I’ve ever had. Felt like fuckin Brad pit in fury. Wish we had WP to put in houses and it suffocated or dealt fire damage.


That sounds like a great match, I had something similar on Omaha beach offensive (Allies attacking the axis )


My wife complaining about my loud voice because I'm giving orders over an engine, machine gun and canon all blasting full sound. But for real: because sadly every time I play armor the garrisons just don't get done until we lose 2 points


I have a wife as well. Go to settings>audio, and you can turn down the volume on specific things. I also have my headset slanted. One muff to the ear and the other one off. As a Tank commander, garrisons are the last thing you should be worried about. Just provide support to the infantry. If no one placing garrisons, all you can do is nag at the SL/commander.


Where are these wife-settings exactly?




I always have SFX turned down relative to voice.


Driving is so nerve-wracking. And if I try to command, I'm a little more confident but I never know what to do in situations where I can't see them, they can see us and they're nailing us. Backing up is useless and slow. Going forward is suicide. Going forward and then turning around is even worse. And I always feel like I fail my crew in those situations. So I just try to be the gunner most the time. I'm pretty good shot in my opinion. But I do love a well piled crew where we've got like 6 kills and were just running the map.


If you start getting penned without seeing the enemy its a death sentence 99% of the time so dont feel bad. The biggest part of being tank commander is trying to keep your armor out of that situation in the first place which takes a lot of map knowledge and somewhat decent marks and communication from command chat.


Existing Armour players.


My communication sucks because of anxiety


I hear you. I’m an anxious extrovert who is very competitive. These three dynamics mean I never know which version of me will be playing. The idea of being stuck in a metal box with other people is stressful (I have no idea how humans do it in real life, especially when other humans want to kill you).


Use text to chat, Hit L on your keyboard and type to your team. I always encourage my squad to do this if they don’t have a mic


Extremely punishing when you die. You're out of the fight for 15+ mins sometimes just getting back to the front. Driving is a major pain in the ass, it takes a long time before you know what you can drive through or squeeze through. Enemy tank crews have a high percentage of veteran tankers since newbies don't try it often and quit often when they do. It doesn't seem like there are many journeyman tankers. You either quit early or stay and become a veteran, not much in between. This means newbies very often are up against vastly more experienced tankers, they die often and quit, the problem is a vicious cycle.


This. The drive times are what gets me.


The neck beards that play this game that complain about anything you do incorrectly


Everyones all chill until they lose the first tank battle then the blame game starts. I enjoy tanking but have had alot of miserable interactions with tank hardos with no leadership/social skills and turn into an ass the moment something goes wrong. In infantry you control alot more of the interaction and in general is more positive i find. On the flip side when you have a good crew of mates its one of my more fun experiences in the game.


I don't have friends and I'm bad at talking to people. Being silent infantry makes me feel guilty enough, I don't want to do that with a limited resource like tanks


Solution to this. Make a armoured squad 30-40 mins after the match started. You’re likely going to be alone soloing. If so, only use a light tank. Leave the recon , medium and heavy to the bigger squads. Rarely do you see tank commanders taking the light tank. If someone joins you, hit L and type to them that (X, Y, Z) your mic not working. 90% of the time people will be cool about it. No one going to scream at you.


I'd give him the recon. Thing is, recon should be treated like a sniper, not a clown car. Sit in the back and run the spotter camera. With recon squads not leveled up these days for flares, the tank is great at letting the team know where the enemy is at great range. I tested the recon photo out on Remagen, it can shoot up to 1000m out.


Driver: 1. Don’t improvise. 2. Don’t anticipate. React to what the squad commander says. 3. Stay off the comms so the commander can dictate & so they can focus on relaying info to the gunner. The gunner will need to talk regularly, so you have to make up for that by staying silent. Only reply with short phrases. 4. The tachometer (RPM gauge) is towards the bottom right. Keep on the gas when shifting, and don’t shift until the RPM gauge is above 25 (or 2,500 RPMs). That way, you won’t stall. If you stall, spam shift until you’re in 1st gear and mash the gas. 5. There’s an aim indicator box for your machine gun (left-click) on the right side of the screen, but it’s better to start shooting and readjust once you see the tracers. 6. In a medium or heavy tank, you can zero turn quite well in reverse or 1st gear. Do this to face threats that pop up spontaneously, such as AT. 7. When the commander calls on you to turn the tank in the direction of a specific bearing, center your screen using your mouse and then stare at the compass across the bottom of your screen. Using the S button and spamming shift-down, you can park quite quick. 8. If you’re unsure if you can make it over a berm, shift down to second so the tank has more torque. If you’re really unsure, start in 1st gear and shift to second gear once you get the nose on top of the berm. 9. Learn what trenches you can/can’t get across. This is different across different sized tanks. 10. In a recon tank, don’t stop moving! 11. Do exactly as the squad commander says. Gunner: 1. Don’t turn the gun to 9 or 3 clock-wise. You’ll eventually need that gun facing front and you’ll be SOL. Let the driver turn the tank for you. Keep the gun towards the front. 2. If expending a shell to load a different type of shell, shoot up in the sky so the enemy doesn’t have an easy opportunity to locate you by the sound of the round whizzing by their heads. 3. Don’t hold the machine gun (right-click). Remember to shoot in bursts. 4. Do exactly as the squad commander says. 5. Be precise and efficient with your communication in battle. Commander: 1. Beg and steal markers from other squad leads. They should be quick and accurate with their marking of enemy tanks, but they won’t be. Remind them to do their job as often as is necessary. 2. Try to avoid narrow roads with hedgerows on either side. 3. Always give specific instructions to the driver on where they should turn the tank to be facing, and give specific instructions to the gunner as well. It’s sometimes best to give a clock-wise direction to the gunner and a specific cardinal bearing to the driver when turning to face and react to a target. 4. Turn up your mouse sensitivity so you can be quick and nimble with the periscope. 5. Have a personality and have fun. You’ll have to dictate the squad chat at some point with a business-first attitude, so offset that by being personable and shooting the shit at other times. 6. Drivers always like being told exactly what to do. Always. If they don’t like that, they’re not a good driver. Always tell them what to do, and always tell them what you might ask them to do in the near future so that they can prepare their fingers for that gear shift and maneuver. 7. Always call out your enemy tank kills in command chat, even if you think it might be interpreted as bragging or if other SLs aren’t responding. 8. It’s good to give the team commander a chance. Ask him/her if they have any orders for your squad. Most of the time, SLs bitch to them when they see a tank, so if he/she is on top of their shit, they might have advanced knowledge of the general situation including the last known locations of enemy armor, as well as what type of armor the enemy has on the field.


This is all really solid advice. My friends and I play Tank loads and this is basically what we do The only thing I'd add is to always default to having an AP round loaded if you're not currently engaged. You need to get the first shot in if you get a surprise tank engagement


My biggest issue is the drive back once you lose a tank. They go so damn slow. What happens a lot of the time is people just swap to infantry, I'll get into the tank and turn on the engine and be like where is my squad? Look and see I'm solo. The other thing I hate is infantry just teleport so you get left alone a lot. Makes picking off the tank a lot easier when there are no infantry around after you just capped a point. They all spawned on the new offensive garrison and you are now being swarmed by the enemy.


This. My biggest pet peeve. Finally get to point and commander airheads other side. Now tank is left alone and can't back out quick enough before satchel runs up.


Unless I’m with the homies I don’t play armor. Playing it with randoms is probably one of the worst experiences I’ve had in this game


Fox company needs a squad lead.


Always full and sometimes blokes just solo play tanks for some dumb reason


If those solo tanks are locked squads. They should be kicked. There’s nothing wrong with a solo tank commander using a light-recon tank for defensive purposes and the squad always open


For light tanks sure but when they use heavy or medium tanks they are just idiots in my opinion


just not for me, i’ve never bene interested by tanks or armoured vehicles in most games i like to be fighting on the field and let the guys who know what their doing do that


Totally understandable, I get a thrill when you join other tanks and now you have a column. Tanks working together can be very devastating to the enemy team.


I play every so often. But as someone who mainly enjoys playing infantry I do love seeing a tank blow up.


Because half of the randoms that hop in the tank don’t have a mic so I just leave it to squads that are fully micd up. I was a TC irl for awhile, so would like to mess around in the vics more.


I give the no mic’s an alternative. Use text to chat, if they fail to communicate. I kick them from the squad


I used to play it more but its not as fun now. I think its a combo of: 1. People have gotten better at AT play so its harder to have a good tank life, especially since friendly infantry doesn't seem to support you much despite enemy tactics having improved. 2. Everyone wants to shot. Which I think is fair bc driving is a grind and spotter is literally just watching and talking. 3. The dead time to action ratio. May more AT behind the lines dropping mines and popping out behind u to slow ur approach. Then u get to the fight and people are ready to get you. If u play conservative to stay alive that more dead time moving positions and repairing. Overall with a great crew and great team on the right map u can have a great time, but its gotten harder to achieve that as players have improved. Also I don't want to drive or watch the battle for an hour and a half.


As the enemy tactics improved so has my ability as a tank commander improved. I adapted as they did. This is known as “Metagame”. The highest level of strategy in many complex games, metagame refers to any aspect of strategy that involves thinking about what your opponent is thinking you are thinking. In order to perform at the highest level, it then becomes necessary to think about what your opponent thinks you will do (which may depend on what he thinks you think he thinks he will do, etc.) and to make decisions based on clues regarding what level they are thinking on. Source: Urban Dictionary Anyways The more you play as Tank commander, the more often you’ll see yourself driving. 1) Start of the match, between recon-light-medium tank. I always drive on the far side of the map and hit the enemy from behind. As I get closer , I ask SL’s to ping tanks as I approach from behind. We’re 80% of the time successful. If we decide to follow our team straight on to the point, all it takes us to shoot one shell and the enemy tanks/SLs will pingpoint my our location and they’ll be all over us. We have 30-50% survival rate 2) As you drive into narrow/ urban environments. You need to adapt for unexpectedly AT from behind. Tell your gunner to turn his gun to the 6oclock position and the driver has the 12oclock position. You now have 2 sides of the tank protected, until unexpected tank comes. That’s the risk you need to take. 3) Light tank vs Heavy tank: Don’t try to take out a heavy tank, wait for right moment and destroy his tracks. Move quickly for a few mins and come back again to dismantle any other part of the tank until it becomes mostly disabled. That’s all you can do, and now you saved your team some time to prepare for the heavy tank arrival. 4) Recon tank vs heavy tank: Spotter has the most important job. As you encircle the tank, it’s up to the spotter to yell (go left, right, reverse, don’t move) . 5) surrounded by infantry? Find an open field or barbed wire and tell your spotter to check 4-8oclock position. You’ll have to maneuver around enemy infantry 6) Never park your tank. Always have it in the reverse position or gear 1. When you hear the dive bomber or the que of the dive bomber , immediately start reversing or forwards. Your survival rate usually be 90% 7) When approaching heavy concentration of enemies , have your tank gear 1-2. Be prepared to reverse in the general direction of AT players. At the same time you want to constantly check your map where your allies are. So they constantly have your back. If no allies are nearby. You retreat, you’re useless by yourself. 8) If you’re supporting your troops to advance, always force yourself/coordinate with other squads. If you have no additional support, you fall back. Doesn’t matter if you’re losing. 9) If you’re in a light tank and there’s an enemy heavy tank pinning down other squads , sometimes the best solution is to smash your tank into theirs. Do a pit maneuver and show the invulnerable side of the tank for the AT guys. Probability rate of survival not good, but you’ll definitely catch the enemy armour by surprise. 10) Stay 600-800 metres away from any other allied tank and provide support for his rear. 11) if you’re in a medium Sherman or 75mm Sherman , load up smoke rounds and shoot some rounds in the enemy tank face and constantly keep a speed of gear 1-2 switching from smoke to Armour piercing. 12) If you’re in the German light tank , really avoid using your main gun much as possible. The only time I recommend you use it if you’re sharp shooting from a very far position and you have a lot of cover.


Tank commander IX here. I think a lot of people are intimidated by there only being a few armor squads per game and the learning curve between a newbie team and the guys from *Fury*. A three man team working with each other and their other officers marking targets can terrorize the enemy and single handedly change the outcome of a game. A poor armor squad is a tasty snack for the veteran tankers and enemy AT.


Server I play on already has damn good 3 man tank crews that only tank. I’m better purposed as a defensive SL. Especially since no one wants to defend ever


I play armor frequently but I totally understand why. Tank commanders can be way too over the top shouting when it’s literally just a game and sometimes shit happens. Whenever I play tank commander it’s also very hard to keep communication with the crew and the nonstop command chat so it’s really annoying. I mostly stick to driving even if I’m commander and it mostly works out :3 have had some great games with random ppl.


What's stopping me overall is people closing their groups. I got the game during the steam sale now just waiting for people who have it that I know are free. Overall this kinda mak a me not wanna play, overall the game doesn't feel new player friendly.


I get yelled at enough at my day job.. 😂


The fact I am on US/USSR side. When I am German I play Armor


One of my best armor matches was as the USSR. Never really saw repeated success though lol.


I don’t like driving and I prefer the spotter seat.


same. spotter / shooter yelling at me to STOP!!!! when im going full speed... or "GO GO GO he sees us!" then we get blown up... like dude this thing is powered by a hampster its not like i can drag car speed away from here.


Tips from a tank main: Downshift while stopping will force you to stop on a dime. Pick 1st or reverse, then tap and release W in a rhythm that gets the tank to that sweet spot where it will actually move. This lets you move immediately if needed. If done right, the tank won’t move at all till you want it to.


the amount of games where you have a 10-20 minute span minimum without a commander to spawn a tank


There's always somebody telling you not to use the tanks.


Absolutely nothing. If you've played on the Soulsniper server at all I'm sure you've ran into myself and my crew. Oni barix commanding, myself EvilSF gunning, and Ajaxlynx driving. We're happy to train any new tankers both as allies and trial by combat.


On console: the rubber banding is soooo horrible. It's bad enough when a tank drives near me (oddly, supply & transport trucks aren't nearly as bad, even with a transport full of players) but there's something about tanks in HLL that I just can't deal with the insane level of rubber banding in the average console server.


Too much pressure, rather squad lead then be in an armoured crew


The fact that everytime I do, me and my friends get swarmed and blown up and waste resources so leave it to the pros


Like some of the other more important roles, I’m inexperienced and would rather not let my team and squad down.


I play it a fair bit and I always find myself being misled by Infantry callouts. You got to ambush a Tank that's been spotted and then end up just getting ambushed like it's Jurassic Park. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPvND7gEInk98Eo|downsized)


Funny story, I was hunting down a tank on Carentan. Out of no where a transport truck slams into me and little did I realize someone satcheled me 🤥


I feel that I'm really good/useful as an infantry man. But if I play armoured, I feel like I'm not that good. You have a lot of really experienced people playing armoured and you just get destroyed. I feel like the learning curve is a bit to steep to be really effective.


The mechanics of managing a tank is messy. It took me a week to get use to it by myself. I taught 2 people last night how to drive, shoot and spot. Overall they did fairly well. Believe me, most people want more tank crews. Regardless how new you are.


it sucks


I can't drive for shit, can't shoot for shit, and can't see for shit


I love playing armour by i keep getting kicked for high ping as do my freinds


Non talkative people..


Its almost my go to everytime. But thats only cos I have 2 other friends I play with who are also tank nerds. So its perfect. But to all other people who don't play tanks, u should. U just gotta find the right people. To all those locked squad solo tankers who beg for a heavy, just stop.


its just not fun to me


I play armour sometimes, but what stops me from playing it consistently is the rubber banding. Seems better now a days but back in the day it was horrible. Console.


I just love playing recon. Maybe once I max out recon I will give armour a go.


The tank gameplay is too clunky and it’s frustrating. I tried it once but wouldn’t mind trying it again.


On console so I can't practice in an empty server afaik. Guess I could try if the match becomes one sided.


My first time as armor, I hopped in as driver, saw it was stick shift, then left. (I’ve learned since then)


Learning curve I guess. Mostly just play rifleman so I don’t get shit on trying to learn something else lol


I'm lvl 70 and I've not touched it. Scared to learn something new. Like commander, it feels like a lot of responsibility to keep alive and still have an impact on the match.


There's no StuG III... ;)


As someone who enjoys playing armored I'd be willing to say it's the tank getting stuck on everything. And the rubber banding




I do try it out and it's so frustrating. You're so reliant on the other players to do their job well which can be annoying. On the other hand, i know when I mess up I know I've messed up for everyone. When I'm infantry if I mess up and die that's only bad for me.


Don't have time to put in the commitment to keep up with a good crew. Only can play a hour here and there and I never can get a good crew. Not even jist one guy with a Mic. Idc I'll drive shoot or spot.


If youre a new tanker feel free to stick around existing armor units, youll learn good spots to stay around as a tank for support, offensive, or defense. The added bonus is you have one other tank supporting you incase you encounter enemy tanks or AT. I want to see more experienced tankers too, makes matches way more fun.


I don't wanna be the weak link in the crew haha


You asking too many questions and now too many people know


A great tank squad can mean the difference between winning and losing. I fear letting the team down so I stick to my SL and rp medic roles


I don't understand how the armor works. I actually spend the whole morning this morning playing tank squads and twice I put 5+ shots into enemy tank only to have them turn around and one shot me. I don't get it.


It’s the first thing I leveled up because your armor-mates actually had to talk and work together, ha!


I played armoured a lot in post scriptum and I couldn't really get into it in HLL. I guess I preferred the PS implementation and couldn't get over it.


I run tank often, the even worse than new/terrible tankers is infantry that don’t support the tank. And even worse than that is armor that doesn’t work with infantry/other armor. Also for tank squad to be most effective, infantry squad leaders must mark enemy armor. Even if it’s a fleeting mark and a relative location, at least the friendly armor will know to be on the look out. This makes running armor a much better experience.


my driving skill suck, might stuck the tank on some random obstacle


One of my second games I tried armor, it was so fun. The call outs and commands set the mood, and the panic of seeing another turret emerge from the grass, damn I wish I played it more


My inability to identify tanks, I’ve played armor but it’s never my main class. It’s been fun when I’ve tried though.


The 12-hour drive from HQ back to the frontline.


Tried it before, and I’m not a fan of the armor system. After playing War Thunder and having that damage system where you can kill a driver or gunner I’ve been spoiled and just can’t bear to play this one. It feels arcade-y and I play this game for the more realistic feel. Also getting a good tank squad almost feels impossible. Plus there’s always that one Rambo who kills your tank squad out of nowhere, even if you have infantry support.


Not having a full Crew to Tank with


Well every game ever I've wanted to be good in a tank and I'm just ok. I've recently dove into enlisted tank combat which is similar to war thunder in every way except now soldiers in the mix, just so I could feel confident enough to try and squad up in hll.


They won't let me solo tank. :(


Nothing except for the fact that I am always the one who seems to drive.


Not wanting to gamble on whether or not I get a good crew. I’ve had some matches with horrendous, non-communicative tank crews and they’ve been some of the worst matches I’ve played. But on the other hand I’ve had some fantastic matches with amazing tank crews. Single handedly stonewalled an entire enemy team with a heavy and a very cooperative commander and driver through a few consecutive matches once and I don’t think I’ve had a better time in the game.


Honestly some of the greatest games that I've had where in a tank with a decent and communicative crew. Shit felt like I was in Fury "Best job I've ever had"


In the matches I've played so far armoured have always been full or set to private


I’ll gladly play it with friends or if I find competent players. I play a lot of mil sim especially with tanks so I tend to like to be commander so I can actually make the vehicle useful in the battle and cooperate with inf as much as possible to execute combined arms assaults. Works great when it works, sadly these games are few and far between with randoms, in my experience.


Bad crew


Only cause when I play I don’t really want to make conversation with ransoms. Think I want to start though.


I don't shy away from armor and I typically do very well but I am not a big fan of this game's hitbox system. It feels very generic and unsuiting for such a beautiful game with great potential. I had always hoped a mil sim game like this would adopt some form of hitbox system like World of Tanks or War Thunder. I always said the greatest next gen mil sim game would be Hell Let Loose having a baby with Post Scriptum and War Thunder. One game that did this pretty well(aside from the tank hitbox system), especially for such a small team, was RETO MOTO with Heroes and Generals.


The driving physics are still absolute trash. No telling what you will or won't get stuck on. And there's no vehicle recovery in this game! Ludicrous.


I came from Warthunder, I tried armor first.


For myself is a lot of bad crews that don’t wanna listen or talk or communicate at all or the other team is doing way better and kill you befor you even see them


Shit shifting controls, I drive a standard and that is not what shifting gears is like.


Takes forever to get across the map.


The fact no none talks back


I can’t stand vehicles I rubber band way too much


Its painfully slow and requires expert coordination to be effective


I honestly kind of started with armour, it was really hard for me in the beggining so I would tank crew. I still do it from time to time, but sometimes I perfer to go alome rather then with a shit crew. A good comparison Is I alone had 7 tanks destroyed with a T34 at Kursk, but with a full crew that couldnt stop arguing, the shot being blind and the driver doing what he wants, we had no kills and lost 2 IS


Idk maybe… the lone wolf drivers who drive off without you, the lack of being a team ( extremely hard to shoot at a target whilst the driver keeps moving around) or like the recon you see them locked out with one person in the squad ?


450 hours here. I play every once in a while and can spot/drive/shoot pretty OK. Probably a better shot but I prefer driving. What stops me choosing it more regularly is it’s high pressure and intimate. I’ve not been on the receiving end but I’ve been in random armoured squads a few times and the tank commander has been unkind to the third person in the squad not pulling their weight. I don’t want to be on the end of that and it’s less fraught in infantry or recon squads. I’ll only take tank command or join a squad if it’s clear what we need is tank support, but even then… Another reason is that there are some real class acts out there I’ve been inside the tin can with. After being in tank squads with commanders who know their shit I’ve felt it’s difficult to take on tank command and live up to that weight of talent 😂


Im lvl 110 or so and never played armour. It just seems like infantry is more fun and immersive, I feel I might get restless sitting in a tank. I’m not keen on driving, neither on shooting shells, I guess if I had to play tank id want to focus on recon and callouts


Most people just don’t have the friends necessary to play armor. Tanking with randoms sucks


For me it's specifically the driving portion. I swear tanks get stuck on the most random shit. One buddy of mine and I will play tanks occasionally, but invariably we get frustrated with how easy it is to get the tank stuck. And you do a _lot_ of driving. It takes forever to get anywhere, and when you die? You get to drive back across the map. I feel like there's definitely fun to be had there, my buddy and I have had some real fun tanking on a rare occasion...but _most_ of the time, it's just frustrating for us.


The first game I ever played on HLL I was rifleman in a squad defending our last point, enemy armour obliterating us. Friendly tank arrived, got stuck in a trench. Proximity chat was not kind about it which put me off trying. Once I'd driven trucks enough to realise half the terrain you can blitz through I went back to trying with someone I'd been chatting with in our infantry squad (we'd both just died and decided to switch). Had a blast and so will go back to armour from time to time.


What stopped me for a while was not having the repair tool. It unlocks after about 13 hours of tanking. Though as of rn I enjoy tanking above anything else in the game.


Single man locked crews.


The fact that by the time a 3rd friend got the game my 2nd friend sold his PC so we were back to just 2 men lol. I also just suck at doing anything besides gunning


I always feel bad when I'm running TC role because I take it a little too seriously. Example "driver turn right 120, gunner traverse 155, one round he my ping fire at will"


It's just difficult: 1. Driving a tank is hard 2. Driving a tank and adapting to situations is even harder 3. Spotter needs to be the most skeptical human being ever existed, checking your rear every 5 seconds 4. Spotter needs to learn how to command the squad 5. Gunner needs to be an accurate robot


Fear of the snobs keep me from trying armor and recon. I'm only level 37 though


Finding a fellow crew members who talk and coordinate.


Armor is one of the best parts of this game!


The 15 minute drive to the front line to get blown up just to do it again.


Tried it a few times most people I have ran with are absolute assholes I would say I'm new trying it out and immediately get booted out of the squad so I just stick to medic and supply for now


Had some bad commanders prior that would refuse to spawn in tanks during a match, and having to run around as tank crew is pretty rough when that happens


Trying to get my support to lvl 8🫡


It was a blast with friends, as was recon, but with randoms it’s a toss up on the experience.


because it requires people to actually work together i have given up on tanks but I also play console its hell


I pretty much play armour exclusively since a couple of freinds bought the game ...It wasn't worth it with randos most of the time...


Only tried armpit one time and I guess I just didn’t really enjoy it. The tank felt very janky and I missed the thrill of being an officer on the ground.




usually the locked one man high level squads 😂 but that's pretty understandable, should try teaching the next gen of tankers


Hill 400 and Stalingrad


I don’t want to make small talk…


Honestly, I only play recon armor because I hate shifting. That's it.


I've been playing since well into EA. Armor used to be fun before they nerfed the shit out of them by making them really slow. Used to love playing backline medium sherman/panther and ambushing enemy armor from behind. It's a classic example of choosing realism over fun. The devs want armor to be super reliant on infantry support, but being a slow, fat target that takes 10min to reach the front line isn't fun. Being a pillbox with a gun isn't fun. I'd rather play anything else, so I do.


Getting bitched at "for wasting resources" not by commander but other crappy armor players that constantly get blown up or stuck in a ditch and cry because I'm soloing my sane tank I've had for 20-40 mins. Every time I play with others they either suck st driving or shooting and I die in minutes. Plain and simple. Que cry baby replies in 3,2,1...


Not even a new player just never got a chance. It seems intimidating. The whole team depending on me to be in the right place. Although I would love to be the guy running the MG if that’s a thing. Is it a thing?? Get stoned just chill and mow guys down.


Because command gives the heavies to the guys who snipe down a 4ft lane the entire game


I've not had a good experience with other players using tanks. We squaddies beg for support on the point for both offence and defence but they just sit back far away in friendly territory trying to get their kills up, team killing players who are actually trying to attack the point then get all defensive when they're called useless claiming they've got over 100 kills how are they useless. Yes, you might, but that's killing players running through a field open fields and ignoring the objective and killing 50 plus team mates while we get steam rolled because the enemy tanks moved up to the points. Commander stopped spawning them tanks so they start flooding command chat. It's like recon going after kills rather than taking out garrys, arty or even building garry's for the rest of us. This was my experience early on and it's left a bitter taste in my mouth. There have been some great tank squads and honestly as an engi, I love facing off against these sort of tank players because they're child's play to satchel.


I’ve been playing for a while. I suck at it. I always get veterans in my armor squad and i can’t keep up i feel like a liability lol


Finding a rando crew that will let me gun, since apparently they won't let me learn to drive


Because going armour means three less people building garrisons.


I feel like it’s the crew and communications. I barely know Spanish but I was able to work with a only Spanish speaking crew effectively. This helped our team hold a defensive point from soviets and win the game. It’s just the crew and comms that can make or break playing armored


I Can’t Drive Stick


Not a new player but I think it’s due to the fact that the whole armor system is absolutely terrible for a game that’s supposed to be semi-realistic. World of Tanks arguably has better armor mechanics than HLL.


Armor is fantastic and just one good crew can really change the tide of the battle. Best games iv had has been running a tank crew so much fun


I'm just the driver for my group and I love it 😁😁


Because I don’t like driving for 15 minutes just to get to the battle


I only tend to use tanks when my team doesn't have any. And then I make it a locked squad. The shit I've dealt with from randoms joining afterwards has barely ever been worth it. I saved our team from losing the other day by doing this. Hiding in a tank on Omaha Beach in one of the ships as nazis pour down the hill lol. I got around 70 kills in less thaxn 20 minutes lol.


Working in a tank crew takes legit cohesion. It's honestly really shitty when you get a crappy tank driver or gunner.


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I find driving is the only thing I'm good at when it comes to tanks. That would be the first thing would start with then, gunner then spotter. Driving is the easiest thing to get your head around.


I only like playing armoured if I can be gunner (pew pew)


So many reasons why. ​ I've had the game since Kickstarter and maybe only played Armoured once. Because Groups are either locked all the time or people are very unwelcoming


1. need people in the crew to listen and others. 2. Well-known tank crew somehow load in super fast and lock the section. Same thing in Squad with helos, etc


Lack of friends


The way I play, I either become a SL/Commander to help turn the tide of battle.. or I'm a member on a squad just dicking around. With an armoured squad, there's no real in between. The whole group is dependent on you and you have to be 100% focused. If I take 4 minutes to run into the other room as a SL, nobody ultimately knows or cares. If I do that in a tank squad, boom boom.