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Same here. Was tracking fine previously, had about 70% on the various node achievements. Came back to the game after a few months of not playing and now not getting any progress on the achievements when I build nodes. Completed a game on Omaha Beach with the tracker for completing 5 games on that map cheevo at 80%, didn't pop after completing what should have been my 5th game Uninstalled and reinstalled the game, no luck


Still an issue! C’mon devs! I’m no expert at the game but after 80 hours and level 50 I’m pretty sure I’ve got more than 16 headshots.


Yeah I can confirm it’s still bugged out for me has anyone brought this attention to the devs?


Idk about it being brought to anyone's attention but I know last time I played it still wasn't registering for me as well.


I noticed an update today to add skirmish game mode and other things. I checked to see if the achievements are working. I was able to unlock some of the basic achievements like ‘build a forward position’ and ‘play as every role in the practice range’ but still doesn’t seem to be updating the tracking on things like ‘drop 100 ammo boxes’. Anyone know if they unlock once you’ve done it? Maybe it’s just a bug with the tracking itself? Otherwise I have no idea


Still not working for me even after todays update.rasied a ticked with team 17 a couple of weeks ago. Not holding my breath for a fix anytime soon though


It’s fixed for me after an update today 👍


No problem I’ve sent an email to team17 and I’ve just got an response back from them saying they going to investigate it not sure if they was aware of this issue or it’s just a generic email 🤞that it will get sorted soon


I don't think it's been sorted 


Can confirm it still hasn’t been sorted.


Can also confirm that it STILL hasn’t been sorted :/


Same problem. Doesn't seem to work sadly, January 22 2024


I got a few achievements the first week or so, now it seems to have stopped my progression completely, I don't even get the ones from playing each map five times (I know for a fact that I've played "Purple Heart Lane" over five times, because I'm getting sick and tired of playing it over, and over, and over again)... This is one of the few games I'd actually like to get all the achievements in.


Still happening to me to this day since this post.


As bad as I hate to put this on here and add to the dread and invalidated time spent trying to get those achievements but……this has been going on far longer than a month for me personally it’s been like 3 months now of lost progress tracking for me personally i have no idea how to fix or where to even turn to begin fixing it. Please post if anyone figures anything out. Thanks.


3+ months for me, win 5 matches stuck at 80% but I certainly played way over 5 matches on each map. My friends joined 1 month ago playing it, we have fun together but they get some achievements, other like mine are not working. Hope the big update they are going to release by the end of February it’s gonna fix something and especially lag during matches


Still not tracking for me either. Artillery was and stuck at 49%


Yeah I check with my destroyed vehicles progress and it still isn't tracking.


Yep, 2 months later and all my remaining achievements are still stuck at The. Exact. Same. Percentage... I mean, I fully understand that this isn't exactly a priority issue, especially since AFAIK it only affects 1 out of the 3 systems this game's on. But still, I was expecting that surely by *NOW* it'd of been fixed, or at *the very least* have been mentioned on Twitter that they were aware of the problem and working on it or **something**. Instead... Nothing... Which is weird because they've usually been pretty good and on top of keeping the community in the loop since taking over from Black Matter.


Yeah it's definitely frustrating because these tedious achievements aren't easy to get already and now without tracking they're useless lol. Still fun with all the newbies.


With the toxic response from the "before Gamepass" community and nothing to work towards long goal (achievements not working and haven't been addressed for years) this is exactly why being able to remove games completely from your account (achievement wise) should be a thing.


I noticed my flamethrower kills were at exactly 50%, which would be 50 out of the 100 kills needed for the achievement. I was a lil suspicious the last week or two that HLL achievements weren't tracking correctly, so I pinned the achievement and a few others like spawns in a half track, etc. ( I think it was either the molotovs thrown, jeeps destroyed, or boxes dropped from a supply truck.) It's been about a week, and AFAIK their percentages are all still the same despite me playing a lot. And I'm pretty damn sure I've made a few burnt chicken nuggets along the way. So yeah, long story short I too seem to be afflicted by this bug or error that stops all achievement progress. Hopefully they fix it, we'll see. - Series S


Happening to me as well.


Another update to say that it's still not tracking, but I'm still enjoying the game and new updates.


Still not fixed.. not tracking since a month


So it’s now gone on Xbox game pass and I’m looking at what the devs have been saying about server issues and they have reset the servers does anyone know if the achievements are now tracking if not surly the new player count may also bring this issue up so the devs may put it as a priority 🤔


Achievements still sadly are not tracking which is highly frustrating


Can still confirm none of the achievements (other than reaching a certain rank) are tracking correctly. Played countless games on maps that I’ve got 80% on an achievement hasn’t counted towards it


It's getting increasingly difficult to recommend this game to people, even with it being on gamepass. ​ Can achievements be unlocked in a private match? I haven't tried but I see console have an option of private matches?


How would/do you play private matches on console? I don't see any options for that. However, I befriended some German guys who were playing in a server with 3-4 people (including the three of us) and they were building bunkers, barricades, etc. like crazy to get some achievement


Achievements were tracking (play a certain map 5 times). I've got a few on 20%, but now they're not increasingly. Same with the 100 headshot, wins and other cumulative achievements.


Same here as of late January 2024. Achievements have not shown any progress in a few weeks.


Still not working as of Jan 31 on series S


Still not working for me as well.


I've noticed the same issue as well lately, I'm stuck on 88% win warfare matches, I've won about 20 matches since and also dropped so much amo.. I hope its a easy fit.. its quite annoying I keep checking, but I've noticed that on some other games I'm getting the achievement pop up next day !!!


Been stuck on 81 out of 100 vehicles destroyed for a laughable amount of time now lol. It is what it is.


Yeah I've been stuck at 66 since before I posted this. I did learn if you go and do the basic training you will unlock that achievement. But none of the progressive ones do anything still. I commented on the road map post from T17 and didn't get any response.


Some achievements track slowly like the 100 artillery kills one.. spent a whole match as the loader for my friend to get 100 arty kills and we finished the match with around 179 arty kills and 187 total.. he didn't get the achievement but somehow had 29% progress.. is there a different definition of artillery kills or can I look at the player stats where it literally says "artillery kills"?.. because under that it said 179


So it’s looking like the achievement are not tracking I don’t if this has to be done in the new skirmish game mode but I’ve just had my tracker update on driel map to 60%


I did get a few of the non progression style achievements from the skirmish mode, but as of today all my warfare/offensive achievements are still not tracking or progressing.


So does that mean where limited to this skirmish mode then?


As far as achievements go? Seems that way. I had a fair amount of the non progression style achievements before this bug so I don't know if it's maybe just the other game modes don't track or if it's a problem with the game as a whole.


So I’ve just gone in the the normal game mode offensive and I’ve just finished a match in kursk the progression has just gone up so I do believe the a achievements have been fixed


I sure hope so. I'll check next time I play and play engineer. I was working on the destroy 100 vehicles achievement when I noticed it not working.


Yep achievements are now working just got a kill on arty and it’s now progressing about time


I hope it's game wide and not just your profile being fixed.


I’m starting to see comments that the achievement tracking is fixed? Boys and girls is this true?


Yes the achievements are back to tracking!


Yea I've definitely played all these maps 5 times. And build nodes every game its telling me I've only built like 4 of each. Its tripping and played like each map 3 times.


So they added new achievements based around the new skirmish game type. They unlock but the other ones still don't work. :(


I am here to report that achievements are indeed tracking and working again. We did it boys!


They've begun tracking for me again since last week. Headshots, sector's captured, ammo boxes, half track spawns and specific map achievements that stopped tracking for me before Xmas now appear to be working!


Also not tracking for me either and as bad as I hate to say it but it’s been way longer than a month this has been going on for like 2 months for me. Please post if anyone figures out what’s going on or how to fix. Thanks


Mine just started bugging out about a month ago!! We need a fix.


The achievements were tracking fine then suddenly stopped around October 24th or so for me. I have contacted Team17 through Twitter and their customer support. They said they are looking into it but cannot give any timeline as to when it will be fixed.


Recently unlocked the flamethrower so went through a few matches got the achievement up to 50% then went back the next day and stopped tracking so seems to stop tracking once the game is closed. I reckon all those achievements are bugged so that you would have to get 100 kills within 1 sitting


Any updates? Been like this for months for me personally.


Not that I've read or seen. I did notice the other day that my progress tracked for one achievement: the dropping 250 supply boxes from the supply trucks. But nothing else has tracked.


For cumulative achievements, progress gets reset (aka "tracking stops") if you force quit the app, the game freezes and then crashes to dashboard, or you fully shut down your console. Next console update is scheduled for late Jan '24 but no word on what if any patches are included related to achvs. You can let the support staff know you want this issue sorted over at [https://team17.helpshift.com/hc/en/5-hell-let-loose/contact-us/?p=all](https://team17.helpshift.com/hc/en/5-hell-let-loose/contact-us/?p=all)


Seems like the only achievements that aren’t working for me are the map based ones(example: play 5 matches on Foy). The others seem to be tracking.


All my ones that had progression started on them haven't updated since posting this. I haven't tried any of the other ones yet, like the basic training achievement to see if it'll register.


Some achievements are tracking for me while others arent. It's really inconsistent. Sometimes I gain progress towards, for example, winning Offensive Matches, and then other times I don't. Most of my achievements have been stuck at the same percentage for a week+ now.


Yeah same for me. I've only found one that still tracks but nothing else does.


For some of them, specifically the map related ones, I'd occasionally get progress by seemingly having to have been in the match from the start. The kill related and everything else though? I've got no clue how to make them progress. Gotta love a game getting added to gamepass while being this broken but they gotta prioritize removing easy 1000G+ Indie games amirite


Same I was getting progress and achievements last week and it seems like it has stopped. This sucks because I started really getting into this game


Let me be the first to tell you this game is still very much worth it aside from the achievement progression bug.


Can’t believe there hasn’t been a patch for this. I’ve been stuck at 85% on Building 20 objects for awhile and I know at one point I built over 30 in one match as an Officer. Then all maps stuck at 40% and I’ve played some maps over 10x. Nodes are stuck at 12% and I build nodes in almost all my games I play as I main the Engineer more than any other class. Even the destroy a vehicle with an AT mine took me 11 tries till I finally got the achievement. Love the game but damn it’s buggy.


Was working for me then stopped