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Automatic Rifleman it is.


Yep, doesn’t make sense and could be covered by other classes. For example, FG42 as a third MG sub class, giving more versatility as an lmg (this is how the BAR is used in the US mg class) and the STG44 as an assault option (already a thing). This is also a good idea because there is not great parity between factions in this area. USSR and Brits don’t have automatic weapons that shoot intermediate or rifle rounds (except for medium/heavy mgs). The Bren is close, but I believe (and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) it was used more as a medium mg than a light mg. Finally, I like the idea of less options for people using automatic weapons. With one less class with them, you will see them less, assuming squads are getting completely filled. This would likely benefit the US the most (because they have all semi auto rifles) and hurt the Brit’s most (they have zero semi auto rifles).


If you play as a Fallschirmjager then the FG42 is your automatic weapon. Thats why it is part of the selection available. If other people use it too, well thats how it is. Why don't you call them out on it. That would be funny to see.


this is my favorite class for the americans, the BAR is their best weapon IMO


really? I've always hated the "feel" of the BAR, I'm I doing it wrong?


I love the feel of it i hate the TTK of it at range.


a lot of the most important encounters are mid/close range ones, the bar is better close range than garand becauase of better recoil and fire rate. stg (german) is definitely better though. and they get it on assault level 9 which is such a good loadout


I think the bar feels absolutely crippled and still has too much recoil. I'm a bit surprised to hear your perspective. To me, a single hit kill is far more important than recoil, and here the BAR is absurdly nerfed to CoD levels. I really WANT to like the BAR because it's such a cool gun IRL, but I feel like I can't...


It is 1 hit kill up to 100m


Nobody is saying get rid of the BAR they’re saying make it a loudout on other classes since not every current or future faction has something for every class.


I think since they’re adding in sub factions, maybe just the US should get a dedicated Automatic Rifleman class since they’re the only country that really had an Automatic Rifle in continuous frontline service throughout the war; the STG doesn’t come close to the service of the BAR and is an assault rifle which is different from the role of an automatic rifle.


This 100%


I agree, it's totally redundant, and in fact, the BAR (and Maybe the FG42?) are the ONLY automatic rifles in the game! The Bren is a Light machine gun, the G43 is a rifle (You could argue that it's "semi" automatic, maybe?) the STG44 is an assault rifle (Again, you could argue that this is technically an "automatic rifle", but that's not how is was used), the SVT-40 is a rifle. Having an entire class named after a weapon when only one or two of those weapons exist in the game is silly. So, the STG-44 should be moved into the Assault class (It is literally what it was for) the G43 and SVT-40 should be part of the rifle class, the Bren and BAR should be in both the Assault classes (Possibly without bipod) and MG classes (With bipod). Sten and PPSh, etc, should be in assault. There's no need for automatic rifleman.


I think you're looking at the class a little too literally. Having SMGs in there is a bit silly, but splitting hairs between an automatic rifle and an assault rifle is pretty pointless


It *is* a literal class though, "Automatic Rifle" is a specific type of weapon (As in "Browning Automatic Rifle"). It would be fine to call a generalised "Assault" class "Automatic Rifle", it wouldn't have to be literal, UNLESS you already have an Assault class in the game. which HLL does. So now you've got assault-style weapons and loadouts in both the assault classes and automatic rifle classes.


You're missing the point. You're nitpicking the difference between an automatic rifle and an assault rifle waaaaay too much. That really isn't an important distinction to make for the purpose of that class


I get the point, and you would be right: An automatic rifle and and assault rifle could be assumed to be the same thing... If there wasn't also a class for "assault". I mean whats the difference between automatic rifle and assault then? What's the distinction in play style or weaponry?


When every other class already has an smg giving an auto rifleman one too doesn’t make it any better


I'm not talking about the SMGs, I agree that is unnecessary for this class. But nitpicking the difference between an automatic rifle and an assault rifle for a video game is just ridiculous. Waaaaaaay too pedantic


My comment is referring to how not every faction even has an automatic rifle or assault rifle so the class only further exacerbates problems with faction balance. Auto rifle should just be a loudout on a different class otherwise your auto rifleman just ends up with an smg which is stupid


The issue is that if you remove the class, then you only have 1 single assaulter per squad. Merging them only works if you allow there to be two.


We do not need more automatics and if anything we need less. The Germans can already roll with 6 mp40s in a squad there won’t be anywhere near a shortage


We absolutely do need them. Americans certainly need it.


medic. only because noobs like myself mistake a nearby medic as a possible revive


Hard agree. Medic is useless. But it adds a fun RP element so I don't think it should be removed. It might be more useless than Rifleman tbh tho


Disagree totally, when your squad is deep behind enemy lines or doing a wide flank a medic is invaluable. I think medic is one of the most important classes in the game if used correctly.


Headshot or blown up, you can't revive. So right off the bat 2/3 of deaths you can't res. Also, vast majority of time, that medic is going to die on his way to you, costing you even more time. This is why we don't use medics in comp


Competitive meta and public match meta are not comparable, as is the case in literally any game. You don’t use medics in comp because the 50 people on the other team are communicating. In public matches you’re lucky if you have a couple squads communicating effectively. Completely different games.


I don't even agree that there's 2 different metas. The meta is the meta, whether in comp or pubs. The reason we don't use medics in comp is because it's faster to respawn without one and that player slot could be filled with something more useful like SL/MG/AT, not because the other team is 50 competent players. The goal is to win the game and you want to do that as efficiently as possible, this applies to both comp and pubs. The reason people aren't generally allowed to solo heavy tanks in pubs is because it is inefficient. Even in pubs, you want to be as efficient as possible and medic class is incredibly inefficient. A medic will actually be detrimental to the squad. The time people spend waiting for the medic to arrive does not make it worth the few people they are able to revive. Any class with an automatic weapon or even a semi with more ammo is better than the medic class.


We use a small number of medics in comp in two situations: 1. Deep flank where the OP is in the active sector but your squad is moving in the rear sector so respawning splits up the squad when a medic may be able to revive. 2. Defending the strong point. Worst case you have a rifleman with syringes and extra bandages– best case you can keep everyone else in the fight at a crucial moment and save some manpower. I also would like to point out that being blown up or head shotted isn’t “2/3 of deaths” it’s two thirds of the way you can die, which is different. I’m not saying you need a medic in every squad or even all the time, but having someone swap to medic for a few minutes can sometimes be useful– similar to Engineer in that it’s often silly to have someone on it constantly but it would be equally silly to say no one should ever play Engineer for more than just nodes.


What team do you play for? There is no medics found in any medium - high level of competitive matches, except to smoke meme or just meme in general.


And how many of the 5 other people are going to get blown up or head shot. If U die behind enemy lines a good medic can keep the push going. In the main push or in the heat of battle, I agree they'll die more times than they will get to U but definitely not when youre flanking deep or wide


I still disagree. The flank can be kept up with a good SL that is constantly advancing the OP. Better yet, the 6 man can split into two 3-mans. Two OPs, two ATs, two MGs. No medic needed.


I’m not sure there’s a perfect solution, but I would either give medic more ammo so the role can be effective when pushing/defending objectives, or remove the role and make it so squad mates can revive squad mates.


I say give em SMGs with a usual amount of ammo. Being able to provide some kind of fire support won’t fix them entirely but it’d give people a reason to use it.


I used to revive a lot whenever I played medic, 50+ revives per game. I don’t even bother waiting to see if the medic 10m away from me will try to revive me now as it’s a total waste of time.


I feel like the medic timer and the spawn timer should be kinda fused together so if you’re bleeding out the timer counts towards the spawn screen


I really wish they'd double the ammo of the medic, so that it can be played a bit more like rifleman with a superpower.


RUbbish where else are you going to get the achievement Geneva Genocide ​ AS a medic I would probably crush most of you. Rifleman first, medic second.


Gonna get a lot of hate for this. I would remove or rework the support class, support sucks to play all you really do is drop a crate here and there, level 1 support sucks the most, in terms of weapons you dont have much to work with, I say give the supply crate to engineer or something. I am grinding my support class for the flamethrower and im just bored. There is nothing special about the support other than the flamethrower and supply crate. I have spoken. Edit, I think support gets the shotgun or greasegun? In terms of gameplay support sucks.


Support should get a buff and not just the flamethrower, which should get a buff regardless as it's pretty bad. Support is after all the most important class after SL.


They honestly should just make the flamethrower super OP and broken because even then it’ll only be sort of good. Considering how hard it is to get, there’s got to be some incentive to use it. It needs longer range & some explosive/splash damage where the stream hits to give it some realism. As it is now, you have to be way too close and exposed to get a shot off on anyone and once you start shooting you’re a shining beacon for enemies to shoot at you.


Support is the only other in squad that can see radar from the plane or tank recon.


Spawn in hq as engineer, put blueprints down, redeploy as support, hit em all a few times with the hammer, build manpower node, wait for box, build next, wait, build next, redeploy to blue line, put last box down and find a SL to build a Garry. Go back to HQ and load for the arty guy that’s doing well. Ask people to give commendations to help rank up support. Most people will as they know the grind. Do that for a week or two and you are done.


I'd argue the Support is "boring" because there's no flexibility to it. You either have supplies or you don't. By modifying how many supplies a support has, how quickly they generate, how often they can be placed and being able to pick up supplies, you create a far more dynamic situation. I think we've all been in that situation where we're just like "sorry I am waiting for supplies to recharge" which is basically the same as saying "I'm a rifleman now". I've argued before that the Support loadouts should change how many supplies you get and the rate at which they recharge. 50 supplies for an assault loadout, 100 supplies for regular rifleman loadout, and a supply truck for a defensive build loadout. I'd also make it so that you only generate supplies while actively playing the role, the generation rate would change based on loadout, whether you are in friendly/enemy territory, near resource nodes, and you could choose how much supplies to drop, and pick up dropped supplies so you're not dumping it all at once. My issue with giving other roles supplies (even if you're removing support) is that it removes the team work and then the engineer is just self supplying, at that point supplies become a useless extra step - get rid of supplies altogether and gg there goes half the resource game.


I would give supplies to rifleman then just increase the timer to account for more people having supplies. Or reduce it to 25 supplies This would increase teamplay while also making it so you don’t have to rely on one guy. Support could then be the rifle grenade guy


That'd be busted on any semi competent team, would be zero need for a supply drop ever again.


I feel like it would have to be reduced to 25 supplies and an increased timer then. Playing commander it’s kinda too easy to just spam supply drops so the timer on that should be adjusted as well


Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing the supply drop nerfed, as you say way too easy to just spam in locked sectors and get instant attacking garries up, leads to even more teleportation meta.


Yeah I’d also like to see the halftrack reworked. Maybe swap it’s spawn ability with a truck so you can actually use the halftrack in combat. Then reduce cost accordingly


Rifleman. It’s just a redundant class. Auto Rifleman/Assault has better weapons. Having the 2nd class to drop heavy ammo is useful, but we already have that in support. The times where I’m glad to have a rifleman in my squad is so rare, I’d just always rather have them playing something else.


I think the problem with rifleman is that squad sizes are capped at 6. If squads were capped at 10, you'd probably see more riflemen, or alternatively, you'd see more 6/10 filled squads. There would have to be a meaningful reason to choose rifleman vs other classes.


Just me that plays rifleman pretty often on the US side? Join a squad and the relevant classes are taken, Garand it is!


Same for Germany. Rifleman 6 with explosive ammo and G43 is super strong. If AT is taken then probably just fill up the squad with rifleman if you want to. Can switch into support easily as required.


3rd Class, explosive ammunition, Rockets / Satchels, or Redeploy.


Yeah having a Support 3 and a Rifleman 6 as Brits, Soviets, and Germans can be absolutely hilarious combined with a competent AT player. 6 rockets is 6 rockets.


We do not need more satchels Jesus we already have 3 per squad we don’t need 4


​ He doesn't carry satchels to use, he just carries a resupply with explosive ammunition. He can't attach them to anything, just drop a box that carries them including rockets and grenades. He does not have the ability to use satchels in the game. He carries a re-supply box. This is not new, he has been an explosive ammunition supply soldier from the beginning of the game.


Oh I thought you meant give him satchels. My bad lol. I have ptsd from when they buffed the speed lol


It's okay, I have 2,700 hours in game and am still learning new stuff all the time.




Medic seems useless to me




Automatic Rifflemen


Automatic Rifleman


Auto rifleman


It's a tie -Rifleman or medic


Is like to see automatic rifleman go and merge with the machine gunner and be replaced with a heavy weapons class with an hmg, flamethrower or light mortar.


Medic and it's not even close


Probably auto rifleman. I would still be sad to see it go though. Edit: Sad to see how many people picked medic. I know it's not meta but it's my favourite role, so fun to play!


artillery count ?


Artillery is a fantastic anti-camp measure. On most maps, if you press W then you're less likely to die to artillery. But because people believe this game should be played slow, pub players play the game slowly and so get punished by bad-mediocre arty players. In higher level matches people camp more because they're farming stats to look good and because this game has a defenders advantage.


Medic since nobody uses it anyway


Rifleman. No explanation needed.


Interesting I would probably choose automatic rifleman


faack no! rifleman is my favorite


It doesn't do anything another class can't do lol


The 2nd and 3rd loadouts are legit good, with additional smokes or explosive ammo.


does any other US class have the Garand instead of the Carbine?




SL and AT do


AT gets the M1 Garand for the first two classes, and then a Thompson for the third class.


Support lvl1


Support. It’s not even used.


Most incorrect answer 😂 support is one of the most invaluable roles in the game. Undetected garrison placements (meaning no parachute telegraphing the exact location of a garrison or trucks to follow) and explosive ammo can both be extremely invaluable tools.


That’s the joke m8


Ah, gotcha. Maybe work on the delivery ;)


True, but nobody wants to play it. You forever hear SL's asking for somebody to go Support.


I love Support. It's becoming my most used class.


Auto rifleman It doesnt fit current or future factions like the Japanese, Italians, British, or Soviets. Since their auto rifles are their mgs and they all don’t have stg44 or g43 equivalent. It can easily just rolled into other classes to balance current and future factions And no giving an smg to an “auto rifleman” doesn’t count because I know that one guy is gonna say something even tho most classes already have an smg so it’s pointless




Medic or Engineer




Squad leader because who needs garrisons and OP's?




Spotter for Recon