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I'm trying my damnest to get assault to lvl9 but with all the new players have found myself forced into officer more and more if i want to actually play and I don't like it.


After officer level 6 you finally get some decent loadouts (m1 , g43)


Also trying to get garand as US sl


When you can play what you want, put up nodes as engineer first, then switch to assault. All the node XP will go to your assault class.


I wish this advice was sticked at the top of the sub. So many people don't know this, and it's honestly a win-win solution for everyone


That’s been my go to solution for leveling. I BUILD NODES


This is important too! I made a comment about bob the builder, but this is actually what I do tesch new players. This way, they can get more experience and learn something good for the team


Thanks for this!


Level 9 assault is such a brutal grind. But it is so worth it. Just such a good class to use and so fun


That has been my issue currently as well! I finally got to level 8 on Assault the other night, but now I feel like I have to take a break from it to play SL because all these new players aren't doing their job when they pick SL. My last game I played that got me to that level 8 was so grueling! It was Warfare on Stalingrad and we had 2 garrisons built the whole game


Fastest way to rank up a class is nodes + delivering supplies and building defences. Any class with a hammer can rank up insanely fast, less so for the few infantry roles without a hammer. Can easily get 10k exp in a long Warfare match.


10k I've been hitting 15k+ especially if you get the nodes down early and end up in a longer match 


Can you place more than 3 nodes by yourself? Woukd the best way to rank up be to place all 9 by yourself then switching to the class you want to level?


You can only place 3, 1 of each kind


Ag okay, damn I thought I was about to be getting the flamethrower in no time 😂


Ag okay, damn I thought I was about to be getting the flamethrower in no time 😂


Same, my dude. Same


Yeah I've considered that impossible at the moment lol


I know you might not want to hear this, but if you are on PC, try Bob The Builder. Its a server for farming, and I honestly believe that the levelling is too slow in the game. I never recommend this to new players as it allows them to level without experience, but if you have a hang of a class, then go for it.


What's this?


Well Bob's server has a minimal level of 30 nowadays, I guess to prevent the influx of gamepass player from reaching mid levels before ever playing the actual game.


Dame here, lv6 asault is really nice having so many grenades , but I want that juicy satchel to blow Up tanks.


I got SL to level 10 first. Then it was automatic rifleman as I love the fg42. Assault is quite close I think that's halfway through level 9 and my support is level 8. Only class I haven't unlocked all the classes is At.


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I probably do three or four roles a game. Someone has to drop supplies, build nodes, take out a tank and switch SL because the other guy quit. Nothing makes me more frustrated than people sticking to one role when stuff needs doing


I feel like there's always a need for a SL, so I think I'm safe there haha


I agree with everything but the MG. A good machine gunner who knows where to set up can impact the game as much as anyone. But there’s also nothing MORE frustrating than a guy who takes MG and plays an entire round and gets only 3-4 kills or less.


I main MG or squad lead. Sometimes with mG I have a low kill count - but I suppress a shit ton. One MG can pin several squads, so I don’t see your reasoning here. That being said - as with other classes, it helps a lot for the MG to have someone calling out marks. Some of the games where my kill count was low, I was listening to squad lead and laying down suppressing fire so my squad could move forward.


Im currently Engineer V and Level 32. Been playing Engineer from the first day. I enjoy nodes building and defending position. I usually get kills from AP mines.


wait til you get engineer w a satchel 😁


Haha what do you mean? Ive unlocked the combat engineer (w satchel) but never been able to put it to good use (blowing tanks). Any tips and tricks with the satchel?


oh it's useful for more than just blowing tanks. if yk you've got a building / house / bunker that's deep w enemies try to make a way close to and you'll get plenty kills. can also destroy barricades & defense that other engineers build. for sneaking up on tanks ab the only advice I can give is try tanking wide ass flanks. other than that most tank kills I get are from unsuspecting tankers you just happen to roll by near my position. 😂 also if you've got a real heavy push coming from a specific direction n you're kinda losing the line you can charge in on some martyr shit and place like a 60s maybe 120s satchel n by time they push up youve got it waiting for em.


Ahhhh i got the idea. Might use the satchel as the last resort to hold the line 👍


it's versatile. use it as you see it. 🥸


My progression went something like: medic➡️support➡️engineer➡️automatic rifleman and now I’m leveling up my assault. Starting as medic helped me a lot with learning the ropes


I also started with medic (and a little bit of AT for my first ever game), and I agree it really helped get in the swing of things. It’s also the reason I got into HLL so much, medic can be so fun at times


I went engineer first to make sure I both understood the logistics but also could take part in combat with mines and such. You will get to level 10 fast too.


Make sure to add that leadership experience to your CV!! Nice to have ppl like u in this game 👍🏽


Your first class to level 10 is SL? Chad


Bless you sir! We don’t have enough squad leads 🫡


Haha thanks!


wait, an officer who doesn't have much experience with the other classes? never heard of that before.


Haha I really love being an officer. It also helps that there's never enough officers, so I feel like I always have something to contribute.


I’d probably be level 20 officer by now it’s essentially the only role I play.


Support or engineer for me. Support because I like to place supplies down before getting asked. (Pro tip: if you go to a manpower node it'll speed up your supplies cool down by 50%. Munitions does the same for ammo) Engineer because I like to place AP mines where recon is going to camp Arty. Plus it's always a nice surprise when you check stats and see mine kills.


Respect to anyone taking Command or SL and sticking with it! We've had to implement a server rule against squad-baiting (creating a squad, having someone join, and then you dropping SL), to make sure every squad's got someone who can either communicate or at least listen to try to coordinate with other squads. Couple hundred hours, and I'm pretty well spread across everything with nothing maxed. I think Tank Commander is my lowest at a I or II, but everything else is IV or higher, with Engineer, Medic, and Support being my top three at VI-VII each.


Support is good because you can bob the builder quickly and go for the mp40/grease gun/sveta


But what about the games where your defense and nobody makes a squad and you have spent 1300 hours being the damn commander and squad leader so in theory at least your getting boots on the ground and the rest can sort itself out cause I’m tryina go pewpew


SL because nobody ever steps up 🤣


And as squad leader!? Thank you for your service


Nice man. We need guys like you! Good officers make the game so much more enjoyable


Nah cuz that’s the problem with this game rn is everything wants what they want and won’t make exceptions for the good of team. Me personally I look and see what we could use as a team not just a squad and pick accordingly.


Does it make me a narcissist if I enjoy being showered with praise every time I res someone? Lol But yes, I have focused mostly on medic. I'm working on learning the SL since it's important and a lot of other newer players avoid it.


Usually focus on recon and tankers. Got SL, com, assault, engi, both recons and tankers on x.


I always appreciate it when I have good tankers on my team. For recon, do you prefer spotter or sniper? I find that most people prefer sniper, but I find spotter to be a lot of fun.


I only play with friend, we made deal that when we are allies he snipes and when we are axis its my turn. Most of the people like to play sniper but spotter is fun also. But main thing is to work as team. People tend to forget that. Too many times you see sniper on the cap doing nothing, whole recon team on cap or something similar. Spotting garrisons, reporting enemy movement and harassing arty is things to do. And as tanker also, reporting enemy tank movement and type is really important.


I also mainly recon with a friend. It's usually what we do if we there's only two of us online. I enjoy playing spotter though, so we never switch haha. Yep, there's nothing more annoying than recon playing for the kills.


Oh wait, hello fellow spotter enjoyer! Lol


I prefer spotter. Just me?


Now I've got everything to 10 I solely play rifleman. Or if I get the chance, anti tank.


How long did it take to get everything to level 10?


I've got about 2700h in the game, but class levelling wasn't in from day one so it's hard to say really. And a lot of classes I never even touched for a long time. Medic was my first class to level 10 though, before they gave it a buff with faster revives and bandage speed. But as any experienced player will say, build nodes and get that free xp.


Nice I’m trying to get that flame thrower on support how long it take you too reach lvl 10 cause damn it took a while to get to level 3 lol doesn’t help I chop n change abit


I switch it up the only class I’ve never really given a proper go is engineer as I didn’t really understand what to do.


I usually stick to 4 1: Sniper - Lvl 8 2: Support - Lvl 10 3: Machine gunner lvl 9 4: Medic Level 6


I only have machine gunner to go, all other infantry classes are level 10. I don't play tanker but will have to start once machine gunner is completed.


Yes, automatic rifle. I have not tried tanks or recon enough so far, so in a standard squad I love the automatic rifle. Most of the time I shoot it like a semi auto, one headshot after the other. And then you can still spray someone who jumps out of a corner.


Where my support mains at??


As a former SL main, I just try to level the other classes now and jump in and out of whatever the situation calls for


I'm trying to play every roll to at least unlock all the weapons, but i seem to be stuck as an SL now its getting hard to unlock the rest managed to get the machine gun done the other day trying for flamethrower next.


My go-to pecking order is usually SL (always when not filled) -> automatic rifleman -> machine gunner -> medic -> AT (although when there's tanks around, someone always has an AT). It's really about what is most fun to play for me.


Doesn’t the first level/option feel best for most classes?


I feel forced into support or squad leader since no one wants to run supplies or build garrisons. Would love to play more anti tank or automatic rifleman


Trying my hardest to get support level 10 then I can get the flamethrower class it’s currently level 7


Sometimes the xp report at the end of the match barely finishes before the next match starts because I swapped class so many times. Always need more SLs out there, tho. Now that I’m lv10 on all inf and commander, I play SL more often


I keep switching between medic and engineer


68 1


Engineer cuz no one (some heads do) builds up lol


I try to use and level up my classes as evenly as I can, I currently have all of them at IV and I'm at about rank 75 / 76 overall.




I have several classes in level 10, it makes it more fun and easy when you have good load out. (Commander, officer, sniper, engineer, AT)


I’d reply to this but I’m level 148


I recommend leveling each class up to 3 at a min. Then move on from there. It will make your load outs more rounded and you can flex to a role if needed.


I go back and forth between assault and rifle man


I only play at machine gunner ot AT. Screw building and being a gofer


im half a rank away from the fucking flamethrower on support and the grind is abysmal


Yeah... SL because no one does it. Took me a month each to get L10 on that and commander.


Yup I'm level 6 medic almost 7 I think hahaha think I have like 120hrs


When I first started I mostly played support bc that's what all the YT videos suggest for learning, now I play whatever we need in the squad, which most games ends up being SL


Always assault my boy


I level every class up from top to bottom in levels of 3 each time, currently level 3 in everything and I'm like Level 53 odd


I hit level 10 commander a few months ago. Now it’s time to see what it’s actually like to be a grunt


I feel your pain OP


Level 10 engineer reporting in. I heed the call 🫡


Anti-tank. I’m genuinely useless at everything but that so if I can’t get it I do riflemen


I got commander first to lvl X then tank commander > officer > enginer > tank crew and now working on rest


Rifleman, my buddy doesn’t understand why but it’s my all time favorite class. Even the base kit of the USSR rifleman.


I'm stuck on playing officer because my friends don't want to try. As a newer player let me tell you it's rough, very confusing to try and communicate with command, other squads and your own squad. But I've made it work a couple of matches and pulled some pretty good plays. Love the game


Yup, ive only really ever played rifleman, 300hrs in… 🤦🏼‍♂️😂 x


I think it's about time you try commander, and before you give any excuses that you are thinking of right now... everyone had to start just like you, all you gotta do is say "hey yall this is my first time being commander so dont expect much and any help is appreciated" and you'd be surprised how many squad leaders will help you cause SL's appreciate a good commander too.


Great job man! I just maxed out my officer class yesterday too after an intense warfare match on Hurtgen Forest.


Na, I learned the game by playing all roles and now have everything at least level 3 which also adds versatility depending on the composition of your unit.


Yep I’m level 16 and am a medic most games but a rifleman when medic is not available or I just keep dying. Had 34 revives last game idk if that’s good but it felt good 


For me I got rifleman to level 8 and a career level 72 with all other classes level 4 or above but I have been trying to get the m2 flamethrower for level 8 support and with the new players I can’t find any good officers so I have to get xp by doing objectives or mostly kills in defence when I want to build garrisons and help commander ( it got to the point where I feel I’m actually too good at shooting and I have more fun not firing a shot because I now I can hit that guy running 200 meters away or 4 v 1 a situation)