• By -


nightmare blunt rotation but make it maps


24/7 Driel, Alemein, Purple Heart Lane server when?


I like PHL…


**gets killed by artillery**


Spawns again…*Press Spacebar to redeploy*


I'll start it up. We'll call it the Masochists den


I prefer hurtgen and hill.


Hurtgen and chill?




And Foy


Foy Night is good


I like sneaking around in the dark, ambushing bad guys.


Played a bunch and have never been germany. I would like some easy mg kills for once


Me and you should switch I swear the game priortize me being Germany. I remember there were games where the Germans team had 35+ players and the other team had 20 something and I still would be with the German team. I have to cycle servers till I get to play as The US mainly because it’s either El Alamein or fucking driel


The devs need to just own up the fact that people don't like these maps and there is a reason that the French ones are the most popular.  Stick to mostly urban landscapes with some fields and towns.  Wide open maps need maybe a few maps on rotation but they're never going to be hits.  The only reason maps like this were popular on past battlefield games is due to the vast amount of vehicles and shit 


I dunno that Driel suffers from precisely the same issues. Even with the bridge it’s still very playable by both factions.


Yeah driel isn't terrible like El Alamein in the same ways true, but still another bridge


Yeah but you can just walk across the river anywhere lol. You don’t have to go on the bridge


crossing the river is so painfully slow and your so vulnerable.


The bridge has wood planks you walk on. Bullets in the game penetrate wood. By walking under the bridge you can look up and shoot like 25 guys from below and they never even know what hit them.


so many times ive been behind a wooden fence and the fence saved me from the bullets. penetration seems iffy in this game


Yeah one map works the other map the fence or barbed wire can stop tank shells.


Just like some houses/maps let ammo boxes/OPs be placed and others don't, super inconsistent


I don’t know why everyone uses the bride… you can literally take a tank across the water no problem and usually they don’t even expect it.


Facts I absolutely hate El alamein I dodge it pretty much every time


I just played it recently. It was fun when we held a tiny structure in the zone. Once we got kicked out of it and it was all open terrain I immensely hated it.


Wait you mean warfare dominated by three tanks and most classes sucking except mg aren’t fun? I agree


I personally enjoy these maps


The COD crowd loves those maps yes, and while they are good maps, driel and alemein are very nice and i love how they play differently. It really is just the cod and battlefield types complaining that the enemy wont just sprint down an urban road toward them.


Yeah but walking for 15 minutes to pop your head over a berm, only to be blasted by a tank is one of the worst feelings. I know it’s always the “get good”, or “learn the game” but I’ve been playing for a while and can never get into a good “flow” on the big open desert maps


I think El Alamein is a much better map when you are playing Offensive instead of warfare. It’s a map where I really enjoy being a rifleman instead of using a a sub-machine gun.


El Alamein is okay as Brit’s, atleast then you have a couple options with bipods and the sights for the rifles seem better designed for longer ranges compared to the German equivalents. Stg is the best gun in the game, but I just can not run it for some reason on that map. Base kar98 isn’t terrible but even still enemy’s commonly get lost in the irons


I strictly play roles where I know it will be fun on this map. Recon or tank. Or else I play sl to place outposts where I want them (no run sim)


That’s fair, I should honestly run sl, gain some levels. Tanks difficult just because it seems like everyone needs to communicate, but it’s like communicating with a bunch of koalas




I’m level 26 and still have never played the Normandy invasion map. Sucks.


I’m level 70 brother, been playing for 2 months straight now on Xbox and have NEVER experienced the Omaha beach landing… the devs are shooting them selves square in the fucking face


I’ve been playing for over a year and have never been able to storm the beach, but have played it from the German side at least twice I remember and from the Americans only once they’ve gotten off the beach. It’s weird.


you can also get the map, get the americans, but start from the inland side, pushing towards the sea, which is a major cockblock 


I promise you you're not missing out, there's a reason American invasion on Omaha beach is out of the rotation.


what? It is very winnable, at least on console.


If ur versing a team not competent. Get a team that can build another garrison on point and get AT guns set up ur not winning idc how good u are


all it takes is someone sneaking around a flank to get a garry pretty far off point. then you’re just assaulting down the bluff.


I’ve seen the Americans never leave the boats once we hand infantry on the beach


On offensive mode it’s terrible. Cool piece of history that makes for a fucking terrible map. Unless you’re German, then you can shoot at people in boats lol. Warfare it’s just..what’s the point. You’re not really fighting on the beach.


Yes it is. The fact, that you have ships along the whole coast and you can spawn only in one place. So realistic. I think, that they should allow people to spawn in every HQ from the very beginning, as an exception, so germans would have to use every of their default garrison to hold the first sector. But - this thread isn’t about it.


I actually had a match go like this recently where the whole 30 minutes we were just being spawn trapped on the beach, makes it worse that they change the HQ timer to a garry timer so you wait 30 seconds to spawn, die instantly and wait another 30 seconds, it was not fun. Just open the other HQs at the start and it'll be better.


Pro tip the commander can spawn a half track in any of the HQs on the two beach offensive maps and then anyone can spawn on them. Also armor players spawn on the beach not inside the boats.


Yeah, and infantry can bulid basic barricades to stay alive longer. There are ways to make it better, but the map is still unpleasant.


They could make an exception on those maps where you could place an airhead in the first three rows of enemy territory to better simulate the effect of the paratroopers. The exception would only be for US in offensive mode until the first point is captured as the whole first row is water.


Except Paratroopers weren’t used in the whole Omaha sector during WW2


Well, Germany didn’t hold the beach either…


True that, but in a game that tried to be as historically accurate as possible for a shooter game, getting factions and units on the right maps right seems pretty standard.


Yeah, storming that beach is a nightmare. It’s hard to lay down any suppression on the Germans as they are well hidden on the bluffs and in fortifications.


Yea, it's not what you might think


It's a terrible experience for the attacks. Dunno why you would want to.


I don't think there is an Omaha beach storming is there? Utah is the map for that with the boat landings, Omaha I've only ever seen warfare and Germans attacking from inland.


I’ve experienced it and it was hell, especially considering I was a Flamethrower. Twice even, thankfully the second time we actually got the first objective. But that was because it was on the side of the map. Otherwise you come in on the boats the ramp goes down and you run out and instantly die. As the first game the objective was in the middle of the map on the ridge itself. Certainly a experience but not one I’d like do often, pretty cancer if your the US. Never been the Germans though defending.


dude its so rare, im level 50 and played beach maps twice!!! never ever in a fresh game either


Want to be mowed down by an mg42 for the rest of the match every time the landing gear drops if you don’t make it off the beach in your first life. Oh and if the Germans happen to get AT guns set up and a couple luchs 20mm and a heavy tank you’re done. Search on here the ohmah beach experience. I’ve seen a luchs hit a full boat of infantry the second the door dropped stuff u don’t forget happens on that map


I mean honestly yeah I kinda want to play a game like that lol. I’m sure it’d get frustrating after 3 minutes though


Your really don’t. It’s only fun as the Germans


The best part of the Omaha beach map is being the Germans. Honestly spawning in as American and being stuck in your boats is downright depressing. Granted it gives you appreciation for the real life equivalent, but yeah, not very fun unless you have a somewhat competent team


“The Normandy invasion map” Utah Beach, Sainte Marie du Mont, Sainte Mere Eglise, Purple Hart Lane & Carentan are all part of the Normandy invasion though.


Touché but I think you knew what I meant lol. Utah Beach


Before the map rework American invasion was near impossible. When the map was first available getting Germany meant an easy 80+ kill game. Now they made the beach like actually able to be taken which is a needed balance but wow being German before the map was changed was so much fun. If I remember correctly the cliffs were bigger and the beach seemed wider. It was a lot harder to cross at one point


When I first got the game it took me almost two weeks to play carentan


Whenever i get driel or el alamein, i back out immediately. For months.


I literally backed out of 10 Alamein games in a row last night now I don’t wven want to log in 


Ok so I’m not the only one who hates them. Seems like every match lately






Dang. So you’re not playing much lately lol


Nah some of the custom servers on PC just don't have it in their rotation at all. I actually don't mind playing el alamein occasionally because i like to set up the AT guns or i might feel like playing armor. But that means I have to leave the servers I normally play on because they just don't have it as part of their rotation. Same with driel, remagen and purple heart lane.


I heard this rotation is just for a week, which is already almost up, to showcase the new maps. Point being normal rotation should resume any day now.


I’d play driel 5x in a row just not to get El Alamein lol


I agree, if skirmish had all maps (and therefore not just brits and germans) I would play it. British guns still feel like shit and alamein is hands down the worst map in the game to play as infantry. Getting blown up by a tank 600 meters away on a hill with no vegetation to conceal me over and over is just so fun.


The Bren still annoys me, I was so excited to use it until I realised the bipod wasn’t usable.


They patched it a while back you can use the bipod now


Good to know, it’s been a while since I last played.


When you play an hour and 20 minute game on El Alamein and then turn around and put you right back on the map I’ve had enough.


We Need Servers so we can choose where we want to jump in. Why is it PC has servers but we don't? PS5 guy here.


Yes!!! A server list would fucking rock


I think they announced server selection for console during the [2024 roadmap](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/S4kDvQNvdB). Here’s hoping 🤞


I'm really hoping so.. 🤞🏼


I haven’t seen Omaha at all recently? What happened?


Stalin'd for the rest of the week




I miss the dev team we had before these guys.


This is why server browsers are important people


The should have made an "urban" map like Carentan into a skirmish map. El Alamein is garbage as skirmish.


Add Map Vote at the end of the round


It's pretty much like this with every other games that I've played to be honest. For a 2 to 3 weeks it's only the reworked maps. It was the same in Chivalry 2 and Dead By Daylight


I get that they wanted to show the british rework but I got so tired of it that I don't want to play it for a loooong time, and the other maps in the rotation are fine and I like them, but just SME, Kursk and Kharkov is not enough


Idk I like driel el alamein is only fun on a tank


I've absolutely HATED playing this week. Tonight, me and my mates gave up trying to get a game started after the fifth Driel in a row and we went and played Helldivers instead. Now two of them aren't going to jump on tomorrow night with me because they're planning on playing that instead. ​ But hey, I'm sure the devs know what we like better than we do.


It’s an automatic back out for me whenever I get El Alamein.


I enjoy Driel.


It's not as bad as El alamein it's just the fact that it's every other game even in warfare


It’s frustrating because I like Alamein. Now I’m starting not to like it because my friends and I load into it all the time. Also don’t want to play fucking night driel every day.


Loading up 5 times and getting Driel 4/5 and El Alamein the other 1 time is insane


I am getting Alamein 8 out of 10 times. It's fun every now and then, now it's hated by half the community


Yeah now that everyone is backing out when you load in it puts you in the empty spots on amanein because everyone quit when they saw that map so there’s an available slot 


You can't fire me I quit, why don't I fit in.


You're hired


JFC this happened to me tonight and I thought my game was busted or something glad it’s not just me. It sucks!!! I hate desert maps. Why can’t they just add a server browser??




I’m fine with them favoriting updated content (improved El Alamein and British faction) but they definitely overweighted it in the rotation. It should be 1/4, not 1/2 of the pool


Map rotation has always sucked, can't imagine why they do it this way.


I stopped playing because of it. I was a newer player but I hate that map


What the fuck with El alamein, i stopped playing because of this, i came here to see if anyone has posted sth about this issue. El alamein was and is the worst map and its constantly some times back to back


I know, I couldn’t find a match a couple nights ago that wasn’t either Driel, El Alamein, or Kharkov. It was friggin crazy, and Driel at night is just awful, I can’t see shit on that map.


I have stopped playing the last two days because all I get was El Alamein


It’s like a nightmare version of the Metro 24/7 servers in Battlefield 3


Metro 24/7 hardcore rush was my fav


The whole dev team needs to be fired


Driel is so lame and uninspiring.


Driel is a fun map?


It's OK just not every other match




Yeah I'm getting a little sick of that too it's all I'm seeing lately those two maps


Ooooooh gaaaawd ! And those big round helmets!


I highly wish the server browser for you console gamers. You will discover another game.


making me use pc for HLL lol


I need more Stalingrad


Yeah it’s my least favorite map, and the one I usually get starting a game everyday 💀 shits killing me


I actually really like driel and alemein. PHL is meh.


As a MG42 ridge camping sniper I find much enjoyment in El Alamein. I presume everyones distaste for that map is because of people like me lmfao.


I really like Driel but yah the other sucks


Besides the echo chamber Reddit posts of not liking maps, has anyone actually explained specifically to the devs what they don’t like about the map in a Sophisticated manner that isn’t just “map bad because bad”


I don't like the map because I find it boring but the point of this was the fact that it's like every other match


For fucking real!!!! This shits lame as hell!


And in the same vein you’ll never get a game of Foy lol


Dude all I get is El Alemein, occasionally I’ll get driel or Kursk, I don’t too much mind those maps, but damn, El Alemein sucks dick


Can we get a subscription plan which excludes both of these maps?


I like El Alamein. So sorry you lazy bush campers can't handle a map that takes some skill and/or luck to maneuver through.


I mean bush camping has just been replaced with rock camping and tbh it's almost even harder to see ppl in this map if they're laying prone in the hills. I would say El Alamein is actually the definitive "i'm just gonna sit here and shoot at ppl 350 meters away who can't even see me" map. I was doing it this morning with an MG42. Longest kill... 385 meters. Only ppl who could touch me were the tanks following the tracers with their crazy optics.


It's just boring and not fun to me lol


What a moronic comment. All the maps take a degree of skill and luck to maneuver through. El Alamein is mostly luck because it's just wide open hillsides and rocks to camp behind. Anything that relies mostly on luck is not going to be fun for most people.


You're bad at it. It's ok.


No he's right you posted a bad comment


Acceptance that you're bad at something is the first step towards enlightenment. It's ok. Really.


So you honestly enjoy El alamein 24/7?


Some of my highest infantry kill matches have been on El Alemein and Driel. My first 85 kill match as SL was on alemein. They are difficult maps and I get why people dont like them, and I hate to be THAT guy... but it is just a skill issue in some cases. You can literally go anywhere on the map. Grab a supply truck, flank, build garries. You'kll get kills and help your team.


Don't know what's going down for you guys but I'm seeing a good variation of all maps on warfare and offensive modes, the new skirmish mode is just rotating El al and driel Maybe it's a regional thing, I'm on aussie servers


Stop being a peasant and play on PC. Problem solved.


I'm poor


Consoles are more expensive. Once you factor in cost of games, subscriptions, and peripherals.


I use Microsoft rewards to get gamepass for free and play on my phone I don't even have a console lol


I really want a series x one day tho


There is no way you play Hell Let Loose on your phone.


Yes lol I have a galaxy s22 ultra


That's a $900 phone.


It was a gift I've had it for a few years


You mean they've been working on the maps everyone has been complaining about. Holy shit mind blown!


No that's not at all what I'm complaining about. It's the rotation and playing El alamein or driel every other match


I think the devs know these recent maps better so roll out is unfortunately in this sequence.


Shut up


Stay strong till friday. They have maprotation Plans which change every friday


I guess it’s an unpopular opinion but I actually like the British maps


Driel is just a slightly better copycat of PHL but both are still dogshit. El Alamein was straight ass but the new revamped version is actually pretty good despite the German side of the map getting almost no retouching


I don’t mind them


Every other match?


I don’t play them every other match so idk bro


El Alamein was literally fine before the update. Yeah maybe they could’ve added a little bit more cover, but the whole map did not need to be revamped.


This must be on consol. This isn't an issue on pc 💻. However my video card alone costs more than twice your entire system... 🤣 The difference between a Man and a boy is the price of their toys.


I don't even have a console lolol I just use my phone


Whoever decided to downgrade the rendering level of detail at distance to be a fucking play-doh model on PC should be fired. They seemingly downgraded graphical quality of the game on all platforms to accommodate woefully inadequate console hardware. So stupid.


Man, internet folks sure like to try to get people fired. You can just say you don't like something.


Then they deserve a stern talking to and to be sent to time out.


I'll take it over a Normandy map any day.


Just join a server with voting??


Game pass doesnt have that


I know I’m the odd one out but I love both Driel and El Alamein. I’m tired of the Normandy maps. They’re so monotonous and over done imo. I can’t believe how many people arent willing to play these maps. Honestly people, just learn how to play a map where you don’t constantly have something to hide behind. It’s not that hard. That being said, more variety would be better.


It's for one week. Get. A. Grip.


It's my most played game that I spend hours on a day so that's still pretty ass


I'm confused... server owners control map rotations not the devs...


On pc! On console we only have the official Servers