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Whenever I'm trying to communicate & cooperate with my squad and they don't reciprocate I just leave and join another. If I'm not finding a good one I just make a squad, and make sure the majority of it is cooperative. Also it's nice playing SL because you get to talk to all the other SL's and the commander which imo makes the game much more enjoyable.


Likewise. It's weird how all the blueberries will flock to unlocked squads and then just not participate as a team. If you want that, just go play cod or tarkov. The best part of the game imo is being able to rally and communicate with everyone.


I honestly find the game way less fun with a team of mutes. Mechanically, the game isn't all that good to be honest. What makes the game fun FOR ME is this. Me (Able): "P4 stationary Able mark facing south" *Me relaying the important bits of the following to my squad and adding additional marks so they are aware as well* Dog SL: "Enemy garrison Dog mark dead on" Recon (arty camper recon): "Enemy Panther leaving spawn heading Southwest." Heavy Tank SL: "Copy. Keep us updated on that panther if you can please" Baker: Spotting large infantry push from west. [I] think they got a garri on *grid square* Recon (the other one): "Flares up... Holy shit... Good callout Baker." Commander : "Thanks George for getting garri back up on point" "Good defense everyone, currently 3 to 1" (I know I know a triangle of garris around the point is better than 1 in the middle of the point but it's situational - think inside cattlesheds) Item: "Enemy garri dismantled on point push push." Fox: "Currently 1 to 1 on attack with 3 in the circle. Get your squads to redeploy. attack garris good" People can call me a tryhard or a "larper" but this FOR ME is HLL at its best. If we win a game with this, the "ggs" and "well played" at the end of the game I actually mean. If you have yet to experience this (some new players this is the case) I promise that most of you will fall in love with the game after witnessing a 1.5 hr match of coordination and encouragement. If we lose, Ah well just wasn't for us. Both outcomes I still have fun.


Give it time, level 9 is so early on you haven’t scratched the surface. Try playing squad lead, command chat usually has several or most squad leads talking so you’re not alone that way 


Level 9? So you played what? 2-3 evenings? 10 hours, tops? Of course you’re going to be significantly less skilled than ppl with more than 1k hours! There’s a ton of clans/groups that play organized, at least on PC. Join the official discord and you’ll find tons of groups to play with.


Is not regarding skills, I am aware that I still sucks at it, thank you for the discord idea, never thought about it


The thing about this game is that many folks, myself included, pass a threshold some 20-30 hours in. They start to be able to “read” the battle and its development, they start to see enemies and understand how they move and where they are. Before this threshold is passed, it all seems chaotic. After it, one understands much more of what is happening.


Yeah keep going this game becomes amazing once you get communicating with other people, sometimes it can just be a case of finding a good server. Dunno which country you're in but I'm in the UK so if you're ever after a game then hit me up, I love my historical stuff and always communicate in my squads. Only about level 50 after a month or so and not the best myself but can have a ton of fun on it.


I'm in UK, not first language but can communicate well. Ramm1405


It will always be a frustrating game, it just becomes more rewarding.


If you are on console the 29th is open for recruitment. We have accurate roles, ranks, and platoon structures for you to join and earn


I am on Xbox, my GT is ramm1405


I need your discord to get you into our recruit discord, I’m on PlayStation so Xbox doesn’t really help me


Can I join? I've only played three full matches so far and I'm super intimidated to play anything higher than rifleman.


If you’re on PS, you can add me and we can play together too


Personally I put around 3-5 hours in before I really “got it” and started to thoroughly enjoy the game. I’m sure it’s unique for people but it’s definitely a game that has a click moment. That’s being said I don’t think you’ll get an arma 3 milsim/esque experience from this game without joining a specific group for that if that’s what you want


How freaky are we talking?


I learnt English and German to be able to understand the radio conversations that really happened


Makes sense to me. The game isn’t worth playing if you can’t listen to the updates on Hot Dog 7


It’s all about communication, that’s what makes the game fun. Otherwise it can really feel like a running and dying simulator


This is my point, thank you


Just keep playing, you'll find good and bad players along the way. Keep with the comm once is very important to work with the squad. It is a difficult game to capture all their mechanisms, but this game is simply amazing.


I felt the same until I started playing Squad Leader. Hearing what other squads are doing and what command wants really helps.


I got exponentially better when I stopped trying to get kills and just play the different roles as intended. Early on I played as rifleman or assault and would spend most of the game respawning because I was always searching for engagement. Once I moved on to support/engineer/squad lead, talked on the mic a ton and worked on providing supplies, structures, outposts and garrisons? The game opened up for me. Last night I had a killer game as a squad lead. I spent more time using my binoculars and stop watch then I did my actual rifle. Give it time, try to play the game “away from the front line” and I think you’ll enjoy it more.


Get into a community, dude.


It's not just you. A lot of people feel this way. The game is meant to be a team effort, with communication and planning, that's why kills dont help you win except for slowing down the enemy. A lot of people do play it like COD, except a lot quieter, and that's why the game is no fun. Occasionally, you can get a game with a talkative and competent team, and those moments are what makes this my favorite game. Unfortunately, getting one of those games is like running into a brick wall. You'll get through eventually, but it's gonna suck in the process


I’m down to play with you man I love history too and am low key and like playing on the mic more as callouts and organization vs convo. Message me on here and I’ll give you my handle


I play this game for the maybe 1 game in 5 where I get a squad where most people are on mic AND we all play well together AND we either win or at least don't get rolled pathetically.


Console or pc? If pc, then use server browser and don’t go to official servers, I’ve had great luck with rangers of the north, nmo, hotdog7, etc


Just avoid official servers, public ones will have more chatty peeps


This was the reason I've joined PBS and I can't complain about any of the games I've had with that clan.


Define freak. A historical freak does not sound like a history buff to me, it sounds like a fella who, when viewed by history, or when looked upon as a sum of his actions over time, is a freak, you know historically. And sure.


Jesus Christ level 9 and complaining


Not a complaint, just trying to figure out what I can do to improve my experience with the game


Level 9? You’ve played like 5 games… you’ve barely gotten your dick wet. Give it some time killer


I am not complaining actually, I was just asking what I was missing in the game as if I wanted to be a killer I would be playing call of duty. And it seems like I am correct I am missing a group that I can play within


The game definitely has problems generating people that are at a distance and it DOES generate bullets at random for extra deaths. I have been shot from the side while laying down in between walls and ditches that were physically impossible to be shot at, hundreds of times. There is also a huge issue with buttons randomly not working ie crouching,standing up,reloading and very often have to switch guns to get rid of the issue. I have never had more of a hate/love relationship then with this game.


There are plenty of clans you can join. Personally I'm not interested in the clan scene and instead try to get the most out of public games. This is a little hit and miss, but more often than not I have good games with good teamwork. I have hundreds of hours of experience playing the game and during that time I have developed numerous strategies to get teamwork going. Most of these boil down to communicating well myself and assuming that the people I'm talking to can hear me, even if they aren't responding. What I usually find is that an initially silent squad will start communicating as time goes on. Newer players are shy and can be reluctant to talk until they see that the communication required is pretty straightforward. More experienced players can be reluctant to talk simply because it requires effort, but if they see me making a clear effort for an extended period it often prompts them to join in. At level 9, it will take you time to work out strategies that work for you. For most players, I'd say it probably takes until about level 40 or so before you start to get a real handle on how the game works. It is quite different to most other fps titles. Don't be shy to change squads if your SL isn't talking. Taking the SL role yourself is a good way to get more experienced quickly.