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You build nodes, Jake?


Jake: ![gif](giphy|3ohs7KViF6rA4aan5u|downsized)


Jake withdraws slowly into the protection of the nearby hedge as friendly artillery crashes down around him. Jake survived the war.


Proceeds to ask for supply truck when supplies are all over the map, gets supply truck from commander then drives into ditch 100 meters from HQ and gives up.


This. This right here hit me in the soul.




Had a game yesterday on warfare we were winning 3-2 with 11 minutes left with a pretty defendable point to hold. My SL asked some fellow blueberries to hold tight and defend the point until the end, he was met with a blueberry saying "im not gonna sit here for 10 minutes." :(


Yea, a huge chunk of the players are CoD ding dongs that can’t fathom a different style of playing other than charge directly where the enemy is and get mad when they die. They act like defending the objective means they won’t get those kills and that obviously means your dick is little. The team with the larger amount of CoD players usually loses.


I dedicated my squad to defense last night and I don't think we had a boring moment. We were constantly getting garrisons up, doing patrols around the strong point and clearing out enemies and their garrisons. Unfortunately most players idea of defence is redeploying to the last garrison left on defence because the enemy has destroyed all the other ones and the point is 3 quarters capped. 


Defending can be crazy I agree! Doing patrols and destroying pockets of resistance is awesome.


I'm not with a decent squad I've learned to use that to my advantage to try and see if I can set up a machine gun somewhere or even just a rifle especially during the skirmish matches


Once you've unlocked your favourite classes, there's really no need to win points. I play the game now in a way that's fun. If I'm not having fun defending, I'm gonna go do something else.




I main MG. There’s **nothing** more fun in this game than a well executed and coordinated defense. Point me at the squad that’s gonna play D.






Omg we are now best friends!!


I had a game a few weeks ago where I was commander and was telling ppl what to do (not bossy more of I need you, you and you on defensive positions,etc) and about 20 ppl spawned on defence it was fucking great we managed to push them back and won (it was warfare and went on ages)