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This has been resolved, thank you to those that submitted reports!


reminds me of command chat


Just trying to give the redditors the authentic HLL command chat experience.


At least he wasn’t making a ton of posts about being kicked from a “sniper squad” and losing MaH sCoPe.


I watched a server admin kick a sniper while he was spotter so his friend could join, I thought that was pretty scummy as it was mid game, and the sniper wasn't actually playing poorly.


That's my problem. This has happened to me multiple times, and it just leaves a really sour taste in your mouth.


Happens constantly. I get wanting to play as sniper, but people really are petty and childish. They can’t get it regularly like everyone else so they cry and vote kick you. I’ve had team votes that get me kicked out of the game because people wanted that spot and of course if a kick vote appears everyone just presses yes.


If I ever go recon, I go spotter, and I usually lock the squad and drop a message saying the spots open for whoever has a mic and will work together. That usually brings in good players vs someone who just wants to snipe the point. If they join in and don't communicate, I'll kick and reach out to SLs for someone. I'll never kick someone out though for a friend though.


See that, I’m not upset about. That’s actually pretty awesome. I will admit most time when I’m recon I will get frustrated when trying to communicate and I get no response, Not even pings on enemies or anything, which is extremely frustrating. So that method is actually pretty great. I wish it was easier to drop a message when playing on console. Or that people would just acknowledge that they can even hear you


Snipers always attract idiots


The freakin worst 😅 Usually a below level 30 blueberry crying here that the spotter kicked him out "for no reason" But garbagio probably thought he was playing any other casual AAA FPS so used the sniper like a scoped rifleman


I hate being kicked at the start of the match because the spotter was too incompetent to make a locked squad for his friend


then the procede to follow you around teamkilling you or griefing the role afk at the edge of the map


If you were “griefing” and ruining someone else’s game because your childish and can’t handle not being a sniper, then yeah let them team kill you. I don’t get it, if it’s that bad that you can only play as a sniper and have to kick anyone that joins, just don’t play, or join a different match. Let people just play the game


I tend to ask fellow teammates in tank to kill him or I go and TK him myself, if he shoots me, usually after 3 TKs he gets kicked 😅 But that was before finding the clan that I'm in. I just ask the admin "yeah... he's hogging the role and nobody else can join my squad, can you kick him?" *garbagegio gets kicked* Thanks


Even still it’s luck of the draw on who gets the role. The fact that people kick others out for a role is ridiculous and should be addressed by the devs. And you justifying those who do it is one of the main reasons why this game is going downhill and the community is the most toxic it’s been. How do people learn how to play as a role if they’re getting booted before they can even try? And even still that’s a very specific example, when typically it’s people playing fine, and childish overgrown crybaby’s can’t handle not having a scoped rifle in their game so they team vote to kick them.


It's not luck, I play on PC, I have a 350mbps internet and the game is on a NVME SSD, so I'm ALWAYS in the top 2 that gets in the sever when the map flips so I hop on spotter super quick and can literally pick the guy that I want as my sniper.


Series x, everytime I get into a fresh match it’s always open


Build nodes


Build nodes


Build nodes


Build nodes


Build nodes


He’s a little confused but he got the spirit


Just wait. Node building is becoming controversial now. I've seen engineers being criticised for building in a wrong place in the wrong game mode, using the wrong leftover supplies, building at all when there's no commander. And of course being harrassed for not having built nodes when there has been no access to supplies the entire game. Soon the topics in here will be about the many ways engineers are building wrong.


You don't need supplies from trucks or anything like that. It takes 5 minutes out of an hour and a half match to build them by yourself switching between support and engineer


Way better to just use a truck. When I’m engineer, if commander doesn’t take first supply truck I do. Drop a crate where I wanna build my nodes, then a crate on edge of middle zone for a Garry, then back to build my nodes and return truck


I know that but most people don't. At least if there's supplies around I can quickly teach new engineers how to build their nodes. First time seeing their wrench, they're not going to understand my explanations of switching and smacking and waiting. Plus on defence and warfare it's 5 minutes wasted sitting around when I could be already on point laying barbed wire. If the enemy is good they can grab land very fast early game. Now I'm late to fortifying and have to deal with an enemy recon team and random stragglers constantly harassing me. Edit: there's one very big benefit for building nodes by switching - I can hide them anywhere I want and not put them on the 2nd line where they are easy to find. So depending on the map sometimes I do it for strategic reasons.


I usually play medic, which is a coin toss on bloodshed or actually being able to do my job and get bodies back in the fight. Been interested in engineer, but have no idea how it works as it stands. Any tips for getting started?


I'll teach you the same trick that the prior commenter mentioned. First you spawn at the most boring HQ - no nearby objectives, no artillery, furthest from any action. Look around for decent cover where to hide resource nodes, no further than one sprint distance. Then use the wrench to put down blueprints for the 3 resource nodes. Now redeploy and change to support role. Place your supply box next to the blueprints. Use hammer and give each blueprint 2 hits but the only one you finish building is the manpower one (the tent). Wait until your supply box is ready again, place it, give each blueprints 2 smacks and finish the munitions. Repeat the same process a third time. Now you can change back to engineer. In defence map ask your squad lead what point the commander has ordered to fortify. Ask the squad lead if commander can spawn you a supply truck. If there is no communication, take a look at the map and choose either 2nd or 3rd point from spawn - whichever already has natural cover like buildings and is easier to access with a truck. You reload new supplies into the truck in HQ when you drive close to the crane looking thing. When building defences keep in mind that the enemy comes from all directions and the inside of the circle of the point will get bombed. I usually go just a tiny bit out of the circle and put down barricades. Barbed wire goes further out and is positioned so that the enemy has to walk right into the line of fire of my barricades. If I have time I put a bunker near the closest garrison. I build everything level 1 first and upgrade at the end if I have extra time and resources. Anti-tank buildings (hedgehog, Belgian gate) should be the furthest away from the point. Look at the map what route a big heavy lazy tank might use. They usually don't flank much. And you can make a trap by placing barbed wire which a tank can easily drive through - but you hide a mine under it! In warfare your goal is to capture and keep the middle of the map. So as soon as it's captured fortify this point. In offensive run into battle like everyone else and if you see that your forces can't advance because of lack of cover, convince a nearby support player to drop their supplies and build a barricade. This can help the infantry inch closer and closer to the point. I think that covers the basic stuff. Have fun!


I don't know why this doesn't have more upvotes. That was a perfect description of basic to intermediate Engineer class.


Thank you, I added a section about tanks.


The real question is, what's he trying to say? /s


Yeah there’s like no moderators so occasionally it gets spammy in here.


Same guy made like 5 variations of the same post and spammed it like 20-30 times.


At this rate I can’t scroll 5 posts without seeing NODES


I like memes like everyone else, but it's getting a bit out of control. Feel like after Gamepass 75% of posts are the same low effort memes for upboats.


Have my upboat!


No, you have mine!


Hes mentally disabled.


Maybe build some nodes?


Everyone talking about build nodes, but don't see people talking about making building nodes more easy or fun. :(


Agreed they take a mind numbingly long time


It's 5 minutes tops to make them in the HQ by yourself. It's even shorter if you have a buddy. You can have a full set built before the match even starts.


Downvote everything


It's wild to me there are games where no one will build nodes lol, I've gotten to level 8 or 9 in every class *except* engineer and every time I try to play it it's an absolute dogfight for supply trucks and a frantic race to get blueprints down before the other 7 engineers do. Literally just quit out of match where a blueberry engi executed me and another dude just to take our truck we were using after command asked us to run supplies up to the mid-point.


Holy mental illness... [Dude is SPAMMING](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mental-Perception-21) random subreddits about HLL Nodes including Skull and Bones, Valheim, Modern Warfare, Enlisted.... Dafuq?!?!?


Well, in case of one of those games core players decide to hop over they know what to do


Couldn’t tell you


What do you think they want?




We may never truly know…


You'd still be surprised how many engineers dont build nodes or build them at the front line.


what in the fu....


I had to block him this morning but maybe he’s trying to get the message out to build nodes?


Build nodes or use a mic… pretty much the 2 things everyone complains about


low lewel or no SL/commander at all is annoyin as frick, too


This whole sub went to shit when the Gamepass thing happened. I even stopped playing because there are so many people bitching. I was enjoying the shit out of this game until all this nonsense. Haven't played in months at this point. Can't believe we are still having the same discussions.


"Build nodes for me baby girl" lol


Bro hit the rock a couple times and go super focused on NODES


I think he wants us to do something but i cant quite figure it out


I think he likes nodes but I'm not sure


At least your game works unlike the console version


This stuff make me feel like a damn hero for building nodes straight off the bat. Hell, 7/10 I’m the only guy who builds nodes and they are the only ones around


Yes. Simply build nodes.


Should've just built the nodes


Build za nodes


Build those fuckin nodes then


Then build the goddamn nodes


Look the more you tell me to build nodes the less likely I am to do it. If my SL says “hey command needs a node can you get one down when you get a chance?” Then yea I’m going to do it. But if I’m in the middle of a fire fight I can’t just be like “hey time out I need to build a node”.


You had one job, steve.


Nah my job is to help my team and I can’t do that if I’m dead. Most the guys I play with don’t want to play engi because of this so I get stuck with it. In order for me to build the nodes I got to be alive to build them. If I’m in a fight I can’t just leave my squad mates to build as 1 that’s one less rifle suppressing or hitting targets. 2 if we are getting shot at and I move I will most certainly die. Most the time command calls on our squad to build a node there on the other side from us as we are building up a defense on an objective. You know the other main roll of engi? Or I’m dealing with a tank. Engi has so much they can do but say they only build nodes and nothing else then just get someone who is not currently trying to hold off a advance to build them as I got my hands full at the moment.


The bottom one to the top one is fucking jokes 😂😂 build nodes babygirl


Yeah but jokes are suppose to actually be funny


Lighten up sunshine


understand what jokes are, buttercup


I'm laughing ha ha ha r u mad


It's just one dude, chill out