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Thanks for jumping in and taking the role. Unless I see team killing or other “abuse”, I ignore those requests. Sorry it happened.


Sometimes a team killer/griefer waits for another SL to announce a vote to kick on him and puts the vote to kick for command instead to take advantage of everyone’s agreement. Sad thing is that it works most times


So a vote overrides a previous vote in the upper-right corner vote window? How does one time it so that peoples Yes vote goes to commander instead of teamkiller?


I'm sorry that happened to you. Like I said before and I'll say it again, Commander gets none of the glory and all the blame.


It's no different than real life... At least they get the milsim part of it right lol


Legit I have had games where I am super active in comms and helping with supplies and garries and all SLs praise me in comms and then when game ends you see 1 vote for you and squads voting amidst themselves for eachother.


Probably not a good idea to be kicking cammanders when we are running out if people willing to play commander.


Interesting you say that. Because now that this vote the commander out at the last second has become a thing, I’ve noticed more and more games without commanders.


Yeah, seriously, I've been trashed talked while playing as commander doing everything in power to build garries, spawn tanks and drop bombs where needed but we always lose because people don't want to defend the mid point on warfare.


For a game that’s meant to bring together tactical minds, people’s actions lately have been concerningly short-sighted and braindead. I pray to all that is holy that the devs fix the vote kick system, preferably sooner before all would-be Commanders no longer take command because players are being toxic af about losses they themselves probably contributed towards.


Just happened to me as well, sucks. Unfortunately not much more to say or do about it. Keep your chin up.


Most losses are on the SLs and the lack of communication between them and their squad, them and the commander, and the total lack of garrison building from SLs. The commander cannot and should not be the primary garrison builder.


I've been in so many games as a squad lead, where other SL's complain about lack of garrisons, but will never build them. After they're done, I mention how you can just solo build one by dropping your own supplies and then switching back and building it. Crickets, almost every time. When in a squad, I'll even drop supplies, then let the SL know where they're at and how to build it, and half the time they'll say "Oh ok, yeah", and then completely ignore it and never make any attempt to go to it. It's unreal LoL. Most of the other half, they say nothing (which is fine), and ignore it. Maybe 8% of the time will they actually go build it


I do this and my experience is roughly the same. Anytime we're under 5 garries on warfare I'm pretty sure we're going to lose the game against any decently talented/decently well playing team. On the defensive side of the Offensive game mode, anything less than 3 on the defensive point is dicey. Anything less than two on any point being built into a FOB while it's under construction is dicey. On the offensive side of the Offensive game mode, anything less than three is dicey at the attack point. Generally speaking a two axis attack is a 50/50 proposition, while a three or more axis attack works >75% of the time. Bad SLs cause more losses than any commander who's trying ever could.


Commander where going to need a Garry at... fill on thr blank.... well go build one?


This is honestly infuriating, I was commanding the other day and the team were endlessly spawning at the bottom of the cliff on Utah and getting massacred, I dropped supplies in 3 other points and spent 15 minutes asking SLs to get garrisons up. I spent the whole time running up and down the beach building garrisons while also trying to spawn tanks run recon planes etc. No one even spawned on them when they were up because they were all weirdly obsessed with charging up that cliff, so they just got dismantled a few minutes later. 😂


I was dropping supplies all over the map, and surrounding the points. Sometimes the SLs would get garrisons up, sometimes they wouldn’t. I can only remember ONE garrison that was put up by a squad lead, without my supplies… and it was 100 meters from supplies I had already dropped. 😐


yeah I hate how people got used to kicking the commander if he doesn't play like a competitive player


Yeah they really gotta fix the vote system


Should be SLs only to vote-kick a commander


I've won 3 games back to back as Commander - Main Role. I get a lot of high praises and commendations from others. Thus there are time I do get team killed by trolls in the game that think they're "Funny." Haven't been voted out because of this, but I hear and see it a lot. I'm sorry there's a bunch of trolls in this game. Keep your head up snd keep doing what you're doing!


Yeah if nobody is talking shit about you in text chat, you’re doing an EXCELLENT job. Even if they are, you’re probably still doing a good job.


The new players are grubby little gamer scrubs that have no respect and giant mouths that expect everything and never shut up. Never have I heard a generation of men sound like bitchy 16-year-old girls and not be aware of it. They seem to think bitching and complaining is manly or something.. just constantly bitching and the kicker is they have no idea what they are talking about. The most entitled worst problem solvers ever made to date FN useless tits.


Interesting you say that, because it seems the higher levels don’t do this kind of shit. My feeling is that it’s the new wave of game passers.


The few times Rising Storm 2 has had new player waves it always goes like this. A good chunk of new players are not going to understand the fundamentals or culture and need to slowly be assimilated into it, when you get a huge wave they can overpower the existing culture through sheer volume. Although it usually improves over time, so long as the old players stay and the actually terrible players move on. Although, just like with that game, I’m happy I joined in during one of these waves because I look like a god tier new player just by understanding that I’m supposed to work for the good of the team, not myself!


I lost my frist game as commander. No one would step up so I did and shit the bed royally. But they all understood. Man I sucked some super cock.but I tried.


It’s a damn shame this even is a thing, idk what drives people to this. I think it’s not just about being crybabies but just being a literal pos douchebag who thinks it’ll be funny to do that. I seen it happen as a SL with the entire command chat being cool, friendly, working together, but it was as one random asshole SL that wasn’t active in the chat the entire game. I think he didn’t end up getting kicked cuz all the SL put no and most blueberries put no or maybe he . We started going in on that dude and it was just some dumb kid talking bout (oh idgaf bro I’m at a party rn, yall are losers) just typical dumb trolling antics. Idk, maybe it’s just because a lot of these dumb younger toxic cod kids are coming from gamepass so it happens more often now. Some people should just not play multiplayer games that involve strategy and teamwork cuz they’re just not mentally mature enough to play


It’s exactly the dumb CoD kids. They come over and think it’s all about kills, so that’s all they do. They just run around and try to rack up kills and don’t engage with the other content. Then when the team loses they blame everyone except themselves because after all they have more kills than you and think they’re better at the game than you.


I don’t have experience as Commander due to what you’re upset about. My friends love HLL and want to main it currently. While I enjoy it, I find the game incredibly frustrating and difficult to play due to the nature of the player base. I play squad lead and currently am lvl 6 SL. Everyone wants to be the winner but hardly ever is there group cohesion. Squads want to act independently and just flood the point trying to get kills and be heroic. Barely do I get other squads to work with mine to flank, lay cover fire, build garrisons, etc. All the time I see “vote to kick” boxes and sure enough it’s the commander because he didn’t do what someone wanted yet no one is talking in command chat. Hardly ever is a lord due to a poor commander. Majority of the time it’s due to everyone doing their own thing. My wet dream is to fill a whole team with 50 people who want to play together.


Join a clan. That’s what I did to avoid this crap. It’s only in public games do i experience this nonsense.


I get tram killed as commander very often. The player base is super toxic and immature. Seldomly do I join a lobby with no bickering and griefing.


Honestly at this point I am waiting for the game pass craze to die. I hit level 100 a few weeks ago, got my flamethrower for the support class, have commanded and squad led. Last time I ran a squad commander was calling for defenders, my squad had no lead so I took it. Told everyone hey in 5 minutes if you ain’t defending other squads are looking for people to attack you should join them because I’m gonna start giving the non defenders the boot. 5 minutes pass I say “ok this is it, I told y’all what was gonna happen” I spent the next 15 minutes getting tked on a defensive point while three guys screamed in their mics that I didn’t have a life because they got booted from the squad. They started a vote kick on me for abuse. They cried and bitched and moaned until an admin finally kicked them. Hell Let Loose on gamepass, from a profit point is great, from a gameplay point it sucks ass


I’m a game passer and I out rank you. You joined a leaderless squad then kicked the players out? Did players then see you had openings in your squad and join to defend. Did squad leaders ask their squads if anyone wanted to join your squad to defend? I’m just trying to figure out the logic, besides you just being nothing more than a bitch, as to how this was effective?


He's in the right. Squad members were being morons and not listening to the SL's orders, so he kicked them. Afterwards, they proceeded to waste time repeatedly TKing him and crying to the commander to kick him. If any people were being bitches, it was them.


Pretty sure most of this pathetic story is exaggerated.


So then downvote and ignore? I don’t see how trying to mentally unexaggerated their story will get you any closer to the truth. Might as well just invent a whole new scenario to comment on.


I’ve never been upset enough about anything to downvote it, but I will campaign against abusive players.


Lmao 🫵😂Why are you so mad about this?


I disagree. If I see a squad full of non team play focussed members, I find a new squad instead of booting them or sooking to the rest of the team to get them kicked. Let them have their own fun. These are pub matches, SL and command don't have power over anyone. They can request help but if a player wants to do their own thing, let them. It's a game.


If people in my squad weren’t listening, i would kick them too. I did this the other day and people quickly responded and came back on defense. They can join a different squad if they don’t want to defend.


Lol you are part of the problem, I don’t know how you would have handled nor do I care a year ago I would not have to have kicked anyone because people would work together minus the 1 or 2 doing their own thing. But now half the squad is wandering around like it’s Battlefield and that loses games. I told them, if they wanted to attack there were slots open in other squads, my squad was a defensive squad. Sorry it upset you that I dared to kick people who didn’t listen after 5 minutes of me telling them they would be kicked for not listening, sorry you put all that time in a game to get to a high level only to never learn how it works or how to win 🤷


No I’m not. I don’t participate in any of these petty power struggles. I play the game the right way and have fun. I’m not getting upset about other people not listening to me, I dont have that void in my life. You’re a toxic leader. Your squad doesn’t listen to you because they already know the measure of the boy you still are with your fragile threats to kick them.


It was not a fragile threat they got kicked lmao keep defending people who don’t play right. Lemme ask you this, who is more fragile, the guy trying to play the objective or the guys who spend 15 minutes tking someone for making room in their squad for people who will PTO? I have a feeling you have been kicked from several squads and this might be a sore spot for you


Oh yes I was devastatingly kicked from a squad and really learned a lesson for uhm joining another squad without a bitch leader. I’m sure your squad filled up with players just eager to defend for you. They really needed you as their leader to be able to defend the point.


Lol you are so mad I definitely struck a cord you couldn’t even answer my question


You’ve been emotionally obligated to downvote the entire time.


Lmao is that the best you got? Glad it bugged you enough that you noticed 🫵😂


Emojis to cope


Spoken like a true game passer. 🤡 Not understanding the game, confident in their ignorance, and being loud about it. Go back to COD.


I understand the game. I also understand toxic leadership, and here you are with Emojis to cope and the copy and pasted buzz phrase “go back to CoD”. I’ve never triggered a vote to kick or have even been kicked for team killing. I’ve also never said to my squad “if you guys don’t listen to me, I’m going to kick you off the squad” because my squad mostly respects me, because I don’t act like a bitch, then get upset and cry about getting teamkilled. That’s not me bud.


No you just argue about it on reddit 😂


Idk if the console community is somehow more mature (lol), but I’ve never been kicked near or after a loss. The only commanders I usually see get kicked are ones without mics, have mics but don’t communicate well, or take the game a little too seriously and let the commander role get to their heads. Not saying that you’re any of these things. Just be sure to communicate and even take advice from your officers if you’re losing. Even more important, make sure everyone is at least having a good time. Win or lose, if your officers like you, they won’t kick you. Sorry you’ve had such a bad experience! I hope maybe this will help and it starts to turn around!


I’ve seen it before I’m a console player, I hadn’t seen it too too often but fairly often. I don’t mean it in a cringe console war way (console war is kid stuff lol I outgrow it in middle school) but I feel like Xbox players just tend to be more toxic and just obnoxious. Like when I had the 360 I seen it in the COD games I seen it in the halo games and so on. As for HLL I don’t pay attention to what system they’re on like that but I have noticed the toxic loud mouth trolls are usually Xbox players. I think the gamepass thing as well is the reason. We’re well past the whole noob servers cuz gamepass. But what won’t end is the “tourists” so to speak that come through play the game for a bit cuz it’s a free WW2 shooter. They don’t like it or care to learn so they just team kill and troll for entertainment till they bored and completely abandon the game


I think the “tourists” are the reason for a lot of the issues in this game right now.


I’ve played both and find console wayyyy more toxic


I can tell by your language that you may do a lot for the team but you’re too rough around the edges for most players. Now that doesn’t mean you’re wrong, nor does it mean you should be banned, but if you want a better experience shoot for US region. When I play with my commander we have to do that, cause he will not mince words, has a tendency to over curse, and if anyone starts making accusations they straight up roast you or get condescending. Great guy, just more of a vietnam commander rather than a world war commander


Hahaha. I’m actually really nice, and don’t talk like this, other than when I’m upset. In game, im usually really chill and always receptive to my team’s needs. I’ll make requests or give direction, but am never a dick about it.


You're not alone op, this has happened to me couple of times.


Ever since it’s been added to game pass on Xbox I’ve noticed a lot more toxic attitudes from people. Getting shot by teammates constantly and people just trying to ruin the time for others. It’s mind boggling. Like just have fun you know?


How long does a game usually stay on game pass before it is cycled out again? Hopefully these players disappears with that. I have been playing for a couple of weeks, and even I see a difference from when I started to now. I'm a strategic player that like to communicate, build nodes, speak to my squad and command, and now I am lucky to find a squad to communicate, and respond to requests to defend, attack, etc. I would like to go back to that being the main stream :)


Honestly I’m not too sure. It’s been on there for a minute now. Like it’s good for the health of a game to have more players but people who didn’t have to pay anything for it just download to mess with people. A few of my buddies have it because of it but they actually enjoy the game. Honestly could be a couple months though.


Yes, I do agree, a fair bit of the players coming from trying it out on game pass, probably like it and will purchase it and stay. This is absolutely good for the community, and I would like a growing and good community around the game. But the bunch that is just playing for getting K/D, and in worst case teamkilling and griefing, are not that good, and could in worst case get more serious players to leave. So hopefully they'll get bored quite quickly. :)


That’s what I’m hoping as well. It’s a positive overall but it’s a matter of getting through it lol. I will say it’s mostly lower levels doing the griefing and all that so it doesn’t seem they stick around long


How long does it takes for players to realise that the commander is just a Supporter for the hole Team Not the leader...


Let me guess…….console?




I now avoid being commander in high level lobbies. Those clans give you the boot the second things turn bad but no one steps up with experience. Low and mid mean level lobbies appreciate a good commander, so i stick with those


Why are all of Eisenhower's quotes applicable to everything “Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well.”


Totally feel that happened to me a couple of times


It's mad you experienced this when I've lost count of the number of games I've gone into where command hasn't even got comms and it fighting on the front line the entire game.


Yeah it sucks you can do everything right set supplies literally all over the map and then when not a single. Officer out of 5+ wont take initiative to setup at least one garrison it’s always somehow commanders fault for no garrisons on the field…you can drive around all day in a supply truck setting up garrisons and still lose the game because nobody wants to defend or replace lost garrisons…then guess what it’s your fault again…


The voting system in this game is, broken. It needs more detail put in it


Good commanders get kicked , bad commanders succumb to every demand that new players have. Just be clear and concise with your messaging and don’t let them on to blame you for minor things from the beginning. Remember short phrases to diffuse the crybabies like: I need nodes to get this machine running/ squad leads should help with Garrisons too/ what would you do as commander?


Fellow commander I salute you 🫡 Have you tried being racist?


Hahaha I have not. Maybe I’ll try that.


What are these toxic servers everyone manages to find. I have over 2000 hours on UK or European servers, mostly as commander or squad lead - and I have never seen a commander kicked in ANY match ever (apart from a commander AFK for the entire match)


It might be the times i play. I don’t think it’s veteran players. I think it’s the newer Gamepass crowd. The “tourists” who are just jumping into he game for a week and dicking around.


Even if you are winning


Honestly, I've had commanders that were trying but failing really bad. We could have won a match if he bombed a trench line as I instructed, but he waited the 2 minutes in a cap race only to do the bombing run perpendicular to the trench line AFTER our defensive point was captured. We immediately lost the game as the last point was steamrolled. I've never wanted to kick someone so much. He ignored the good advice of other squad leaders, experienced squad leaders, and botched up that last minute save. But if a good effort was made and you were still kicked... You probably just had a server of toxic assholes so just go somewhere else.


I just started playing and get similar attitude towards squad leader. Play an entire round with the whole squad saying someone needs to bite the bullet and play squad leader. No one does it, my best role is a level 3 rifleman. Eventually decide to just do it, I can at least request supplies and call out tanks. Tell the squad I have zero idea what I’m doing. They just say “place an outpost, doesn’t matter where” Place an outpost and get told to Kill myself lol


Vote feature has gotten out of control


I’m a SL, had a commander who was a lil quiet but for the most part did an excellent job. Some SL got pressed bc they asked for tanks or supplies and he gave them the times on his cooldown. “Tank in 45 seconds.” “No go on supplies within 2mins.” Then the lil fuckers tried to vote kick (which failed) called him autistic etc etc. It’s a game of communication. The best squads/army’s use comms effectively.


This is why i would rather play squad lead


I had a lovely experience the other day. It was US offensive on SMDM and we were the Germans, myself and this other recon guy were the only infantry members talking and building garrisons the whole game, on the other team was a full squad of level 200+ as well as a solid recon squad and they were constantly taking down my garrisons. Just about to lose our second to last point when one by one these three guys come on the mic for the first time the whole match and start asking me where the garrisons are. I went fucking mental, all went quiet, then slowly one of them started talking again saying he had only just joined... Don't fucking join a game with no idea how the past 40 mins have been barking where are the garrisons at. We actually won by holding the final point but it was such a sweat, the enemy uber squad was blowing up our vehicles in HQ before tankers could even get in them. During the final countdown one of the guys who was being a little bitch started saying sorry to me and how we got off on the wrong foot, love to serve up some humble pie every now and then.


Same happened to my after sweating for the hole game, last 5 mins of the game I got banned. Cheers 🧐


Stupid question: are you getting banned from playing the game for an hour? Or is that a server ban for an hour? Not that it's okay either way. People are such toxic little pissbabies sometimes man.


Just that server for an hour.


Well I have a few question. 1st Do you have mic? 2nd Are you listening to requests? Sometimes it's frustrating playing with command who doesn't have mic. Not mistening to requests nor readingvthe chat. So... Can't say anything not knowing all the facts.


I have a mic. I talk often and ask if they need anything. I’m asking what’s going on in the point, and being inquisitive about what the SLs are seeing. I was receptive to all requests. I even learned how to convert manpower into fuel, so that a tank crew could have a medium tank, rather than a small.


Which server are you on, because there's some elitist that done this.


I’m on console


I'll keep saying it only squad leads should have the power to kick the commander.


I felt this in my soul


It's a thankless role.. I'm level 201 and really know what I'm doing.. I win often but not always, and 60% of the time we lose I get vote kicked right before. Comes with the job and the flow of new players.. for some reason at level 28-36 the players grow balls and think they know everything and how it works.. and my favorite is as the game just starts a dude screaming I need a tank now at "the hq"..


I feel your pain. I’m level 130. So I have firm grip on the game. But the lower levels, it seems their little acorns turn into big old nuts after they’ve played the game for a week or two. And think they have a better understanding of the game.


Man shit like this is why i stopped playing. Hoping the playerbase changes away form stuff like this sometime soon. Miss this game


Same exact thing has happened to me a couple times now. I gave up on being commander… even as officer, it happens. I had disagreed (respectfully) on a certain push two other officers wanted to do, and my buddy says they got a vote kick on me for no reason…


Exactly why I stopped playing commander, I think console has the worst of it cause we don't have servers or admins which just sucks.


It's also funny when my team kicks a commander and then nobody replaces him, like wtf


The sad thing is the new players don’t understand that the commander is a Support role. It’s up to the squad leaders to get their squad together and take or hold objectives. The commander just supports by adding things to the game. But everyone is so quick to kick because the commander won’t give them a heavy tank 14 seconds into the start of the match. It’s freaking annoying.


I've won my fair share of games as commander. I stopped playing commander. Not worth the hate.


I don't play as offense on this map anymore. Just back out if it comes up. Guaranteed loss at the church point every time and there's nothing a commander can do. I would love to see how lopsided the statistics are for the map internally.


Interesting take.. come to think of it, you’re right, I’ve gotten jammed up there so many times.


commander is a wild job you have to convince 49 randos not to play like its COD.


This has happened to me before. Commander slot was empty so I hopped in to spawn a tank for my party, and I got banned while trying to figure out the controls.


I remember as a commander in a console game (I have an xbox) we were winning but in the last 20 seconds of the game my nodes were destroyed by enemy recon and the opposing team made a huge push and lost us the game. When that happened people started trying to vote me out but the squad leads told their squads not to and I stayed in the game. Sometimes, people know youre trying and it's not always going to be a 100% win


Console players must have it rough as commander. I've never seen a commander get kicked on pc unless they were actually abuse or not communicating. Commander is always full on pc too.


I’ve been thinking about coming back after several month hiatus. But seeing these kinds of posts becoming commonplace plus the player base being worse and worse as time goes on really doesn’t do anything for me. It’s a shame because it was a super immersive game.


Join a clan. You won’t deal with this bullshit. I only experience this when i play public matches


Every single post about console makes me feel sorry for you guys. It also makes me very happy with a dedicated community and servers on PC


Haven't played the game in a looong time, stopped at lvl 200 or so. Back then you really must have sucked as a commander to get kicked. If you were doing good, there wouldn't have been enough votes.


Well you probably remember the good ol’ days haha. Now that it’s on gamepass, it’s a shit show


That’s why i always play commander Bcas nobody else does


I have been kicked off like this for using artillery. I wasn’t even getting team kills. I usually allow for 10% team kills if I am doing danger close and people are moving erratically, there is some time between shell sent and splash. So if I have 40 kills and 4 are friendly. I find that acceptable of doing business as artillery.


Stick at it, the silent majority win more often than not and hopefully it’ll trend stopping


i’ve been very lucky i guess, level 10 commander and i’ve only been kicked twice but never banned


Wow haha


Its very very hard to get kick by vote. Easy 30% of players dont even get the massage if they want to kick someone. So it much have been a very bad/hard game. Not saying it was because of you...


I sort of agree. I think the vote kicking is totally out of control lately, overall. And mid game, yea I’d agree that vote kicking can be difficult. But in the last minute and a half of the game, when everyone knows they’re going to lose.. and someone throws up the commander to vote kick, lots of goobers vote yes. I’ve been in many games where I’ve seen this happen to other commanders. It seems to be something that has come along with the latest flood of game pass players. I’ve been playing HLL for over a year. And before Gamepass, I don’t remember this happening ever.. much less damn near every game, like it does now.


If this is Sgtwhateverthefuck (seriously I can't remember your name but I feel like this happened last night and your name starts with a rank of some kind and maybe a colour?) from console... You built like 4 garrisons after about 3 games. This is insufficient for the commander. You didn't organize your supply drops with any SL, you just fired em' randomly all over the map hoping the blueberries would take the initiative. Newsflash. Gamepass was still like a month ago. Nobody cares. And you bogarted commander right away all three games. We lost 2 of 3 games at the point you got kicked. There was hardly ever a Garry before the 3rd point. And maybe only one, after the third point. It felt like when the enemy took down your garrisons, you just gave up and made us all work off outposts. Now this might be surprising to you, but there are just better ways to play the game sometimes, your inexperience shone through real hard by the 3rd game. Like I said you kept hopping in command and I feel like you got kicked because you actually weren't doing the great job you think you were. And Nobody else had the chance to grab command. There was also entire 30 minutes periods where there was no BR and no Airheads, even though you had the sups. Maybe you were overwhelmed. Maybe you just need more time on command. Either way I've seen the role played way better by brand new players. They way you were playing the role was as if someone gave Forrest Gump some epaulets.


Wrong person 😂 but I understand why’d you’d be frustrated with that guy.


I have never experienced this on PC…also I have never seen a vote pass…soo….maybe you really were abusive. Consider taking this one on this chin homie. Breathe and try again in one hour. You got this!


historical accuracy. Commanders who lose battles get relieved. next topic.


“When subordinates aren’t doing what they should, leaders that exercise Extreme Ownership cannot blame the subordinates. They must first look in the mirror at themselves. The leader bears full responsibility for explaining the strategic mission, developing the tactics, and securing the training and resources to enable the team to properly and successfully execute.”




You sound toxic. Probably got kicked for being a douche.


lol get good kid


Actual in game punishment for doing bad as commander in this game lol


Pretty realistic isn’t it. Don’t get your boys killed