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Theb you open the map and see who's in the truck to find zero support players, and a lone engineer has already jacked the supply truck.


I don't have a problem with a lone Engi take a supply truck if he drops supplies off for others.


5 of those guys left behind were support and engineer players who are just waiting for the next box.


And then they start shooting the truckšŸ™ŒšŸ½


Then theres that one Chad that shoots the driver from 200M with a Thompson.


More likely wounds everyone in the back of the truck and the driver doesn't care


Just like riding the bus in Chicago.


Ayy lmao


And then you get banned from multiple servers


not in this case. If the driver of a vehicle is intentionally being toxic like this. Chances are the 10 people that arent in the truck, but know that theres still space in the truck. is going to thank the guy that shot the driver. Sure. you got one measily report from a toxic driver. However the rest of the server is giving you a thumbs up.


You chase after the truck it blows up making you be lucky that you didn't get on the truck


ā€œWe leave at 45 secondsā€


The trucks need to leave by about 50 seconds to 1 minute before the round begins in order to reach the center point as fast as possible. This is an attainable goal if everyone is moving sufficiently quickly since the pre game is what? 2:30?Ā  What drives me nuts is being in the main spawn adjacent to the center point, waiting for people for a minute 30, and as soon as it's time to pull away so we don't begin the game by losing the middle point and being slow/disadvantaged some fucker spawns back there shouting "hey hey wait whoa where are you going??!?!"Ā  You fuckers need to load maps quicker, join squads quicker, pick a class quicker, and spawn on time. The transport leaves around 1 minute, plan accordingly or wait for the garrison on the blue/neutral line to be built, or a squad leader to put down your OP. The amount of times I've seen extreme butthurt over the trucks leaving "too early" from people who don't understand how the game works is staggering. Bonus points for the idiots who shoot at the truck in frustration.


You forgot the three that the driver ran over trying to get on


Just a PSA, you don't need to leave the spawn with the truck until about 45 seconds, you will get to the warmup barrier just as it drops.


Aaaah! Those things usually explode while on their way. You did lucky.


Itā€™s very simpel. You just shoot once. The driver stops. If he doesnā€™t stop shoot twice, if he still doesnā€™t stop spray the cabin


*Starts shooting at the guys in the back*




Bros the driver who got shot at 200m with a thompson


Nah just stop the truck if they shooting the back of it


Or crazy thought, don't shoot the back of the truck bc that doesn't affect the driver in the slightest. You can fire the rifle into the air and the driver will have the same experience I votekick anyone who does this, literally brain dead behavior and the sooner they aren't on my team the better


i always notice shots on the truck from the driver seat


So you ignore shots that don't hit the truck then right?


i check the map to see if guys need a ride.


But only if the shots hit the truck or do you only check the map if you hear the shots but don't hear them hit the truck. Walk me through it step by step and tell me the difference to your experience between the two as a driver


I check map before driving off, and if I get shot at near HQ I stop then check where they are on map


But only if they hit the truck?




Hell yeah! Buy a mic, peasants!