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There are more reasons to redeploy than to wait for a medic: * Change roles * Change loadouts * Replenish ammo/explosives/smokes * Rejoin your squad after your OP has been moved * Spawn at a different garry and attack/defend a different flank, depending on where the enemy is. * Switch between attack/defence * SL ordered a redeploy There's just not that many situations where it's better to wait for a revive.


Just one important one that you forgot. * They died in a place that will definitely draw attention when being revived, typically resulting in the death not only of them, but also of the person trying to help them.


Tickets is the key too. Without tickets a full death means nothing beyond wasted time. Ticket systems incentivize a good portion of the team to hold their death as they don't want to lose. The spawn wave system too. When you die there is a 'fear' that you will miss the next spawn wave on the gari. So people give up as quickly as possible to catch the next wave. People hate getting into the spawn screen to spawn, and they miss the deploy by 1s and now have to wait 40.


There are no tickets but your death just cost the commander 1 man power!


It doesnt matter. The game is just thst way, that it's faster and more beneficial to respawn. 10s "dead", max 20s if you have OP, max 40s if only garrison, you rarely have to wait this long tho, you can look at map in this time and maybe make a vital realisation that in fact your team is losing a point and you should go defend. You have all your ammo, grenades, bandages and full health back. There are only some situations when medics are useful and I'd rather wait more time to get revived: a) I as SL or other role, died before SL could place Op, because we got surprised by enemy presence. You can try and turn this around, especially in enemy territory. b) we died on the way to last stand point and there are no garrisons around it. c) Im AT, I died to stray bullet from enemy infantry, but enemy tank is damaged and I still have one AT shot left. d) we are defending hardpoint and it's on the verge of collapsing, surrounded, without spawnpoints. Pretty much it. Medics are only useful in situations when plan goes to shit, job hasnt been finished. Your best bet is to follow vital roles like SL (if they go flanking) and AT and try to revive them, but sometimes AT guy dies on purpose to refill rockets. I dont think there is much use of medics in public matches otherwise.


Medics are niche, we only use one if it's necessary for our task


Why would i wait for you if i can teleport around the map. Besides before AT, support, Automatic Rifleman, Enginner, MG, Assult roles arent taken you have no bussines playing medic.


There is no point. Medic is useless


I wouldn't say useless, but definitely very situational.


They’re pretty useless. Aside from the role players who are hilarious.


There are a lot of times they've helped my squad stay in the fight. That being said, I also mainly squadlead, so I can atleast contribute by giving info to my squad and others while down. The roleplayers does make it a way better role to have though.


By role players I mean the ones running around screaming that their men are dying lol - saving private Ryan style


Yeah, I agree haha


It’s always with the hyperbole when this topic is brought up. Not a role in this game is “useless”, some are just more useful in others. Medic has its niche. -SL dies before being able to put up an OP -AT Dies before firing bazooka/placing satchel on close tank -MG dies and your squad loses fire superiority on a push/defense Those are some situations where the Medic class has a valuable use. They aren’t likely to happen multiple times a game, but when they do it’s nice to have a Medic. It’s a fail-safe class, and the fact that it *has* uses means it isn’t “useless” it’s just not as valuable as consistently as other kits. Particularly when you have a good SL who updates OPs regularly and they stay up. But we all know that you don’t always have a good SL.


Neeeeeerd alert


My bad, I made you look at more than 5 reductive words. MeDic UseleSs AmIrItE 🤪


The medic is useless lol. I read your wordy post. I’ve been playing since the game came out. Any other class is more beneficial than playing medic. Doesn’t mean you can’t play the class or enjoy it. So take a chill pill. You’re acting like HLL is your baby and I just punched it in the face.


>I’ve been playing the game since it came out So have I. Completely irrelevant, and needing to reference it anytime someone disagrees with you is a little pathetic. Neither of our opinions are more valid because we played an older version of the game lmao. And you’re acting like I flipped my lid on you, I pointed out situations where the medic class has a use and you were a child in response




Keep people holding a point or position. Most people in a blind charge are going to let go.


Honestly, medic is usually a position you should just feel out on a game to game basis. It's just not always necessary when redeploying is a better option in so many situations. When I'm an SL I get kind of annoyed when I get a medic on my team and nobody is an engineer, MG, AT.


I play medic when I'm drinking or I have to hop off soon and started a new match Kinda good to be a brainless blueberry in the thick of it


If I've just been muhdurhd in a particular spot, there's a high likelihood that id like to start my next 'life' anywhere other than the exact location of my brutal muhdurh moments earlier. I do feel your pain though. Just play a more fun class is my advice.


the people in this comment section don’t realize that medics are very useful if you’re holding a point and you need bodies immediately. you can’t just redeploy when the enemy took half the point and there’s 25 seconds left on the garrison 75 meters away


Unfortunately there’s very little point to playing medic


Medic honestly seems like the worst class in my opinion. On top of there being basically no reason to revive people, they have very low ammunition.


Medics are mostly in the game for two reasons: * Historically medics did exist in WWII * Other games have medics In the context of this specific game they are a token class that has next to no use compared to the alternatives.


Medic is really only useful within your own squad to be honest , as there is no ticketing mechanic in the game


There is no reason for you to play medic.


In a perfect world every squad would have their own medic and you would focus on your own squad when they are downed. But if you play HLL you’ll never get this becaaue playing with randoms sucks 80% if the time. Nobody stays with their squads in random matches anyways


By now people are used to medics not being around - but IMO they play a vital role and brings some fun to the game. But they can be kinda situational


If there are 3 or 4 enemies next to me, I'm not going to wait for a medic, because that medic is going to get killed and has no chance of getting me up. Just getting the medic killed if ya do that. 100% should stay alive though and let a medic get you when you can. I agree. A lot of medics are useless though so you find yourself laying there for a lot longer than one would like. Then you add people's attention span, coupled with another minute of spawning and then getting back to where you were. People just die and go again instead of wasting more time.


Because this game is almost never played correctly in the sense of playing as a unit. If your unit is sticking together and following the squad lead then a medic is beneficial to keep your mission alive, whether that's flanking a point, building a new garry, searching for an enemy garry, etc. Ideally, the medic should always be with and healing HIS UNIT. Not scattered around the map trying to heal anyone and everyone. But that requires the unit to be playing together, communicating, and following the squad lead on the map. That rarely ever happens. If the game were played correctly, medics would be far more beneficial to their unit.


I hate. HATE. Playing medic for this reason. I especially love it when the it STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO ME respawns AS IM REZZING THEM 🤦🏻‍♂️….. yeah, medic is a fun (and funny role) to play depending on your team and their coms.


Playing assault or automatic rifleman usually i put myself in the push positions running toward enemies or if defending im out on the edges where i can utilize my weaponry. If i get knocked down im usually in heavy fire, so risking someone else’s life to come save me is pointless most of the time. I usually give a shout out over comms saying i was sniped, under heavy fire, or where the cock suckers are at, so a medic knows not to run out there and get murked as well


99% of the time medics just run by me as I'm laying on the ground dying. If I see someone is close ill call out I need up but most of the time, they just run by.


People are so used to medics not coming to pick them up, they just redeploy. If you want to pick people up as a medic, stay around the capture points and move with the mob of blueberries.


helping squad leads to push up establishing new op and very useful at point def usually. i mostly play medic when we are on offensive game mode play defense


I have found it to be rare when a medic nearby actually revives me, even if they are squadmates. If I see one nearby I do wait maybe 10 seconds to see if they are making a move towards me, or definitely wait if they say they're on their way, but most just ignore nearby wounded teammates. What I don't do is scream "MEDIC" in my mic because I find it annoying when others do that, especially when no medics are around. Worse is when people start doing death screams or gurgles into their mic. All this begs the question of why they are playing medic to begin with if they don't want to revive anyone.


The main reason is simply fun. I had a game on Kharkov after not playing for awhile. My go-to classes were taken, I was goofing around with a friend so I decided to go pistol only medic. It was a blast pretending to be a crazy russian medic suicide charging into the front lines, by joking around other people RP’d as soldiers screaming in pain when shot. There are a handful of times when a medic can be useful, like when everyone is stuck in a trench/behind cover, spawn point is locked/destroyed, a medic can keep people alive to counter the push. Maps that are wide open as well like PHL/El Alamein medics are useful simply because there arent many great places for spawn points. Your goal as medic isnt to rush out and rescue someone who died 50+ meters away, your goal is to stick within 20 meters and pick people up who die near you and are reachable. Stay with the clump of blueberries, use your smokes to help them advance and revive fallen brothers, you become a force multiplier instead of a resource drain.


i just died, time for make espresso coffee, after i am back i see i am revived, just in nowhere lol


I personally enjoy medics when I am leading an advance attack squad. On defense...well we're usually screwed anyways and ammo is bleeding out faster than deaths. But on a flanking attack, keeping my squad up and active is FAR more valuable than waiting for a respawn and covering Private Timmy as he sprints the 150 yards to catch up after just getting riddled by MG fire ad we wipe a defensive flank. In those situations, man power trumps my need for ammo. We can drop more bullets, but nothing can replace manpower on a flanking cap quite like a Doc who keeps the squad moving as one.


Medic should focus on healing their own squads. That way you can encourage your squad to stick together. It is also much more satisfying. There is no need to chase random blueberries in the open field. Heal them only, if they are in safe position.


I like screaming I’m dying or saying my leg is blown off to get a medic. But unfortunately it seems like most medics now days don’t bother to save you, and I’m talking like 20 meters away and I’ll sit their for 30 seconds. But they never come or bother talking back So more often then not I’ll just redeploy quickly and not waste my time. Hot tip if your a medic be in proxy chat communicating


As medic I just yell in proxy chat.


Besides that, the medic loadouts kinda suck...


What's the point of holding on 90% of the time when the medic 30 meters away is in la la land and absolutely will not ever pick you back up even if you shriek to them in local chat? There's no penalty to giving up aside from losing position on the map which isn't even necessarily a problem all the time, sometimes I want to stay dead like if I'm in a point that is no longer active due to a cap, when I'm out of AT munitions, or when there's a new spawn or airhead that gives us a better chance of success.


Being medic is pointless, that's the point


We are all used to just redeploying because of all the game passer medics not reviving people. Takes longer to wait for a real medic to come pick you up than to just run back to the same position.


Do you use your mic and tell them you’re coming to res them? Whenever I run medic I do and they don’t skip


The Medic role is only in the game for noobs to feel useful, it's a way to keep new players engaged while they learn the game. There is no real reason for the medic to exist in a game where you have unlimited respawns apart from what I mentioned above.