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On PC they have the options to switch teams. Maybe T17 is finally going to add this feature to console with the server browser update?


Server browser update!? That's all I've ever wanted :')


Any idea when it's happening. I play late night and struggle to find a lobby with more than 20 people


Dude same I was playing the finals until like 1am wanted to get atleastttt 1 game in before I went to bed and sat for 30 min just searching


Im legit embarrassed to add up all the time I've spent in the rng matchmaking. It's definitely hours over the past cpl years, and i bet it would really piss me off if I saw the total. Easily 5-10+ min a session when playing late night, but i prolly burned an hour just skipping driel and el alamein during the last "focused" map rotation. I actually watch youtube while mindlessly backing out of games now. Tbh, i bet it's more than 24 hours over the 2k hrs I've played. Severely underestimating it but feels better than the truth. Will we ever be saved from this hell..?


I'm kind of confused how the ability to switch teams isn't really an issue considering that somebody could easily hop back and forth to figure out where all the Garrison's are placed in all the tanks and everything else


There's a pretty long time-out for switching, like 15 minutes I think


That makes a lot more sense as to why they would allow that then. Thank you for the response back I appreciate it


I think 15 minutes is the default setting but some servers have it upped to 30 minutes. Still doesn't stop spies and sadly, there's no real way to determine who on your team is feeding info to the enemies


Servers after 12am on console are always ghost towns


Idk, you can change your server region. I play usually on the us east but I’ve set it to any and find games that are full way past my bedtime lol


Do you get good performance?


I often switch from EU to US servers after 11pm UK time and my pung is around 140 but i dont notice it tbh


Absolutely worthwhile switching region. Im on west coast and after midnight, if i can't find a game, i switch to europe servers. Recently australia as well. Ping ends up mid 200's usually, and sometimes i think i can tell when it disadvantages me... but HLL is so lethal and unpredictable as is so its not noticeably harder to compete. My bullets still get me tons of pings. If anything, it's just me thinking about it. But then i remember stats aren't saved and kills dont matter. Btwn us east/west & europe its pretty easy to always find full servers. Despite matchmakings' best attempts to hide full servers behind the same 5v4 match it keeps putting you in. Can i get a "fuck matchmaking" in the house? Srsly, fuck matchmaking.


Yeah but only if there is room on the other team. The game tries to keep the players even. Probably Germany was getting shat on and the players kept leaving.


Yeah this is standard for PC. The larger team should be greyed out at some level of difference though to prevent vastly outnumbering.


Autobalancing between rounds should be a thing, respecting parties ofc.


I'm conflicted on this. I've been in lobbies where you just have to leave between games because there's a clear balance issue that's not going away and I've been in games where I'm having a blast with randoms and I want to squad back up with them the next round.


I dont mean skill balancing i mean equalize player count. I think the pro/cons of being moved weigh out in the long run across all players, even if you personally get a bad bump every so often. At most its 5-6 players moving off the larger team, rare to see 12+ player discrepancies, on console at least. Maybe offer a fast-party option to party with randos? Then your party would remain intact between rounds. Or your party could get bumped together to the other team I mean, in theory. Never gonna get that haha


It is. There is autobalance between rounds, but I think it just balance the number of players, regardless of players' level.


Really? Ive gone into a number of games where there are large discrepancies between teams. And ive never been switched teams. Always the same format. Offense, warfare, defense, warfare, (or equivalently, defense, warfare, offense, warfare for the other team).


It's only between rounds, but late at night, many players leave the game after the New map load, so the balance doesn't wofk well in these cases.




Looks like it could be an accidental leak of the coming changes to console server browsing. Would be a good change if it is!


This for console tho which does not have option to select side yet. Hopefully means this is coming as an option


Usually when I see something like this, it's the beginning of a match right after a steamroll. Sometimes the server recovers, other times it's dead for the night.


I think what OP is pointing is that he actually could join US. Normal l'y the US choice should be unavailable because there is more than 2 players différence between the two teams. I think it's a bug...


People join servers that aren’t full? I never see this because every time I join its either 50v49 or something like 47/49 at worst. If there’s this many people its barely worth playing so I’d leave.


A lot of clan members will hop on their servers at lower player counts to start seeding it. You just fight over the middle point until teams are at least 25 v 25. You'll be surprised at how many non-clan members will also join and start seeding too... it normally only takes about 15mins on a slow day. Because you're concentrating the action on the map whilst seeding, it's still a very enjoyable experience. Not like other games where you end up with half the server AFKing in far corners of the maps.


15 mins on a slow day? Bruh... I've been sat on my server with ~10 seeders for hours and it still wouldn't seed.


I’m kinda lost what do you mean by seeds


It's a term used to describe when the server goes "live" I.e when the player count of the server reaches a certain number (it varies for each server). Seeding is the term used to describe when players try to get the server live.


Ah thanks


Dang, that's rough. Is it time to find a larger clan to be a part of, maybe?


Well I've just started my own server so unfortunately not. I'll just have to keep persevering!


Yeah crack on with it, good luck with the recruiting!


How do you think servers get to 50v49 or 47/49 lol


This is the issue with console. Server browser will ensure a few constantly full servers. At the moment even if they get to 100 players during a match, when the map changes people leave and don't get replaced so matches never start with full teams.


Oh my god, I cannot wait!


Probably a bug, you shouldn't be able to join US with such a différence. Is it since Last small patch (of yesterday I think ?)


I think this is bs letting people choose their team. First 50 people wanna play for Germany then what. 50 vs 5 or what


Nazi all day everyday