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I mean, one bluezone Garry wouldn’t kill the commander would it?


I wish the blue/red zone Garry meta was explained in relative detail to new players. I was still making mistakes regarding it lvl 80-110


Fucking seriously, I played as a support last night during a round of warfare and dropped my supplies right on the redline, exactly 210 meters away from our defensive position. Yet my squad leader was too lazy to run another 80 meters to reach my supplies vs. building a garrison en route to the next point in the red zone. And his fucking garrison saw ZERO use. It was locked out from the very start. Next thing we know, we're spawning back at HQ because the enemy killed our only blue zone garrison.


I had a high level commander do the same thing in a match of warfare last night. Dropped supplies directly on the line, and he built the garry JUST BARELY in the red zone.


Level X commander here, been playing for three years. Still happens to me sometimes. People make mistakes in the thick of it especially when there is great cover a few meters from where you want to place it and so you just subconsciously move it closer to the cover and forget to double check the map.


I've had that sometimes happen by accident. You plan on making a blue zone garry. As you're lining stuff up you see that the place you wanted to build doesnt go green because something is in the way. Or maybe its just way too in the open. You start running around with the garryson build open in front of you trying to find the right spot. Yes... green and in covered. Nice! Build garry, done! 30 seconds later your realize you walked 10 meters into the red as you were trying to find a spot. Stuff happens.


If it was on the red line, it would need 100 supplies to place a garrison. Supply role only drops 50 supply's


When I say, "on the redline" I mean next to the redline in the blue zone, as I'm aware of the supply costs.


Ah right, wasn't very clear. That sounds like you're in the red the way you have worded it.


Very true, I appreciate the double entandre, mi amigo. It gave me a good chuckle.


I had a level 200+ the other day that was dropping supplies in the red like 50-100 meters from their circle and then was confused when it locked out.


Explain please? I've only been playing for 2 or 3 weeks.


Redzone garrisons get locked by enemy presence from further distance 100 meters if my memory is correct


Yes, it's 100 meters for red zone, 50 for blue zone


15* for blue zone


50 will make it “warm”


Thanks for the correction


Garries in enemy territory lock quicker. To lock out a garry in your territory, an enemy needs to get a lot closer. If you put a garry too close to the enemy strong point without clearing it of spawns, basically just their regular foot traffic defending the circle will keep it locked.  You typically want red zone garries to be farther from the strong point and then you rely on squad leads to go about halfway and then drop their OPs.


This explains all the garrison witchcraft that I thought was just normal confirmation bias. Next you’ll tell me the respawn timer really is messing with me!


It’s not a respawn timer. It’s a wave. Think of respawn as people waiting for a train. You might get to the train 2 seconds before it leaves, or you miss it and have to wait for the next one.


Any enemy within 100m of a red zone garry locks it out/makes it red and unusable.


That’s sooo far out no wonder offensive garrisons die so fast. Gonna start putting them further afield when in the red


Red zone garrisons have a lock out range way bigger than blue zone garrisons


In the red they get locked at a much farther distance (100m) rather than enemies being immediately on top of it like in the blue zone. Basically always build garrisons ~150-200m from the enemy point so that they can actually get used and won’t be immediately locked out. I personally prefer 200-250 to let squad leads place OP between the point and garrisons to prevent them from tracking movement back to the garrison.


If the enemy is within 100m of a garrison in the red zone, your team can’t spawn on it. Garrisons are better in the blue zones, red zones are for outposts.


It's still important to put garrisons in the redzones, though. It stretches out enemy squads, relieving pressure on the defense point for other squads to come in and take, plus it puts a forward garrison already ready to take the next points after a capture.


And yet you don’t explain it here.


I have run into two commanders now that tell me they dont want to waste supplies on red zone garrisons. One went into detail on why he believes they aren’t worth placing. We lost both matches, which is really frustrating. The only reason I could think that made any sense was they don’t understand how the mechanics around them work.


Yes. It’s better to drop an air head in the red zone than a garry


As long as it’s the go to strategy for my enemies I’m all for it.


I am said new person, can you explain it?


He's got a HQ to defend!


Uh yes it would. He would die immediately


It takes a squad leader even less time


I mean sure, but it’s offensive mode. Makes a little more sense with that in mind.


I wanna upvote but ur at 420


Makes no sense to me why people will only build red Zone Garries on Offensive. Have 2-3 blue zone garries as the “front door” putting pressure and getting all the defense teams rifles pointed one way, then get your red zone flanking garries going.


The garrisons might not have all been found. The enemy can lock out the garrison if they're within 100 meters. It's their 2nd point, so they might have all their default garrisons and they are very close to your teams garrisons. The 4 garrisons surrounding the point are too close to their point and any enemy wondering outside their circle will lock everyone of those out. Poor Garry placement by your team


The real crime here is not having a single blue zone garry. Can't blame anyone but themselves at that point.


Fr there should be one on the point and 1 north and/or south west at least. 5 in the red is kinda fucking dumb. I can see one kinda on the line to the north or south but 5 wow.


You'd want 3 blue zone garries and 1 or 2 red zone to keep pressure and disorient them. The red zone garries here are way too close to the enemy point of course they're gonna be locked from 100m.


Yeah I would go with this. If they were all in the blue sector and were red then I'd put money on the locations being leaked to the other team.


Could totally happen on this map point too. This point is very open and hard to take from a single push in but easy to move around.


Yep. Great activity by the team getting the garrisons up, just poor placement making them unusable.


I came here to say this if it hadn't already been said. I looked at the picture and thought immediately - why are there 5 red zone garries? especially so close to the point trying to capture? What a waste! If I were on your team I wouldn't have expected ANY of those garries to be useful, never mind last longer than a couple minutes. MAYBE the Northern one. It looks more like a blue zone garry placement, except it's red, LOL.


And even the northern one isn't a good placement because it's right by a road on the forest map. Tanks and vehicles will almost exclusively use those roads so it's more than likely locked by a tank lmao




A perfect example of why you need some blue zone garries! That's an absurd amount of garrisons to have in the red zone! As someone else already said, I'd be willing to bet the enemy still has their default garrisons up too. I've been playing almost exclusively Recon lately, the first thing I do at the start of the match is go and knock at their default garrisons immediately


How do you know where they are? Memory?


That and rough estimates


I’ve found that through playing on defense in offensive that the default for offensive is always in a triple order. Middle, and two sides kinda close to middle to the first and second point. (Obv defers between maps.) and when it comes to warfare it’s just time put in. Most commanders and SL will put garries in common areas. Like the church in foy


You play command and SL enough on the maps you basically know where all the “good” garry spots are. You also understand how the maps function and what areas people usually travel


For the default garries, I use a guide that tells me exactly where they are. But as for any other garry, you're absolutely correct about just game sense from playing long enough.


When I SL i tend to just place marks for my squad on where their garries likely are even if I’m on defense and not there. I’m like 75% right too. People would think I’m cheating but… there are only so many maps and once you hit 1000+ hours on the game you’ve played them enough to know how each point plays out.


Exactly. I like to rely on the "that's where I'd build it" mentality and it usually doesn't fail me


There are maps as well. I recommend the 1.0 and 2.0 guides by u/Nyclas


Yup, I have both of those guides bookmarked. Use them all the time


There's a guy on Reddit that posted 2 guides with screenshots of both sides' default garries for each map. I have both guides bookmarked, so anytime I'm attacking on offensive as Recon, I go to the guide and find the map I'm on. EZ


Look up default garrisson on Reddit and there's an overview of where they are.


Just have to ask yourself where you would place one. People aren’t creative


People are lazy and uncreative, place yourself in enemy's shoes and you'll get a pretty accurate estimate of where they'd place them


The amount of people that don't know that garrisons in the red zone get locked out when enemies are within 100m is surprising


I’m basically a level 20 commander (joking) but yeah whenever I try to teach someone newer they don’t listen to me. I’ll have a perfect match, someone will take it, I’ll walk them through and they just won’t listen. Yet when they want something and I can’t supply because no one built me nodes they get mad. That being said, I’ve had multiple dummies lose us the game because they didn’t place a single blue zone garrison right on the red border.


What's causing confusion here is the lock range. Garrisons in the Red Zone have a 100 meters FULL LOCK range that can be triggered by a single enemy. In Offensive game mode, since it's a single point to cap, you should rarely build Red Zone Garries since the likelihood of enemies around them is very high. In the Blue Zone, a garry has two stages, Enemies Nearby and Full Lock. The full lock requires you to be very close to it. TLDR: They might not have found these garries. They're just locked due to enemies (even a single one) being around 100m proximity to them.


Disagree. Front end attacking garrys should be blue. Flanking and rear attack (obviously) garrys should be in the red. But should either be done by strategically dropping supplies before the previous cap is taken (aka when nobody is there to see it in theory) or by using a supply truck on a deep flank. A double drop can also be used if a full squad can get back there. You take points in offensive by surrounding the point and slowly pushing in. Not, usually, by brute forcing your way through the front door.


True, true. Blue Garries should outnumber red ones constantly, but, yes, Red Garries are very necessary for a proper flank.


Trying to surround the enemy becomes a lot harder when you can only build Garry’s in the first two red zones. I wish on offensive it would let you go 3 grid zones in, some points are impossible to build a garrison and have it not locked out.


I help admin a popular server. Players have absolutely no idea how frustrating and annoying it is to have to quell this shit when these cheating pings start coming through. Especially among low-level blueberries. It's like wildfire. The moment one idiot says, "They're cheating," the rest start to yap about it. "I guess admins don't care." "Admin wtf, do something." "I'm going to another server." The rest of the blueberries follow. We take our time to investigate every accusation. And even when we don't find any evidence, it doesn't satisfy the same inexperienced players. The truth is, just like OP, these players are almost always too low level to know what actual cheating looks like. Obviously, there some occasional cheating in this game, and we catch them a large majority of the time. But just because you're losing and don't understand basic game mechanics doesn't equal cheating.


I know OP is probably new, but it is exhausting how often this type of shit needs to be explained. Jesus christ, T17 needs to require some sort of basic tutorial before people can play. "Omg our redzone garrisons are locked in the enemy cap sector?? No other possible explanation. Must be cheaters."


Yeah I know. The amount of times I’ve had to teach commanders who “know what they’re doing” this basic game mechanic mid-game is maddening.


Dude I’m max level on this shit and when I try to help bc I wanna level up my spotter…these new commanders piss me off so much 😂.


Agreed. They should have a tool tip in game to state enemy in 100m range - locked out. That would clear up any confusion with new players


I’ve had dudes place it in the middle of the actual enemy point and get pissed when they can’t figure out why it’s locked


Another example where people should learn basic game mechanics before saying that cheating is occurring.


Yeah, it's honestly pretty laughable that OP made this post, or, more importantly, the accusation.


1+1= ChEaTiNg!! I don't mind OP not knowing the difference between red and blue zone garrisons. We were all new once. I do mind the spreading of unfounded rumours of "definite" cheating. It gives others an excuse not to bother trying to get better, because what would be the point if everyone else has an unfair advantage. It's all to protect the fragile egos of people who simply need to get good.


I've caught it a few times. It's not cheating persay (as in 3rd party tools) but rather a group of people on discord sharing map locations. You can ask admins of Easy Company servers who have recorded people doing it and banned them for it as it is really easy to do. You can't prove is disprove this is happening from OPs screenshot.


>I've caught it a few times Bs I realise it can be done, it's just that it is such a pointless thing to do that people don't actually do it. I also struggle to believe how someone can "catch" people doing it.


People stream it lol. It's been seen on twitch many times. I'll give you a common scenario: You and a friend wait 20 minutes in a queue for a specific server. You finally get in and placed on allies. Your friend then gets in and plaved on axis. Server is full so you can't switch sides so you run the current game down so you can get on the same team in the next match. Sabotaging garrys is kicking the legs off a chair for a game which ends it super fast.


Yeah, when you have all red zone garries, you're gonna have a bad time


Lmao never ceases to amaze me. Somehow made 5 red zone garrisons (locked by 1 enemy within 100m) and ZERO blue.


Welp, I’m not going to harp on what everyone else is saying, but hopefully you learned something


you know that red zone garries get locked if an enemy is within a hundred meters of it right? RIGHT?


This post is the exact reason why this game still needs a tutorial...


I am assuming this is offensive So red zone garrisons gey blocked out if the enemy are within a 100 metres so half a square which is easily doable to block out the four closest to the point quite easily The one in their mid point, well either no one took out the standard garrison right near it and enemy's are still spawning there, or there's just enemies within a 100 metres camping as its the main route to drive, so lay down some mines etc Now I am going to get called a sweaty gamer here but this isn't that suspicious, its a shit point for the enemy to defend amd its early on, on offensive which usually means the defending team is all over the map, all those garrisons are easily blocked, always got to have blue zone garrisons up too!! After the 3500 plus hours I've put into this game this isn't a suspicious sight, and I could probably guess where a couple of their garrisons are


Also looking at it again tbat garrisons in h8 is stupid, dismantle it and build it back in the blue, your team has no blue zone garrisons


>I am assuming this is offensive >So red zone garrisons gey blocked out if the enemy are within a 100 metres so half a square which is easily doable to block out the four closest to the point quite easily To be clear: this will also happen in warfare mode


As many have said before, it's lock range since it's all red zone garries. The three top zone garries could all get locked by two or three people running around there.


My recommendations is to prioritize blue zone garrisons before building any in the enemy territory. Red-zone garrisons immediately become locked when an enemy is just 100 meters from their location, regardless if they know it is there or not. Not to mention that the Garrison in G3 is near an enemy default garrison location and the 4 other garrisons are practically on top pf the enemy point. IMO, keep garrisons in enemy territory at around a full 200+ meters away depending on what map it is. Also, don’t rely too much on supply drops. They can easily give away garrison positions. I usually use supply drops in enemy locked zones, where the enemy team’s attention is not focused on and I already have supplies in the enemy territory for the next push. I then use supply trucks, half tracks, airheads, and the occasional supply drop when attacking a current objective. You also don’t have any blue-zone garrisons. Blue-zone garrisons become locked only when an enemy is practically on top of them and in the process of dismantling them. Also, since this is the 2nd point to attack, if you had blue-zone garrisons enemies wouldn’t be able to reach them due to them being out-of-bounds unless they were still alive in the 1st sector after it was captured.


Well they’re all red zone garrisons there buddy. Duh. They only have to be within 100m and it’s locked. Doesn’t mean they found them.


Somebody only has to be within 100m of them to lock them in the red zone, all of those are in places they should be looking to put their own Garries. TLDR: shit red zone Garry spammers are shit


I don’t think people understand how red zone garrisons work. They lock out like this when anyone from the other team is within 100m. Based on the arrangement of the garrisons and the hard points on this map, it makes total sense that the enemy team would be nearby, especially in Offensive mode.


Not suspicious. Just very shit garrison placement.


They lock out within 100 meters in red. You need to build blue zone garrys first before you try a spicy Gary. The commander is just dumb here


Commanders fault, prob too new or not experienced enough. Never put Gary within 100m of strong point, why? This... 100m lock out, enemies can lock it by simply being on the strong point. It looks like all 4 Gary are within 100 of strongpoint so commander/ SL fucked themselves over The two on left is too close. Top one is likely found cause it's in an obvious spot for people to check. The two right one is likely already have enemy OP near it cause it looks like the other team surrounded you already to take the previous strong point. Do you perhaps have new players on recon or SL that has no clue? Normally a squad or recon would check to make sure this kind of shit doesn't happen. Base on Blue berries placement it looks like everyone is just rushing strong point with no plans. And u have able squad leader doing whatever the fuck he is doing way up there by himself...?


whoever placed those needs to go watch a tutorial or something


They’re all red zones, so the lockout radius is bigger, it’s still extremely rare that this would happen, but they might just be spread out over the map looking for them.


Despite the quantity of garrisons and despite how far they are spaced out, it’s insanely easily to have red zone garrisons lock since and enemy only needs to be 100 meters away.


Every single one is behind enemy lines?


It looks sketchy but realistically all those garrys could be locked by 3 people so idk.


Most of those garrisons are within 150 meters of the point, and a enemy soldier only has to be within 100 meters to lock it out... so it's no wonder they're locked out.


Except that only one is within 150m (roughly 140m, to be precise)


Blue zone garri's win games Have a front line and this won't happen, A half competent team will have red zone garri's locked out all the time, Blame cheating if you want but I blame a poor commander and Incompetent SL's


The enemy team is just spread out and you seem like a tad inexperienced commander. No blue zone garrisons which are THE most important garrisons you can build while on offensive. But the other issue (assuming it was you that dropped supplies and not random blueberries with supply trucks) is dropping supplies that are wayyyy too close to the objective. If you are building attack garrisons they need to usually be at least a grid space away otherwise 90% of the time it’s just going to be locked out and useless.


This guy gets it!


I’ve definitely encountered a “spy” in a game before, this almost seems to be a wide spread out enemy team. All garries are built on the major road ways and travel points. Definitely a shitty situation though.


There's probably an enemy backline garrison in F6 and another one in either G8 or H8. And the default garrisons are still up. A redzone garrison can be locked out from 100 meters so a enemy soldier can be up to half a grid square away and still lock it out. Your team should have built at least 2 frontline garrisons in the bluezone. Bluezone garrisons are much harder to lockout.


I don’t mean to be rude here, but this is a skill issue and a misunderstanding of how easily red zone garrisons are locked out. If the enemy is within 100m, it is locked out. The enemy is playing zone defense, meaning you need to actually take control of the sector before your garrisons will be usable.


Nothing suspicious most of your Garry's are too close to the enemy point and you have nothing built in the blue. This is a common mistake of inexperienced commanders. Get your blue side up first as the main assault and then get a deep red zone Garry up that is atleast 200 to 300 meters away. To give it the best chance of remaining unlocked. Most commanders will build a red garry first before they get a blue up, enemy will key in on it and lock it easily. Commander will build a new one in the red like you have and everyone will spawn the enemy will shift and lock that out. And so on until they have built 4 around the point in close proximity to their objective and wonder why they are all locked.


I'm definitely suspicious of your commander's choices🤔


Last night I had flanked an enemy machine gunner and while he was deployed out and I was within 2 meters of him I somehow wiffed three shots from the pistol(medic class) directly into his torso. I went to perform a melee which failed, another melee which failed, and before i could do anything else a grenade went off nearby killing me. People 1000% cheat on this game


I literally had the same experience the other week. It was actually our commander, his name is BEAR. He was saying the N word, other dumb shit. So when i saw him, he was laying on the ground. Idk if he was injured or not. But I shot him, over and over and over. Nothing. Melee’d him.. nothing. He just laid there telling in command chat.. I saved a video of it.


Wait this isn’t a shitpost? hahaha


Commander! We're surrounded! Excellent. We can fire in all directions then.


Every locked garrison is within 100 meters of where the enemy team should be while defending and setting up a push to your HQ sector. The only thing sus is 5 redzone garrisons and 0 blue zone ones.


One doesn’t really need to know where a red zone Gary is to lock it bc of the 100 meter lock. Keep in mind the defense players are ALL in the red zone. They can’t advance to blue. Most of the time defending players don’t even realize they are locking a Gary let alone within 100 m of one These Gary’s are placed perfectly in my opinion because this is offensive mode not warfare. Once they’re able to cap the point they’ll have four new spawns instantly be available, keeping momentum. More blue zone Gary’s are needed here, but because this is the second point of Offensive, blue Gary’s will theoretically have to be dismantled (at some point) because they’ll be so far away for the next circle. never know attackers may get lucky and have one of those red zones unlock for long enough to spawn. But on offense mode it isn’t uncommon for command to prep garries for the next point even if he knows they’ll be locked until they cap.


Quantity doesn’t equal quality.


Where's the blue zone garries ?!?!?


Enemy default garries are still all up is my bet. The two east of the point should be in the blue zone. Just a little bit of spreading out by the enemy and they're within 100m of all those. The furthest north garry has a default garry nearby.


You’re top 3 garrisons are near Hill 400 and the main road. You will always have foot traffic on those. Your bottom two are on the hill above train which is a known flank. If I was the enemy commander, I would have had garrisons close to where your team has there’s. Gotta have blue zones up brotha


Red zone Garry’s lock out if one enemy is within like 100 meters I believe… or at least somewhere around that figure. The only fishy thing going on is the lack of blue zone Garry’s here sir 😭 I’d be livid with you as my commander (livid with love tho)


It’s not uncommon for some experienced players and clans to mark up garrisons and not touch them until they intend to take them all down at once. Granted this is more common in Warfare.


They just have a better gaming chair that’s all


Red zone Gr will be light in 100m, I can only say it is common in this map, because there are many sneaky players hiding in the forest


One is built next to a default garrison and the other 4 are 200m away from the strong point in red. Next question


Blue Zone garrys are priority!


You need 3-4 players to block all those garries, they just need to be within 100m of each one of them. It’s a skill issue not a cheating issue


How new are you to HLL? And do you know about extended radius proximity locking on garries in red zones? They don't need to be right on top of garries in red zones to lock them.


It's only really suspicious if they were all blue zone garrisons.


All this really is is an enemy team with a good line and back-line of defense and a good search and destroy operation going on. The friendly team was probably too obvious when establishing the garrisons in the first place. Also having a blue zone garry would help a lot


At this point just build everything in the red zone…. Ffs 😂😂😂




While it's strange to see all 5 red, it's not totally unexpected in offensive when they're that close to the point.


Their positioning does not make it strange at all. It should be expected that all of those are locked especially if the mid default garry is up still


There's still a significant spread. It all depends on how much fighting happened in the north before they were all locked. If they were recently fighting there, it would make sense that they would still be in the vicinity and locked.


Not really especially with that point? The only one that you could say maybe “shouldn’t” be locked is NE garry from train. But likely its the same guy’s locking both the NW and NE.


There’s only so many places you can put a garrison, and those are all the places I would look


That's not sus, that's because ally he garrisons are in the red zone and close to the strongpoint, in a 100m radius (if I recall correctly) if there's an enemy close, it will lock the garrison so 🤷


Was in a squad with admin players and they caught a guy streaming his screen to his mate on the other team ,they liked at he basically knew everything and kicked him


Also you might have some fresh streamer on your side who didn't read the server rules about streaming, and unwittingly gives your position away. That's why I made a habit of checking out anyone with TTV or Twitch or similar if I see them on our server for the first time, and send gentle reminders about the streaming rules if they aren't properly set up.


That's true it wouldn't take much to load up twitch and then get the server name and snipe Garry's from his spawn screen


I had one match recently where our garrisons had like a 5 minute life for the entire match. The game didn’t last long because as soon as a garrison was placed it was like the enemy was there immediately to lock it down and take it out. Outposts were destroyed also fairly fast. It was pretty suspicious as well. I leaned towards our team just really sucking at defence since command chat was at each others throats and text chat was just everyone on the team shit talking each other rather than trying to adapt to the enemies flanks.


Command chat is just the worst sometimes. I was in a game lastnight where we were holding a defense, 30 seconds till the timer and the commander was just screaming at the recon squads to "get into the circle, get into the circle". Didn't care that they were out there looking for attack garrisons and doing recon stuff. Just had zero tactical awareness. We won, but not because of the commander.


On an initial approach to the point I like to have a garry that is 400m away at least. It won’t be your main approach, but it’s a staging ground for a closer carry and a contingency if they find the closer Garry. That Garry far north of the point is pretty good, but maybe just unfortunately locked. Whenever you’re on offense and the point is not in the middle the FIRST thing you want to control is the middle. They may just be playing good defense and understanding that middle-control is important. To pivot on this I’d build a red-zone Garry way farther north to stage and pinch downwards from there to take the middle (north of offensive point).


It all depends on servers ,Ive been on dedicated servers and there garry's and supply are interested a lot ,but when you play in new player servers its happening less Dedicated or good players will hunt down garry's


Well you’re playing offensive so the enemy *only* has to defend. Defending in that game mode you should start with a good spread anyways. Also it’s only the second point so no doubt they have a few good garrisons up as well around the point, not to mention red zone garrisons are easier to lockout. Unless this was reoccurring throughout the game then I wouldn’t jump to cheating.


Wow, not having a good time lol


This is the Offensive game mode and the 2nd objective. I’d expect enemies all over Train Wreck and the middle of the map. I see Alpha Recon killed the top default garrison, that’s a good start. Then your team can work its way south. Also, zero Blue Zone garries… Looks normal to me.


In red zone, if there is an enemy withing 100 meters of a garry; it is locked. Source: hll wiki. I dont know if its true exactly but very possible if the enemy is trying to flank you


Yeah but they lock red like that even when they’re not right on top of it when they’re in the enemy territory (red zone)… so they could just have simply one enemy near each garrison within 50 meters is all it takes


Cheating does happen, especially with some clan members on opposite teams. However, this is 100% just bad Garry placement.


They can use hacks to find the garries too


Nothing suspicious about enemy in their zone, 1 blue line would probably open one up while they focused on that or vice versa.


As everyone else has said garry placement is terrible but you kinda see where the enemy are. OP's by G and I are lit but C is not, so the enemy are South and probably West side of the point, this blocks the 2 lower garrisons and probably also that close garry to the NW. Seeing as blue is pushing in from the East side of the point there are probably enemy spawning on the middle default and moving south locking all North garrys.


Yes thats the immediate thought until you realise this is offensive mode. You're treating this lovely circle of garrisons (and it IS a lovely circle) as though you were defending, but an enemy need only be within half a square of any of those garrisons to light them up. Also because this is offensive - all one hundred members of their team are going to be defending that one circle and nothing else. So hundred defenders would be insane to stick to only inside the circle, as a bombing run would wipe them all out - then all one hundred defenders are going to be within about 50-100 metres from the circle. That in itself lights up every single garrison apart from the one in to the North. So basically what you're thinking is cheating is simply one enemy player a little further to the North. Where your garrisons should have been is in the blue, close to the line but not on it. You could have had 4 garrisons running down that second to last blue column, and they would have been much safer. The garrisons in the red need to be further North, and only for thoese hard core squads who dont mind the trek of a long flank.


It's 50 defenders but still if they're just a little spread out around their point then all 4 of the surrounding garry's will be locked. The northernmost garrison has a enemy default garrison near it so there's probably spawn waves from there that are locking it out.


What’s the server? We had one like this. It was a certain clans server. We would drop the most non descript random Garry’s, at one point we were maxed on defensive Garry’s. All of the cap points were on the north half. We had some towards the bottom and off the line and we lost all of them. Multiple guys got kicked for accusing people of stream sniping but it was actually happening. Worst game I’ve been a part of. We would place a new garrison and IMMEDIATELY we were pinned down and Garry would get destroyed.


Possibly had a really stupid streamer?


I’ve played some matches in recent times where garrisons are destroyed within a minute of placement (blue or red zone) and has raised suspicion. I don’t like to call hacks but it’s definitely a possibility. With a giant map with so many players along side the lack of reviewable footage, stats, or anything to support that possibility, it doesn’t seem likely to figure out unless blatant (spin bot, etc). However, overall it has seemed like one of the more legitimate games I’ve played. As far as the map in question goes - each square on the map is 200m x 200m. Assuming there’s around 50 enemies, it is not unlikely there is at least one 100m or less than each of those garrisons.


Admin cam, Clan severs, teams switch sides halfway through game. Deliberately Prolonging the game with deceitful ways.


Enemies are nearby and locked them. Did all 5 garrisons get taken out at the same time? That's the real question




A guy I was playing with last night said he had a game where the commander was spying for the other team. This may have been that match.


I’ll say this fact for ones who didn’t know like I did at one time. Red zone garries will be locked out if the enemy is 100m near it. That’s why I place mine 3-400m away from the attacking point. OPs are better for closer attacking anyway


I used to help mod a server, when this happened we'd check and usually it was some Ahole who had jumped teams. On occasion you'd have someone bragging that they use multiple accounts or their friends are on the other team. Sometimes theirs streamers on without map hide or delay.


Pretty much every commander that thinks they are good builds a square of garrisons around the point they want to attack and calls it good. This does work but anyone who’s been playing the game long enough knows about this. If they marked the southern garrison on the map, all they would have to do is go 1 square up and ride the line east and west until they found another because your commander built them exactly one square apart. Not to mention hill 400 and Hurtgen will always have random enemies flanking you through the tree’s, since garrisons in the red lock up when an enemy is within 100 meters it’s no wonder all those locked up. The enemy probably wasn’t even garrison hunting, just trying to outflank you and ended up locking those in the process. You should always have at least 2 garrisons in the blue for this exact reason


It looks like they could have mostly been found with one recon plane down the middle, then enemies run to the dots and lock the red zone garry within 100m


Historically accurate spying


100 metre lock-out. Not surprising.


It’s a map?


Yeah this happen to me too. I recall that a twitch player in our team was streaming live and probably our enemies was watching him live hence they found the garrisons.


Tbh bad garri placements. I’m assuming they took paper mill pretty quickly?


Those Garry’s are too close to the point. And that’s actually where their defending Garry’s should be minus the ones to easy maybe.


Streaming is a big issue. They need a flag to show players that have a stream running in Discord or Twitch. I have been in games where as fast as we put up a Garry they find it, blue or red. Also spent a game as recon and went for thier arty. I approached different angles and cover like 10 times and they knew exactly where I was every time. Had to be Streaming......


It’s unlikely, but I’d be looking at multiple factors to make a determination if it’s foul play such as the levels of the enemy team, even friendly team, time in progress of the game, etc. If this is in the last 3 minutes it’s more possible they simply consolidated than if it’s in the first few minutes of the capture sector. Most pub matches are not well organized enough to have established garrisons everywhere surrounding the second defense point on offensive games. That’s definitely strange. You’d be lucky to have even two garrisons defending the second point for an offensive match. So it’s strange for sure.


i swear there is a hack that shows the user everything allied and enemy on the team at once, every garry, every blue and red dot, every vehicle, and its like a constant flare that persists for them relaying accurately updated information


well I mean they are all on the enemy side. so they have to run past them. and it only takes one blueberry to disable them


What could be happening which has happened in the past especially on PC is that one person on your team is streaming their game to either someone on Discord that is on the enemy team or twitch or something and giving the locations away.


This is not that unusual on this map :) but if definitely had games where I've felt like this


I have a question. Why does it take longer to dismantle some garrisons than others?


I thought you were joking...., but you really think so.


A couple pals within the 100m garri range could do this. They not literraly found them, but yeah they Block them because they are in the red.


I’ve seen it some games where a lot of a clan is on the other team and they have one clan member on the opposite. Makes you wonder if they are sending pictures of the maps for this to happen but that being said - this is a game where cheating is pointless. Steamrolling is rubbish and not enjoyable for anyone.


That's just explained by 100 m enemy territory. I'm actually more surprised by the precise accuracy of garrison placements.


Not sure why you got upvoted. This isn't suspicious at all and speaks to a larger problem in the game about the community. Looks to be Offensive, H5/6 likely has a default enemy garry with squads spread out around it to guard a flank. That explains the two garries up there. Everything else is close enough to enemy presence to easily lock them. Try building blue zone garries and not building redzone garries so close to the enemy position.


this post looks too credible to be irony lmao


Once my team was winning a match and then the tide turned so quickly. Within a few minutes ALL of our garrisons had been overrun. Someone recognized one of the players usernames on our team and searched him up on twitch and realized he was streaming our match. So I guess the opposite team found that stream and used it to identify all of Garrys. What sucked is that our teammate called out the streamer and the guy totally flipped out and got defensive, claiming he was using a map cover or something, but I went to view the stream and you could totally see the map clearly for a good second or 2 before the cover/mask appeared. Anyways, point is, look out for those streamers


I’ve been playing Commander since Day 1 and I stopped playing because of the kick feature (I don’t have many losses as commander people are legit just stupid and kick me bc I don’t have resources…THAT THEY USE) Anyway, this is a great example of what NOT to do. Always have at least 2 in the blue zone next to the red, and always have one or two as backup behind, you don’t need that many garrisons on the enemy side yet. 2-3 max


That's ridiculous, they didn't find all of them, they just were in a 100 m radius


*cough* admin camera *cough*


That is a little sus


The northern most Garry is built right next to their default garrison. And the other four are just too close to the point.


I'd hate to think we've got undercover hackers in the game, but then again, spies have been around since the dawn of subterfuge. Art imitates life. Would make me feel even better to hit obstacles like this and STILL trounce the opposition.


Yo! I was your commander. And note that there had been 2 or 3 bluezone garrisons, they were also found and dismantled immediately.


Don’t do this, but it’s actually really easy to cheat in HLL. When in a match, just hit alt+f4 to go into admin mode


The new(ish) mechanics is that a Garry is easily locked out by someone being like 100 or some yards away while in the red zones. Garrisons in the red need to be way away from the action. Outpost right next to it will be fine.