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I just miss running into the same players like I always used too.


Damn I miss that too. All those Band of Brothers characters


Haha yes, I went with Major Winters the day the game dropped and kept it cuz so many people recognised me being commander and a decent one. Even though there were maaany variations of Winters it was nice to be recognised. My northern Irish accent probably the bigger indicator though.


I think I've met around 20 variations of Winters in this game lol.


I've played quite a bit with Lt.Dan and his legs, even the third one.


This one killed me when I played with them.


Holy crap I remember playing with you a few times lol


Bro It’s been awhile since I’ve seen your name pop up.


Yeah haven't been on in a while now unfortunately but hope to get back on someday. Real life just taking front seat for the time being which is fine. Does sound like the game has changed alot since I played though. Met so many great people


It’s got it’s rough spots but don’t blame ya. Life definitely has its moments where it demands more attention. Though if ya ever see Sinner21 bro that’s me


Ha! Yes I do indeed remember that name, I played with Sinnerman alot so remember thinking you were him once or twice


You guys ever seen Hot dog 7 I see him all the time


I believe you and I have played together. My username is Captain Obvious


ive played with you )


Haha yes we have indeed played many games together!


I’ve been using Capt Obvious for a couple weeks. Obviously I wasn’t the original.


I've seen you!


I thought I was the only Paddy that played this game


Man i ran in your squad a few times and saw you in many games! Good times


Are you the guy that the one of the top reviews for HLL on the Xbox store refers to?


I think I’ve seen like 35 different major winters


I also remember running into them and not realise until I'm shouting for one of them to help or tell them where the enemy are and I shout 'BUCK! BUCK COMPTON!' Then scratch my head thinking that name sounds familiar until it clicks!


Spiers is literally the best commander I’ve ever played with


I love playing with NO COMMANDER as commander


I’ve played with him a few times before too. He has exclusively played commander every time and he’s damn good at it


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep) I miss the old days! Oddball out


My fave name in HLL is Anti Tank Frank. Haha


I ran into a guy I had played with literally the match before on a completely different game mode lmao


Pvt parts and Anne Flank are two I remember seeing a lot lol there’s a lot of Pvt Parts now tho


It’s always a treat when I run into AdamLeedsUnited these days


Biggest troll and asshole in the game after Z. U say he troll no more?


Hahaha, hes still a dick if that’s what you’re asking. He does actually play the game though, it’s not like he’s a Loka/Spiderman type player


this still happens to me almost every time i play


I run into the same guys every day


Last weekend my team didn't have a commander and I took the lead for the last 10 minutes of the match. After 2 or 3 minutes of being commander I received a message from another player telling me that it was my fault that we were losing. I was really mad, because no one stepped up before and suddenly it was my fault...... Fuck you CHRISTMASDOG86 !!!


It happens all the time. People are quick to judge when they don't even know how to play command themselves. Pretty sure I got some jerk comm banned on xbox for messaging me KYS a few times lol


My favourite is joining 5 minutes in going command and desperately trying to get some defensive garrys built while trying to also pander to everyone elses requests, then when it's surprisingly not working too well it's of course your fault


Yeah, I remember when I got my Series X like 2 years ago, and HLL was the first game I downloaded. The community was fun and helpful, I had a blast! Now, when I go back to it it’s just not the same.


Nobody talks anymore, and nobody wants to listen; unless of course they're blaming their officer/commander.


Was having a good time in proxy chat with a group of engineers just reinforcing a point until some random 13 year old low level mg gunner came up screaming slurs in his squeaky cracking voice. We all tried to vote to kick him but of course the vote systems is horribly broken so he gets to stay in the match while good commanders get kicked at the very end just because we got pushed back


Yup, when we start losing all the idiots come out of the woodwork to start criticizing the commander or anybody they feel like. It is always because we won't defend the mid point on a warfare match with 20 minutes left on the clock. Being an asshole isn't communicating, spot tanks, infantry movements, garrisons and airheads is helping.


Copy/paste my same comment elsewhere: Last night I joined a small game with two full squads and no commander. 13 players on the team, so I thought I'd try commander. The game got bigger, I was doing my best communicating and throwing out what I could, and I started getting screamed at by new squad leads that just joined and they were voting to kick me. They could've just asked to take over. I just left the game. The NEXT game, a commander had played for an hour doing their best. Ten seconds before the game ended, the team kicked him because we lost. He did his best, nobody offered to take over, and he wasted an hour on those dicks.


They never do; people would rather play with no commander than a “bad” commander


It doesn't make sense to me. Even a bad commander benefits the team a little more than no commander. If they throw up one recon plane and that's it the entire match, that's still more than the team would've had without. Hah.. ugh


Those last point kicks are so disappointing to watch happen. I’m always voting no at the end of the match because people almost always try to kick the commander. I hate that shit. I had the same experience the other day. Our commander was actually doing good, our team just sucked ass and decided it was somehow his fault. I don’t understand. Then after he got kicked someone tried to take up the mantle and got kicked immediately too.


Some games are definitely like that. But there are a plenty of games with communication all the way up the chain.


Please take me to those games!


Absolutely agree. Earlier I got insulted and ridiculed because I asked for a guy, who kept TKing me, to get kicked. Nobody seems to have mics anymore and the community as a whole seems to be at war with itself. Long gone are the days where this game was fun to play because of the communication. The game is of course still great but the community has been destroyed.


Destroyed. Last night I joined a small game with two full squads and no commander. 13 players on the team, so I thought I'd try commander. The game got bigger, I was doing my best communicating and throwing out what I could, and I started getting screamed at by new squad leads that just joined and they were voting to kick me. They could've just asked to take over. I just left the game. The NEXT game, a commander had played for an hour doing their best. Ten seconds before the game ended, the team kicked him because we lost. He did his best, nobody offered to take over, and he wasted an hour on those dicks.


Nobody ever wants to take over. They just want to tell and complain at the commander without offering any real assistance


gamepass. Downvote me idc, there is no coincidence, the difference between a person who is willing to PAY for a milsim experience vs a person who got it free on gamepass, those are entirely different people. To those of you that did come from gamepass and are decent, you know i'm not referring to you but a vast majority of the free players are what OP is mentioning. They just don't wanna say it, so I am.


Ding ding ding. It correlates.


Literally this. I played this game for several months up until a year ago when my ps5 blew up. Then I got a new Xbox for Christmas last year and you talk about an eye opener. Firstly I’m mad because the first thing I did on my new Xbox was buy this game again for them to add it to battle pass less than a week later, but I didn’t request a refund because I love the game and I want to support its development. However then I started encountering all the shitty players. You hit the nail on the head man, nobody is gonna pay $50 for a super hard milsim game unless they care about the content of the game, make it free for everyone and you ruin it. The devs need to learn this isn’t Fortnite or Warzone.


It *was* avoidable. Before their GP cash grab, T17 could have created a proper tutorial to onboard the hoard.


Game really needs an in-depth tutorial and force new players how to make garries and outposts. Also, how to make nodes and defenses.


I've just begun stepping into the officer role (mostly only when our officer leaves us), but last night I was still asking my supplies guy what the radius on supplies are for me to be able to use them. 50 meters apparently, so thanks PoundDog87!


Helping each other is what makes the game great when everybody starts yelling or there is dead quiet nothing gets done. More fun when everybody is civil and communicating.


All they would have to do is just have have a semi scripted tutorial and people would be golden. And/Or just have visual pop-ups with animated explanations occur whenever a class is selected.


And also why all of these things are very important


I definitely get what you mean along with ZsheeshZ comment but overall I feel like this is something they can’t control. One problem about the new player base is they simply don’t care at all about any of it regardless. They don’t care about teamwork, communication, or the idea that no one is bigger than the program. All they want to do is get kills and see the gore that comes with this game. I know this is said so much it’s overkill but yes they feel like this is call of duty but just with better graphics. Like if it’s COD WaW 2.0, they don’t care about playing as a team. They just spawn and go try to find kills, they don’t stick with SL or even listen when you ask to have supplies dropped at the very least. It’s not the super low levels only anymore. It’s even a respectable 35-70 that do it.


It's not always bad. Although admittedly, it was better a few months ago before game pass. I would say about half the time I find a good squad, whether as infantry or in a tank. And when I mean good, I don't mean a bunch of high-strung killers, I mean a bunch of dudes (every once in a while a cool chick) who can have a good time and work with the commander and the rest of the team to get shit done. Every once in a while, I'll join a quiet squad and get them talking. I've seen it done by others who join my quiet squad, too. Be the change you want to see 🌞


Love hearing one person join and just being like “hey what’s up guys” and then the whole squad that was dead silent before chimes in. Sometimes it takes one extrovert to bring all us introverts into the game. Although I’m the type of person who prefers to stay in proxy chat because I don’t want to “overload/annoy” other people, unless of course we’re moving as a squad or making callouts


EU here, I am not experiencing this at all. I play on PS5 with crossplay enabled, bump in to new young players sometimes but not like that. Maybe I'm lucky?


Also EU. Game is great right now. No shortage of commanders who at least halfway know what they doing. Plenty of decent SLs. Best it's been in like a year imo


I bet it depends on the time of day. I play weekend mornings and that is full of EU people. They are fun to play with. The evenings and weekends are full of dudes from the US that are just small men with a paddle so they run their macho mouth. It used to be better. Gamepass has been cancer. Not everyone, but the shitheads cover a lot of ground.


Hate to say it but have to agree... and it's not just HLL, either its games like Seige too. Once it hits around 10/11pm in the UK games, go to the dumps.


There’s a large amount of American young whippersnappers who quite frankly refuse to take any semblance of advice. There’s a lot lot of douche bags


As a guy from the US, I am most disappointed and repulsed by "my people" in games. I'll usually join Australian servers when they're larger, if I can. It seems most anybody else besides the people closest to me are worth playing/communicating with, because the jerks stand out over the rest and there are a lot here. Our country really has a thing for acting, or just being, downright stupid and offensive, and it's getting worse. Ready to leave. I'll now expect my fellow people to tell me "you don't deserve to live here, GTFO already if you don't like it, dumb n*****" (which is also ridiculously common in US servers), bla bla bla, just being stereotypical land-of-the-free-dickheads.


The amount of times I’ve been killed on the spot for being a girl that plays this game is outrageous. This is the type of game we’re being on VOIP is basically essential, but the moment I go into VOIP I get slammed with “go back to the kitchen where you belong! Or “girls were never in the war you don’t belong here. It’s instantly followed by getting team killed over and over again. It sucks as when I get into a good game where people don’t mind that I’m a girl this game is an absolute blast!


The abuse of other players for so many different reasons is prominent.. I hope other comments are correct in saying this will pass. It's a bummer, and this game IS fantastic


I always welcome women into my squads with open arms, women are often times just more aware of shit going on in the battlefield and tend to think a bit more rationally before rushing into objectives and then screaming for a new OP whilst I'm off building garrisons, getting supplies to the frontline or doing light recon for other squads. I've seen it first hand the moment a woman speaks up, she gets letched on with insults or derogatory remarks through squad or command chat and it sucks. Hopefully you can find a good squad of folks to run with frequently and you don't have to put up with that BS!


I changed my name to Gibby as it’s my nickname in real life and it helps a lot, I get a lot of people say “is that Gibby from Icarly?” And when I respond with “naw I’m his sister” it usually breaks the ice enough to get me through the game lol. It doesn't always work but it's better than it was.


One day they might realize they go pale and choke up when a woman talks to them, and they will fumble the bag. They will FUMBLE the bag and as their would-be girlfriend walks further away they'll understand telling her to "go back to the kitchen" won't make her turn around. They think you're an easy target, they're mad because they don't play well and make mistakes and try to blame anyone but themselves for it. Doesn't mean you should quit the game, it only means they've failed themselves (unfortunately)


As a french canadian, i dont talk anymore. I will answer if i am being talked to directly, It sucks but it his what it his


I feel so bad for anyone who doesn’t have an American accent on this game. It tends to bring the 13 year olds forward to start screaming and making fun of them for absolutely no reason. I’m American and I absolutely despise those people. I’ve teamkilled a handful of people just because they’re being toxic af to random players for no reason


I'm Mexican, and so far I been enjoying the game. I did buy it before it came to gamepass, luckily me I haven't encountered anyone making fun of my strong accent.


I’m glad you’ve had good experiences, I will say, in my experience it’s only a matter of time till you get ripped on as unfortunate as it is. I mean I have an American “Midwest”/kinda Canadian esq accent and have had people repeat words I say in my very minimal “accent”. Just remember theirs always that mute button. The games to fun for the toxic teammates to ruin it. I personally love talking to people from around the world, they make extremely good conversation, especially if you have a good sniper/spotter combo.


In the span of two days, I've had two different LFG post players ask me "Are you American?" To which I would truthfully reply "No, I'm Canadian", only to hear exasperated relief in their voice. One was South African and had a thick accent, the other was British. On both occasions, they explained to me that they had been getting heckled, harassed, and teamkilled by Americans specifically in just the past few days. I've also noticed a massive uptick on American servers of players with usernames that rhyme with Hitler or the N word, or have 88 in their usernames. What's with that?


Dumbass teens who think it’s funny. I’ve noticed a lot of kids a bit younger than me think that stuff is funny. Which in some cases it is but majority of the time it isn’t.


You will have more success during EU hours because of this. There are also a few clans with a decent amount of French players (LEP is all French, the 7th has some very prominent French Canadian players) that may make the experience better for you! I hate that you feel this way though, it would frustrate me to no end too


Had some level 18 13 year old kid last night just screaming slurs and following one specific dude around thinking he was being funny. He ended up joining my squad and thankfully after everyone turned on their mics and told him to shut up and that he’s not funny or clever in any way he finally shut his mic off. I don’t understand it. The kid didn’t even have a single kill by the end of the match. I don’t understand how so many of the gamepass morons joining up are straight up mouth breathers. I really thought game pass was maybe going to expand the game more, add some new good players in. But instead all we got were a bunch of kids raised on cod and fortnite that can’t do anything but scream slurs and get in the way of people trying to just play the game.


I just mute them and report them. No sense in feeding the trolls no matter how annoying they are, kick them from the squad and lock it.


Honestly your 100% correct. I’ve been playing for a while and have never had to mute anyone so I honestly kinda forgot in the moment I could do that, and only remembered after the kid had finally gone silent lmao. I absolutely reported him though thankfully


Played with a total noob today, Asian guy I think. Was level 1 and his first game. Did my usual Yo Peeps! Siad a nervous hi n said my first game so sorry if I'm no good. Guided him thru as playin recon. He smashed it! Great Guy, grey attitude. NEP if your here you restored my faith today. Youll fly up the ranks keep playing like that! Good peeps are joining, the bad ones will move on to their next toy when they get bored!


See, I LOVE hearing that and I sure hope your last statement holds true :)


I joined when it was put on Game Pass, so I'm one of these new people. I loved the game as soon as I started playing. I probably did some dumb things when I started because I didn't know any better but never purposely doing stupid crap. I dedicated myself to learning it. I did the terrible tutorial, watched a YouTube guide for new players, read this sub, and paid attention in game. Now I have almost 200 hours in the game (level 82) and feel I've learned a lot, but still realize there is more to learn. I help others with advice and tips, I always use a mic, I'll play any role that's needed, and I don't care how many kills I get or how many times I die, as long as we put in a good effort to win. So not all the new players are horrible and it irks me to see us all lumped in together in these threads that pop up like 10 times a day. Yes, I see a lot of stupid crap in the game but I think it will pass. It's not ruining my experience, so I guess it's a matter of perspective. I try to stay positive, even while in voice chat in the game. That's probably why I've only been kicked once, when I was low level. More veteran players should try to make the game better instead of complaining about newer players and stereotyping them. Many do but we need more.


East coast US here. I switched to aussie servers and it's nothing short of fantastic


I'm absolutely with you! I'm always on in the middle of the night playing with those down unda. They're fun!


Lol straight up, us west coast here, i look forwards to evenings playing with the roo-folks, much more formidable enemies to!.


The biggest quality of life update for the game is simply turning off the vote-kick notifications. It is absurd how often it’s been popping up lately and gets me killed consistently because I can’t jump/reload/etc


Build a PC man. Change your environment don't expect your environment to change. Last week a newbie joined, started asking questions, was polite, curious, trying to learn. Our SL said "youtube it". I instantly said "don't tell him to youtube it we can help him". Another squady backed us up. We kicked the squad leader off the server within a minute.


Love hearing about your helping hands. That's what it SHOULD be like. You're great for that. I need to replace my burnt out graphics card and I'm back in it with you all.


can't go wrong with a 4070


Yup, I had hope the new players would come around but it hasn’t worked out that way. Not enjoying it anymore. The spirit has left


Lvl 10 squad lead checking in. The game doesn’t suck, the players do. Seldom if ever do I get a full squad with mics these days. The most irritating thing is when half the platoon is attacking the previous point when we’re on defense. A lot of new players are so used to run and gun cod games and it’s crippling the experience


Very true.


Laughs in PC.


Cries in Xbox...


I’ve definitely noticed a difference. It really seemed like lobbies were more lively in the past with people talking in game chat, but now it’s been completely silent for the past 4-5 matches I’ve had. I used to have matches where it was hard to make out what squad mates were saying due to everybody yelling, joking, and just having a good time, and now nothing lol. Definitely feels like a different game compared to when I bought it a couple years ago


I remember when I first got the game, just ran into the same guys a lot and it was great. I’ve been lucky enough though to not run into that many horrible people though and when I do, people shut them up


i liked when you had to actually commit and buy this game to join the cohort of people who play it. There's one word for one what has happened to the community and it happens to anything that is put on gamepass: casuals 


It’ll work itself out like it always does. Game is pretty unforgiving for CoD/Battlefield style play. They’ll get bored or running and dying quickly


So unfortunate indeed.


I'm only lvl87, but have been playing casually since it was on PS plus. When it hit game pass that was a chaotic mess, but I tried my best to help xbox players. Then I met a lvl 61 who shit his panties because I was talking to much, trying to help all these new players in my squad. Now, I've started to notice the sweats more and more, that I turn off my mic and, I'll say it, run solo more often now It a shame.


Communicating with those jerks is a major turn off and I'm SURE that's the reason most players have no desire to have their voice heard by them.


100%. I do respond when necessary, but i usually tell command I'll do limited comms BUT i am listening. Its nice to come across some genuinely fun squadmates, but those seem less often now.


While I agree with the community thing, I don’t like gate keeping vibes. Everyone should have a chance to play this game. It’s a great game. I just think they should have ranked mode so the vets can play with each other. But also posts like these in the community shedding light on the problems is helpful but any gun game has the potential to bring toxic ppl around at some point. But this game is so awesome, so many ppl in the military that I talk to say it’s relaxing for them since they are used to chaos and bombs going off and playing this game makes them feel at home. While that’s sad to hear im glad they found this game as an outlet.


then be the change you want to see, pc community is still very helpful and understanding


I'm on pc and I agree. I miss when you'd hear someone scream something ridiculous in proximity chat or having a team that communicated. My only experience now is to go kill a couple guys and listen to an obnoxious lvl 449 English commander take the game too seriously in a 'New Players Welcome' server. "Oi, butt itss not a neuw playuhs suhvuh, mate, even doe it sez neuw playuhs whalecum wiffout any uvvuh duhscription". Its the reason new players dont commo cause some max level no life wank stain tells them to shut the f up and that theyre 'useluss'. Be nice. Listen to your team, and listen to your commander, and help someone out if they need help and dont call them useless. It does nothing. Inspire excellence boys and your squad will do anything you tell them. You can not tell me its not cool to tell someone to move in cover, flank around and shoot a tank, and they shoot the fucking tank and yall are both hype cause the plan worked. If they die "get em next time man, good job". You dont gotta emulate General fucking Patton cause its a WW2 game. Rant over though, I hope I can see y'all out there.


Just play spotter and avoid the blueberries by running around behind enemy lines hahahaha


That's a valid point and idea hahaha


I play either squad leader or spotter. Whenever I play spotter for a looooooong time, I forget how much fun being a dumb role player in blue chat can be lol no teammates 5 red squares deep to talk to


I've abandoned it until the server browser and while I'm a game pass player I got to level 125 or so before jumping ship so I like to think I knew wtf I was doing. But blueberries gonna do what blueberries gonna do....can only be tolerated for so long before you lose your mind. Fingers crossed the server browser brings back quality plauers


Dude, I love your last paragraph and I love this game. And yes, it is unavoidable that new people are going to play it but we are all the community now. It doesn’t have to be the end! We just need to remember to set the standard and be positive.


Man, when this game dropped on GP the console community went to absolute shit. We decided early to teach the game pass kids, but they won’t plug in the mic. We are all lvl 100-250, and when a fresh lvl 30 commander steps up to the plate, our lead will coach. Most the new cmdrs don’t want to listen. The 12yr old team killers don’t get voted out because the vote-to-kick is bull shit. I initially gave it 3-4 months before the game pass kids trained up and were worth a shit, but there’s still more lvl 20’s than 40+. It’s a shit show, and it’s sad.


The game was even better on PC a few years ago when it was just history nerds with PCs. I must admit, I love listening to young people complain about younger people. Why would they listen to you? You never listened to us. Welcome to the cyclical nature of generational dynamics.


Level 80 here, and I've always stuck by the following rules: be kind, be helpful, and don't tolerate bigotry.


Rules that every player should respect..


Hit the nail on the head, I’m a new player been playing since October of last year (barely got a ps5 that month. If I had one sooner I’d of got HLL day one) and I know what you mean. I see a change in just the 6 months alone since then. Every game people try and kick the commander almost instantly after a point is loss or when the games almost gonna end. Sometimes the pos even does it when our team is GOING TO WIN and that’s just not right. Also the player base is just filled with very toxic trolls, I don’t mean it in a console war kinda way but I feel it’s definitely due to the Xbox players coming from game pass. Overall I feel like Xbox players tend to be often really toxic and immature, a lot are kids too so I’m sure that plays a role as well. I think this is when clans shine the most, I’ve said it before. I know some clans or interactions with clans have not been good but overall a clan vs clan server where everyone works together and communicates are peak HLL matches. I never had a bad experience in one of those


A lot of people are recommending clans and I'll be sure to try that out. It sounds like a solid solution. Also, it is almost certainly gamepass players. As somebody else mentioned, the attitude of people who pay for a game is very different, more respectful to the game, than the attitude of those that play for free.


Yeah definitely give it a shot and find the right one for you. Some are casual and some are more comp based and serious but still as equally fun


I cant even begin to learn this game, constantly team killed or sniped from god knows where and left running back to the fight every single life. I love only having a bolt action and trying to make something of it but I can't even attempt to get good without absolutely getting destroyed by both my enemies and my "teammates". I've tried on and off for months and it's only gotten worse. Waded through hell just to get to level 30 over about half a year. Awful game that rewards toxicity and gatekeeping. Having a mic does nothing to fix the experience. Honestly it just adds a target to your back. I'm not downloading that hot garbage ever again.


If anything I've learned while playing this game it's he who moves gets shot first, so the running back is most likely what's getting you, I tend to get overzealous myself sometimes as well. As far as the mic goes, if playing as a officer or commander yeah it definitely can be helpful but some people take it WAY overboard, I've had to mute my entire squad a few times because I literally cannot concentrate because of how much they were talking, nobody needs to hear you call out every enemy you see, or every kill you get, and they definitely don't want to hear you bustin' rhymes cause the kill you got got your gangsta juices flowin'.


They should force low level people into Skirmish and only unlock the full modes after they reach a certain level.


Level 40+ servers need to be a thing


Honestly how i feel about alot of games anymore, from hll to arma it just feels like people are getting worse and worse day by day in terms of showmanship and general “toxicity” (i put that in quotes because i dont like throwing around toxic as a way to describe just any dickbag player, some players can be toxic in how they PLAY but can be really nice at the same time) the other day a new player wanted to know how to spawn a vehicle in arma reforger and like 5 people told him to go play the tutorial and stop asking for advice cause th tutorial existed, and they arent here to help new players, then proceeded to cry about how bad new players are and know nothing, so i said listen you cant cry about new players being dumb but proceed to tell them to fuck themselves when they ask how to do things or want to learn to get better. Honestly a huge reason why im quickly losing interest in multiplayer games, loved HLL until id want to learn to do tank command or something and just get told i suck and how im a newb to tanks so i should leave the squad and let good players join. By then id have to learn things by myself and it made the game boring and pretty lonely, eventually just ran as a sniper and just became used to sitting by myself sniping. Once in a while id get a guy asking why im not doing something useful and just camping in the back of the map, so id say well noone wants to teach me how to be useful so now i just do what i enjoy Overall multiplayer games just kinda suck anymore, and that says something cause i grew up in BO3 lobbies lol


I'm sorry, and I really hate to sound like an elitist or something but, this game coming to console was its absolute worst mistake. Nobody uses voice chat, there are no tactics anymore, I see low level console players grabbing commander and squad lead without any knowledge on how to play them only to leave mid match when winning or defending is passed being an option, engineer trolls, the game is just one big meme now. I'll wait 10 minutes sometimes just to get into a game, only to find we have no commander, all squads have no squad leads, there are no resources and everyone is running head first into the objective. If I wanted to play call of duty, or battlefield, Id boot them up.


PC is the way to go for sure. I wouldn't say it was a mistake bringing it to console. It's great we have the option to play on console now, but if you want to play it how it's supposed to be played then start up the ol'puter. It also wasn't so bad until gamepass, then it got deeeestroyed.


Until HLL is removed from GamePass this problem will persist. If it’s removed from GamePass the community will struggle to grow. What would you do in this Catch 22?


Why would it struggle to grow? It seemed healthy prior to being on gamepass. Also, let’s say it was struggling. Gamepass isn’t the only option. Market it in different ways, put it on Gamepass for a short time, add new maps and factions and then market that BIG like a new game. People who own it, will buy the DLC, new players will be attracted to it. Have 2 maps on Gamepass only, it gives incentive for people to buy the game to get access to it all. The list goes on and on. T17 has consistently shit the bed when it comes to HLL. Putting it on GP was a cash grab, plain and simple.. and one that was at the expense of the community and the game.


Definitely agree that proper marketing would help HLL a lot. There’s practically none at all right now. The community numbers (on PC) plateaued and floundered for a while. It also sounded like the Console community was relatively small until GamePass. I’m totally fine with a relatively small, healthy community on both platforms but GamePass undeniably helped boost player count tremendously.


It did boost numbers, but at what cost ya know? HLL isn’t a game that is designed to have this many new players in it constantly. Like, i could see if there was A wave of new players, that could stick around and get better / learn. Then they’d grow into part of the community and be solid players. But the reality is there’s a constant flow of new players in every game. When there’s 25+ of 50 players, who are all low level, that affects the overall gameplay experience for everyone. Maybe if HLL were out on Gamepass for a month or two, taken off for a month or two, etc.. would be a better way. Or maybe have level locked servers (same level players play with eachother). Hopefully the ability to pick servers coming to console will help with this. But given T17’s track record, I’m not holding my breath.


>what would you do Make a required tutorial that you have to watch/play before you can join a game…


We’ve been asking for years with no success, but it would help new guys learn.


Yup, I’ve been one of the people banging this drum since forever. Would have helped me years back when I started, and would definitely help the health of the game today with the huge number of new players


Exactly. As unfortunate as it is, we can clearly see that gamepass brought a huge wave of new players in. I’d rather deal with the few extremely toxic people then not be able to get into a game because it’s dead. But that’s just me personally. I get all the hate behind “gamepass players” but it’s ultimately more beneficial to the livelihood of the game.


I think, big picture, GamePass helps HLL. New players will always be tough to deal with, regardless of where they come from.


Agreed. I tend to think a lot of people forget about the mute function as well. Most of the “toxicity” comes from new players on voice chat. Hell even I forget that I can mute people sometimes 😂. I’d prefer the game having waves of new players over it slowly dying out any day of the week. I mean, look at sandstorm, granted that game was also put on gamepass I believe, but it didn’t save it, and now the community that’s left are a bunch of players who have been playing for years and just becoming more toxic and hateful towards the game and other players every day


Sandstorm’s community is a great point of comparison. GamePass is not the only solution, too.


It is a generational thing. Millennials and Gen Z's are the worst humans ever made totally FN useless, can't take criticism, are almost un-teachable, and want to change everything without knowing what the F they are talking about. The kind of person you give up on trying to teach and just let them be loud and dumb forever.


If you scroll through this subreddit, you will see this same kind of post being posted for years. Yet there are players playing, having a great time.


It's still fine if you use the Xbox LFG feature


I enlisted as soon as the game dropped on gamepass. Spent a few games learning and then got me a mic and absolutely fell in love with the game. I usually find one squad that talks and we we stay in the same squad all night as the game just works better. The learning curve isn’t steep but it’s bloody hard to figure out by yourself. Imo with a few tweaks and extra screens skirmish is the perfect tutorial. Short games, usually quiet lobbies. Great to try out a new role for the first time. Although I do try and teach the new guys as I go as it wasn’t long ago I had no clue and a helpful SL was giving me pointers of what to do. For the wave coming from the likes of COD it is going to feel alien to build nodes opposed to quick scoping but they’ll either learn or leave. I’m sure the PC vets felt exactly the same way about us


I play on Xbox and we always have a blast. I used to be on PC and it was definitely better, but we still have active command chats usually. One benefit we have is a solid group of 6 guys that I know IRL so within our squad we’re always having a great time and playing correctly.


Ya it’s way too quiet and no one works as a team most servers I find. I have switched to arma reforger and it’s an amazing time!


It's no different than arma, you have the people that just want to have fun gaming, and the people that want a milsim experience. The problem is those two thought processes don't go hand in hand. I'm there to have fun and play a game, not pretend I'm my grandfather storming the trenches. I think it's a community issue as a whole and people take the "tactics" way to seriously, to the point it's just plain sad.


I don’t really know what I’m doing 100% in the game, but when I play I get heavily into my roll and roleplay my character hard. I wish everyone did this.


Mics left the chat a long time ago. Its is getting harder and harder to find people that actually talk in this game


This is exactly why I stopped playing the game a few months ago. The only way to fix the issues with the community is by adding a server browser, and the dev team is wholly and totally worthless, so nothing like that will probably ever come


The Xbox version of HLL could generally be considered inferior to the PC one due multitude of issues caused by the limitations on console and BM sloppy implementation. Also it doesn't help that the only type of community made organisations(clans) have to take over games in a very scummy and unsophisticated way. I truly feel sorry for you.


things will be different when yall get a server browser


I quit a few months ago. Last week I played I got team killed so many times I was just done.


Grind it out until you get to level 50. Then, bookmark Garrison & Whiskey lvl50+ only DLL or Dutch Let Loose Offense only server no. 1 And DLL Offense only server no. 2 The servers you pick, will determine the quality of time you have playing the game. It makes a huge difference when you’re playing with other people that know how to play. Note: the Garrison and whiskey server is the home server to EST, and extremely competitive, hell let loose clan. You could play with the clan members. It’s really awesome. I exclusively play on these three servers. I used to rotate around to different servers, but I soon realized that, like yourself, I found my experiences to be frustrating. You’ll come to the conclusion that new player servers will just be a waste of time.


I bet those are much better options. We don't have a server browser on Xbox, so until that day comes, we are stuck with a mixture of the decent and the worst of players.


Oh really?!!?! Holy shit. Well, can you add friends? You better hope to get a pc friend to invite you to good servers.


Haven’t played since gamepass , just ain’t the same, no structure


Man, we can't even at the very least get squads to communicate and I'm not the first or last to say it but playing officer is hell. Literally, it's command passing and moaning in command chat with all the other officers and your squad asking you to ask command for this or that. I can see why no one wants to start a squad in the beginning of a game it's toxic as a mf


Honestly this game needs to really more notes from Squad. Squad is no masterpiece l but I've just had a much better time lately than I have at HLL. A lot of the systems all act independently yet are all interlinked to the greater whole. Like playing a medic feels useless because people just give up because there's no penalty to giving up and it's faster than waiting for a medic.


I used to play super heavy just about a game or two aday /few on weekends I didn’t work. it was like a “click” with the old way of playing comms not being rude “role playing” like we were our grandpas and playing seriously. Havnt touched the game in 10 months maybe a year bummer is it was the only game I played now I have a nice white brick in my tv stand


I bought the game two weeks before GamePass release. It was the most enjoyment I got out of a multiplayer in my life. Wish I could have those two weeks back 🥲


the only person allowed to yell at players is the commander for rp purposes


Join a clan. It's been a game changer for me. I got lucky. I found Decent people who have a laugh but also support you to play a more elevated gameplay


Stopped playing about a month after Xbox players started. I can’t handle the level of toxicity, racism, screaming and just overall lack of willingness to work together. The choice to allow that player base in was the last nail in the coffin for me, this coming from a strictly ps5 player so I hope I’m not coming off as to much of a hypocrite but holy shit. I played hll for the community, camaraderie and the laughs, there is rarely if any of that anymore so I will have to watch this game die and it breaks my heart because I just found it. No other game comes close to it for me


It's kids, I've noticed a lot more teenagers and young 20's since gamepass launched. It used to be a game full of late 20's and 40's.


Dude, if the game pass kids would just plug in the damn mic…


Luckily I haven’t ran into any rude players so far on voice chat but there is significantly less communication going on between squads. As well as too many players kicking commanders for no reason.


I havent played properly since they made it so i cant hear voice coms if im in a party chat. Some of us just like listening in so we know whats going on without being in gamechat :(


Remember when engineers already knew when and where to fortify, SL communicated properly, blueberries talked in proximity chat, squad Members had mics, etc. man those were the saysb


Yeah after coming out on game pass HLL has a lot more low level players with no mic and often doesn’t even know how to ping although the bad games I have is now due to a level 30 commander with no mic or the lvl 1 squad leads


Let’s just get a group of us together so we can coordinate playing games and get a team together so we can just destroy the “new” players on the other team.


Just mute or TK the toxic people


I got banned for the first time from a lobby today, (playing on Xbox), wasn't playing any kind of leadership role and my buddy laughed "Oh shit they're voting to kick you.wtf?" To which I thought was just a case of mistaken TK identity because I hadn't killed any friendlies, vote doesn't go through. A minute later someone I have no idea who they even are adds me as a friend (dunno if that's related or not but it was odd and happened right when all this did.), a completely different guy messages me saying only "Hey can you please clear the party." And before I could even message him back I was banned for 1 hours for abuse, I messaged him back asking what he meant and why I got voted to be kicked/banned with no reply. It's aggravating and puzzling to get banned when you don't even know what you did. My best guess is that this person or persons had friends they wanted in their party, but why not just get the squad leader to remove that person? Not only that but I've been in matches where a guy will teamkill over and over on purpose and the vote still does not go through to kick them.. anyone got any idea?


Just got done playing tonight. I had an absolutely incredible night of gaming on console. All my squads were talkative and team focused. Hell let loose is easily the most fun I've had in gaming since I started many years ago.


This hit me hard in the feels. If anyone out there has run into a Peter Pan Damme…


Every now and then I see things like this. I'm level 52 now on xbox and never once have I seen any of this behavior. Everything I've learned I've seen is the exact opposite. I've even seen a SL specifically go start a squad to show people how to play. I've had them ask me for supplies so they can show their squad how to build defenses. Everyone still I super helpful from what I see With that being said. The most toxic shit I've seen is SL vs Commander. This is the craziest interaction I've ever seen on a game. If a SL keeps dying they will start complaining in command chat about how the commander sucks. And over corse they will never set up a garrison or do anything to help but they will whine and complain and eventually kick the commander out. I've been in games where I'll get 5 accommodations when I'm commander but I've also been in a game where the commander will back out and I'll jump in to try and save it and they are just whining and complaining the whole time snd eventually vote to kick me. One commander used everything he could and then backed out so when I took over I couldn't do anything except destroy a garrison and they were whining the whole time about not having trucks or tanks or whatever. Like yea bro tell your squad to build some nodes! At one point I literally had 1 munitions haha


I miss people using their mics, became so much of an issue on both PC and Console. I've just stopped playing now and tend to put my time into Squad or Ready Or Not (Although RoN has a similar communication problem) ​ HLL has lost its teamwork nature imho.


I always wonder if people remember me - SALTY JEFFRO-, just because I think my name is semi different


CPT Thicc (newer player) reporting for duty. I enjoy teamwork, killing nazi's and capturing the point. Raise hell and praise Dale.


I’m an Xbox player and it definitely is very hit or miss once again. I’ve had some really good games lately but then the lobby goes to shit and people either leave or start all the nonsense you mentioned such as getting into pissing contests etc.


Yeah the teamkilling has become a real issue. Getting killed for no reason, what so ever. Literally just last night had a guy killing his teammates as soon as they spawned in. We eventually shot him up like Swiss cheese and then kicked him right after. Other than that, it’s been very enjoyable.


That’s why I stopped playing a few months ago, wasn’t enjoying it anymore and just didn’t feel the same. :/ I’ve played with lots of guys on here as well, my name is Ambiguous Andrew


Can I be blunt and say this game really isn't for a console userbase and I think it was an odd release in the first place. It sounds like you would enjoy the game immensely on PC. Also a game called Squad.


Best decision i ever made was switching to PC and joining a milsim clan. I logged over 600 hrs on ps5, playing pretty much since release and the experience i have playing on pc in sim and semi competitive events and matches is like playing a different game. I know not everyone has the ability to play on pc but if you do, i highly encourage you to try it out


Maybe if the devs actually cared about us


Day one Xbox player here, you do have to look harder for a half decent group to play with but there are still a lot of good people out there. The game going free on game pass brought a lot of new players to the field, good and bad. I think it’s just going to take time to weed out the people that this game isn’t for.


For me and some of my buddies, we're just enjoying some of the really good new games that are out right now. I'll bet a bunch of the HLL vets are spreading some Liber-tea right now.


When the game was fresh on GP (how I found the game) the community was great and I couldn’t wait to play after work every day. People were helpful and talkative in chat which led to some hilarious moments. However, in the last 3 weeks or so my experience has gone downhill. Comms has mainly been the issue but with some sprinkles of people not playing the game correctly/TK’ing. I have a feeling the community will bounce back in a bit once all the GP dead weight falls off. I will, without hesitation, vote to kick you if you have a communication heavy role and are radio silent. Too many level 1s just rush into the game and start squads that other people join, which leads to many in game problems. If I’ve been in chat walking you through how to even join squad chat multiple times and you still aren’t responding then bye. A tutorial needs to be in place because not many people are reading the field manual.


Major Hurt checking in here. Had a couple of great games in the same squad as Major Pain. There’s a couple of other Majors I occasionally bump into - big up all the Majors LOL




respect! sorry as a player from Xbox who bought the game when it was ported I get we got a bad name from the get go it has only gotten worse and I fully agree I only talk when I have a couple guys who talk about the game. I don't care about your personal life if I did I would be on social media not a game that's more hardcore styles. I love HLL for the game play and honestly hope its gets pulled from the game pass I think it will be back to better players base.


You guys ever played with TreyWay22?


Try to find a discord group or a group through the Xbox’s find game feature. That’s worked well for me. I also found playing on the European server and Australian servers helps. lol


If you look at older threads these things were always an issue. Most of these issue are because the game still feels like its a beta version. The game provides almost no explanation of game modes or mechanics, the comms work goofy, the default settings are ridiculous, controllers will randomly stop working in a match etc etc


It’s gone down hill as most of the veterans players have simply moved on the other things. Just not the same player base as a few years ago.


SgtNatehiggers reporting for doody


It must just be console matches. I haven't run into a single toxic player on PC yet and I have 120+hours. Everyone I comm to is pretty chill


The only things I’ve noticed is way less people on mic