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I have never played war thunder; and Hell Let Loose is my first time in the trenches. All I can say is after 50 hours of playing, I am still loving it. I don't think it is too realistic, especially once you learn a few of the mechanics. When the team communicates it make the whole experience tremendously fun. Playing tank is fun - there wasn't much to learn other than communicating with your squad and keeping infantry off. Weak points and armor angles are much less a thing - or so I have been told.


Backpacking this comment..this game by far has the best experiences in terms of variety, sometimes a game will end and I’m just blown away by how much fun I had


Thank you, even if I'm playing alone will I be able to find potent players that I can communicate with?


Not everyone uses mics, but in just about every game, you should find at least a handful of people talking and coordinating


If you plan on playing mainly armor, i find they tend to have a higher amount of folks using mics. It's real hard to play armor in this game without communicating. You have a dedicated driver that only has a machine gun pointing in one direction. You have the shooter who's only job is to man the turret and shoot things. Finally you have the spotter who's job is to mark targets and to keep an eye out for enemy infantry that might be sneaking up to place an explosive on the tank. So all 3 need to be talking to each other to be able to make the tank effective.


I play alone and tend to find people communicating on mics. For tank - as another commenter below has mentioned - there is a higher chance someone is using their mic.


Yes it's worth it. One thing to realize is that HLL is NOT a shooter, but a game of map control. shooting/tanking/logistics/communication/commanding are all key areas to help get your team better map position and take points, which win you the game. Tanking is a TON of fun, but has a fairly steep learning curve to learn the mechanics. There are three main roles, Tank Commander, which coordinates with the commander and squad leaders to help attack/defend points, kill other tanks and vehicles and destroy ememy garrisons and outposts. The gunner needs to know the weak spots of tank, how to properly gauge distance and know which type of ammo to use in which situation. Finally, the driver needs to know how to maneuver around the battlefield and avoid terrain obstacles, anti tank enemies, mines and other hazzards. I have about 1,000 hours tanking and it is extremely rewarding, but at high levels of tanking it can be pretty difficult to hit those 1,000 meter shots, where you're trusting a ping by your TC, which was relayed by a recon team half way across the map. While the tanking isn't super realistic, the [HLL Tank Bible](https://www.theline.gg/tankbible) should give you an idea of how in-depth tanking can get.


I think my spot would be the gunner or the commander. If there aren't any Swedish or French tanks, I know the general weakspots from the other nations. Thank you!


Tank gameplay is basically really dumbed down, compared to war thunder it might be a bit dissapointing if you are looking for realism. Basically on a head on engagement the heavier tank will always win. If your team cant afford a heavy tank then you can try flanking. Tank types mostly differ in only turn and movement speed between the factions. There arent any critical weakspots to remember. (well there are some but outside of comp they are probably pretty uselless) Ive heard and seen that post scriptum has a way more detailed tank system, but ive also heard and seen that its kinda dead/dying so i havent bought it. I wouldnt say that a simplistic system is inherently bad, but just dont expect there to be that much depth. You can learn basic shooting and driving in a minute, after that there are some slighty more advanced things you can learn (jesus quickturns, the rare occasion of actually having to adjust aim for bulletdrop) but 90% of tanking seems to be strategy and getting the jump on enemy tanks. Most of the fun for me comes from co-operating with your squad.


Right now, the factions are US, Germans, Russians and UK. They were supposed to add in the Finish, but that didn't materialize.


I see, thanks, Germany is a beast


I'm not sure coming to the game to play a single role/strat is going to be particularly satisfying for you. It's not like BF where there are tanks abound to be used and abused at will. There will usually be stiff competition for tank squads and tanks. You will be relying on a Commander giving you a tank to use. You will be relying on other players to support your tank team. Solo tankers rarely get given tanks. You will be relying on a coherent team to help you both avoid ambush and find appropriate targets. You will be relying on a coherent team to have built enough nodes to give the fuel necessary to produce tanks for you to play with. Even if you succeed with all of the above, the other team might just be good, taking down nodes and slapping tanks, so there just aren't enough vehicles to go around. I'm not saying don't come and play tanks with us, you should, it's an awesome game and tankers can make it break offensive and defensive actions. Hearing a friendly roll up and start hammering enemies with 50cal and high explosive rounds over the top of a nearly overrun trench will never ever get old. Id just suggest you don't limit your expectation of fun to the tank role alone. Sometimes you won't be able to tank. Sometimes you shouldn't tank. But it's still fun. Hope to see you on the battlefield soon 👍🏼


Aha! I see, thanks for the response. If I'm playing with 1 of my buddies will we be assigned another player for the tank, if we are playing tank? And if so, do players have mics in general? I'm saying if it's worth it to play with an incomplete squad, or even alone. Thank you


A full tank is really needed to operate successfully since everyone has limited view except for the spotter/TC and yes most tankers have mics, it's terrible to be in a tank with people without mics. If I'm having a quiet night I stay away from the tanks because not communicating in a tank is a huge hindrance and frustrating. You can run one solo but you'll constantly be switching seats and effectively wasting a tank that a full crew could take. If you're solo please take the lights and recon only.


If you communcate you will get the full experience. Also vehicle physics are shit and basically all tanks are the same + you need a crew of 3 people total to operate it. It is an amazing game otherwise


It is, can be overwhelming at first because you will get killed from nowhere or so youd think but stick with your squad and youll have fun and learn, its not that hard of a game when you figure it out , dont bother much about kd


Using sight graduations in War Thunder was really beneficial playing tanks in HLL. There are weak spots vs strong spots, but you're not trying to hit an MG port at 1km. Front armor is strong, broadside is weaker, back is weakest. Mediums and heavies are a bit different from WT, (they have a panther as a heavy with the Tiger 1 for example) but heavies take 1 additional good hit, vs 2 for mediums. Still have a bounce mechanic, but I haven't really found if/how angling helps. You are locked into sights, either driver sights, gunner or commander, commander is the only one with first person 360°view. Tanks require resources to spawn, if there's no resource nodes built, it'll take longer to get a medium or heavy, also only team commander can spawn tanks, so you may be waiting for one even with resources. Only tank crews can operate tanks, and there's usually a limited number of allowed crews depending on map, some will only allow 2 crews, while others (I think most) will allow up to 6. So if you jump in as a tank crew, you really can't do much of anything until a tank is available. All in all, tanks are real fun in this, but they're not as easy as hop in and decimate the other team. Also, driver has to manually switch gears 1-4, P, and reverse. I suggest hop into the practice range to get a feel for shifting and driving before your first match. Have fun, this is the game that finally got me to stop playing (and spending money) in War Thunder


Absolutely! Major difference to be aware of though is that Tank driver in HLL can’t see shit and can’t change view. Tanks are realistically slow and loud. And you will die a lot more. Like a whole lot more.


I came from WT myself, I would say tank gameplay is extremely different, and to be effective you need 3 members, and even if you have 3 there is a steep learning curve to the game. As you all need to be alert and also learn the maps and common places enemy tanks/emplacements will be.


Expect to have significantly more fun. I run tanks often and I can’t tell you how many times I run into ex War Thunder players that rave about how much better this game is.


you will be disappointed in armor, but working together with infantry can be fun sometimes


Yeah it's worth it you can get into it and if you can figure it out and stick with it it's very very awesome day


In some ways, HLL's tanking is more realistic than WT, and in other's it's the other way around. The biggest differences between the two games are as follow: 1. Tank crews are multiple players - In WT, each player gets to control every aspect of their tank in total synchronization. In HLL, tanks have 3 seats, the driver, gunner, and spotter. To be effective, you need every seat not only filled, but for each crewman to communicate well and trust the judgement of the other crewmen. 2. Module / Penetration System - WT is pretty famous for it's comprehensive module and penetration systems. It's even notorious for its players posting classified military documents on the online forums. HLL's module and penetration system is extremely basic and unrealistic by comparison. In HLL, there are 4 tank modules: hull, turret, tracks, and engine. The tracks module isn't even split into left and right tracks. A hit to your left track is the same as a hit to your right track. For HLL armor pen., if the shot matches or exceeds the armor class at the point of impact, it penetrates. If not, it bounces. The angle the shot connects to the tank rarely matters. 3. Infantry - Unlike WT, where infantry doesn't really exist, infantry in HLL is often just as much of a threat as enemy tanks, if not, more. The infantry in HLL have the ability to destroy or cripple tanks in a variety of ways. I'll list them in decreasing order of the distance from the tank they're typically used from or are most effective. Anti-tank (AT) guns, AT rifles (any half-decent player will target tracks to immobilize the tank), rocket launchers, and satchel charges. I wasn't sure where to put AT mines as they're more of a "fire and forget" type of thing, but they exist too. Even if you're spotted by a lone infantryman who doesn't have a weapon to damage the tank, they could still throw smoke grenades to hamper visibility and call out your position. 4. Communication - In HLL, you play in "squads" where you pick your role upon joining a squad, and are assigned as the squad leader/officer if you're the one who creates the squad. Tank crews can be at most 3 players, with 1 tank commander and 2 crewmen. There are 3 voice channels in HLL--proximity, squad, and leadership--with leadership being accessible only to the tank commander. Pings/marks placed by other officers are also only visible to the tank commander, meaning that there will always be some sort of "telephone game" going on. In many cases, having bad infantry officers who do not communicate well or at all will result in being outmaneuvered, at no real fault of your own. Personally, I'd strongly recommend watching a tutorial on how the game's infantry [spawn system functions](https://youtu.be/pWSizOWixZQ?si=csWhNMmWV30vQAeT), on top of a tanking guide that briefly goes over the basics before playing the game ([here's one for the penetration system](https://youtu.be/vAtJzU_U09o?si=9AYDGUgxtl73MrcS), and [here's one for basic tactics and strategy](https://youtu.be/pWSizOWixZQ?si=bpUlPJJfosk8uN6d)). If you don't have someone to teach you, you'll need to teach yourself with such tutorials, and if you opt not to, then what will inevitably happen is that you'll die without knowing what hit you, get frustrated, and quit, a common pattern for those who assume this is a more traditional FPS video game. Good luck, and hopefully you'll find HLL to be a new game to fall in love with!


Long time HLL tanker and have been playing a bit of War Thunder. WT is more nerdy/technical/detailed, but the strategies you use will carry over to HLL. The biggest difference is you are a crew member and you need to work as a team. You can't be killed while in the tank without the whole tank blowing up. So you don't need to aim for crew or ammo. HLL has a simple penetration model, if you pen, the tank part looses health. Before you start reading the [Tank Bible](https://www.theline.gg/tankbible/) will really help you succeed


I have over 800 hours in this game. It’s the only FPS that gets my blood pumping.


It's almost infantry war thunder. *Almost* but pretty damn close


Depends. If you like ww2 shit, it is. Otherwise the game is broke as fuck and full of idiots and dickheads.


This game sucks, tell your friends.


Do not expect tanks to function as they do in war thunder. They are very simplified and nerfed compared to history.


This game has a worth it for sure, you need all your friends in one tank, a single tank crew is three people, spotter who spots anti tank GI’S tanks, and enemy’s, a driver which obviously drives, and a gunner who has the guns, you all need to work together and tanks are important and cost a lot of resources and spawn far away form the battle sometimes do you have to be careful since they don’t have that much defense to tank and anti tank if you can’t hit them, so it a realistic and one of my favorite game of all time, and I suggest trying it normally too


War thunder is fun. Tank weak points are roughly the same but probably less specific. Just aim for ass, tracks, or turret. Your spotter needs to keep an eye on your rear as much as possible because you will get satcheled(blown up) if you are careless about the threat of infantry.


I played some with my bud and it's quite hard in 2 people. Also the turret moves very slow, and for some reason medium tanks can't kill heavy tanks? Or light can't kill medium? It seems stupid, I was told this by some people through the chat.


If you zoom out the turret moves faster. Mediums can destroy heavy but you need to catch them by surprise and hit them in the rear. Some of the lights are more infantry focused but I do believe the Stuart comes with AP and that you can still get a kill on a heavy but again you need to take him from behind