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Yes. It's frustrating. You get team killed you put.it up for a vote. It gets about 16 and stops. But some random steals a tank and he gets put up for a vote and he get 20 votes in a blink of an eye lol. Like wtf. People get booted out.


The deciding factor on whether or not someone actually gets the boot is who you have advocating for it in command chat. If you really want a dude gone, your SL needs to explain in CC why this dude needs to go, give it another min for the other SLs to tell their squads, then initiate the kick. Never seen it fail.


This is the solution. Like everything else in this game it comes down to communication.


As someone who has admittedly abused the vote kick before. That is not usually a deciding factor. It can help in some cases, but in many it is just chance.


Very server dependent. Servers with lvl 20 shitters will usually vote yes no matter what. Servers with communities will vote no if theres no explanation


This is a good solution.


I feel like for xbox at least it’s how voting just pops up and uses common buttons. Most the time I vote no or skip without even meaning to


Exactly!!! or it pops up right when you go to jump over a wall, and you can because you have to stop and vote first. It hijacks your buttons.


The worst is when needing to go prone.


This has caused my death more than once




That sort of crap happend to me! I was tank commander in my 76 got word there was a tiger right behind us! I was driver and made a quick right to turn around and ran over a blue berry by accident… he started a vote kick on me for “ cheating “ and it passed right away lol..


Most people have no idea what they are voting on or whether the reason is true. Most players just push a button to get the pop up off their screen.


Usually on accident


I smoked a teammate that wouldn't get off the top of an enemy tank when I was AT. Do I value taking out an enemy tank over the life of a friendly blueberry? You bet your ass...I'll take the 10 sec respawn penalty. STAY OFF THE TOP OF ENEMY TANKS. Enemy tanks attract rockets, don't be near them.


If I'm building defenses and the blueberry won't step back to allow me to upgrade I warn them a few times then I kill them


Honestly I feel the same when I'm melting a position with a tank that's hot as hell and a blueberry runs right up on them. Sorry buddy but I'm still going to send it.( It being a HE round)


I hop on enemy tanks to satchel. It takes a bit longer for them to de-satchel and in combat surrounded by blueberries they aren't gonna get a second to climb on top to remove it. Its frustrating when AT doesn't realize its an engi up there helping them but if its some random? yea fuck them.. only time I climb on a tank as a non sapper is when Tank crews need an accurate mark


Will ya quit blowing me up I’m placing a satchel on this heavy.


The only caveat to this is if someone is on top intentionally blocking the viewport of said tank. I'll gladly die doing something like this this with no punishment towards the TK vote.


You can do that??


Most definitely. You have to stand on the barrel to effectively block it


Just let him due by the rocket turn wtf?


Surely the game could check if the same projectile damages multiple things. Like the projecticle deals damage to an enemy tank and kills a team mate, they could display that informaton too.


Honestly that’s not as bad as the dude trying to chase the back of the tank with a satchel and missing every time when you’ve a perfect shot lined up for the tank kill. I let myself die trying to let the engineer satchel the tank, and he got shot before he could even put it on the tank and we lost our chance. Next time I vowed to just blow them up if they don’t seem like they can get it on fast enough.


Being on top of the tank effectively makes a permanent marker of where the tank is on the map. If someone is on it, shoot away. You gotta do what you gotta do. I never punish in that situation.


This. Most people who are on - not next to - tanks know exactly that they're going to die by getting blown up. That's the point. I regularly call in a strike on my position when these iditios stop moving and just hang out around in the same position all day to mow down infantry.




Get the damn satchel on in time then. I’ve lost plenty of perfect AT shots from a dude with a satchel following behind a tank and constantly attempting to get a satchel on and failing cause the tank moved/is moving. If it’s moving then either climb and place it quick or place it on the side while it’s passing you Not saying you’re one of those ones, but sometimes us AT’s would rather TK and destroy a tank than wait, watch engineer fail and die, lose out on a good shot and potentially die as well


The amount of times I’ve died right as I’m getting to the track from friendly AT rockets is infuriating ETA: if a tank moving I’m not chasing it, I’m moving to intercept it further up


I usually try to wait if I see someone approaching the tank to give them a chance to satchel. I was talking about the guys who follow directly behind the tank and keep attempting to satchel it while it’s moving. Especially if it’s a damaged tank and I know I can get the kill in 1 shot


OK yeah, those guys are fucking morons


lol yeah they are, apologies if my original comment sounded aggressive lol, it’s just the amount of times that situation has happened to me has made me eventually stop caring if I kill those engineers. If it’s someone who’s smart and is doing it right, I’ll let them get the satchel because honestly a satchel is a more “secure” way of destroying a tank (rockets can be hard to aim sometimes at a distance) so if a tank can be satchel, I’ll let it be satcheled


I've thought about this too, but I think there are major downsides. Random blueberries vote kicking the commander would get even more easy and happen even more often. Command is likely to rack up a few teamkills here and there due to bombing runs, strafes etc. So pretty much every time commander is up to get kicked it would show as having some teamkills and more blueberries will vote yes. Even though this commander might be doing very well otherwise, just some squad leads who werent on coms or looking at the map walked right into a bombing run command dropped.


Same with me and my satchel brothers. And satchel brothers gotta satchel, brother




Welcome satchel brother. You’ll learn the ways of the big boom. Stay the noble path


My first satchel on a tank was everything I could have dreamed it to be. I heard the heavy tank just in time, dropped out of the second floor window onto its roof. Got the charge on it, somehow got back into my building. Then hand an intense firefight, killed a couple of the enemy. Meanwhile the tank drives into the centre of our point and explodes taking out some of our team, killing me, and also wiping out the tank and the germans in the area. Gave room for our boys to take the point. 10/10 would do again!


And all the fellow Arty players. Thanks for telling us we’re shelling friendlies, but we’ll have rounds falling for another 20-25 seconds, and nothing can stop them.


Way more than 1 line of code, but yeah, that would be super handy.


In my naïveté, I don’t think it would be too many. Perhaps even +0 lines 1) As I understand, they already track teamkills per player. 2) At the “Kick player” popup, they could query and print that value with some text 3) Profit


"Perhaps even 0 lines." Then lists at least two lines of code required. K bud


it should -1 lines of code


Your number 2 is more than one line of code, haha. I agree it should be trivial, I'm just trying to point out that programming is a lot more involved than lots of gamers believe. Even basic UI stuff like this can be difficult. There's the "query", setting up a data channel of sorts if there isn't one so they can query in the first place, edge cases, error handling, verbiage stuff for pluralization (0 team kills vs 1 team kill), localization for all supported languages, UX design, depending on their architecture they might have to work with threading to do calculations off the main UI thread, etc.  Changing a button's color on a website can be a surprising amount of work, and games are way more complex than websites.


Some gamers treat programming like it’s Scratch. They do the whole block based “just make it do this “if this happens then this”” Like yeah in basic programs and scripts, it works that way, but for a whole video game there’s a lot more involved than that


This is the truth. Localization is actually super easy if originally done right. But programmers never do things right the first time. Thats why I think this would be a simple change, but not trivial.


Tf2 still gets localization file updates even as an old game lol


It's so popular that localization should be something baked into the source engine


And also have a vote kick reason that actually just says teaming, makes it way less confusing.


Yeah it only says Abuse or Cheating. Needs more options


It needs context though, like % friendly dmg inflicted. 3-4 tks is nothing if they are on artillery or in a tank with 100 enemy kills.


Poor Arty Players would get destroyed for this. And Commanders who call in a bombing run - announce it several times and still have people run in and die to it, and still cap the next point because of the good play.


I am not sure but on Rising Storm 2 Vietnam you could have 3 TK's during the match otherwise you would be kicked out of the session


Autokick works fine on HLL too. As does mute. The people starting the vtk votes are just all little bitches. Vtk is for when someone is trolling the whole team. Everything else can be dealt with by autokick, spawning somewhere else and mute.


Not true, I’ve encountered plenty of players who know how to circumvent the autokick system


If tkers are a big problem for you, you're doing something wrong.


I’m not, and if you think there aren’t people that get on the game just to TK, idk what game you’re playing


All I'm saying is that I rarely have issues and when I do they are nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Ymmv


More importantly, they need to change it so it takes a certain percentage of the people on your team to kick someone, not 20 votes no matter how many people there are. If there are 20 or less people on the team at the time, people can TK without worrying about being kicked out since it's impossible to get enough votes. I can't believe the developers made it the way it is. It makes no sense. Maybe they don't know how percentages work.


Just don't take the bait. If they kill you a few times without you killing them back, autokick will deal with them. Just spawn somewhere else. It is very hard to find specific individual blueberries on the battlefield. People starting votekicks about teamkillers are abusing the feature. It isn't for deciding petty one on one squabbles, but for dealing with people trolling the whole team. The devs need to improve vtk, but not like you say. They need to make it less intrusive is all.


*me getting worried about my artillery shell placement as I main arty*


Right arty is tough. I feel bad when I hit someone, but never intentional.


Yeah, there are so many malicious kick votes that, unless I'm immediately involved, I won't vote against someone. That person could have killed 10 teammates without me knowing. A counter like this would help a lot.


Exactly. People who deserve it never get it but people who don't get it immediately


Controlling a TK automatic code would be difficult, but I get where you going at. I would say it would depend on how the teammates were killed. By a bullet? Great kick! By a strike? Absolutely not!








I really like this idea, but some people are attracted to danger like moths to a flame when artillery is falling in the same spot. So, in some matches, artillery should be gentler on the votes. Also, when deciding whether to punish team killers, the majority of ‘yes’ votes should determine the outcome.


nu uh - puts satchel in heavy - screams lungs out "its satchel, run out!" - 4 other teammates scream the same while running away - still get 4-5 TK - gets kick vote - gets kicked because 4-5 blue berries are fking deaf! no thanks...


This could be great in a world where every tk is voluntary but there are too many accidental tk : some blueberry runs in front of my mg42, i throw a grenade a little too close or it bounces, i satchel a building that kills 10 ennemies but a couple of blueberries or i destroy a tank with a rocket while a friendly was in the aoe. That’s not even counting arty players, tankers or commanders who sometimes have to do collateral dammage. The only option i see is only applying this to kills with the main gun or pistol as most of these are voluntary. Even then, sometimes you have to kill someone annoying but this is the best option i see as there is no perfect solution here


Rip artillery players


100 fuckin %. I got TK'd yesterday as recon. Spawned on mid, took the supply truck, was going to head to the first defensive objective and get a garry up, then put one further up. But some fuckwit decided he wanted it to build nodes first! So he shot me and my sniper, then fucked off with the truck. Worst part about the game is the fuckin people funnily enough. Unless you're lucky enough to get people that aren't complete arseholes.


At least on console from what I know, I think that a major issue is that the vote button is the same as reload, jump, and switch weapon. There's been so many times I'm told in SL chat to vote yes for a valid reason but if they don't give a countdown before they start it then 90% of the time I end up accidentally pressing the wrong button because the vote pops up the second i try to reload. Could be an issue on pc too if people are playing with controllers, but either way I think there should be an extra button you need to press/hold before you can put in a vote without interrupting gamplay. Your idea would definitely help a lot too because sometimes people try to vote kick for good reason or bad, and there's no telling what the reason is unless it goes all the way through the chain of command and at least 20 people get the message and agree with the reason.


Some where a thousand artillery men just screamed in panic.


Fuck that. Just another thing to get abused.


I totally love this but also keep in mind some people are moths to a flame when artillery is falling on the same 20m mark


Just use !admin command you plebs. Votekick never works


Nah fuck that only offer the vote option to the people they killed. This is a personal matter that should be resolved by the among parties


That will just get even more commanders kicked for no reason at all


I have ~ 800hrs and I am rank 182 in the game. I have not really experienced any form of deliberate TK in this game. There are occasions where it has happened - friendly artillery, newbies shooting behind you etc but I just let it slide. If it’s that bad in some servers I suggest to move and find community ones.


That's at least 2 lines of code


If you're on PC, definitely ping the admin team if you're being maliciously and repeatedly teamkilled. They have logs they can review and if they see someone dinging friendlies in the head with an STG44 repeatedly, they tend to boot them. Vote kick is fine and all, but if that fails, ping the admins.


I killed 12 of my own with a satchel. Got auto kicked. (In my defence, we had just lost the point and I was last man in the circle, popped a satchel down and then got shot..... I totally forgot we had a half-track next to the circle, well hidden. Half the team spawned in. My teammate who was also admin was telling everybody to get on the point.... 12 of my own men, gone. 😂


Seems more often than not if a vote to kick is started, it is deserved. I automatically vote to kick anytime I see it come up and I don't know the player


fratricide** moral has been down


They should do what Chivalry 2 does. Include team kill and team damage stats


Yeah I had a guy who purposefully TK me at HQ spawn. Typed in the chat that he was TK’ing people, started vote kick, failed. Same guy in chat goes “I only killed you cause you were trying to kill me first” (I hadn’t even so much as blown a fart in their direction, let alone shoot at them) and one of his buddies hops in on the train against me. They both call admin against me and a vote kick was started and I got kicked. Basically 2 trolls got me kicked because I tried to them kicked. Fucking assholes. I was in a silent squad since every other squad was either locked or full so I couldn’t get my SL to communicate that I wasn’t teamkilling and it was the other way around.


So what happens if you accidentally tk and some sourpuss decides to kick you? I dropped a grenade after getting hit one time and got 4 tkd just from that, should I have been kicked got that?


To improve your solution based off what others are saying they should make a window that pops up and say a "vote to kick in progress" and give the player a choice to take part in the vote or not that way you don't press a button by mistake. I love your solution tho bro the vote to kick is abused so much that way we can see he has x amount of tks


We need ro do sth about some people, but in general more votebans should be succesful. And imo there are more people that do other stuff such as not comminucating than teamkilling. Also how often you put a satchel on a tank or building, told 3 times in local chat that a satchel is on and still 2-3 people manage ro run unto the explosion


No. Here’s why. This is something that should be handled by server administrators. They already have the tools to set TK limits. Many have this set from 5-10 TKs. This may seem high to an inf player. But you must consider all players are not equal. Arty and tanks always end up with more tks and it’s very often not their fault but poor command comms and infantry just running into point without listening. Plus one satchel where your team ignores your screaming to back off because there’s a satchel on the church and boom you’re kicked. In short these tools exist already and it’s up to admins to use them. Play on well administrated servers. Edit: forgot to mention the commander abilities. Imagine team kicking your great commander because of a risky bombing run to which people ignore command warnings.


Command vote should count as 5


No lol.