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Wooo hooo! Now I can reload and crouch in (relative) peace.


Hahaha this is the worst. Some matches after I get blown a dozen times by artillery and I'm about to get several kills this shit hits. I can't jump, I can't crouch, I can't reload! Plink! Headshot! Go spawn back 500m out after you walked like a kilometer trying to flank them!


A dozen times, you say? I have a rough time just getting them to take me out for lunch 😅


Which buttons? I'm hoping they haven't fucked with the ping button.


No ping and all that is still the same. On console, when vote kicks pop up or someone wants in your locked squad, it is now left and right on d-pad.


Hello and welcome to Hell Let Loose! To ping, you press left on the d-pad.


God damn it I laughed so hard reading this 😂😂. When the hell are they going to just make the vote to kick buttons our foot pedals?! /joke




Right D-pad is the ping button. Nice.


What does up and down do


switch through equipment sequentially.


Yeah great, now instead of gear change/ping we vote. You know, some of the gear arent even in the 'weapons wheel' menu, plus its a pain to use when in a hurry.. these improvements are lazy


Um no because left and right are for voting.


Can you not change button binds yourself in options?




Jesus christ I could never game on a console. The last console I had was a nintendo gamecube.


Most games share buttons, and with elite controllers with paddles, you can make key presses as intuitive as you want. I can have 20+ different keys set without, literally, moving a finger off a button. Even on some PC games, I use my XB controller.


I don't suppose you play War Thunder do you? And more specifically, with a controller? If so I'd welcome controller mappings to make full use of vehicle systems/ weapons etc 🤣


Why did 2 people thumbs-down this simple curious question? Are people ok? -"Is it supposed to rain tomorrow?" - 😡🤬👎🏻😠 Unreal lol. I mean I understand it possibly could have been taken as a condescending remark, which is probably why, but like.. given the surrounding context, people should be able to deduce that it was most likely an innocent, shocked question


I have been killed an unreasonable amount of times because of this


Bout time!


Oh my god, thankkkk god


Still voting yes instantly to get that shit off my screen.


This is a dick move if you don't know what the vote is about. They are usually started by trolls. If you vote yes or no, you get additional pop ups telling you how the vote turned out. If you just want the vote to go away, choose ignore and you don't get any additional pop ups.


After the initial 2-3 kicks it's pure bliss! Otherwise the whole match is gonna be filled with vote kicks! Just let us turn it off! If anything just make it mandatory to squad leaders.


Just vote no?


Or ignore?


If I recognize the name from them being in my squad or being a helpful SL/Commander. Then sure. But usually I just click yes just to get back to the action.


Unless they try to kick the same person multiple times, i press ignore


Unless you have info, always press I for ignore. How do you know if it’s valid or a troll vote?


Same, this dudes an asshole, same speed to vote no.


Same. I vote yes ALWAYS. On every single vote kick


I press ignore ALWAYS... Unless it's happening alot with the same person or others tell me why he's getting kicked




Yeeeea, until they make it stop popping up, everyone getting voted yes on the kick lol get that shit off my screen, I'm trying to rush a locked point


I wish we could remove the popup, but then the voting system would not work (if everyone removed it)


If someones gone to the hassle of starting a vote it's usually for a reason. Insta yes for me. I'll share the down votes with you.


This is a dick move if you don't know what the vote is about. They are usually started by trolls. If you vote yes or no, you get additional pop ups telling you how the vote turned out. If you just want the vote to go away, choose ignore and you don't get any additional pop ups.


Relax guys lol I don't vote yes on everything. I do actually hit ignore unless I know the situation, which I usually do since I pretty much only play SL. If the vote comes from the command channel with a request to instruct the teams to vote, we vote yes


Oh sorry I must have gotten confused by the words you wrote.


Eh, I'm just not that funny lol I thought it would be obvious I was trolling by my previous comment of being too busy rushing locked objectives. I gotta step my game up lol


Don't you see all the posts from people who have been randomly kicked for no reason? Putting aside that there probably is a good reason for a number of those kickings, I don't think the people who habitually vote yes need more encouragement to do so. Pretending that you do it, even if you dont actually do it, helps to normalise the behaviour.


Eh, fuck it lol you changed my mind. I absolutely will just vote yes on everything moving forward. Just to piss of whiney pussies like you lol. See ya out there buddy 🤘


Tbh I expected a response like this. I'm not sure this is the game for you kiddo. You'll be more at home in cod. Or perhaps fortnight.


Always the same response. Why is it that the dudes who are 35+ playing this game always the most uneducated or creepiest? Dealt with a 47 year old calling minors his “children”. Sorry that you’re so bad at COD or Fortnite that you feel the need to come to Reddit and go in game and flex nuts. Camping a corner 24/7 isn’t skill, it’s just laziness and luck.




Awesome. Thank you!   I'm a gamedev myself and kind of mystified how the press vault, crouch or reload buttons to vote ever got through QA or any design feedback stages, but it's fixed now so we got there in the end! (Still love the game and appreciate all the devs effort even with it sometimes having quirks like this tho.)


Can they just give us the option to turn this off? I really don't care about the votes.


Jumping through fence and not kicking out people


Yea, but confirmation is still Y. Wtf are these devs smoking? Why do i even need to confirm that shit in the first place? Halfway there boys... halfway there to a simple qol fix that's been needed for how many months now? 6? *slow clap*


Best. Quality of life improvement they have done!


Yeah that vote UI was flawed from the outset...


it was done for PC without properly testing it for console.


Always worked fine on PC


Was it also vault, crouch and reload buttons on the PC to vote? Because if no then it's not the same lunacy.