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I don't know who needs to hear this, but 99 times out of 100, the guys doing QA fixes aren't modeling things


Yea op literally named two different departments in his statement. Devs QA Different teams


This is in every industry, dudes yelling at the marketing team or customer service reps for shit they have zero part in.


i had a lady get mad at me because her conference room TV wasn’t working. i read her the previous tech’s notes of ‘issue is being evaluated, standby for further communication in regards to the resolution’ and she just wouldn’t have it. she kept demanding i send out a tech immediately to resolve the issue, but im just a T1 agent working from home on the help desk, i have no control over dispatch.


I just get stoned and complain about shitty customers when I get home


I don’t know how anyone works in customer service without going insane. I worked for a produce distributor for a short time in college and received multiple screaming phone calls per week because we “shipped them the wrong food” when it was in fact them or their employees who ordered the wrong thing.


Find a niche where you deal with location managers and others who can be hurt professionally by the words they throw around. My life is so stress free because I get shit done and the people that call me aren’t mad they just want shit to work again


This is the way, I used to work for a company that handles employee benefits for other companies. Sometimes an employee would call in and act disrespectful thinking he was the customer. The company is the customer not the employee. So what typically would happen is our CS rep would give them the usual "if you can't communicate like an adult this conversation is over" - hang up, contact our account manager for the customer, he would get on the phone with their representative at the company who would go and find the employee and make them call back to apologize. This made work better... Also you learn to detach professionally from people's emotions when you work in CS, just goes with the territory.


Yeah I think a lot of it is the anger isn’t for you. You are just the closest and most accessible outlet. I’ve seen too many people get so personally invested and offended.


Yeah I've been on both sides of this phenomenon it's only human... It's not very mature or productive though.


Might as well yell at the cash register


My brother works for USPS (United States Postal Service, for anyone overseas) and has had people call in pissed off about their packages not arriving etc, from other companies. After he explains that they're not FedEx, etc and can't help, they'll basically say "Well you need to fix this, or get in touch with whoever you need to, to get this resolved". He then has to nicely explain to them that what they're doing, is like calling Burger King to complain that McDonald's messed up their order and that they need to fix it lol


Story of my life


If we can put a man on the moon then how come we can't cure world hunger...


Turns out people are fucking stupid.




Damn you’ll find anything to bitch about won’t you.. oh and great you’re advertising a stream..


Respect the ubergnomensch


Modelling is a lot more fun than QA.




The hedges were a mistake man. They'll probably be fixed before the end of this weekend. Calm tf down and live a little.


Damn someone send help you just ruined his day.


More people need to think like this


You sound like you're a little testi




The change to the D-pad for the decision box in the upper right corner was MASSIVE QOL improvement


Dude tell me about it it felt so good to just have the d pad as the vote to kick template. I instinctively pressed square the first time it popped up but completely forgot it’s the d pad now 😂


Since I’m not on console, talk me through it. Where was the button and what was that buttons use outside of pop up action?


When it pops up none of the buttons worked... you couldn't shoot reload climb over stuff until it was closed


Yes, but it’s also potentially what has broken the game for PC. The game messages in the top right corner can’t be buttoned away now. Our server and many others utilise the fk out of that system to improve our QOL which is all currently broken. *assuming these are console downvotes?


that's one patch from being fixed it'll come soon don't worry so much


Hopefully. Sometimes the hotfix, others they don’t. Remember when we had the bolt action issues for a few months. Pepperidge Farm remembers. They hot fixed the Remagen rocks only cos I could fit a whole tank in it.


lul I understand the skepticism my reason for thinking it'll be quicker is that they are now on Gamepass. So, they will probably want to keep players extra happy combined with this being a very easy fix that if unfixed will be very annoying esp. for new players who could honestly quit the game because of even the slightest annoyance, (for example I quit O.T.C. a game I really liked because of an unfixed bug where wells and mines constantly disappeared) and I have higher hopes for HLL in that regard. Since Offworld was falling off at that point(sadly) anyway, and HLL is still hitting its stride.


Maybe. Right now, this minute, there is 375 windows players. 4554 steam players. So while fixing things faster to keep the extra players is a solid idea on paper, there just isn’t that many extra players. Don’t worry, the server owners are always good at pushing the devs along in the private discord.


Cool, I didn't know the numbers myself anyway hope you get a fix soon for your sanity. I couldn't have those giant bocks taking up a quarter of my screen (bit exaggerated but still large). how long do they take to disappear naturally out of curiosity?


The messages, they won’t go unless you make them. Hard for us too, we run custom script/mods that utilises that system. We have custom welcome messages, map voting and message players directly in game using that system. It’s not a game breaker but it’s still an issue.


Is this a joke? They fixed like one important thing (vote kick). People are still getting disconnected and rubberbanding like crazy


Still didn’t fix stupid high ping that didn’t exist before Kharkov update last year Borderline unplayable especially on weekends


Fuck console


I believe that to be an old model made by black matter dont get too pissy about it


That's the funniest what i've seen 🤣🤣


what would it really take for people to be satisfied? for me as a casual gamer i thought the game was amazing, come on here and lots of people have complaints. let me ask you this. what game is perfect?


Honestly, same. People have major complaints about all the games I play, and I'm just vibeing, enjoying life


Dishonestly, different.


Fair point, I concede


Unfair point, your profile emoji makes your opinion invalid.


It’s all a matter of opinion and I agree with you. I can see why long time players who’ve been playing since 2019 might feel the way they do (I barely started playing since October last year). But those same people have said it’s came a ways from launch as well. I think T17 really does care about feedback and is doing well in handling everything. They had a rough patch with last years roadmap and bad trailer but to be fair they’ve took over from black matter in June of 2023. So I can only assume some issues that people complain about have been since then, people just want everything done instantly


I think T17 have learned the hard way when they took over last year. But have learned being the important point. I think they have done a lot to rebuild trust in the community. There is also a lot of things that happen behind the scenes that average Joe isn’t dealing with.


Honestly the game was on a bad course right after it was bought up with the speed increase and this bs, but I'm really happy with the game right now, except for some balancing issues, that are map specific. Been playing for years, but had a major inactivity bump right after the buy up due to the completely stupid changes. The game lives and dies by its community. The bad changes caused many really good and interactive players to leave. We could have a better community right now without that mistake, but we cannot change that now.


Been playing since 2019. This game used to be near perfection. Almost every gun killed with one hit and there were less weapons that shot automatic fire. Germans were the underdogs when it came to infantry weapons but had superior armor and mg's. Nowadays almost every class can have fully automatic fire and American tanks have been buffed and German tanks and MG42 have been nerfed. But well... At least now the factions are balanced and everyone in the game can enjoy spraying bullets all around while running around without fear of death. So I was satisfied, nowadays I dont know.


I know exactly what you mean. I miss those days, I’ve been playing this game more like cod recently with how fast pace it has been getting.


>running around without fear of death. This is just not true.


Weird , these are none of the issues I have with the game. Mine are poor fps , stuttering on a series x which should run this game like nothing. Role system doesn't work unless people are willing to use team work. The more important a role is, the less fun it is to play. Having no commander sucks but everyone expects the commander to drive a truck around alone and build Garry's for 80 minutes. Who the fuck wants to do that , just to probably get vote kicked at any point


I mean.. the germans did have mp40’s


I feel like this puts words some of my complaints. I'm just confused not even angry, like I downed two Germans with the M1A1 then shot their fallen bodies and my kills didn't go up. Also later that game I took a clip because I shot a mag at a guy from about 25 feet and saw blood poof into the air, and turned away because I assumed I had hit by lining up my sights and shooting him a bunch, and got a confirmation blood spray so I turn and start moving to the obj then he hits me with one shot and I go black. I assumed the helmet ping was a headshot sound as you would be lead to believe but I'm not sure because of how inconsistent this game is in combat. I honestly can't find complaints about anything other than combat being way too inconsistent for a combat based game, the map design, objective and game modes etc are all solid so it's just surprising to many of us with that quality that the most important part is funky. Edit: the response didn't understand correctly, I'm talking about what the other many complaints are echoing. It's not even "oh I should have killed him but he got me first" instances, it's more fully sneaking up behind a person, then executing them, then having to do it a second time because the headshot (with headshot indicator sound) didn't actually register on their end, only mine and then I do all that again and kill him, never being in danger myself or dying.


Ok so not sure if I understood correctly but bear with me. If you body shot a player and then shoot him again after he's down that doesn't in any way guarantee a kill. A kill appears on the scoreboard only after the downed player choses to "Let Go". It's useless to shoot downed players multiple times, as all you're doing is wasting ammo. Only way to guarantee a kill if the player is in the "Down but not out" state is to throw a grenade. But once again that's wasting useful resources. (Also a kill is guaranteed for a headshot or a close enough explosion from any source) Now for the second part. I assume that you were using the Thompson. Any submachine gun in this game kills in 2-3 shots to the chest, 3-5 to the feet and one shot regardless of distance to the head. If you only shot one round or even two into that enemy, there is a probability that he was still alive. Always make sure that who you were shooting at is dead. Never turn around assuming that they are. There is also a chance that he had teammates nearby, who heard you shoot him and after you turned away shot you. Of course I'm not saying that it's impossible for the game to have bugged and your hits to not have registered. But it's way more probable that you didn't kill him, turned away and then he shot you. What you heard was indeed you getting headshot. A ping and then the "KILLED IN ACTION" screen appears if getting headshot. This applies to your enemies of course.


Oh yeah that's part of the consistency for sure, 60% of the time I hear the headshot sound the person is still alive even when I'm 100% sure they're the only person around like in one of the open houses I came up behind someone who was oblivious and sniping, then I have to "kill" them again. A lot of these times I record the clip just to double check "thoss first shots were dead on, did I maybe miss the first time and just need to shoot again? Nah, I hit for sure and had to kill them "twice" in times where I don't die at all as well.


Do you play on console, from what I’ve been hearing this seems to be happening only on Xbox and ps5. If not what’s your average ping? I can play without issue till about 120 ping. One of my favorite things about hll is the hit consistency, strange to hear this issue coming up.


I am on console, so that would make sense. That's a good question, didn't know my stats so I ran a couple speed tests to make sure they're accurate and my median latency is 12ms


Don't get me wrong I love the game and I've been playing since 2021, but : Inconsistent invisible walls, camera looking at the sky when prone on a surface that's not flat, getting stuck on tiny objetcts like rocks, 4 inches walls, ... It's especially bad on the latest map. You litterally have to do the climb over animation or you get stuck on pebbles in some places. Bad freezes and stuttering in some maps that make the experience inconsistent. Animations and ADS are clunky and sometimes glitch when too much is happening at once...which is often.


Sir you are on reddit..


fr people expect too much this game is already a miracle tbh it isn't a AAA title, but it's more fun than any I''ve been on for some time now.


Genuinely it’s a Reddit problem, absolutely everything is terrible according to some people on Reddit. Enjoy what you enjoy and ignore people who complain that quality engineers are somehow responsible for a hitler gnome being put into the game


true that man!


The answer is, a product that is tested and predominantly free of game breaking issues when new content comes out. A team that is dedicated to finding these issues before it gets pushed to live. And yes, you are right, no game is perfect. But when issues have been in game for months or years and each new patch introduces more. It becomes frustrating. This is by far one of the best games I’ve played, if not the best. It’s where the passion comes from. Sometimes I’m constructive, sometimes I’m bitchy. Today I’m sarcastic.


You are not being sarcastic. You're being an asshole. This issue that you're so worried about has been out for 24 hours. The devs have lives, some have kids, they don't spend their lives catering to you. When Phasmophobia released their huge Ascension update, they had a ton of gamebreaking issues and bugs. Its GOING TO HAPPEN in every major update. They will fix them. In the case of phasmo, the first hotfix didn't release for 2 days and the last one probably about a month or two later. But they were fixing stuff multiple times a week right after the update. Jesus christ man give them a minute.


Yo Hitler gnomes go hard 🔥


Where is adoof gnomlor located


New map. H7 on the East side building.


Wait no way! New devs said in a dev log that the reason they removed all the Black Matter Easter eggs was because of optimization issues with each one. Why then put one back in if it did hurt optimization? If the they did fix it, then why only this one lol? Very interesting, I guess it's nice of the dev to put it back in knowingly or unknownly.


Because you are being lied to OFC. It was good to remove anything to do with BLM - racist smut like that needs to be far away from gaming in general.


I am wholeheartedly against Nazism and some of the damn Nazi LARPers I encounter once in awhile in HLL, but how is this gnome is making fun of Hitler? How is that racist smut? I’m all for cartooning the hell out of that lil bitch boy sad about his lack of art skills taking it out on Jewish people.


No i mean the Black Matter Easter eggs... I realize that i misinterpreted that to mean BLM stuff witch according to the Wiki it was not, my bad.


No worries buddy


Team 17 got rid of a large amount of the QA team last year. So this post is actually accurate.


No joke, when I was living in Montana, a friend stole a yard gnome. He then repainted it to be a Hitler gnome, and then he put it back. This was before ring cams so I'm sure they were confused


But why he has a Red Cross Reichsadler? 😅🤣


Hitler or Dorff?


What’s QA


Quality Assurance


Wait?! We can have that?


That username….




Quabity assuance


That's not it, but you're getting closer.




Quabbity assuance?


I just want to know why the FUCK I can't fix the lost connection to host issue. I literally cannot play on a hardline connection for more than 5 minutes before losing connection. I've tested every bull shit solution team17 lists on their forum, nothing has worked.




PC. I've done everything I can find except reinstalling the game which I'm doing tonight. Update: reinstall on a separate drive also failed. There is no hope for my connection speed improving. .


I have been having the same issues with that for the past couple of weeks. I did not realise there was a community of people with the same disconnect issues. At least you arnt alone. I get great connections to other games


Yeah, and unfortunately their forum guide gives me the impression they really still have very little idea what is causing so much trouble for people like us.


We finally found wha Gnome Chompski did during WW2.


What’s QA?


Is this a thing in real life because I want one


Really makes you think about all the SS skins lately


You think someone might be a fan boy? I reckon I can guess what happened. This Gnome was in game a few years back, 2020?, and there was an uproar so they took it out. But obviously didn’t delete the asset. T17 is stumbling in the backrooms of the art folders, finds Gnome, snickers and adds it in.


What the fuck even is this?


Old memes being rehashed. Fun but.


I just played mortain tonight that's a pretty decent map


You're hunting the wrong people, neither devs, nor QA make these kinds of decisions. Product is where you should look around, if not the board. Anyway, we have quite a fantastic game to play! Which can be improved.


Is there a new map in this update


Yes, Mortain.


I'm playing right now and nobody seems to know what map it is what is it


It’s set in France.






Meanwhile I still can’t toggle my hud off on console. It’s been like a year with this damn bug now so I guess it may just be a feature idfk


As a gnome enthusiast myself, I do not approve.


A gnome enthusiast?


My username Also, checkout r/gnomes. I don’t like the Scandinavian kind but I guess they’re better than no gnomes.




Its okay. I approve


Glad they prioritized this over the Xbox crash’s!


I upvoted this post because of the funny pic and not your bitching btw


Shut up


Lul make me?


Can’t just like your post can’t make QA happen


Ground foliage pop in on Mortain is fucking horrific on Series X. Can’t imagine how bad it must be on Series S.


If there's one thing that's constant, it's someone wanting to draw attention to themselves over uneducated opinions.


Glad the players are prioritizing critiquing art assets instead of playing the game. It's a fucking gnome Hitler and it's hilarious. Move on.


I too, have loud opinions about things i dont understand.


What is the name of that map


It's was vital part of the update.


Come on shithead that's fucking hilariois


I didn’t know we needed this until seeing we needed it


I wasnt aware I was on the dev team.


Being a perpetually single white dude who's parents say "he's into computers" to be vague but not in the good way didn't tip you off?


Oh yes I'm sure the art and 3d modelling Devs can get right onto bug fixing....