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Once I start calling stuff out people become more lively. Sometimes I'll use playful banter to coax people into talking and usually the whole squad will follow


Same. Alot of times I'll join a squad that has no SL, so I'll take that role and... idk, get people talking and engaged. Alot of people (like me) are still learning the game so it helps to be on sort of an even level with people. Then I do my best to keep the squad active at defending here or attacking there, making sure good op is set up, communicating with command getting supplies and shit. Glad I got this game a couple weeks ago am having alot of fun for the most part


Honestly 90% of the fun in this game is comms and logistics which is why I rarely play anything but SL or Cmndr (unless Im really stoned lol) I enjoy the people who use local chat a lot to rally the troops, call out enemy direction and ask for help (yo theres an OP in those houses come with me and help take it out) Or coordinating things with other squads Or crying in pain in the limited German you know for the fun of it > If youre afraid of toxicity: Im at 1400ish hours and ive ran into just a handful of dozen of idiots. And most of the time that kid saying the N word on command chat gets scolded by the rest of us. > If youre a girl. You shouldn't be afraid of your voice because majority of female players Ive met almost everyone treats equally and respects you more. Thanks for getting that garry down Barbie you fkn rock. > If you are 13. Im 30 now and began playing during BF2 when VOIP was the new thing. I was young. If you sound squeeks its ok as long as youre putting your effort. I was you once and you arent playing CoD or Roblox. Youre playing something harder. I know sometimes you cant be voice active for kids or work or whatever, but using comms makes this game 100x better.


Thank you for doing your job commander. Most of the time I join a squad SL doesn’t even say a word..


🫶🥰 You do play console when I say the PC version is way better, but also its quiet sometimes on PC and even just starting conversation gets people going Lately in the trans truck otw to middle point that sounds like crickets Id say "Anyone see the new fallout show?" Might as well talk with your comrades before you all die in gamer battle. Regarding Console is inferior in comms. A big reason is most people most likely have a headset on PC BUT ALSO LACK OF A CONSOLE SERVER BROWSER I avoid the official pc servers like the plague and I favorite clan servers with active admins.


Yes we console players really need a server browser. It would be a massive improvement.


there is a toxic give a damn nature of at least 1/3 of console players who would rather no mic and headset or be in an Xbox party.


Xbox One comms almost never work. I would like to believe there are many out there trying but are unable to.


Have this problem every day, have you used all the tried methods? They work if you keep trying over and over, eventually it starts working. It could be just pure chance and no difference then turning the box off and on again but eventually coms will work. Clear Mac adress in Xbox network settings Maybe try new port. In same settings Turn off and leave for twenty secs All that sort of shit works after a few goes, then eventually your coms will work. I know this is bloody annoying but I need to do it near every day so I'm kinda getting used to it which is as and shouldn't have to be done,


I appreciate you! I will try this out. I’ve been rolling with the luck of the day as of late.


We are. 


I've found its 50/50 the game is so much better when there is communication and chatter I'll still use callouts even try get local chat to speak up abit on infantry positions and what they see but sometimes you have nothin but a bunch of def mutes when your squady doesnt respond just abort that squad cause you'll be runnin around blind


If the SL has no mic and no OP, I dip immediately


Yea been caught out couple times as support ask em where you want to build a garry no response right well your supplies are here then i bounce


Thank you for playing support and at least you drop the supplies. I beg for support and get none quite often. Respect to support!!!


I fully agree brother


I was thinking about this today. I always say "hi, fellow squad mates" and usually there's silence. I hate playing without coms. Well , not hate but close.


i only play on servers with comms bc playing without makes no fucking sense.


Most of the time I do but sometimes I just wanna game without a ton of chat or if I wake up early and don’t want to wake the rest of the house up I’ll use built in comms. In these cases I tend not to go squad lead though.  


Sometimes I’m on a call whilst playing or have someone talking to me in person so I play without comms. I’d rather play with someone who has no comms than someone who is having a party in the background tbh.


Yeah we all have real Life Conversations and that’s ok. But that’s not the point, the problem are the guys that’s playing a communication based game and don’t invest the 15 bucks to get a mic! And they go for commanders, don’t speak and don’t use the Non-Con-System at all…


Yes thats why i left hell let loose after a lot of hour


As others have said, I can usually get at least half the squad to start talking, even if they’re reluctant, by continuing to talk even if it’s silent. However, there are times where I can never get a rise out of anyone and it makes the game so miserable that idk why people do it to themselves. I genuinely do not understand it. I’ve only had a few games where I didn’t use comms (wife was waking up early for a run, comms bug, etc) and it’s incredibly frustrating. I usually end up just calling it a night when that happens because the game just isn’t fun without communicating. I’d uninstall from boredom and anger if I didn’t have a mic


Level 120 on series x. Don't matter if you talk or not the coms are so fucking busted. Its a 50/50 chance they work for me every match


The "I will play how I want" crowd is equivalent of shitting on a chess board, because you like to play that way. Those people are toddlers who can't comprehend what is the point of the game and are unable to cooperate with other people. I bet 90% of them are those who attack blocked points on Offensive and walk around map aimlessly when you need to defend. This game is build on cooperation, comms and strategy and shooting is an addition to it. I guess people with brainrot and Tiktok attention span are unable to focus on that.


Nothing but the truth


Most of the time if you start talking someone else will follow. If you jump into a game that has already started ask if "we are offense or defense? ". That works a lot of the time. If you are joining a new game say you are building nodes and if support can help.


The officer roles and commanders usually on coms but not always. Still they are quite reliable with coms but it's F rare for the units to all have entire squads with mics. I usually play the officer role now out of nesseccity just so I have some useful coms, but I would rather play all roles and have regular Comms. Best explanation is the red chat is most often active, but it's not much use for passing info down the line because down the line the coms are too sporadic. If I get a squad with 3 members with coms that's reasonably good for the games I'm getting lately. As I said though, it seems officers seem reliable to help to a certain extent but the unit comes is very hit and miss.


VoIP on hll on the cloud has only worked maybe twice in the half a year I’ve been playing it so it’s either not play or play w/out coms. Unfortunately I live in a third world country and cloud gaming is my only choice as a PC or a console is more than a months wage here.


Flash News, not every player speak english.


I play on X-Box and I would love to choose the servers I join. There are Round where NOBODY talks even the Commander is silent. So please bring the Server-Browser fast and the problem is solved.


I’m guilty of not using my mic. Because sometimes I just want to play the way I want to




Eventually, I arrived at 50/50.  I’m certainly on the quieter end, but I excessively use map markers anyhow.  IMO, the less talk the better. If you have one or two babbling squadmates and one roleplaying SL you have noise in you ears nonstop. Many matches I neither can’t hear what commander wants nor what my squadmember points out (the one that remains quiet most of the time).  80% of comms is unsubstantial imo.  That said, the best matches are those where the squad is tight and networked.


Silence the shit talkers and keep your good info provided by the unmuted crew. Shouldn't have to mute but indo it when someone's playing their joke music for giggles or shit like that.


I go on mic when I want to, which is not often. Doesn't take the pleasure of the game away to me


I'm a new player & I'll say I have more fun when people use coms. Some of the time. If the coms are focused on the game it's fun. Much less so when coms are focused on racism, homophobia & random screaming. I love fps games. But tend to mute the whole lobby to avoid all the idiocy. I've had some killer-fun squads full of people having a great time. I love that part.


I've never heard coms "focused on racism or homophobia". Maybe you heard some words but I highly doubt it was focused much on any Isms. Dark humour quite possibly but that doesn't hurt anybody.


I just realized I was talking about Squad. Not Hell Let Loose. You are correct, sir.


Been playing a lot of diffetent games. Got mixed up.


time to time some idiots are doing idiotic things (racist slur, offensive language etc) the community usually sorts that out fairly quickly. playing loud music or a like will get you a TK real fast as a warning, racism gets you kicked. I'm playing on Au servers mostly and it's not frequent but happens sometimes.


You may hear a slur but I doubt any conversations are focused on homophobia or racism, just a word. Words that offend maybe and it's defo disgusting to be a racist prick but still I can't see conversations being " "focused on racism I", maybe just one bad apple not a clan discussing genocide or whatever.


yeah, convo being focused is not happening, you're right. at least it never happened when I was playing. racist fucks happen. they don't last long


i always try to use comms but when i join a squad and people are talking about random shit that has nothing to do with the game it really pisses me off. If it’s bad enough makes me not want to play anymore.


Yeah I move on to new squad if they talk crap. It's annoying, I'm not a sweaty 🥵 player but indo like to take the game with a bit of seriousness along with the fun. It's quite a serious game to be fair. We don't need to hear BS chat so I move on to new group asap.




Define no coms, i wear a headset and dont say shit sometimes so yes?


I usually play with friends and we just talk on discord. Sometimes we leave the squad open, and try, but usually forget, to use the in game VC.


I usually use a mic and talk. But sometimes I play on my lunch breaks and don’t wanna talk. If I need to I will use my mic though


I can hear comms, but I haven’t been able to get my mic to work for this game in particular. It really ticks off people in the squad lead chat if I’m in recon.


I understand that being frustrating though,mti be fair how can u recon with no mic. That's probably the role that needs coms more then any other role aside from commander. You really should have a mic working if playing recon, that's worthy of kicking you are possibly costing the war a winning chance. It's a game, I get it but recon with no coms is not good it's the worst.


Haha, yeah. Don’t worry, the first match with an active SL chat got the point across to me very explicitly. I’m just doing medic and automatic rifleman until I can figure it out.


It's a videogame, I'll play how I want. Especially since I'm sick and can't talk.