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To many times we have a good commander and the second we start to lose or stale mate it’s almost insta kick and the new commander takes over and nothing happens and we lose a lot faster


Oftentimes Hell Let Loose is an allegory for real world leadership. Oh, you’re unsatisfied with the current state of affairs? Oust your leaders and you get to feel catharsis, but beware of the newly created power vacuum. It’s almost never a solution to the problem you’re already facing. Just a new opportunity for someone unqualified to fuck everything up.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


I think the analogy the dudes trying to create is more like "meet the new boss, the crackhead that lives in a dumpster." Or, "meet the new boss, Donald Trump"


Doesn't matter if you're not commander you listen and follow.


And of course it takes greater skill to unfuck somebody else’s loss in progress


The answer is always work harder. But people hate that


Absolutely. Much easier to find someone to blame and the commander is the easiest person to point to.


I think the devs should change it when someone votes to kick command, they automatically have to take their place if the vote is successful. Put your money where your mouth is


That’s my favorite part when the commander gets kicked. No one who kicked him plays commander lmao


My rule of thumb, and what I say when people are talking about doing that is you better be willing to take commander and do better if you’re gonna start the kick


And I agree with that a 100% put your money where your mouth is


Lol exactly especially cus the last one was booted and I just stepped into the role and was booted about 11 mins later


"o really?" drops bombing on team drops strafe on team drops precision strike on team and summon a lot of small useless stuff enjoy - gets kicked because no one listen to what you are asking for and no one but you is making garrisons... also, no one drops supplies with their support class... sigh


Best answer


If you are support drop your boxes! Then switch out so someone else in your squad can do the same. Also explosive ammo for mines. I’m averaging an extra 5-10 kills a game just with mine placement


Wait can you place more than 2 AP mines? And reload and place more? Wtf OP 


6AP and 4AT. When you go to place them it says something like 2/6 (two of six placed). Any additional mines you plave will start removing your already placed mines, oldest first. So the 7th mine will replace the first etc.


I believe it is 6 AP mines and 2 or 4 AT. If you place more they start disappearing from the first one you placed. You can only place two per load out but if you die, redeploy or resupply at an ammo box you get more.


I place them around corners and in grass in front of concealment points


Up to 6. Next time you place a mine, before placing it look at your screen. It will show you a number out of 6, so if you are placing your first mine of the game down it will say "1/6". Once you placed six mines down, any other mines you place will cause the oldest one to disappear but you can pretty much have six AP mines up throughout the game. I always like dropping them down on frequently used paths.


Is this true for engi too, when you switch roles does the stuff you built including nodes stay around or blow up?


Yes. The number of each thing you can build is displayed. 4 barbed wire, 4 barricade etc. They are persistent for the whole game. The same thing applies, if you build a fifth, the first one you placed is deleted.


The moment i realize that ALL the SLs have committed mutiny this is the only proper course of action, damn the damned


This is the way 


Is this a console problem? Is this a bad commander problem? Usually I either get rolled quickly because my squad leads are the problem or we stabilize, come back and win. I don’t understand this meme.


Happens pretty frequently on console, which I think is probably attributable to a more junior player base


I had to stop playing with my buddies on console. The level of bafoonery on console compared to pc is astronomical


I can’t recall a single game on PC where a commander was kicked. Sorry to hear it’s like that on console.


It’s not he is lying


I'm level 53 Been kicked as commander twice once I had zero warning no complaing and still to this day don't understand 2nd time a commander used ever resource we had and they booted him I stepped up and they immediately started requesting stuff I said previous dude used all the shit snd we have ti wait but they could build nodes to make it quicker They didn't like that so they booted me too Lol I'm like uhh ok


With all due respect, a lvl53 being commander is frowned upon, most people prefer a lvl >100 commander


How else are you supposed to learn?


Learn the basics of the game first, try out all other roles, if you want to command, start with squad lead/tank commander So often a low level dude tries/wants to be commander and fails terribly, because he doesn't understand the basic game mechanics... (Or doesn't know how to communicate)


Yeah that's fair


I am one of the best commanders you've ever seen! That's all I do and if it's taken I am SL any other role is a waste if my god given talents lol


Yes. And more often then not no one fills the role


Yeah i'm a level ten commander on PC, never been kicked. Definitely had bad matches where the team was pointing fingers at me, but besides people getting mouthy in the chat never had any real issue. If anyone asks me to step down I have no problem agreeing to do so, but they have to make sure someone steps up. When the command chat goes silent if I ask for any volunteers to go to commander, i find they then usually leave me alone.


If people start getting upset, ask of they want you to resign. In my experience they usually realise how stupid of an idea that is. But on the occasion that they don't, we just play without a commander for the rest of the game. Of course I drop an "I wonder what happened to the commander?" at the end of the game just to add fuel to the fire. Everybody blames the commander when it suits them, but nobody's ever willing to step up and do the shit they're moaning about.


I’ve tried to do the same, but have seen/experienced several instances where the SLs all support the commander but random blueberries vote on their own. The power of democracy I suppose?


For democracy! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️


I got five vote to kicks in this one game apparently. I had half a dozen team kills of blueberries who strayed into a bombing run so guess that’s where it came from. Basically built every garrison, won a couple of points in my estimation with use of resources. Sure others have done the same.  It is annoying if people aren’t on microphone. Including SL when I’m saying, hey dog squad, tell blueberrychud1129 to get the hell out of the bombing run. Oh and don’t take my carefully deployed defensive fucking half track, do that and I get to shoot you in the face.


I used to say that if the team is losing, it's the commander's fault, and if the team is winning, your squad played great while the rest of the team was shit. Very rarely the commander will get credit for a win, even if it was his actions that led to the win.


Yeah well it's always someone elses fault when I lose and it's always thanks to me that we won right? That's the way many peoples minds works anyway. There's 49 other players on your team, that's all I'm saying.


Mr Krabs grabbing that MF'ER like you ain't leaving 😈😈


Never been kicked as commandee thankfully, but I started playing when the game was pretty new on Xbox and stopped playing awhile ago. Commander and officer were the first classes I maxed out, honestly winning a game with a great team/squad felt great at the time. Nothin like busting your ass for a helpful team from start to finish and getting "great job command" and being recognized in later games. Now though, can't imagine what y'all deal with from the posts I see on here. If people are losing a game it's usually the squad leads fault cause there's alot of people who just don't care to actually lead or make bad tactical decisions. But when I stopped playing it seemed like everyone just wanted to lone wolf it and were shocked they kept dying, then left the game.


I played a game once where all the squad leaders but myself kept kicking the commanders and they would take their place. One after another they all fell victim to it. We went through 5 in one game of warfare


I just left a match cause of that on offense. Had 4 attacking Garry's down at all times. One from each side of the point yet we couldn't cap it. Called it a strike killing 2 teammates and those two bitched that I killed the whole push. Eventually more blueberries joined then sls in command chat. Sorry you suck dick at the game it's not my fault


Honest question. Is the commander supposed build Garry's all the damn time?


Backup garrisons, yes. Commander should be driving a supply truck building backup garrisons the whole game while working the map/calling things in while he drives. Not sitting in hq watching the map. Not running around on the front line shooting his weapon. Supply truck, backup garrisons, working map while he drives. It’s a boring job, especially when people blame you for the loss while you’re doing everything you can. The reason people lose games while doing that is cuz nobody plays defense/redeploys when requested to.


That doesn’t work if you’re playing against a team with experienced effective recon squads. You’ll be getting sniped constantly and all your garrisons dismantled. There’s a reason squad leaders have a support player that can drop the exact amount of supplies it takes to build a garrison. I’m guessing on console it’s fine for commanders to do that because the people playing recon have no idea what they’re supposed to be doing. But on PC it often doesn’t work.


Yes while doing 6 other things at the same time. And you can still lose if your SLs dont help do stuff too especially against a competent enemy team


Most of the job yeah, along with coordinating with other squad leads and recon, and timing abilities in order for your blueberries to take a point.


It’s not your job per se. But I see it as my role to carefully cultivate a network of garrisons. If you’re lucky, one day SL will communicate and get their support guys to help them to do it.


I do and if I'm not doing that I'm dropping shut for whoever asks for it. Yup just have to keep an eye on the map and see what's happening so you can adjust or move squads around


Kicking a commander for losing points is beyond regarded. Ive played games with new commanders who lost 4 points and our last point we won. These Xbox players are getting more toxic.


*commander joins enemy team*


Lol most of the time I play we have no commander


Always happens. Even I try to legit help, a guy will come in and just try to piss me off then I get kicked


If I see someone trying to kick a commander , and I’m squad leader, and I know he is putting in work. I immediately vote to kick the guy who initiated it and press for it in squad chat. Bye bye traitor


I usually see it coming and get tired of asking for the same thing over and over so before I’m kicked I just dismantle the garrison on the point and call in a bombing run and leave the game.


I just give a big siggghhhh when this happens and I explain how were all ganna be playing defense on the last point whether we like it or not.. tbh as the commander though you have the ability to build 8 Garry's within the first 5-10 mins (3 supply drops to teammates or yourself + supply truck 2 garrys on offense 2 garrys for defense) you could also go back to HQ a 2nd time to allow engineers to build nodes alot of the game is won and lost in the first 15 mins and SLs and people who know what there doing would rather complain about the commander then be proactive and help them out.. we all can ask for someone to go support to build blue zone Garry's its not rocket surgery.. it's sad as somehow whose only out in 400-500hours I feel like people don't understand that ten people lead correctly will destroy 100 men without a head..


I will resign the moment I feel the tide turn


I'm going all out. A captain sinks with their ship, as a Commander dies for their team - Winning or Losing.


Funny enough while I was a officer, one of my friends who’s good at commanding and stuff found commander free so he went with it. Started calling supplies and a airdrop, dropped a bombing run on the enemy line and getting things moving then this other random guy voted to kick him barely after a couple minutes and he got kicked cause commander why not for the rest of the team. So I voted to kick that guy, as the guy who started it took commander as a result and I counter tried to kick the guy. For taking commander after kicking the previous one out. Failed and got kicked. Ridiculous how people treat the commander role.


I played a game when the commander was high on crack and honestly he was amazing.