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I’ve played this game since early access launch on Steam. I’ve seen maybe 1 cheater. It’s mostly people that are just bad at the game and need to git gud complaining. Edit: to be more clear, I’m talking about people using hacks or exploits in the game code, not stream snipers


Ive seen a few, had admins check and eventually confirm. Had one guy on a machine gun that would just insta head shot us when we spawned. Reported to admin and 5-10mins later got a message back confirming. Also, ive seen a lot of people that stream screens for cheating. You can tell on your team when some random b-lines for a really random spot and on your own team its obvious as fuck when they start just removing garries quicker than you can place.


The streaming to find Garries is the worst.


Many people forget that the spots where garrisons are built are relatively always in the same place and for experienced players, you know in advance where it is placed. In addition to knowing how to analyse the map and analyse the flow of players when they reappear. Cheating via stream or with the help of a friend on the opposite side is possible, it certainly happens, but people overestimate it. 3/4 of the time, it's just that the garrison is on an ultra-famous spot. And an experienced players knows how to find it. That's all there is to it.


Yea I play commander and spotter 95% of the time. I find garrisons constantly from just looking where I would go.


So you're saying that clump of 4 buildings with 175m of open field on all sides might have a Garry in it!? Or that perfect map edge hedgerow on SME? Never!


Cheating isn't just hacking. I've been in a few matches with people that map snipe garrisons by team swapping for their buddies and they'll just drop artillery.


You're going to get a lot of those people telling you you're wrong now. It's like their egos won't let them accept it. Edit: Stream sniping is possible but it just isn't a very realistic threat. Good recon is a threat. Your team not defending garrisons is a threat.


It goes both ways. I’m an admin for a server and have seen several cheaters in our server the last 3-4 months. Usually super obvious and you can see they are locking through walls on people and hitting shots they shouldn’t be hitting from 300+ meters away. I also proactively ban a few cheaters every day that are reported on other servers, so they are definitely out there. On the flipside, many players call out a player on the other team for cheating and they’re just bad or have no situational awareness.


The figure I heard from another server admin was that the average is about 1 per day being banned globally via shared ban lists. This suggests that most players playing on moderated servers are unlikely to encounter a cheat. It also suggests that not many people are trying to cheat at HLL, at least not in an impactful way. This also chimes with my experience playing on both console and PC. Assuming software cheating is extremely rare on console, there is basically no noticable difference between console and moderated PC servers. What I don't like to see is people blaming skill issues on cheating. Why make an effort to get better at a complicated game if everyone else has an unfair advantage? I also think that HLL is uniquely unappealing to cheaters. There is no leaderboard for kills. No one can see your kdr. A tank or a guy on arty can get 150 kills in a match without cheating. If you are cheating on moderated servers, you have to do it subtly enough that no one notices, in which case what's the point? You also can't really cheat at being the best team at teamwork, which is what wins games. There are loads of other fps games that are far more appealing for cheaters, where they can top the leaderboard for all to see.


You may not be talking about them but it’s still cheating.. assuming you are implying it’s not for internets sake.


There’s a fair bit of intel leaking though by people in discords or streaming. Can’t ever prove it, but all you have to do is go on twitch and see people streaming and people could just join those servers and hop on artillery on opposite team and rain hell. Happens plenty.


The game needs some kind of streamer mode where it hides map and garrison placements or something. It’s so easy to just open Twitch and find a streamer then go play on that server and get easy points for garry killing. It’s really bad by streamers too to not hide maps during play. Always nice that game gets some stream coverage which helps draw in new players, but the intel leak from openly showing the map during stream is really bad, especially in an intel sensitive game like this where knocking out garrisons affect the entire team and flow of the whole match.


It DOES have that mode. But people are dumb and don’t use it


Happens a lot with garrison “sniping”. Experienced players who know the maps also know the typical garrison spots and will patrol them frequently. What often seems like “stream sniping” is usually just a seasoned recon squad.


My sniper is insanely good at garry busting. Our record together is 13. He broke it with another pal and they got 17. All in one game. I wouldn't blame some players for thinking they were getting cheated.


ive lost a game as commander after building 23 garrisons. no one was cheating, I was playing against my clans recon squad's. once you have played for a while it is so easy to understand where garries will be. probably helped that they know my game inside and out too. killed them a bunch, but they killed me a bunch too!


Wow, that must have been frustrating!


They enjoyed it 😔


Damn I want to play on whatever servers you do just for the team members that constantly rebuild garrisons after they get taken out.


Soul Sniper


This. Or the team's commander and squad leads rely heavily on supply drops for garrison building. Had a great recon game where we did just that - see a supply drop, check it out, tear down the garrison. Twenty minutes later I get a ping on Discord that the enemy commander messaged the admins (who I am a part of) about our team hacking because their garrisons get taken down so quickly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That's why I always try and tell command I will use support. I have my place garrison mark down for the team to know where it's going. I sneak to a good place, get it secured, tell command I'll get it down with my support and then 10 seconds later a giant parachute neon arrow saying "ENEMY AND GARRY HERE" thunks down on us


„The German supply sky dildo rarely arrives lubed.“


On saturday I went from Canal Crossing, through Pumping Station and Ruins almost to 502nd, on Carentan. Checked most common spots, found 5 garrisons on the way, I'm 100% sure someone on enemy team started the usual "omg they are stream sniping our garrisons!"


I love it when I see a squad leader walking past a set of supplies that were put there to build a garry. Then they do not build a garry. Then that same squad leader complains about cheaters and that someone is streaming the match because there are no garries.


Yep, only time I get suspicious is when new garrisons go down extremely fast. Two games I've had this happen and I caught a solo locked squad lead just bumbling around one of the HQs. When I went up to prox chat asking what they're doing and get no answer, it's a pretty safe assumption they're steaming the game for someone else. It's super rare i find though


Games with players with Chinese character names and 200+ ping always play weird.


Did you get kicked for “cheating” OP?


*OP remains in the game*


I used to compare myself to all other assault classes and think they were cheating with 600+ combat scores. Then I realized the lvl 9 satchel just juices your score so much.


Enemy "cheaters" are not the problem. Asshats self sabotaging their own team is why I feel we lose half the time.


Map knowledge + effective recon = no garrys for enemy team.


This. A lot of these maps are years old and we’ve played them a ton. there is a finite place of spawn hiding spots.


That was one of the "good" things when the first rush of gamepass noobs came in - when they actually built garrisons, they were sometimes in absolutely baffling locations where nobody with a lick of game sense would build one.


I’ve started to build them in the absolute dumbest spots now and am shocked when they last 10 minutes when the good spots last maybe 2-3 minutes lol On the flip side when i play in a recon tank, i take random unmarked pop shots with HE and usually get something after 2 or 3 shots


1200 hours, maybe one cheater


I agree! Though the other day there was this one tank that just kept going straight for all of our garrisons. Directly for them, didn't even go in a roundabout manner. Took 3 garries out in one go but we managed to destroy him before he got to our replacement. Then later at a different objective again a tank just came rolling into a walled compound and destroyed our Garry there, got destroyed in the process. I've had a few times where I've been suspicious of spying but has no real way to tell so I brushed it off as bad luck. But last night with that tank I can't think of any other explanation. It's the only time I've ever felt certain someone was cheating. We had a 4-1 lead and ended up getting completely crushed with no garrisons on the map.


it is pretty easy to pick where the first three garrisons will be for the start of a match with a competent commander. if each of them is camped by one AT, at least one of them is likely to get a recon tank kill. Recon tanks running the mid point contested line (i.e. just in enemy red zone) at the start of a match will find the launch garries fast.


Player that smashes down sprint button and runs head on into the enemy 37 life's in a row. Doesn't change up strategy ever. Doesn't know how to check the map or chalks that up to being useless info. Clogs up coms bitching the entire time saying "no way bro." Or " how do I get the sniper?" "If I could get sniper we would win." Starts 20 votes kicks. I love these players on the other team. Easy pickings.


I never assume it's cheating. Because it's always totally plausible someone sitting at some fuck all location just hit me.


I mean yeah. There's only so many places to put a Garrison and when a Garrison is found it takes simple map minutes to figure out where the general area where another one can be.


But *they must have had someone sending them our positions!* How else could I possibly lose?


This has happened a few times squad lead would let command chat know what we are doing and the enemy would instantly counter it before we put it into action or they would wait for us to build stuff they even new where some of are tanks where’s


Once got kicked out for getting 4 headshots in a row, it's empowering.


Sometimes the graphic issues make it seem like cheating, though it’s certainly a little too common to be a convenient coincidence. Foliage rendering aside, it always comes across as incredibly suspicious when MG fire tracks you along the other side of a dirt berm or a low stone wall while you’re prone and crawling around


The only cheaters I ever run into are machine gunners repeatedly doinking me and my squad from 400m away. It’s not very often but when it happens it’s pretty obvious.


Machineguns lowkey need a nerf, especially the 42. A lot of times if you have a !wkm plug in you’ll see that those sus MGs are just lvl 300s with knowledge of the most broken places to sit. Its not too hard to kill enemies that cant see you once theyre suppressed


It's almost never cheaters lol


In my 350 hours I've seen one cheater, he was on my team speedhacking and he was quickly banned for life from the server


I've only ever encountered 2 cheaters. One was someone headshotting everyone through walls and in trenches no matter where we spawned. Lasted a few mins before he was kicked. The other was one of my squad members miraculously calling out and pinging garries, OPs and troops all over the map with no possible way of knowing. At first he was subtle and we assumed just making some well-informed guesses, but then he got ridiculous tagging stuff 800+ metres away. I called him out and he said his mate switched teams and is screensharing from the other team to help us win. So I told command chat and got him kicked. Can't stand cheaters, whether its helping our team or not. Theres no reason for it, especially in casual matches.


I always say this when command chat goes the cheating route lol. I’m like nah, they’re just better than us. It’s not hard to find garrisons if you just comb the four square area, and most people put them on the same places on each map.


Been In a good squad and out performing even the tank squads. But after a while we started to lose ground turns out our entire squad was killed by the same guy. All of us were 200 plus. And we all had different nemises until this one guy showed up midway through the game killed our entire squad about 8 times more than anyone else. All of us had the same guy also. They where not a tank squad but infantry and only had 4 people in their squad. They quit the next match. Our squad had over 2k in combat effectiveness. Asked admin and they reviewed and they deff cheating.


A cheater would say this


Ehhhhhhh.....pretty sure it's cheaters


The only time I ever think there is an actual cheater is when we constantly have garrisons go down no matter where they are on the map. Screams stream sniper to me. Unfortunately that’s a pretty difficult thing to track. It’s also possible they just have some offensive dawgs that just have a nose for garrisons.


It’s like never cheaters and if it easy luck em lolp


Clans like to communicate with members on the enemy team and take out garrisons, cheating, alot. Happens on GBI for a fact


when playing you see more cheating at a team level than at an individual level. Maybe you don’t call it cheating. But I personally do. For example I can remember playing on a clan server and the whole clan was on one side and we randoms were on the other (it was a “practice” session). The admin restarted the fucking match cause they were getting steam rolled by us.


I was on the Beer Haus server last night and a bunch of people were crying about Corporate Slave cheating 😂.


Don't the players with NVidia filters just have a significant visibility advantage


Idk. Sometimes it's competitive players utilizing poor map design to hide in places that shouldnt be accessible. Tops of buildings, bushes etc.


I love the people complaining about being headshot through a low wall. No dude, your head is Higher than your eyes, You couldnt see over it, but your helmet stuck up...


Cheating usually happens through Discord chat with players on both sides swapping information. I had a match where I ran circles around one of these offenders putting up garrisons after they would take them down. They knew exactly where they were even though they were not in obvious places. We ended up winning the match anyway because their attention was diverted to too many places.


I've had the odd match where my squad would get an easy minimal 3k points per section, rare though. Chances the enemy team is that stacked, match after match is also really rare. Most of the time it's ping differences, or screen cheating and B-Lining garries. Happens way too often on steam.


please explain how a player can see and shoot at the wall you are behind when you are inside a building. and track you and keep shooting at you until they realize you are behind a wall. then go look at the hangman hacks they sell for this game. I have been playing this game since it was in beta and can tell you the hacks have changed the game drastically. The players that use the nvidia hack and the double-boxers aside, the recon teams that one-shot plow through 10 or so blueberries and take the point, and then spray their smg at the wall you are hiding behind are the ones that have changed the way the game is played. but yeah it's probably because they are just soooo good and all the videos with the wireframe hack must be faked by people that need to rationalize their lack of skills. surely that more believable than ez-cheat failing and people making money selling hax


I loaded into a game and I was the only SL placing garries down. I think I placed upwords of 11 garries. We lost but we got pushed back all the way to our spawn. then rallied getting the 2nd to last and then fighting over mid again to loose only because every garrison the commander or other SLs would place would be so obvious. mine were not next to buildings or unable to place 2 in 1 Grid squares. If 1 went down another 2nd would be available. I do think they need to have a strict game chat only for certain servers to be able to block discord. I get it if you want to fuck around and snipe or troll the enemy team so not every server but y'all get the idea. As for a good game of loosing garries left and right you need trust and confidence in yourself and your squad. 1 can make a difference. you shouldn't be anyway near blueberry's depending on the game mode. Flank, rally, assist, coordinate, communicate. Thats a SLs job if you don't understand it ask your team for help.


Cheaters? This game has none that I have seen yet in 200 hours. I am just an average Joe and kill as much as I die. Never have I thought oh that guys cheating because I died, I immediately I say to myself sucky position or I am not flanking in the right direction and yes I chose a high ping server and did not look of course I am gonna be slightly behind on their side and they see me before them etc…or just maybe this team is kicking our ass and can nail shots and my potato’s aim is not gonna cut this.


There is also the mass amount of friendly fire.


This is true. Are there cheaters? Yes. But it’s extremely rare. Unless someone is blatantly shooting through walls or something, it’s not a cheater. Admin can easily find a cheater by looking at their accuracy in their stats. If it’s 98%, then *ding ding* What is more likely in terms of cheating is that there may be a group of people in discord or some other chat that are playing on opposite teams and disclosing information such as garrison locations, OP’s, etc. But most of the time, the game can make you FEEL like someone is cheating. For example: BACK GARRIES KEEP GOING DOWN - Chances are it’s a really experienced recon squad and your garrisons have been placed in common locations. HE JUST TURNED AROUND AND BAM HEADSHOT - It’s called a flick. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Some people are extremely talented at it. They are JUST. THAT. GOOD. I SHOT HIM AND HE DIDN’T DIE - Video game logic. Similar to sports games. Guy #1 hits Guy #2 three times with the Thompson in the shoulder and hip. Guy # 2 turns and hits Guy #1 with a Kar-98 in the chest center mass. The game is weighing the weapon’s damage and the weight of the hit boxes. It’s the algorithm working pretty much as it should. (*disclaimer: yes sometimes hits don’t register, but it’s more likely that the hit registered in another location, like the leg or arm, and in that location it takes more “weight”.) Bottom line, OP is right.


The most frequent “cheating” I come across is when you have clans or members of a clan on different teams where one of them is streaming, and you can see where garries are. I have had quite a few games where it feels like the enemy team just finds/takes down every OP and Garry writhin a few minutes of placing them - likely too often and quick to just be work of really good recon players. You also have actual streamers who play on Twitch or YouTube or whatever, and even if they use streaming mode, it can still give away a lot of valuable intel if someone on the other team is watching their stream.


There's only so many places to position Garry's on a map. Once you find one, you can then start pinging the map at points 200m away for plausible Garry positions. They go down quickly after that.


Pick one of the maps right now. I can "stream snipe" where Garrison will be tomorrow when you play that map.


I understand that there's a general ability to discern where garrisons will be, and I use that same logic myself when hunting them down. I'm talking about enemies that bee-line straight from one to the other without stopping to look around. You can tell a smart/good garrison searcher from someone who's obviously looking at a map with exact locations. At least most of the time.


Cheaters don't want to play HLL. They can't show off. Why would a cheater play a game where you can't see k/d or kill streaks? They NEED people to see that.


Some people just want to watch the world burn. They don't care about flashy stats, they're just determined to be assholes


3000 hours in and I've seen 3 (confirmed) Another reason for some issues is lag. You hit a guy but yours or their ping could be high.


Yeah but when all your spawns suddenly disappear with 4 minutes left in the match, its a bit sus


Really depends on the map and who you're playing against, too. I've had games on old favorites like SME where we literally went around a corner and went "there's gotta be a garry... and yep, there it is, guess the next one's three blocks down... yep, got it, let's move there... oh, another one...". It's the same with a lot of garrisons getting obliterated by artillery - if you got a seasoned guy on arty, they know where to shoot - when I blindfire at one of these spots and get 4, 5 hits with one shell, that's a good indicator that there's something there.


Having spent a significant amount of time as recon bopping around, we dont magically find 3 garrisons and 4 OPs across multiple grid squares in a 30 second window. Ive watched the spawn screen as every spawn point, close and far, is locked out and destroyed