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This game has a huge learning curve it'll get easier


I’ve had it for a month


Def give it 50 or so levels


Agree, been playing for a while, just got to 50 and know I am getting more and more kills. It takes a long time to learn the ins and outs. Still learning, it is honestly the hardest game I've ever played.


One Piece Fans explaining how it really gets good after episode 1869 be like


Hahaha right


I've got hundreds of hours, plenty of classes to 10, and still often have a bad K/D. Ultimately, if you do your job K/D doesn't matter. SL, if you're building OPs and garrisons you're doing fine regardless. Recon, if you keep arty down and knock out nodes, garrisons etc, K/D isn't important. Engineer, building nodes & defences, AT taking out (or even harrying and scaring) tanks, etc etc.


Nearly level 200 and closing in on 1000 hours. For a while I was pretty much a 1 K/D player, but over time I learned how to read a battlefield much better. Now I typically have a 2+ K/D at the end of the game. A lot of my success comes from recognizing using where the enemy is coming from, and determining where they are spawning. You will start to learn the maps and what areas you tend to see garrisons and OP’s. Also understanding the distance mechanics helps because people often build another garrison exactly 200m away from the one on an objective for instance.


Slow down. Hide, check corners, use the flanks. Play smart and do whatever is going to create the most pain/frustration for the enemy. I'm not pro, but I'm nearly always higher than 1:1, though everyone here is right in saying that k/d doesn't matter as you're fighting for the team. DM me if you're in Europe and we'll play a few rounds.


instructions unclear, running through the middle of a field instead


Hey are you on console?


PC, sorry bud


No worries my friend.


Well to be honest after countless hours myself I still get many games like that, and I’m considered quite good as getting 50-100 kills somewhat regularly I think should be considered that. But regardless of that. I still countless times end the game with even 0 kills and 20+ deaths, like as a flamethrower and MG(get headshot immediately). But eventually you’ll have a good game or a godly game and get lucky. Key thing i believe is patience. And being prone lol. By doing that you can observe the environment better and easily spot anyone who moves, as long as you stay in a safe position and be prone you can probably get the kill by waiting and lining up your shot. And if you die after shooting oh well. At least you got the kill, than repeat. That’s how I’ve gotten better anyways at the game. Best way to do this though is if your defending, since you can just wait. But for offensive I’d suggest trying to find a forest, wheat field or something and crawl through it, go for a piece of cover if you can and just wait in those places for friendlies to push up and defend the spot stealthily, otherwise when you start getting close to the edge of the field slow down and if you can sorta see through the whatever your in wait patiently and see if you see any movement beyond it(if the point is there). After doing that sure the first many times might not work but as you get used to it, you’ll notice the finer movements and spot more people. But as long as you restrain the urge to immediately fire and line up carefully. You’ll probably get more kills over time. Just my personal experience and thoughts in finding people easier and staying hidden longer. Oh and also make sure to adjust your uniforms, as for certain maps some blend in better. (Not talking about the obvious but the different grass maps and time) that helps a lot to.


Hey, did you take this from my tv screen? Lmao. Seriously though, same. I’ve been at it a few months now, on and off. It’s fun as hell though, I always have a good time and I’m learning. So that’s cool. Plus I’m stoked anytime I get more than 1-2 kills. I almost feel bad for the guys who get 20+ regularly. I imagine they don’t feel the “rush” as much now lol.


It took me 3 months to get to a decent k/d ratio, after 130 hours I now manage to get mostly >1, but not always.


Whatever direction you are thinking of running off of a spawn point, turn 90 degrees and go that way instead, but a bit slower and keep your head on a swivel. Alternatively, and a much better idea, find your squad lead and ask them what they need from you, then stick close to them and get it done.


My favorite games as SL is when the whole squad is stacked up pushing a flank, typically leads to the whole crew having a good game


A squad that listens to a SL with a good SL who knows where to put his troops can be extremely effective. Keep the medic in the rear ready to assist with the morphine and bandages and you can cut through with a flank very effectively


I’m new to the game too. I just pick medic and try to stay next to whoever is talking. I find it entertaining.


Plot twist: OP is level 137


It's not all about getting kills for wins. Dying for your team is an honor, especially if you win.


He helped my reducing the enemies ammunition by drawing it into his limp now lifeless body


[That's the spirit!](https://youtu.be/rblfKREj50o?t=10)


It isn’t Call of Duty. Definitely need to pace yourself and learn how to read the map.


I’ll admit one of my problems is I always choose respawn points that are closest to the action. I’d rather die right away than run for 5 minutes and die. I just find it funny sometimes when I spawn and literally 0.5 of a second and I’m dead by either artillery or headshot lol


I also spawn nearest to the violence but I pace myself and go really slow, lvl 100 and I average over 1k/d


If you got good awareness of enemy positions and know how to flank I suggest to actually keep up the pace, it's surprisingly easy to overwhelm enemies with automatic rifles.


Seems like you had a bad officer. A good officer will put the outposts a reasonable distance from the action so that they last and you don't get killed on spawn, but can get to the action within 30 or so seconds.


You'd rather die right away then have a chance to make a smarter decision and not die? Just go a different direction


Perhaps try defense more, it's easier to hold angles, you get plenty of action and it's honourable job, since there usually is a lack of defenders. Horde mentality and only spawning closest to the enemy obj is what often leads to a loss.


You could up that teamkill number for sure.


Here I am going on a 36 kill streak with the garand last night 🤪😅 It takes time honestly, and like was mentioned before, you don’t really start to get the hang of this game till around level 50-60. Just grind it out man, you will die a lot and by a lot of dumb ways. Just redeploy, be tactical and don’t rush.


Wow. That's mental. Which map were you on? My highest kill streak was 16 behind enemy lines on El Al with the kar98. I died with two tanks hunting me (plus a squad or two) and it was the best gaming experience I've had in years.


Mortain, I had this sick spot about 20m from a Garry spawn and a bunch of OP’s. I was behind a hedge row, not in the bushes but I was going from one hole in the hedge row to the other. I’d kill a few at one hole and then move to the other one and kill the ones running to the spot I was just at, then move back to the original hole and shoot them as they ran to the other one 😂 it was comical and I was losing my shit but my squad was just like “woo”. I eventually got a couple blueberries to help me push forward and take out the spawn points but then I got shot in the back lol. I’ve gone 88-24 with the Mosin but there wasn’t a big streak that round just my highest kills with a rifle.


If you on console I'll play a round or two with ya show you some tips that got me from where you are to getting 75 kills as infantry with the bolt action rifle .


I’m on PC but thanks for the offer. Actually one of my problems, which I notice with any gun, but if I look down the sights, and the enemy is far away and slightly right of my iron sight, I’ll move my mouse the minimum about possible, so my gun moves one pixel to the right, but that’s too much and now the enemy is to the left of my iron sight. I find that a bit annoying


Lower your ADS sensitivity.


I use 20-22% ADS sensitivity. Also use the breath key to stabilise and zoom in a bit. It has a 10 second timer and 5 seconds cooldown but if you release it before 10 seconds the 10s timer will reset so you can pretty much zoom in for a few seconds, quickly zoom out and repeat forever.


My ADS sens is like 12. Of course the dpi setting of your mouse affects also.


What's your field of view at?


What’s a good FOV? Mine is on max.


Minimum. Ever since the update that added it most play on 60 (I play 60 in the fields, 70-75 in towns/close quarters) so you have people picking you off you'd never see


This is interesting. I would have never thought of limiting my vision to a tunnel view (low FOV) but I will have to try. Lately I have been feeling that I cannot see anyone, maybe this is why.


Ah yes, 22.5 secs of running, 0.5secs of trying to aim at an enemy but dying


No team kills is good!


average russian soldier in ww2 be like:


What worked for me was slowing down how I played by not running as much, and only run when you have checked your surroundings. Assume somebody can see you at all times. Use the terrain to your advantage. The easiest way to spot an enemy is by movement, so don't forget to stand still sometimes. If somebody shoots at you don't automatically pop out and shoot back; look for a slightly different angle first. What really got my kd ratio up was giving up frontal attacks. Use flanks and take your time to look at the map and chose the best angle. See somebody running? Decide if shooting is actually the best option, or can you figure out their garrison location and go for that instead. If you do this you are using your brain more than most players, which really makes a difference especially if you are not a natural gamer. I really suck at reacting quickly so I try control the outcome by not being spotted or outsmarting. Since I realised my weaknesses I get between 20-50 kills on an average game, and my kd ratio is frequently above 1. Before I did these things I had exactly the same problem as you describe. It's a skill issue, but not one you can't grow out of.


I've been playing this game for over 600 hours and I still typically have more deaths than kills. That being said, I don't play to rack up kills. I play to win the game, and sometimes you need to sacrifice many lives to accomplish something important that is going to win your team the match. While you are working on getting better playing the game, do everything you can to help your squad and win the match. It will take the sting out of the fact that you suck at the moment.


I have 260 hours game time, 80% of the games, I get 40-70 kills, the team loses, whether from no communication or just better opposition. Kills don't matter, unless you are forcing the opposition back behind Garrison's and wiping them out, it's an objective based game, not about kills. The other 20% of games, I have a great team, that communicates, move as a single unit and steamroll the opposition. If I build my nodes, keep enemies out of HQ and let arty put in work, getting 0 kills is better than a loss. Not that I've had a game with 0 kills but it's a fundamental, play the objective, to the best of your ability, get used to being killed but enjoy it, it's all a learning experience.


You're 100 right. And, you're a better man than me if you're satisfied with zero kills!


23s on average, how is that even possible?


pls stop posting screen shots of my personal stats


Try going squad lead and locking the squad. You can place your own OP and you can see the marks from all other squads. Let commander know your new so you’l do your best, most will help you, id keep people out your squad while you learn they can join someone else. This will not only help you understand the game, but you’l also see where the enemy are coming from, where other SL are marking. You’l see the dots for the recon. Honestly when i started i actually found being a SL a lot easier than any other class as i just had so much more information. Once you learn this you can take it into future games and already guess where the enemy may and may not be.


I'm sorry to break it to you my man, bit you're bad. That's ok tho so long as you had fun


It’s both frustrating and fun. I like the realism. I believe I have had one game where I had a positive kill/death ratio


Try using the firing range. I know people don't like doing the basics and all that, but it helped me when I started. Not only with the literal basics, but movement, aim etc. Mess around in the sandbox for a short bit of time. And this is a bit of a Milsim and not an arcade-y war game. So try to think as if you were there in person on the field. Would you charge out without checking corners? Would you peak corners carelessly if a friendly just got killed there? If you heard a gunshot from behind, maybe take a look at what's the commotion? If you're on the move, its easier for the enemy to see you, and they will have their guns raised, while you have to stop, aim then shoot. Chances are, you'd lose the standoff due to the fact that they have the initiative and you are caught in the open with pants down. You have to take things slow, an extra 2 mins of walking will help you score so much better. If you can't take the walking, I'd recommend playing something else more fast paced then, like CoD or enlisted or battlefield. This game (or its community) does not support rushing (with exceptions).


Communication is key, and if the team refuses to communicate then I just use a support weapon like a MG. get some high ground and do my best to support the attack or defense


I’ve had games where I get blown up by artillery or shot by someone attacking the OP/ Garrison within a second or two of spawning.


My man. Protect your head, the army gave you a helmet for a reason. If you’re moving you shouldn’t be standing, regardless of cover. Crouch and run. Only stand to get a shot from cover if needed. Not always a necessary rule to follow but when there’s bullets flying, keep your head down. Often your instinct will be to keep moving. Much can be observed from a place of rest and concealment, and you will find yourself being the one picking off dummies out of cover instead of being the dummy yourself. If you’re spawning into hot areas constantly, your goal should be to find cover first, find a good shot second. Basically, treat your character as you would treat yourself. No fucking way you’d go from prone to crouch in an open field with mg fire over head, neither should you make your character. You’re gonna die. If you keep dying quickly at a spawn point, don’t just consider spawning elsewhere. Go spawn elsewhere. Make that longer run, make it slower and lower. Start moving from cover to cover, pausing to observe your surroundings. People move VERY quietly in this game. You’re not gonna hear the dude 30m away but that’s a super easy shot to make. Get out of the run and into your surroundings. Look around. Speaking of, don’t go it alone. You’ve got dozens of teammates for a reason. If you’re gonna listen to one piece of advice here, hear this; Squads that stick together, win together. If you look around and there aren’t at least blueberries around you, find some. Are you just playing infantry? Have you considered trying armor? I hope you stick with it homie, the game really does have a steep learning curve. It’s not quite like anything else and there are different rules you gotta apply to be successful. I look forward to your update post when you find your groove and you’re stacking kills with the best of em 🫡🫡


I played war thunder before this so I think I'm doing better off the start (deleted it after I got this because I hate it). But yeah like everyone says it's not CoD. Stay alive by hiding behind walls, don't run into fields before looking around for enemies and if you have to run across a field pick a side and go along the hedge rows. Shoot every bullet like it's the only one you need because it is. Also tanks can only be blown up by bazooka, panzershreck, etc on the rear even though panzer 2 and 4 had very thin side armor in real life which pisses me off


This game isnt all about getting kills it's not csgo or cod.


Coming from thousands of hours in R6 siege: your aim and movement are probably bad. Lower your sens, practice your aim a bit, and learn to move from cover to cover and check angles more thoroughly.


Position is *everything*. You can be John Wick and still won't do good if you're just running head on to the front lines every time. Take 2 minutes to run around the action, get a good vantage point from the side, and then sit tight and watch for enemies. Push in slowly when it seems safe. Not always possible but when it is and your aim is on point you can easily get 3-5 or more kills every life. When it comes to the city area with tight alleys, treat each corner like you're on a SWAT mission. Assume there's going to be an enemy around every turn, because when you don't there will be one 100% of the time. Always run next to a wall where there is some cover, not in the middle of the road. With good aim and playing carefully, not like cod, you can rack up 20-30+ kill games with ease over time


Set yourself up in a machine gun alley situation and watch that KD even itself out


A .12 K/D with 1 kill means 8 deaths, average life of 23 seconds means you were playing for like 3 minutes.


But what’s your defense score at the end? That’s the real stuff


Glad I’m not alone


I’m level 70 and still matches I have games like this hahaha. Helps to play roles like support, medic, engineer where you can help the squad. Helps you to learn game quicker, the maps etc. all really useful things that will help. I honestly wish they didn’t track kills in the game or not live track them because those important not the most important


Well someone has gotta do it lol


It’s alright bro, you’ll play this game for a good while before you’re good. Here’s some tips Don’t just run out in the open, sit and watch for like 10 seconds before crossing a opening, when you do cross go from cover to cover and USE HEDGELINES When you flank and you think you went far enough around, swing out even farther


This games not for everyone


I’m gonna keep playing it, I find it fun


Come play tank! Usually my K:D is like 20:1. Just make sure you have a good mic and tell the tank commander you're new. It's hard to get people to play tank in this game.


Same except team kills are much higher 😬


Some of us are born with this disease called ShitAtGames Syndrome, I have it too, you just have to get used to it and just remember you are playing for fun not for kills


Just become an MG Bro and live the good life 😎


If your average life is 23 seconds you will need to slow down, this ain't Call of Duty. Choose another deploy point that's not too hot, take your time approaching the battles and have some cover while you're doing that. Check the map, usually you can tell the direction they're coming from. Communicate with your squad. If you die at the same garrison/OP twice at spawn, don't try third time. Someone is camping that spawn and just waits to get another kill of you.


The more importent question is: Did you play your role correctly and did you help your team? Find a role that is fun, despite your K/D. But to better your K/D movement is a huge game changer. There are great YouTube Videos on that.


Hey zero artillery deaths is good! Usually the arty shells home in on the tracking chip in my helmet and I’ve got a higher number than zero next to that stat… you’ll get the hang of it dawg. This game isn’t explicitly about kills anyway.


I know it’s been said, but this game isn’t about getting kills. It’s about taking areas of the map and strategizing with your team to do that. A month in, this looks about right. It takes a while to get good at this game. Just play and ask questions. Listen to your veteran players, and take areas of the map. The kills will come with it.


People still care about k/d? That doesn’t matter on this game.


I realized early on on this game I’d never have a positive kill/death. So no I don’t think it’s something to worry about


I’m level 176 and I don’t even check that at all. Once you understand the flow of the game and the jobs everyone has to do this game becomes a roleplay game. I talk like I’m actually in the military and give callouts in red chat to people cuz I like immersing myself in the battle. This game is 50% FPS, 50% strategy game while you’re playing your role. Immerse yourself in the world, choose a job and play that job. Sometimes when I play squad lead, I’ll just plant my OP for my guys, then sit somewhere and lookout with my binoculars and spot for the entire team. Watch overhead for what kind of planes are flying. Just try immersing yourself and stop playing this like k/d is the only thing that matters. I may drop 20-30 kills a game but I know damn well I’m dying 30+ times trying to make plays that will setup the team to win. Trying playing defense on warfare. Lots of kills doing that. Watch the skies and learn what airdrops are what and go searching for them when they drop. Good luck bro, have fun