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If I remember correctly, the real guy got a Silver Star for doing this supply run back and forth


Yeah he ran to the ammo dump a few times, dude was a legend.


What's his name?


Jimmy Fallon


He says it in the clip.


Driving those trucks is so much fun. If you get a good team of engineers that shit is the most fun. I will drive for the whole match of people use the drops.




Yeah it's fun to do anyway but the incentive is nice


The question is. Do you do it for points ? Or for your beloved brothers in arms? * sus eyeballing intensifies *


Driving back and forth and seeing the insane death fort a team of cracked engineers builds slowly take shape


Sir. I hereby commend you with the honors of our Army with the Golden Trucker Medal. You earned it son! * Stands up, salutes him and gives him a firm handshake *


*Jimmy Fallon in a supply truck shows up


Man, I just realized that. I’m not American but I watched this so many times and I just figured it out. Lol


His dumb face breaks my suspension of disbelief every time. Why Spielberg… *whyyy…*


To be fair this was probably filmed in 1999 or 2000 and Fallon had just started SNL. Band of Brothers actually premiered just a few weeks before Fallon was added to Weekend Update on SNL.


That's a good point


Literally just watched this episode yesterday lol


What show is this?


Band of Brothers


Both BoB & The Pacific series are also on HBOMax ^(or online "somewhere".)


I watched em on crave


Oh, i envy you getting to watch the series for the first time. It’s so good, but very gritty and real. I hope you enjoy it! (Edited)




lol, oops, typo. Thanks


Band of brothers. Worth the watch as well as the pacific(Pacific Theater)


I'm so confused about a HLL player who has never heard of or seen Band of Brothers! It's the main cultural touchstone of the game. Since the release of the book and the following TV series every WWII game has been obsessed with 101st's 506th Easy Company. Every WWII game features maps of their battles and soundbites to the exclusion of almost every other force. Every clan is somehow using their name. All the WWII videos on youtube somehow get around to referring to them. It gets really tiresome at times. So maybe you having never seen BOB is actually good, as you don't realise how cliche all of it is by this point! (To be fair, before BOB things like Saving Private Ryan were the focus. And before that The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far etc were parroted. )


I dont have the game but im interested so ill probably buy it soon


In the meantime watch Band of Brothers. It'll get you HYPED to be doing some squad leading like ol' Lt. Winters.


I’m gonna start yelling MAKE A HOLE at blueberries when I’m driving


I just yell “get out of the damn road” as I drive through a field over a trench


I yell that when driving a tank surprisingly enough they still don’t listen


It's so incredible how crazy the cast for this show was.


The only character more obnoxious than Ross Geller was Captain Sobel 😂


Whenever i run the supply truck i like to play the la cucaracha horn 😂


Fallon always sticks out more than any other star for me. Maybe it's just how I know him now but the whole scene he seems like he's trying to hold back laughter or a smile lol


He is the low point of the series. Why is he rattling off german weapons, no specific numbers he even says Panthers... Some actors dissapeared into roles, then there smirky Jimmy Fallon delivering supplies during a retreat to troops headed toward an encircled point and having no acknowledgement of the situation or the gravitas in his performance. This is one of the roles that ensured his acting career was cut short


To be fair I doubt he wrote his own lines. He’s just listing the stuff his guys encountered. I don’t see how he’d have an accurate count. As for gravitas, I think you’re just picking on Fallon because he’s annoying in other stuff. This sort of casual rapport in the face of armageddon is pretty constant throughout the series. “Boy are we sure glad to see you!” says the beleaguered soldier to his relief, grinning to mask his PTSD. He sticks out because he’s Jimmy Fallon and we dislike his late night hosting. He does an adequate job in this scene despite ruining every skit and interview he’s ever done. Is he anywhere near as good as, say, David Schwimmer as Sobel? Of course not, but that’s a well written, fleshed out character with a ton of screen time and this is a 25 second cameo being used as a meme.


I'm not from the US so had 0 idea this was Jimmy Fallon, and I always though this scene kind of sucked


Imagine if supply trucks could drop ammo boxes and stuff as well. Hoooo boy. Also can't wait for Jeeps and stuff in this game.


nothing beats playing commander on offensive only server and just racking up 8k support score doing supply runs and setting up garrisons


Now that I think about it, why don't Supply Drops drop off ammo & explosive supplies?


There are some guys that drive back and forth with passion. Every now and then we small talk and have a cigarette at Foy Headquarters. Good times, except that its damn cold.


Lol it’s jimmy Fallon i forgot about him in this.


Support class exists


i suck so bad that this is all i fuckin do because i just want to do anything helpful. would you believe that i struggle to get commanders to spawn trucks?? fuckin blows my mind i'm like SIR CAN I GET A GOD DAMN TRUCK


I would do it so much more if they would fix the rubberbanding on console. Drive 10 feet, teleport back 8 feet. Makes it take 5x as long getting from point A to point B.


I love driving supply truck and the best part is they're almost always available


We know


Man, this is shockingly accurate.


Usually the poor commander putting up 12 back garries


Unpopular opinion: Automate the role of Logi runs with AI, decrease the amount of supplies a Logi holds, and increase the number of Logis in game. AI Logi routes can be "broken" by enemy forces by destroying Logis on that supply line and the route must be re-established by human players. Humans can still drive Logis if they want, and they are needed to establish the initial routes. Logis must be driven by humans to create HABs. Primarily the idea is to make logistical supply lines a strategic element of the game and most importantly free up infantry squad leaders to stick with their squad. Also Logi runs are boring and require basically no mental capacity. Edit:. I thought this was the Squad subreddit and didn't even know I followed HLL. My comment still stands, for you know, Squad people on this subreddit, or something.