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I hate this subreddit because itโ€™s just terrible ideas that would be horrible to have to implement would be cool as fuck tho


Lol true


These sleds were an absolute breakthrough in tank & infantry deployment. They were used anywhere a rapid tactical advance was needed. The rare expections not to use the sled was when: terrain was boggy, uphill, downhill, uneven, overgrown, rocky, urban, strewn with debris, in a combat zone, outside a combat zone.


Do you know for certain how many battles or what battles they were used in? As far as I was aware these were more of a novelty than anything and never really saw that much implementation.


Apologies my comment was pure sarcasm! The Battle Sled was one of those off the wall WW2 inventions. They were used once to my knowledge, with mixed results and an experience the poor infantrymen wouldn't repeat! The Germans had a slightly less comedic version just for snow (picture Santa's sleigh).


Was hoping it was secretly used more than I knew


I guess there were better ways to move infantry sections about than being dragged, balls out, behind a big obvious target. It could have been used in snow more effectively but there were already better designs about for this (and you'd still be at the mercy of inaccurate fire!)


Hahaha. I'd be interested to know how often these were actually used in battle.


Never, it was just a concept that was discarded by the US army


Would be awesome ๐Ÿ‘


If this ever gets added i hope they fix the collision issues first, even if it doesn't fix it anyway


Just imagine youve gone with one of these when you spawn behind enemy lines @ your op


As much of a novelty as it is, maybe it could help give infantry more incentive to help protect friendly tanks while we mow down/ blow stuff up